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Everything posted by Venger_06

  1. Lucina has to be born somehow🤷‍♂️ Jokes aside, its pretty easy to marry off Chrom before he can NTR you (or any other character).
  2. Sorry, I expressed myself badly. What I wanted to express with my statement is that "fun gameplay" is subjective to the player, and what is fun for one person may not be for another. Going by the way you spoke, there is really no reason to skip the gameplay. Also, Genealogy of the Holy War is my favorite. I don't have a problem with skills in Conquest, in fact I actually like RPG elements like that. Its just that I often hear people criticizing Conquest's usage of skills and saying for example that Thracia's gameplay is much better.
  3. Fair enough. If you didn't like Genealogy's gen 1, you probably wouldn't like Gen 2 as well. I still recommend you to play Abyss a little bit more. If you can push through the boring first part you can get a genuinely good story. I don't have a problem with skills in Conquest, in fact I actually like RPG elements like that. I don't have much experience with that, as I never played Thracia myself. Its just that I often hear people criticizing Conquest's usage of skills and saying Thracia's gameplay is much better.
  4. Let's take Conquest for example, there are people who don't like its gameplay because of the excessive use of skills and prefer to play games like Thracia or Binding Blade for the challenge. I'm not a big fan of Conquest myself and I dropped off the game when I got to Fuga's map because I didn't care about the conflict or the characters (or rather, because I didn't care about this side of the conflict). I only picked up the game again 3 months later and I didn't care enough to keep my units alive. My feelings as well. I just want to form a connection between myself and the game's world. Fire Emblem is one the few game series that is pretty balanced in terms of Story/Gameplay quality. I agree with some points that you said about Conquest, although I must say that I'm pretty fond of Fates as whole. Takumi is probably my favorite final boss of the franchise. Now you made me curious, since they are my favorite games from their respective series. What exactly did you dislike about Genealogy's story or characters? Regarding Tales of the Abyss, I must say that although Luke is unbearable at first, he gets much better as the game progresses.
  5. Recently got Sigurd to NP2, a shame I couldn't bring Summer Bryn home with him. Oh well, at least I have the original one.
  6. "Right and wrong are not what separate us and our enemies. It's our different standpoints, our perspectives that separate us. Both sides blame one another. There's no good or bad side. Just two sides holding different views." — Squall Leonhart, Final Fantasy VIII "Listen to my story. This may be our last chance." — Tidus, Final Fantasy X The people and the friends that we have lost, or the dreams that have faded... Never forget them." — Yuna, Final Fantasy X "You said you have a dream… That dream… Make it come true! Make your wonderful dream a reality, and it will become your truth! If anyone can, it's you! Well, then… Farewell!" — N, Pokemon Black
  7. Fire Emblem - Path of Radiance: The game is not bad by any means, but I finished it recently and I can say that I am disappointed. I went to play thinking that I would get a better story than Genealogy (which is nothing less than a masterpiece), since it is widely considered as such, and I got the standard Fire Emblem story with more worldbuilding. In the end, I became more emotionally involved in the story of Sacred Stones for example. I guess it's my fault for expecting too much, and now I'm not looking forward to playing Radiant Dawn. I'm thinking I'll be disappointed too. The fact that I bought a Wii to play the Tellius games doesn't help.
  8. I share your feelings about Echoes. It's a shame that you have to intentionally fuck up things to see these conversations.
  9. This game intrigued me. I will look for more about it.
  10. I wouldn't recommend Echoes, since it's gameplay very different from the standard FE game. To make her progression easier, I would recommend Blazing Blade, Sacred Stones or Shadow Dragon. New Mystery is also a good choice, since it has Casual Mode and a playable avatar. My personal choice would be SD -> NM -> Awakening -> Echoes, so she can experience the entire Archanea saga.
  11. Injury mode looks like the best compromise. The only thing that should stay the same is a forced game over if the main lord dies.
  12. It's a tough call, but my favorite Lord is Seliph. Others user already wrote what makes Seliph special to them and I agree with most points, so I'm just gonna say this: Seliph's journey to rectify Sigurd's mistakes and surpass his father is the highlight of Genealogy of the Holy War to me. Lucina would be my second favorite since her character is similar to Seliph's (maybe on purpose, since Chrom also has parallels with Sigurd), but I don't consider her a Lord since she isn't force deployed nor gives a game over if she dies, so I'm gonna pass her up in this list. So, in my second place, there's Ephraim. Ephraim is cool, likeable and strong. There has been a bit of hate on him in recent times calling him a Gary Stu, but I couldn't disagree more. He abandoned his kingdom during an invasion to fight some skirmishes leaving his family behind, recklessly put himself and his loyal soldiers in danger for a pyrrhic victory, and expresses his desire to get rid of his responsibilities as King of Renais and become a mercenary. Even if you say that he is perfect after all, this seemingly perfection is one of the reasons Lyon to goes through the deep end. Also, he deserved to be in Smash.
  13. I've seen people who prefer casual but plays on classic anyway because they want to be prepared to play the older games and see what they're missing (I was on that field myself when I started playing FE), others who play classic because they don't want to be labeled as a "casual" (trust me, this is more common than you think), etc. Reasons for playing classic mode can vary. It's like @lenticular said, IS could experiment with these ideas on future installments like Chimera Squad did with XCOM, but the fanbase must give it a chance.
  14. Three Houses has sorta given an excuse for this: it can be said that the Unit's battalion suffered heavy losses, but the character who commanded it survived at the expense of his army. Soldiers sacrificing themselves for their commander is not unheard of. That's neat, didn't know it happens. However, the changes are few and do not make much difference in the grand scheme of things. ...I don't think people are drawn to Fire Emblem because of permadeath, at least not the majority of players. Also, other Tactical RPGs are severely lacking in the areas that Fire Emblem excels. This is probably the best way to go if IS wants to please those who seek challenge and not be limited in their storytelling.
  15. I didn't play PoR too much (only up to chapter 10), but wasn't Ike's father the only person to die in the early game? If so, he wasn't a playable character to begin with. There are other ways to work around this issue, but if it happens and you want challenge, you can simply choose to not use the unit that died anymore. This is not true, because the story is basically the same whether the characters being alive or not. My point is that the characters could be more impactful to the narrative, but they're not, because the writers cannot afford to make them important parts of the story if they can die before that. Take Three Houses as an example, you can kill all of the students and the route would stay the same, with only Byleth, the Lord and maybe their retainer really mattering in the story. You took the words out of my mouth, thanks.
  16. Permadeath holds back the games writing. Awakening has one of the best stories in the franchise. I don't mind Kris.
  17. Fire Emblem Echoes: Rumors of Renais. Now seriously, they should just name it Echoes: Sacred Stones. I think they named it "Shadows of Valentia" because "Gaiden" wouldn't translate very well to modern audiences.
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