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Everything posted by Troykv

  1. It's a shame that my favorite non-5 Star Unit is a slow one (Sophia); using a Bladetome with her it's pointless when Lilina just does a better job one shooting stuff. Nino is good.
  2. The picture says it begins at 15th; so we should have an official annoucement tomorrow or this Thursday (12th).
  3. Linde is revealing enough to be eye catchy; but avoid enter the over-the-top fanservice for covering and showing the right places.
  4. I wasn't expecting your love for vanilla stuff to reach that far.
  5. I wonder how the Mid-July Character Update will ended up looking after all this "gender imbalanced" banners.
  6. Exactly, unlike Wrath (that it only work with Melee Physical Infantry/Armor Units), Flashing Blade is fair game unless you're Horse, Flier and/or Staff User. It will be fun to use this thing when I get my +Spd Nino to +10.
  7. It's their only way to don't be completely inferior to Elincia/Cordelia. And well.. I'm happy I'll get another merge for M!Lucina; she is one of my members of my Water Team xD
  8. The characters were the expected (except Tiki; but I guess the second Akanea character should being a female anyway, and the non Linde best choices are Shiida or Tiki xD)
  9. This conversation reminded me why 4-Star banners died; and why non-5 Star Units only appears in Bond Banners and VG Banners... Because people are sick of them. (Specially the guy that got the Matthew 5 Star and was upset for the fact it was a 5 Star Matthew)
  10. It had happen a lot of time since the last time a visit this thread... It seems the next Patch is still under developement
  11. Sorry... It was supposed to say "I would like to have more options for magic users... But how would we make them appealing without making it too powerful (and so... uninheritable)?" The page didn't allow me to edit it.
  12. I would like to have more options for magic users... But we make them appealing without making it more powerful (and so... uninheritable).
  13. Basically I find that a unit that uses TA (unless it's a special cases like Raven Users that now heavy counters two colors)... it's because that unit accepted that they're bad.
  14. It would be nice to have more ways to get Distant and Close Defense; and find putting TA to a unit... embarrassing.
  15. I would like to use my Mathilda more; but I'm not even sure what to do with her.
  16. So... Now Mathilda is the worst unit in the game? Because using Jagen kills you're score.
  17. I'm expecting the August Hero to be Lucina (it's the character that would fit the best the current trend)... It's funny how I'm so confident in the August Hero; but I can't say the same about the July Hero.
  18. Lekain and Sephiran share many aspects that makes them fit in the Gharnef archetype (mostly Sephiran because he has a closer connection with the Evil Dragon); Lekain it's the Gharnef you should hate because he's pretty much the reason behind the Sephiran's Face-Heel (Misaha's Death and the Serenes' massacre); and ended up turning himself into the Gharnef for using his strings to get power in Begnion and start his plan for the world's purge. Lekain it's like that bully that ended up making his bullied ones become mean. Ashera has pretty much the same objective the "Evil Dragon" has in most of the games (specially the ones where the "Evil Dragon" isn't also the "Gharnef", or another example of main villain the franchise would have, too)
  19. I wonder what kind of skills Mathilda would ended up using if IS give to her a Personal Weapon.
  20. I think at least some extra hints of his normal ending would be okay; like an special conversation before Chapter 4-5-Final with someone (that person would be Micaiah, Mist, and/or even Titania; but not Soren, because he already has the Memory Conversation in this chapter if you fit the criteria) talking about the subject. I wonder if Micaiah possesed was mostly a thing to make the final part of the story flow faster (because there is in fact many stuff in where Micaiah would have done and said something; included the fact she heard the voices of her ancestors; but the only memories we saw are pretty much related with Sephiran's fall to darkness)... They pretty much only wanted to show the absolute neccesary stuff even if that ended up (sadly) making the game's protagonist (Micaiah) feel less important (than it actually is) in the end. End-game Part 3 and Part 4 are so rushed story-wise despite feeling too long to play xD I would like to have Creiddylad with Micaiah too; but I guess something about the weapon should change slightly to make it more effective in the final battle. (I guess the Creiddylad we see in Sephiran would be the same that we know; but when Micaiah holds the Creiddylad; it would technically be a different weapon, with a changed description and stats, despite having the same animation and name). Reference for stats and description: https://fireemblemwiki.org/wiki/Creiddylad
  21. I understand your point... But I still think Black Knight would look weird with Ike's animations xDU
  22. I can imagine BK working with a moveset similar to Ike's... but the Zelgius's proportions makes this hard (specially because he would need to use the armor, and that makes him even bigger xD). With Micaiah technically they would only need to make Zelda a bit smaller and change a bit the physics of the dress... and that it xDU.
  23. I don't understand why they gave a weapon to Nephenee; she is overshadowed; but she isn't Clair.
  24. I wonder if the next Seasonal Unit would also being a Wind Elemental.... After all it seems the second and fifth weeks of the Hector's Seasons will be Wind Elemental. Which characters you would imagine that fit the Blue + Wind Combo?
  25. I see so we will probably have Robin for a while... Wait... > Blue Unit > Potentially Earth Elemental > Earth Elemental is usually associated with Darkness in FE (like Medeus, or Grima in a FEH Case) > Micaiah is a Dark Affinity Unit. It would be? o.o
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