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Everything posted by Troykv

  1. I always tough they decided to giving that bulky-fast stat-line for similar reasons that people like Marisa (because they translated her Avoid and low-ish Atk as bulkyness xD)
  2. I'm expecting that all the native Silver Weapon Users (maybe not Olivia because she is overused) will get a Prf Weapon... I would like to have a reason to use my Rebecca, because I actually like her.
  3. Probably this maps was here originally because it's outside of the typical Normal/Hard/Lunatics maps... But like with the Nino's map and the Ryoma's; I guess they decided to make some elections to make training units easier.. because look, this map it's so easy with the isolated units.
  4. And that explains why I dislike Kyza I like Heather's design and style, I would like to have her in Heroes xD
  5. This is great! After many months of silence, we're finally close to that Summer Potential Release :D I'm expecting IS to rip-off Vestaria Saga at some moment, they have already did it before with the two previous games.
  6. Comparing Fates with Isekai... I wonder how I didn't think it before... It makes a lot of the sense in the hindsight xD Freaking Isekais... there are some many of them and just a few are worth reading/watching. Fates was originally written as some kind of tragedy drama with the two routes and the sibling stuff... and ended up being a generic isekai without the "sekai" part.
  7. I think the first real big change I have in mindset, was the moment I discovered that in most of the games (except FE3 and FE5), the end-game it's very permissive with the stat-line you can have, and the games usually gives you resources to defeat the final chapters... and alongside that, I understand why the Jeigans are so good despite being low growth units that live of the class change bonifications... They're helping you in the only moment of the game where you can't cheese stuff, and the game becomes faster using them.
  8. I though the only GHB/Tempest that were actually considered bad are Navarre, Tobin, Clive and Clarisse (outclaseed on everything). Most of them are gimmicky units or overall good units with decent skillset, but not powerful enough to ended up looking better than the Banner Unit (unless you're Black Knight of course).
  9. Corrin with his weapon essencially turns into a "Gen 2" Unit stat-wise without any other benefit from them.
  10. Julius' weapon is quite nice... it's like he has a defensive skill activated for pretty much ever single sittuation (except without the benefit of extra damage in Specials), unless he's fighting a Dragon Slayer. But he's isn't exactly good for that weapon... He need at least like 26 Def... I would like a summoneable Julius, it would be pretty much the same; but as Armor Unit, and with the extra BST but into giving him +12 Def and +2 HP
  11. He looks a lot like Summer Leo... which is bad... I'm sure he's considered the worst red mage in the game.
  12. And Corrin still sucks... yay xDU Camilla's weapon is more less what I expected Clair's weapon is even more similar to the Wing Spear than expected xD
  13. At least there all the children that have native pursuit are relatively safe-bets for Newcomers; (and people like Lana, Patty, and Nanna don't mind a bad parents thanks to their general utilities; also Tailtiu's children have some very funny stuff if you paired her with the characters that seems like the dumbest ideas: Arden or Lex).
  14. I'm expecting Julius to be green. It makes sense she has a neutral match up with Julia/Deirdre (mostly because of the fact in Jugdrall there doesn't exist magic advantage against Light or Dark Magic, they're just plain superior to the rest). https://serenesforest.net/genealogy-of-the-holy-war/miscellaneous/calculations/
  15. Well, Demons (Mystletainn is the "Demon Sword") are related to Darkness... so yeah, it makes sense Dank Holey Demok Mistletain
  16. This a quite interesting read, I knew that Roy use the "Boku" first person; but this expand quite heaviliy my knownledge about the characters' speech. Talking abbout the - wa - make me wonder; do you know how real-life women talks in Japan? And wow, whoever decided to create the Celica's re-characterization wanted to make clear she is a woman no matter the sittuaton... That sounds... sexist XDU
  17. I'm expecting Camilla's Axe will have some kind of Spur/Drive ability in her weapon (Camilla's personal ability in Fates is Spur-Like, unliky Hinoka's, but has a stronger effect). It would be very nice if Rhomphaia has a Speed based damage boost in her specials; speed power!
  18. The next legendary hero will be a red one, probably a fire or water elemental... It makes a lot of sense... The possibilities are Roy (Fire), Corrin (Water), Marth and Eliwood (Either). When the Next Legendary banner will appear?
  19. This must be specially surprising for a person that plays something like Pokémon (Flareon is so bad because his stat-spread makes him so weak to his weakness, the slow glass cannon doesn't work in Pokémon). I'm surprised I can actually use tanky mages without depending in Nosferatu.
  20. I agree, FE5 and FE10 are some of my favorite games, and the games between them are mostly simplifations of the things these games did/would do (but I still love FE6 for creating the Suppor Conversations and having a Solid Map Design).
  21. Technically, any character can work with TA; unless they have created a archer version of Odin, I think any character can be okay... even if you need the two biggest ways of gaining extra damage to do that (TA and Blade Tome).
  22. Yeah, we need our 4-Star Distant Defense... I want one to give it to my +Atk -Spd Faye.
  23. And actually I agree; Leif has amazing and unique stuff is his own... I guess is just the effect of over hyping the New Reinhardt that made Leif look less important.
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