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Everything posted by Troykv

  1. I think the only Limited Unit I have 5 star merged is Masked Marth/Marcina (She has the extra 5 star and a promoted 4 star)
  2. I wonder which artist would do Micaiah... I mean, Senri Kita and Daisuke Izuka would be the best to draw (that had already draw her) her without feeling "generic"... but who knows, maybe we get lucky with the selected artist.
  3. Regardless of the content I need to see this. I LOVE Nintendo Directs.
  4. I think Alm does the things that he does because if he actually decided to curse Berkut for his actions as him deserved instead of forgive him... Alm would like an asshole.
  5. Not a bad unit, but being balanced without In-Build Distant Counter makes you extremely dependient of Cavalry Buffs... He can work with many builds but he isn't the best in any of them. That is like a big contrast with Seth being essencially the unit your need to use if you don't want turtle-pace Sacred Stones.
  6. Yeah, I think Sara is the only unit shared in both units. Personally I prefer the route where appears Misha (I like the maps more), but I'm still surprised she appears. Fun fact: Misha can only be recruited if somehow you're able to capture her (You need to use the Sleep Staff or the Sleep Sword)
  7. That is probably the reason why peolpe go nuts about and say "the game is 3DS Fire Emblem featuring Marth from the Smash Bros Series"
  8. Misha is such a weird choice for a SR Card... They want a flier with a SR? Karin would be a option too... I wonder how popular these two are in Japan. This is really cute :D
  9. I will wait to Micaiah's arrival to begin supporting units.
  10. And most likely he will be the only unless we get more older lords competing agasinst nobodies from Newer Gamers.
  11. Well, he is better of what I expected xD That 31 Spd makes him able to avoid many follow-ups I still have Nino as my leader, do you think I should change it?
  12. Wow! We participate in the same teams so far (I think I have found your Summer!Leo sometimes)
  13. The latter she appears, the more powerful her Unique Weapon will be (?)
  14. Yeah, Marth is basically "Balanced Lucina" (still fast but not so fast, weaker and more bulky)
  15. Yeah... the game is very "ehh" with him... I mean, the game only treats him in a special way in two things: 1.- Giving him a special summoning animation 2.- He was in the first Focus Summon (alongside other of the most popular characters of their respective games).
  16. Poor Generals.... you're always such a lame and weak class. Fates has the most evident wasted potential, and the game itself attempted against the game's premise. I also want to mention RD... The game that need to be two games to actually properly explain all the things happening here (include, and specially the Dawn Brigade, who were unable to get their story's explained in any way possible in the game... at least the background actually existed in the website and Tellius Recollection).
  17. Yay! My favorite Fates Characters finally appears in the game <3
  18. I wonder when Micaiah will arrive, it would make easier to save more orbs xD.
  19. If he wants to find "guilty" character of Roy's absence... that character is probably Sonic (his introduction in Brawl was done really late in the game's development, and practically altered the whole development process in the last months... this provoke the game's delay from Late 2007 to Early 2008 and, very likely, he took Mewtwo and Roy's development time).
  20. All this talk about Mozu makes me wonder something... When do you think we will get more Awakening and Fates characters?
  21. I wasn't expecting this sittuation to happen... wow... Well, Team Camilla I guess? (Not really because I like her a lot, it's mostly for the votes and I don't want to support Ike, he has enough support) xD
  22. I agree, Mia's older design is more appealing :P Oh that little Ilyana xDD
  23. Well... technically doesn't exist PoR exclusive characters outside of Ashnard (and maybe Largo if you're talking about Playable Characters). According to the CYL other popular PoR characters (don't already in Heroes) include: - Mia (but her RD apperance is actually more popular unlike Nephenee, having like the double of votes, and it's something easy to know if you visit Mia's tag in certain websites) - Ilyana - Lethe - Ranulf - Jill - Shinon
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