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Everything posted by Troykv

  1. Yes! I want a Sophia Alt! But please wait to August! I need to save orbs! (I need to get Nino first). Looooooooong hair is justice indeed!
  2. I think it's because he's also a Thunder Magic User. Yeah, it was supposed to say Aran, but personally I'm not that interested in him compared with older bros and Laura xD
  3. I think Karla is just a filler xD. Because the other members of the Black Fangs are more... GHB stuff.
  4. Seeing Vaximillian talks so bad about Nino makes me sad. Okay, this is unexpected, IS accidently spoiled the next banner xD
  5. Okay so... (What the hell?) Akanea
  6. Well... Robin lose... I was expecting that possibility since the moment I joined her army... Which team I should join now? Hmm...
  7. Hello! Welcome to the Micaiah Club Mandokarla :3 Well, from Micaiah's Group the best characters to focus are Nolan/Jill (and in the point where you're currently, Nolan seems to be a bit underleveled) and Zihark/Blessed!Edward Other good characters across the other groups are people like Haar, Titania, and Oscar; also some of the late game characters are very good, but I'll not spoil them.
  8. I don't know how this Post-Credits Ending's name... But I like to name it "The Legend of the Blue Flames Hero"... I was sure if we would ended up getting actual FE characters as Legendary Heroes, Vanguard Ike would be one of them... regardless of what would be the actual focus with the Legendary Heroes.
  9. So many Colorless Units are from the launch hell of bad characters. Such a Shame.
  10. There are any character outside of Azama that their worst boon isn't HP?
  11. 10.- Essencially Perfect. 8-9.- Great Units 6-7.- Good Units 5.- Average man 3-4.- It needs help... 2.- Ugh 1.- Odin
  12. I feel weird.. Ryoma is cool and everything... but... the thing that actually hyped me was Tiki's weapon.
  13. Having essencially 44 Res (and like 46 against blue mages) it's quite fun, I wante to promote it for the fact that levels of res tanking are incredible. Also his voice acting, both english and japanese, that cocky, bratty, edgy feeling, and I love it.
  14. He's like Xander in the way he has a unique weapon that gives him great niches, but you'll need to invest in him to actually get his max potential (at least Julius' base skill set is decent; Xander's sucks hard).
  15. I just hope SMT5 has good sales, the game is a thing... I though they would have give up with the main line after the 3DS game... But nope, there is still MegamiTensei.
  16. Probaby things like this are the reason why we don't have many Gen 2 Units with high HP (and they almost always are Armors, with the only exceptions being Dorcas, Marisa and Gerome)
  17. I'm wondering which kind of abilities in a special weapon would make Florina actually decent.
  18. I'm okay with archetypes, it's interesting to find out the different ways characters with similar functions in the gameplay and/or narrative are explored in different occassions. I also think some of the most notable archetypes like the Jeigan should be main-stay, specially the Jeigan, that is probably the oldest intented archetype in the franchise, and has a special function as the crutch unit.
  19. Probably he feels in that way because most of the post-release mages are designed around being Atk + Spd (specially this one) or Atk + Res (the only exception that I remember is Boey, that it was like good def, decent everything else, and the of course, Winter Tharja that is mixed tank with Atk, but that is mostly because she is a armor unit).
  20. Well... You see people opinion in any subject about the Units. Atk and Spd are the most important stats, because the other three are more niche, and you can just avoid battle counter-attacks using Firesweep or similar stuff.
  21. Anna is a safe bet considering the Askr Princes's outfits reference the first banner. I'm open to surprises, I'm not using Orbs in the current banner because I want to know if the surprise from the Bride Banner... is well...
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