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Everything posted by Troykv

  1. I need a Nino now... and Nowi... and promote my *3 Sharena... I guess I'll need some months before getting a good team, I don't want to use so much orbs (I have like 220)... I need my Micaiah <3
  2. Yeah, I think the same... But again, which units are good for a team with Sophia? And which with a team with Faye?
  3. Well. I was originally thinking of them in different teams... But this definitely sounds interesting. I think I'll try... I have a Barst, some Berukas to inherit Skills and Ephraim/Sharena.
  4. About ask with are good partners to Faye? Also, I want to ask the same question with Sophia, I'm searching more characters to train, and I want to do teams with these two girls.
  5. Because the meta is so... Don't you have speed? Okay, you sucks. Thanks people, I'll try to find Death Blow and give her a quick proc skill, like Moonbow as you say.
  6. I'm training my 5* Faye. She is Atk+, Spd- What I should do with her? Send home isn't a option.
  7. Yeah, Mycen is a really cool unit for late-game, even if you screwed hard, Mycen can save you.
  8. Yeah, RD!Ike has absurd bases (in everything except magic stats... he sucks here) but otherwise his speed has a bad growth and pretty much every other Ike appearance with this design shows his lack of speed compared with other characters, so, I expect something like 25-27 speed. PoR!Ike is a more balanced one, I'm have already posted how he would look.
  9. Let see... HP: 56 Atk; 32 Spd: 30 Def: 27 Res: 13 Well... These are... interesting stats.
  10. We're a Fire Emblem Community, it's natural to do this :P
  11. I would try to analize how other of my favorite units would be stat-wise. I'm still waiting for a good B-Skill for my Sophia </3
  12. I just tried to fit the 158 total stats that is the biggest BST for a melee character (unless is a Armor, a Manakete or Donnel)
  13. Hmm... I personally think Ike will have a 158 total stats... so... let see PoR Ike: HP: 41 STR: 35 (51 with Ragnell) SPD: 32 DEF: 28 RES: 22 RD Ike: HP: 50 ATK: 38 (54 with Ragnell) SPD: 25 DEF 32 RES: 13 Note: Every non-Dagger or Brave Signature Weapons have 16 MT (Melee) or 14 MT (Ranged)
  14. You seems like a nice guy... Would I add to my friend list? I have a 5* Catria as my current leader Code: 3398941724
  15. I'm confused with the ideas here... so... she is horrible but she can tank (with TA3) even the strong Axe Users? That reminds me, I have a TA3!Sophia with Raudhrraven (the normal one), she also has the Barst skill; she also has filler Green Tome Breaker that also inherit with Henry. Which skill would you suggest me to improve her? My Sophia is identical stat-wise to your's. (Neutral, 5-Stars, +0)
  16. People are seriously underrating Arden's chances after IS put in Heroes their original meme lord (Wrys), Dorcas being Male Top 20 (another meme lord) and himself is the third best rated character around the Jugdrall characters in the Choose your Hero Poll... Maybe he isn't pretty, but he has his own qualities to appear in this game.
  17. Well, at least Sophia's Atk is above average (33 against Henry's 23)
  18. I agree with the idea of Ike being a Spotlight Stealer, Mr. convenience and having pretty much every non-bad/non-Micaiah character in his side almost always. Ike being the leader of the Greil, was, is and it will be a dumb choice... even in the future (Ike dissappeared forever... taking away with him pretty much all the recognition of his father's group's credit... in the end of the stories... only one name is remember in the far far away times... his name).
  19. In my list of favorite characters I have found a Roy and Catria 5* with decent natures (-Hp, +Str and +Spd, -Def). I have found also a 4* Cecilia.
  20. You can get free Olivias... unless you have sold them for feathers. You monster! She is a cinnamon roll! (?)
  21. Oh my goodness! Micaiah is the first place between the non-Ike characters!
  22. Yeah, he has the highest defense, then it comes Spring!Camilla (30), the Robins (29) and Sophia/Merric (28)
  23. Sanaki's case is a special one... and a bit trollish one. In the other hand, I agree that is completely possible they can do a PoR Only banner.
  24. The early joines (Chapter 1 and 2) from each side are: Alm: Alm himself (because he's important and the game wants us to know it (?) ), Lukas, Grey, Tobin, Faye, Kliff, Silk, Clair, Clieve, Python and Forysth. Celica: Celica, Mae, Boey, Genny, Saber, Valbar, Kamui and Leo.
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