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Princess Peachar

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Posts posted by Princess Peachar

  1. Tiny head, but that's the price to pay for massive hair haha. Not bad, though I agree that the hair should be depoofed a little so that you can expand the head size more.

  2. I couldn't quite tell what was going on still. The colors, though slightly better, still didn't help with the shape.

    [spoiler=some edits to scale and magnified]3e6ec96b50.png

    I hope you do not mind, as showing you some of the things I would personally change is easier than out right explaining myself; I tend to unintentionally express myself in a vague manner. Here is your work in the center with my edit to the left and four vanilla swordmasters to the right.To start, the colors are still not up to par with the vanilla sprites. Lightest skin tone is shared with any white that battle sprites may use-- that was the first change I made, easily done by matching the face to the sword and to the armor white, and that white stolen from an official sprite (which I do recommend you get accustomed to in the meanwhile until you understand and can manipulate a digital palette efficiently as it is easier). Another thing that you do more in your sprite that the official do not is the over use of border. Border lines aren't necessarily a bad thing, but on a piece so small as a battle sprite, it takes up precious space and comes off too stark. The same can be done by the darkest shades to give a pseudo border. The head was slightly blobby and I wasn't sure what the hair was supposed to be, so I just made something up (spiky hair protagonist was a safe bet haha). For the heads, I'd tell you to just splice off the official sprites and edit from there. The size of the sprite was also quite...stumpy. I stretched his near leg and pulled his torso up a little to remedy that. I added curvature to the katana, as I assumed you were reaching for that and not a skinny rapier-esque katana. It's also no touching the ground, yeah? If it is supposed to, disregard the disconnected shadow on the ground. Hiding the far arm by about a pixel helps with his stout look that gave him a forward facing position, or worse, if he was supposed to be facing left, a Rob Liefield anatomy. Hair usually has three shades, and skin has four (for a lighter complexion, this is usually brown, peach, light flesh, and white). I wasn't sure what was going on with the rest of the design exactly, such as the shoulder pads, the coat collar, the chest piece, etc., so I just left them mostly alone. This wasn't meant to be a "Hey bby lemme do that for you," but just a pointer to help you improve and get you in the right direction, thusly it isn't a finished work. Anti-aliasing is your friend, and it would be a good idea to practice it as it improves sprite quality substantially. Avoid pillow shading (kind of what the hair was having?) and banding (what the far leg, the one on our right, had).

    Most importantly, keep up the hard work. None of the experienced spriters got to where they were overnight!

  3. It's generally too early to tell at this stage of the mug making. It looks fine, but all of that could change when you start shading (and should, as you start to iron out the kinks in the artwork). If you're really looking for game changing critique this early, it'd be better to present blocks instead of multicolored outlines.



    With blocks, one would be able to tell if proportions are off better and is honestly more pleasing to the eye (and also easier to start working off of-- I promise).

  4. Greenie is now dubbed Lord Voldemort-- the guy has no nose. Top left guy's shoulders are super low. I'd probably raise them a few pixels.

    Generally, it helps to post only one or two mugs for critique as it takes less time to break down than six.

  5. Getting there. The far pads are still a little confusing on both. The red guy has a tiny and skinny head, but the depth is alright. The green guy's head has no space for his brain-- he needs more depth in the back. Both of their mouths and ears are falling off their faces as well (though, the red guy has a good height positioned ear). Reference off of official sprites to get better proportions (except for Lute-- her ear is on her cheek...)

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