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Everything posted by Troykv

  1. What kind of relationship you feel you have with Micaiah nowadays?
  2. I'll still see the current Maribelle as she is using leggins not matter what is the actual reality. I like it more in that way; I have the best of both worlds.
  3. I think I was suppose to say something... but I forgotted it; sorry Korath xDU
  4. I don't know how would help... But I guess you would ask that units should be closer to their original designs and don't take too risky creative liberties (specially if random artist/Kusakihara ended up making a design more revealing it suppose to be). I don't have idea who is Heroes' Art Director; I just blame everything dumb Art Related to Kusakihara and his fetishes.
  5. @Ice Dragon I think some people just have phobia to TA because they think if they use it, they're basically accepting that their unit "sucks butt"; but that isn't need to be... Some units really appreciate the TA.
  6. BTW Vaximillian; are you already sending feedback about Maribelle?
  7. Looks like we now know who would be our next red legendary hero. So... Which Element/Blessing do you think he would have?
  8. Well the Healers not named Elise/Nanna/Genny (and now Maribelle) are pretty much the reasons why Colorless is hellish... and the there is also Gaius that doesn't give anything (at least Saizo can give a high scoring skill). At least in Green everything can be used (even Merric if you're desperate for C-Skills, in his case in the form of his 4 Star Spur Res).
  9. I'm still non completely sure (because Maribelle's whatevers have very weird color selection for a white-ish person like her); but I get what you're talking about... it indeed looks like her skin.
  10. I'm not sure if I should called it "de-pantsed"; but well; you're right about the outfit being different... the pants are less loose, making them look more similar to leggins; in contrast, the armor around the pants is bigger. That was an interesting decision to say the least; I'm still not sure why it happened xDU.
  11. In FE6/FE8 the Breaths are physical In FE3 the Breaths ignore defenses.
  12. There is the July-August Banner (Normal? Banner), the Early August Seasonal (Aug 10th, ???), the Late August Banner (Aug 24th?, CYL2?), the Early September Banner (Sep, 9th?, CYL2?), the Late September (Sep 24nd? Fall of Arts), the Early October (Oct 9th?, Normal Banner), the late October (Oct 25th?, Halloween), the early November (Nov 10th?,Normal Banner), the late November (Nov 26th? Normal Banner), early December (Dec 9th?, Normal Banner), Late December (Dec 18th?, Winter Seasonal), Early January (Jan 1nd?, Happy New Year), Late January (Jan 16th?, Normal Banner)... Unless something weird happens; we should have like potentially another 7 (Based in the 2017 Schendule)/8 (Based in my logical sense xD) New Heroes before 2018's Valentine... I would need to analyze the calendar to make my predictions more reasonable. In the last year I feel we got a banner less than it would technically happen because of some banners becoming longer for some reason (Farfetched is a good example with its 19 Days Gap before the Children of Fate actual release... despite techinically being in the game since 4 days before)
  13. I'm not sure if IS would use Corrin in a non-Water Element.... Have I reasons to believe a Water Season would repeat just after one season? It's possible (Robin's case), but unlikely. If the Hero is indeed a Blue Unit with Resistence Boon; the character would need to be Earth to fit the current trend (because I doubt they would repeat Res/Wind too soon)... But if for some reason they decided to give the next legendary a Speed or Defense Boon; it would perfectly be a Wind Elemental
  14. Exactly! A Mary Sue alters the world to fit their neccesities, and blends the logic of the story to pander to that character (and potentially the self-insertion intentions many of these characters have).
  15. I'm not sure if I would use an Unit with 10 Atk even with a Bladetome.
  16. Zelgius is a incredible unit with access to some one the most insane combinations in the game thanks to being and armor (giving him access to pretty much all of the best skills in the game) and having Black Luna as you delete button to destroy anything that isn't a hard counter. 9.5/10 The only thing that stops being from being perfect is the fact you need your team to make him move decently. Micaiah is a min maxed unit speciallist in doing her work... Her power is very high (only beaten for the trinity of High Power Blue Mages), and her Res is pretty much the highest in the game (even with a Bane she would still have at least 35 Res), making her a good ploy user and magic tank... But of course; Micaiah's main point of utility is the other properties of her weapon... Destroying Armor and Cavalier Units without much problem; and getting damage reduction against ranged enemies it's a very welcome extra effect; specially because this essencially turns her into a perfect counter for people like Winter Tharja and Reinhardt; and many other annoying units. 8.5/10
  17. I guess they don't want to make melee completely inferior to ranged.
  18. IS has abandoned HP based built; even the tankiest units are become less "healthy" with each update (a good example is Hector; that begin his base game version has 52 HP; and the Leg!Hector has 47 HP despite having an overall higher BST)
  19. That makes sense! That also makes a bit fun that both of the Radiant Dawn Protagonists have "Evil" Affinities. Yeah, in fact, the only classes that can get Two (or more) SS Ranks are the Light Priestess (and the similar Saint Class), Chanciller (this is the Class with the Three SS), Black Knight and Vanguard (and technically Order's Incarante, but the Goddess is Enemy Only).
  20. I'm expecting Micaiah to be a Earth Blessed because of how the franchise associates Earth Stuff with Darkness (specially Medeus and the Earth Dragons)
  21. Canas would be the proper unit sure... but... how many male-centred banners have we ever had? And the Radiant Dawn Banner had the advantage of having two really popular males (well, three, but Ike is a Legendary Hero).
  22. I think putting Karla here was because for the fact of fitting someone here... The main focus of that update was the Black Fang; Linus and Legault were a given; Nino was probably added to give some additional strenght to the banner... but then... there is a problem... many of the popular choices they would add here would just create even more uncanny incomplete pairs (like using Louise without Pent).
  23. Well; I understand his point; it's very obnoxious to play with Armor Units without Armor March.
  24. This August Seasonal Map is strange... We don't have something like this the last year right? What it would be? (it can''t be Fall of the Arts; that banner would actually start in Mid September).
  25. Oh yesh! The new character banner will appear sooner than I expected. And the Micaiah banner will appeared in a similar time to the legendary banner; I'll know exactly for which one use my orbs when the legendary banner arrives.
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