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Princess Peachar

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Posts posted by Princess Peachar

  1. It is super cartoony but, meh, I guess you are going for your style instead of FE style. The hair kinda makes sense but kinda doesn't? Also, you got some angle issues on the body. It's kinda frontal when the head is cheated over a little.

  2. Though the hair is massive, I feel like you can leave it as a character trait. The hairline is basically the problem. In the first draft, it looks like a receding hairline. In the second, it looks like his hair is eating his face. You have to add shape to the hairline to make not look like he lets his hair grow to distract from the balding.

  3. I actually don't mind the first guy. In fact, I like him quite a bit. I like the splicing on the head... I just don't like the body. That isn't your fault entirely though-- I just don't like Tirado's armor...or whomever they are from. lol Like the color scheme too!

  4. I agree. With that pose, a cocky or tough guy expression would sell the choice. At the moment, he's just ( . ______________ . )

    When it comes to designing, it all has to have cohesion, not just a cool pose factor. In other news, that's a pretty cool head. Arm muscles also need an improvement in anatomy, but I don't blame you on the hand-- they're fucking hard to do haha

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