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Everything posted by Troykv

  1. I think RD is very bad with mages in general with everything that isn't a bandit, a Red Dragon or a Tiger/Lion Laguz having at least decent resistence (making the overall stronger physical weapons better most of the time); and most of the Mages having underwhelming Speed.
  2. I don't think it would be that bad, but it would be weird have someone using gloves all the time xD (Example)
  3. Yeah, Micaiah is the first character main character, protagonist, and essencially the most important figure in the overall story (because of how her origins and her actions and connected with a lot of stuff that happens in the game, and she is essencially the reason why Tellius still exists)... However, narratively speaking, and partially because of PoR and Ike's legacy; Ike feels like the protagonist at the end of the day despite only being truly important in the last part... This existent bias and the fact Micaiah has this (understandable) hostility against Ike makes the character feel very antagonistic, opposing her existence as the main character because of Ike; and see her as if she was some kind of anti-villain or anti-hero (and well, in Part 3 she actually ends up being the last thing because of the Daein's thing).
  4. Do you actually use stamina potions these days outside of Tempest Trials days?
  5. I welcome the Echo Fighters, they just needs to have their own personality and their own little niche compared with their original versions.
  6. Well, I would say Robin Male hasn't the most unique design in gaming xD... The fact they look like placeholders for Avatars it makes this have sense IMO.
  7. ... I saw that green generic guy, I already have some Robin vibes...
  8. Maybe is just me; I'm the kind of person that forgets birthdays and other relevant days xDU
  9. I don't remember you showed excitement for the Ishtar's banner.... But maybe I just don't remember anything from that day hahhaha
  10. Is it actually possible to make you feel excited anyway? :P Give me an example of something that would make you happy.
  11. The resemblance it's so uncanny that this is impossible to be a coincidence (specially as you said, Re:Zero is from 2012... Maybe IS don't expected this Novel to become such a hit some years later xD
  12. I'm expecting the ones without exclusive weapons in the 3-4 Stars Pools. I would see Joshua being part of the 4-5* Star pool (but he would be a 5* Star exclusive, who knows); the same with Black Knight. _________________ I would like to get Summer Tiki, but I need to have priorities... I need to see the main banners first.
  13. I have Nino and Karla already... my orbs must be saved for these possibilities.
  14. Which characters do you expect to be used in the June/July and July/August Summer Banners? I'm surprised we still don't have Summer Camilla
  15. I don't find it exactly unfair because Tana can't use Safeguard anyway... But it feels... weird to me that an inheritable weapon has a similar effect (but better) to a personal weapon. I guess it's just my obssesive mind wanting everything to be "proportionally perfect".... But anyway... All this talk started because of Vidofnir. Regardless of if Safeguard actually makes Vidofnir look bad or not; I think Vidofnir deserves a refinement.
  16. I think he should have divided his first sentence, it combines two arguments that don't should go together.
  17. Oh!... From the base I think the only things we lack are alternative refinements for Durandal and Armads (but the latter will take many mad units before it appears). In post release... I'm now expecting Dark Excalibur's and Dark Aura's refinements after the other Excalibur/Aura now have the upgrape... Also, it's possible that Tyrfing get an alternative refinement just because of how different both Tyrfings work.... Maybe Naga gets an upgrape based in the fact Roy's Binding Blade is a similar weapon. I'm not sure how IS will deal with Ragnarok's, Vidofnir's, Cursed Lance's (special this one, it's effect look like a 75% of a Secong Gen Weapon), Urdhr's and Audhulma's (this one too) potential refinements I'm expecting Nidhogg to change after Soren's refinenemtn. It's possible for Urdhr and Grimoire to get refinements? After all, this are seasonal units.... I guess this must be a way like how we get access to Candlelight+.
  18. How many base game personal weapon left to change? (Because I only remember Hector, but isn't like he needs it, at least for now).
  19. Canas isn't a great unit in Blazing Sword, he's just a character that benefits from how the game works (everything it's so slow, and the people that can actually endure Magic Atk will be destroyed for Luna)
  20. Edward is polarizing units, and depends a lot of his first levels being actually good; because other-wise the game will start to snowball hard against him, because he can't dodge tank axe units now... Edward is technically a strong unit with dedication because of his overall good growth in everything that is useful in him, but well, he's very RNG depends before he becomes a Trueblade. 5/10
  21. And they also known from older popularity polls and other stuff in japanese websites that Nino is popular.
  22. Who we should expect as the lords in this Series? Corrin M, Robin and Ike (again?)? At least Robin is still waiting for a time to being the lord (and neither of the Fates lords had made a repeat yet). Considering he get Marth three times as the lord already, and the first chapters show are PoR Characters in PoR looks, I can expect Ike to being the lord again... Oh well.
  23. Micaiah is a very polarizing unit, specially compared with other lords that (almost) always try to be jack-of-all-trades, Micaiah enjoys the her own strenghts and weakness for the way she is decided... She is a poor unit to use brainless because of his extremely low bulk, and her spd that with each chapter feels slower and slower. But Micaiah can be used very effectily thanks to the usage of Sacrifice and Thani; Thani it's her main weapon to do destruction, even against non-Armor Units she can do some decent punches in the player phase. Sacrifice can be used to heal sleep and silence (which can be useful in the End Game), and to activiate some powerful skills combos with Resolve (20/1 Micaiah with Resolve and Thani can double and kill Tigers... freaking Tigers). Also, using Staves is great utility, and Micaiah has free access to C Rank (the Physic Rank) just after finishing Part 1. A solid unit, but one that must be used carefully, because anything that isn't magic it's able to kill her... and that is a game over. 6/10.
  24. Machyua: The Swordswoman of Raging Wind (or whatever how this would interpreted in shorter text) (疾風の女剣士 Shippū no jo kenshi) Member of a Rebel Group against the Loptous influence in Manster. Appears in Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 Class: Infantry Weapon: Iron Axe, Steel Axe, Slaying Axe, Slaying Axe+ Assist: Reposition Special: N/A A Skill: Sturdy Stance 2 B Skill: Vantage 3 C Skill: Level 40 5-Star Stats: HP: 35/38/42 Attack: 30/33/36 Speed: 33/37/39 Defense: 29/32/35 Resistance: 18/23/24 (ShouldImentionsheisBrightonsloveofthatisabadideaforagacha?)
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