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Everything posted by Venger_06

  1. The virgin Rayquaza vs the Chad Giratina >onigiri >jelly donut LMAO https://nuzlocke.app/guides
  2. Maybe linking the units to each route encounters?
  3. Big oof I hope you get well soon! I don't even know a thing about their work, but in Mengo I trust
  4. But that's the best part I can get behind that Hard to do any of that when you don't have any money
  5. Reject tsundere, embrace hot lady knight And yes, they're more interesting in general. Machias for example complete his arc in a bonding event
  6. Monkey's paw curls, Fire Emblem is now Blazing Blades with Path of Radiance's gameplay and speed Salt, but Ash ver.
  7. Not that hard considering the majority of this franchise characters only have join quotes, level up quotes and death quotes
  8. sarcasm Considering Engage's flop compared to 3H, I don't doubt this is the next game.
  9. Of course we do, it's one of the hallmarks of the series. What are you going to suggest next, an FE at school about idols?
  10. Reject Rixia, embrace Tio Yes I know you're talking about Duvalie but I wanted an excuse to post Tio
  11. After a whole day without internet, I'm back You guys should watch The Father, it's really good and emotional Anthony Hopkins really deserved that Oscar But this is a good thing. What? Would you rather criminals live off your tax money?
  12. Real even though I didn't really like XBC1 B-but wasn't he a boy...?
  13. Joke's on you, I never hated Mutt or Crystal Skull either. Memes
  14. Was it planned all along? Nah, part of the reason why it is so infamous is that their lives are forever changed. They faced a lot of crap from others and had to abandon their old lives. rip Mutt YnS will always be relevant, lol. I truly wish this is not bait, the shitstorm will be epic. Twitter is already having meltdowns
  15. Japanese boomers don't think so Oh, I fucked up. Now I fixed it It's from Yosuga no Sora, an anime adapted from a VN with multiple routes and heroines, and one of them is the MC's sister. The other heroines discover their affair while they're having sex.
  16. Meant to be played on big screen, please understand
  17. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I TOLD YOU @Shrimpy -Limited Edition- I TOLD YOU IT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN Happy birthday!!!!!
  18. B-but the DS version has a minimap on the bottom screen... I heard it was incest and that made me curious. Maybe I'll finally check out this manga. I feel you, man. As long as you don't say anything controversial, even joking, you'll be fine. I think, I can still feel the disdain in every interaction I have here.
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