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Everything posted by Troykv

  1. That would be fun :D (I actually like Zelda's moveset)... Do you think in that case Micaiah would change the Down B for something else from other similarly modeled character?
  2. Well; that was a contest in Pre-Laegjarm time where Laev's appeal was pretty much only her design and Blade Sword.
  3. Maybe a better comparison would be fighting agaisnt O!Tiki's Breath (Grima is absolutely destroyed for that), but is unlikely to find them unless you're in high merges.
  4. So in the end we actually got an annoucement during EVO; awesome.
  5. Wait to the August 8/9th Update with the August Seasonal Heroes.
  6. Oh yeah; I know some people that meme'd about how Fionn is so bad for 4 Star Standarts... I don't know anything about Gawain xDU
  7. I actually have Proto Cu; and Caesar xD
  8. Well; I already have Euryale and Medusa; that counts?
  9. I remember one time where I lose to an enemy because he (or was she?) ended up buffing themself into the sky and ended up TKO my units... somehow... and I just win because my Cheat Wild Card (The Revive Everything Command + Noble Phantasm for everyone!) was still usable xDU.. If I need to fight for bullshit even worse than this in the late-game... well... I think Stheno will be more useful I hope the rest of the people think the same; a relatively spammeable NP that resets buffs and bring some debuffs in their own is quite fun xDU. Thanks!
  10. Boudice needs one. I wonder what would exactly change in her... I'm not very used to how she is supposed to be played xDU.
  11. Okay! Do it! I like the idea. I'm right now farming Scathach's Ascencion Material after already finishing Part 1 Main Quest.
  12. I'm still a bit new; so Stheno still needs some ascensions. Well... Did Ilya get reruns in JP? The Summer Units seems to get re-runs even in NA.
  13. That is indeed great; I'll take good use of it when Stheno get that buff later. I have an internal fight with myself because I also want Ilya xDU. (I edited my Signature now)
  14. It's okay; I actually like Stheno (I just felt in that way because well... it looks like pretty much every F2P Hates her)... and I already got Tamamo Lancer (And only took 60 Quartz, what the fuck xD); so I already have stuff hard to get xD I guess my little goddess decided to bless me after don't reject her like the rest.
  15. I felt so "not F2P" enjoying using my Stheno xDU What does Hassan's Instinct?
  16. Oh well; I should have expected Serenes Forest had a thread to talk about FGO; well; I joined the game too xDU. ... And I forgot to put my code in this post (or in my signature) before doing this; oh well xD
  17. I think releasing Alts with only two new units around them feels a bit lame (after all we're far to get to the point where all the males that left are Dolph-like people)... but I like the possibilities with Alts, because of new dialogue and some interesting ideas gameplay-wise.
  18. 1.- Tempest Trials; the best grind fest in the game; I like to play this kind of experience because is a good way to get everything and take my time to do it xD 2.- Grand Conquest: It's like playing Rival Domains but in a game-mode and with maps; it looks nice to me 3.- Tap Battle: It's weird this mode to me; I technically like its gameplay but I have problems to make my mind to play it after completing the daily rewards xDU 4.- Voting Gauntlet; eh... this mode has the problem that is almost impossible to create equal battles, every time we just feel the obvious winner won, or the multiplier sheningans defeated someone... the best things that comes from this event are the amusing number of feathers and the fun jokes and comics that the community creates I think FB is a bit too recent to get a proper rating; I want to see what IS would do to improve it.
  19. Fire Emblem is already intoxicated for the My Unit's Toxin Kaga was right; Avatars only ruins stories.
  20. That idea made me think in a picture of a Bow shooting Falchions xD
  21. I'm not expecting Hrid to be the August Legendary Hero because of this male male female female trend. But the speculation gets even weirder the closest we're to the reveal (I think it left a week)
  22. Hrid it will be most likely a water or Wind hero; because these are the elements asociated with Ice.
  23. I guess that is a common trend with the fandom; (funny enough; I wasn't a Micaiah fan until 2015 xD) Micaiah already shows us before finishing her line that she doesn't have problems to show some agressiveness towards Ike; and make that go into a joke, makes everything better hahaha xD.
  24. Understood; thatnks you two for answering :3 It's a beginning Tybrosion... I still remember my times when my favorite character was Sophia and my favorite lord was Roy who is still my boi.
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