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Princess Peachar

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Posts posted by Princess Peachar

  1. please excuse my sticky fingers...


    Maybe try something like this? Head/hair was a little...extra poofy. Face needs the same treatment the clothes got and get smooooooooth. As much as I love the color blending, using hair shades might be better for the orange part of his shirt. Oh, speaking of red, I lowered the contrast a bit of the darkest and middle shades of red.


  2. ^ That's just the legendary skin. Legendary is 1820. The ULTIMATE skin is the super awesome and expensive one.

    In other news... I didn't communicate well with my team in ranked and ended up going an unconventional support due to picking for another lane...

    [spoiler=BUT IT WORKED]a3965fca68.jpg

    Support Ahri OP

  3. On a side note, Portal even makes fun of this "silent protagonist" trope by occasionally referring to Chell being mute, even though the devs themselves said that Chell can talk but chooses not to.

    Golden Sun does the same with Isaac and Matthew. lol. They only "talk" by yes and no options or emotions, but they make a reference as to how he really does talk... he just mumbles and is super quiet. lol


    As for the female "Link," it'd be interesting, but I'd rather keep the male only Link...

    [spoiler=as he is...]supposed to be reincarnated over and over and over

    I'm not opposed to a female counterpart kicking ass beside him though. Link has had sisters in the past, and there isn't anything stopping him from having a twin sister, either. Just, you know, giving his past and plot device, male just suits him best.

  4. It was kinda funny, because my local store was hosting it, until it canceled the week of. Luckily, I had to visit my parents two hours away and the Best Buy near them was hosting it indefinitely, so my man friend and I hustled over there Saturday. XD

    There was quite a bit of waiting. Approximately an hour. Then we got to play the Wii U demo.

    In the match before me, we saw Megaman v Zelda v Mario v Pit. Pit looks VASTLY different, which is a good thing. He isn't a spammable piece of poo anymore. Megaman looked pretty cool, though his projectile based fighting style, I fear, is going to make him spammable. Gears everywhere. His Mega Buster (ground side smash) and Hard Knuckle (aerial down) though are very good. I didn't watch Mario much, but his smashes looked a little improved. He got the smash ball and OMG. YOU BETTER DODGE THAT SPIRAL, BECAUSE IT IS SCARIER THAN IT WAS IN BRAWL. In Brawl, you could accidentally find yourself in it and just recover with a big hit on percentage. This time, you will be pushed all the way off the edge of the screen. It also looked bigger for some reason. Zelda won the fight though. I didn't watch her much either, but it seemed that her player didn't use the darknut move much, if at all. Her throws were good, as per usual, and her Din's Fire (side special) is stronger. They played on the Sky Loft stage, which is pretty nice. Zelda winning was fitting. XD

    Our match, it was Megaman (my 10 year old brother) v Rosalina (my man friend) v Wii Fit Trainer (me) v Little Mac (some random single player that luckily was able to skip half of the line because the guys behind us wanted to play together). Let me start off saying that the Dr. Wily stage is SO ANNOYING. The Yellow Devil is so annoying. Just. Pls. No. But, anyways, back to the fighting. Little Mac, I swear, had an unsung vendetta against me. His juggling is so annoying. He can't fight in the air, but he can send you airborne and quickly get to you from the ground and charge attacks up. Thank Sakurai for air dodging. Rosalina's magic attacks didn't have much weight behind them, but man her grab combo game is amazing. My friend grabbed Little Mac before he used the KO punch and juggled him to infinity until he sent him flying up in the air and onto the screen. Rosalina grabbed the smash ball. Her final smash was disappointingly meh. Power Star? More like Power Star of mediocrity and minor annoyance. Megaman's recovery is pretty good with Rush Coil. It's just a utility jump, and very much like Sonic's spring jump. Now, Wii Fit Trainer (surprising to everyone, but my most anticipated new comer, no lie) was awesome. Some of the smash moves require good timing as the hit boxes are a little weird, but those special moves. The Soccer Heading (side special) was very meh, but amazing for trolling recoveries. ESPECIALLY Little Mac's terrible air game. The recovery of her Hula Hoop is really good for vertical movement. Terrible attack, though. I'd compare it to Zelda's Farore's Wind. The thing that really made her though, was the wombo combo Deep Breathing to Sun Salutation. Boy did I send people flying with that. Funny, when I watched the invitational tourney, everyone kept failing the Deep Breathing buff. I found it very easy to pull off. Either way, Wii Fit Trainer, I speculate, will be a higher tier character.

    As for the controls-- thank God there is a GameCube adapter cause man...that Pro controller was just too awkward.

    After the Wii U, there was no way in hell that I'd line up again as the line was still wrapping around the building outside. So I just moved on to the 3DS and left. Smash Run was pretty fun. Not much to say about it besides it's just plain fun. Oh, and you don't lose your powerups for dying, I guess. Just time. This was where I played Zelda. The controls on the 3DS were not as bad as they were on the Pro, strangely. Zelda runs faster. Yes. Faster. Or at least feels it. Her super mega uber kick of KO ability is easier to land, it seems. Many times when I was reaching for the hit, I thought I'd miss, but I didn't. Her Aerial Up+A seems stronger, too. It has A LOT of knock to it now. This was also first hand where I experienced her Din's Fire buff. I like it. Feels very strong and satisfying when landed correctly. Dark Nut was not amazing, but it could have potential. The problem that I have with it is that it blocks projectiles and then breaks. Why. Sakurai, why? Zelda already has Naryu's Love, which is arguably better because it reflects the projectile and has like no cast time. And then Dark Nut takes a cast time and just blocks to projectile only to become a pile of uselessness. It would be better if it absorbed a set amount of percentage before breaking vs the first projectile it encounters. When it hit, it was good, but it's just so easy to rid of.

    Oh. The game is gorgeous, by the way, on both platforms. 10-3-14 cannot get here soon enough.

  5. Heya...nice Garen!

    Two things though:

    1. Maybe add a few shinies here and there on the gold trim. Just to make it look like gold trim.

    2. I'd probably make his head a wee bit taller/wider. It's just a weeeeeeeeeeee bit small, even with the angle.


    Eh, what the heck. I derped with it. Maybe you can work off of this? Or not. <3



    Please excuse the washed out colors. Was derping with palettes, LOL! But a little editing and blue eyes.


    Sorry for bombarding you...

    *rolls awayyyyyy*

  6. 9iyM7.png

    Idk if you got my skype, but I'ma post here, too. Katarina's body is gorgeous, but I derped around on her far side hair to give shape and a little with the face. The face was bothering me as I felt that she should have more showing. Maybe you can work off of something like this? please don't death lotus me

  7. So, I love Kayle's armor. Only thing is that the tuft is flowing from the far side of the helmet versus from the center of the back. Easily remedied by changing the flow or by scooting it over a few pixels.


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