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Everything posted by Troykv

  1. That Late January Banner is quite curious... I mean; obviously isn't Valentine 2019 because that is the Early February Banner... But what exactly is there? The fact we hadn't celebrate Chinese New Year Last Year Makes my doubt is that... Maybe we actually have some kind of collab with a Fire Emblem Spin-Off this time? Who knows... it would be fun.
  2. I wonder if the reason was the Weapon or her overall aesthetic (and if that is the case; daaamnn!! people is thirsty for Dark Song Azura xD)
  3. The name of the Steady Tempest Skill makes my curious about it's actual properties; because it's pretty much a Special Sturdy Blow... Why put a name like that instead of just calling it Sturdy Blow 3 or something? There is something special about the SI possibilities with this skills? Who knows.
  4. Since the moment I noticed this was a Water Legendary (because the last Wind Season it's also Water); I was sure it was going to be either Corrin or Azura... So I'm not surprised, dissapointed or salty.
  5. Adding Armor Units in Seasonal Banners makes sense... eventually IS will ended up without popular Armor Units to use in the normal characters (in fact, most of the most unpopular characters are Armors, which makes sense, most of them are dull)... There aren't many characters to choose that are actually appealing.
  6. It would be an Alt kind of; but a very special case because it gives us a "What If" instead of just a Class Change.
  7. I'll take Grima being a Earth Elemental because of their backstory (despite looking very grimmy they aren't exactly Dark Dragons)... Tiki on the other hand is the weird one even more me lol.
  8. And the only reason she is 5 Star is most likely because she is very popular; stat and weapon wise she isn't that different from people that used to be in the 4-5 Star Pool.
  9. The lowest point of the game this month seems to be the moment when the Corrin/Kana was the newest one... But yeah; this banner release window has a very low rank compared with the other ones.
  10. Probably he ended up noticing how much importance he actually put in Leif and the overall Thracia Arc, to the point he knew Leif need it his own game; and Thracia 776 is the result of this.
  11. I think the reason behind that is the nature of the protagonist makes it easier to connect with the player... and the usual player of this kind kind of stuff is likely into power fantasy stuff or whatever... so... the male character being always the center point makes sense.
  12. That makes sense; so the reason the ranks is so low is just because Kana is underwhelming and the rest of the banner is bad for the whales right? The only message they send is to create more Armor Units and arbitrary buffed units (aka: Pseudo Trainees) :P
  13. I'm okay with Surtr having these stats because he's hyped as very big deal in the story of FEH. I'm probably base Surtr it would be weak without developing the power of the flame to turn himself the beast.
  14. I'll take Surtr having 179/180 nicely unlike the Corrins because he actually has a decent reason to have higher BST than most of the other units. He's the final boss; he's supposed to be a special unit. Like using Gilgamesh, Merlin or other over-power in lore units in FGO.
  15. I don't think is a hard rule persey; but it would look bad to put a character that isn't easy to view. And Aversa can ended up stretching this anyway; she is the Free Unit after all; she isn't part of the public image of Brave Redux.
  16. The original banner hadn't to deal with that problem because CYL1 still had several characters in the Top 40 that weren't already in the game (the four winners). Brave Redux's succesor will need to change the rules to avoid this kind of weird situations again xD.
  17. Yeah; if for some reason the release of Beast Units ends up being hold up (again), people will go nuts with the CYL3. It's a problem about presentation; the characters in the middle road aren't characters that are presented in the Top 40 Characters (the characters that were show in the Mid-Results and Full Results).
  18. I think the problem is the fact IS didn't expect to get so many beasts units as the second, third and even fourth most wanted females after Loki... You would need to scratch the middle of the barrel to get the potential Female Choice; at it would feel so random for a banner that already feels a bit random it's line-up, but at least is easy to understand the idea.
  19. If that was the case, Marth would have won CYL2, or at least being Top 2; I wonder if he would still be the Legendary Character that month.
  20. Yeah! That was exactly my point; after Aversa you need to scroll down A LOT to get another Non-Playable Character, and even more to get a female one; Aversa is barely outside the Top 40, the next choices are outside the Top 60, that is too far from the "Top Choices" the Brave Redux wants to represent for it's good will. I wonder now if Owain appearing in the Brave Redux Banner is also a matter of compromise with the image of Brave Redux because the next choices would have been Haar; which is outside the Top 60 too as you said. After all this thinking I ended up to the conclussion that the only character that would have been here if the choices were done in CYL1 way it would be Kliff; because the other characters are outside the Top 40 or are "Alts".
  21. I personally think IS had a problem of having to deal with conflictive expectactions; Loki is the only female character that they would justify to appear in Brave Redux (that also would be an additional reason for why Aversa is the GHB instead of the Kliff). It messed up with schedule of the Heroes in a way they wouldn't fix unless they ended up shoerhorning people in the banner... and they already have plans for the other units in the line that they can't simply put earlier (Beast Units)... so instead they decided to do a little experiment with the 2 Banner Fire and Ice (Ylgr and Surtr). That is my theory. And you know; Jill and Anna need a change of the way things works; if that was the case Marth would have won the last CYL.
  22. Well it makes sense they need to release the Book 2 Units now, Veronica and the Askrs (and maybe Bruno) are the only OCs that would still be relevant for Book 3; so they need to use them now before they became even more random xD.
  23. I actually I think there is a good reason for Brave Redux to need to use Loki instead of other character... Charlotte (the next Top Female not-beast not-already in the game) it was a Top 30 Character, and was outside of the CYL main results... In fact, Loki was the only female character they would justify using based on the Main Results (the only Female non-playable non-beast in the Top 20 Female), with Aversa being pretty much pulled here because they really need a second female (and of course it's quite obvious her lower position in the poll compared with the rest, being the reason why she is the freebie, she is also the only of the 4 characters to doesn't appear in the main results). Charlotte would feel like a random choice for the people that doesn't know the main results outside of the Top 40. CYL1 hadn't this problem dealing with Micaiah's January Arrival because there were a lot more popular female available (Lute and Mia also appeared in the Top 20 Females, in fact, their position in the Overall Top was above Joshua, the second male). I hope the fact IS needed to deal with this weird problem of not having good enough choices for CYL means the next months can have a healthy release of beasts units, to make up for the small update with the Fire and Ice Banner.
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