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Princess Peachar

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Posts posted by Princess Peachar

  1. 4229a4f5ec.png

    I played off of that a little, too. Iono. He seemed a bit burnt and the cloak was a bit mellow. You don't have to credit me if you go off this ref.

    Edit: Oh yeah, made the eye smaller from Solum's thingie.

  2. On one end...I'm getting orgasming modern guy teleported into FE world. On the other end, I'm getting Richard Simmons listening to some oldies. On both ends, I'm getting face is super squished and hair is taking over his body.


    That's the first thing I thought of when I saw the ear. There's too much shading in the center of the ear and too much circle shape to the ear in general. Check out Legault, Bazba, and Aias for some good ears in that angle.

  4. Or because his nose and eyes are bulging out of his skull.

    Your noses are kinda bulbous instead of nosy. Lol. Otherwise, these are pretty solid. Some are much better than others, but hey... That's what revisions are for.

    The self mug and the gifs are the best; I especially enjoy the gif retro styles

  5. The colors are very "hot pink, hot purple, hot red, hot--" ya dig? It'd just be good diversity if she had grounding in her palette.

    The SV values are just fancy talk for changing Saturation (S) and Brightness (V). At least that's what it is to me cause if pnet lol.

    For the circlet, use a bit more darkest shade on the far side and maybe some 4th shade on the near side. Don't go too crazy. Just define it against his skin.

  6. Having an art background helps but isn't an absolute necessity. When I first started, I was still drawing janky drawings the better artists drew when they were 10 (I started when I was 17ish). Sidebar-- I still do. XDDD

    There are plenty of spriting tutorials for you to reference. I'd link them for easy connection, but I'm currently on my phone. They're under this forum in the Spriters Resource pin.

    Some beginner pointers for you--

    * try to avoid doing your own color values at first; this will help the sprite have clarity in color so others can help point you in the correct direction when fixing issues

    * if at all possible, avoid mixing colors from different games. For instance, don't take the overly saturated hair color from Sacred Stones and put it on a skin tone from Blazing Sword. Blazing Sword (Eliwood game) and Sword of Seals (Roy game) blend better, but even they have issues

    * save copies as you work; on paint you can create a large canvas and copy paste copies in another area of the workspace. This will help you have editions in case there was something messed up along the way, or you decide to change a certain aspect.

    * have fun with it and do not take criticism personal. We were all there in our first years of spriting-- but if people take the time to comment on your work, they just want you to get better. Improvement doesn't happen overnight (usually), and probably slower for people like you and me with no previous art experience. But with enough heart, you can do it. :)

  7. The positive to my post is that I can see where your concepts are trying to go. The laguz isn't terrible. Lol

    Some quick notes I'll drop (since I'm currently at work on my lunch break and can't get into the nitty gritty on my phone lol) is that yo gurl Faline look like she going to a rave. She practically glows in the dark and has no grounding in her palette. Maybe if the blue was a little more desat and darker, but she's just awfully bright. That Maxime purple is horrendous (not your fault) and needs some SV alterations.

    Also, are you planning on inserting these into a hack anytime, not that he fits in the box probably (can't tell lol phone)? Cause honestly Cato is squished so hard. Help him, poor baby. Give him some more shoulders, specifically the near side lol.

    Wencelis needs more definition on his circlet... Almost looks like a skin condition...

    Again, I see where the concepts are going. Oh rothgar needs less neck. He's a wolf (assuming cause of Nailah inspired design) not a giraffe. :b

    EDIT: oh yeah the hair part, might help if you move it to the near side a little more and exaggerate the far bang to account for the more hair on that side than the near side

  8. I can dig it, Nickt. I can relate entirely. In the end, you're still doing better quality work than years ago, which is the point, yes? :b

    Not everyone is capable of just spending more manpower on a sprite and making it look more polished than before if said person has already reached a limit.

    Unlike other people who seem fucking limitless and can make something look insane from scratch.

    Idk about you, Ghast, but I wanna blow my fuckin' brains out every time I sprite. It's actually a lot of work and isn't always instant gratification (which is what discourages a lot of people because they think it's an instant improvement from sprite 1 to sprite 2). #thatartistlife

  9. I do think that these sprites are improvements from your past works-- but they are still traces. As good as traces can be, they do not account for mishaps in anatomy or shading or etc. Those things you gotta flex them spriting muscles! For example, Ilyana has some weirdo shading that doesn't translate well. Also, the super anime eyes with the abundance of sclera. Those are things that you have to improvise in to not make weird looking. I understand that having a mass of sprites is great, but you have the potential to make them better. The quality is inconsistent-- like compared to Greil, Shinon, and Titania (minus hair palette, but red is hard I get it), Boyd, Ike, and Mist are suffering. I do think some personal eye exercises could help you out also as some eyes need some polishing ( Rhys jumps out at me off the top of my head). Palettes, too, need a little more work as well. Don't be afraid to color blend! Recycle those shades, hunty!

    I guess short hand, I agree with spending a little more time on each sprite because having a lot of sprites to fix at a time is depressing (I know from experience as well). Just put in a little extra effort. We will help! <3

    Also, yeah, Ghast. Sprites are all a handful of pixels. Everyone can learn how to arrange them with enough practice and experience. Might be harder for some, but with good guidance and an open heart...you know? But yes. What is a sprite but a miserable pile of pixels?


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