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Everything posted by Samz707

  1. I mean. To be blunt, the story seemed like a big part of the GBA/3DS games. (It's just any 3DS game not named Shadows of Valentia had awful writing.) People can also just, think the gameplay is bad. (It sounds like it takes after Fates, and I hated Fates gameplay contrary to the norm of people who think it has the best gameplay of the 3DS games.)
  2. Well if you want something different, Three Hopes exists and even has a Eshop demo you can download, so you can try it without actually buying it.
  3. I just beat chapter 13. Since my other units were (and frankly, still are) unreliable, I was reluctant to use Mozu. I am now on chapter 14 and Mozu is still level 1 and seemingly there is just no way to give her EXP right now. Is she just useless to me? since it's not like Fodlan where the Adjunctant unit constantly gets EXP even if they don't "chip in". And while I've admittingly not had the chance to send her against sword enemies, she appears to do 0 damage to at least axe enemies. (Yeah I know weapon triangle disadvantage but most enemies in the last chapter were either axes or lance enemies that she did zero damage to.) It seems like she's past the point of potentially being usuable.
  4. Echoes To put it as simply as possible, I completely despise AwakenFates, the characters are unlikable, the gameplay sucks and the stories gives me headaches with their awful plot-hole-ridden-clearly-just-copying-tropes-willy-nilly writing. Echoes, has a cast of characters I actually like, the story only really has Celica being dumb at the very end as a negative and the gameplay is actually fun since it completely lacks all the awful mechanics introduced in the other 3DS games. (I would like to thank Pair-Up and it's effects on gameplay for single handedly being the worst god damn thing ever.) It also has no Avatar, which is great since I really hate the constant worship Robin and Corrin get alongside their godawful writing. Echoes is a nice, simple well-made game that feels like it was actually made by people instead of randomly throwing stuff at the wall.
  5. Clearly the takeaway is that Kostas is the strongest man in Fodlan. IS are clearly saving him to be the final OP unit of Heroes.
  6. Agreed, playing Fates after 3H, I am amazed at how terrible My Castle is. Why is cooking random. People talk up how great it is compared to Garreg Mach, but for me, all it did was make me appreciate Koei's Garreg Mach even more.
  7. Can I accidently permanently destroy the unique weapons/batallions given by them or can I only get rid of the "generic" rewards. At least of the unique stuff like the secret transport force, I know not to use them too early but I'm worried if I can accidently permanently destroy them from my save file. I've never used stat boosters so I can just leave those in my inventory.
  8. I guess i could try trashing everything with the level reset but even then, can you trash achievement stuff? since stuff like the batallions/weapons for achievement rewards seem unique.
  9. I know there's a bonus character for doing all 3 routes on one save file and this has put me in a bit of a pickle. I generally dislike using a new game + feature as it usually makes a game too easy, and with Hopes I can see it easily doing that. But I have to do NG+ for all rotues in order to unlock this character. Any advice on how to minimize new game + stuff? I know all your items carry over, including Accessories which seems like an issue.
  10. My favourite is Mark, they're the avatar with the vaguest personality so you can headcanon yourself what it is, they don't fight and they don't have too much Avatar Worship. (With Byleth in second and Shez in third.) Least Favourite: Honestly it could be Robin or Corrin, Corrin (who I gave the vote) is worse on a conceptional level, with their magic not-kill-anyone pacifism and the extremely absurd amounts of worship they get but I've actually finished Awakening so I have alot more personal dislike towards Robin due to having spent more hours with them.
  11. A theory I've seen around (and I can't remember if the game confirms it as it's been several years) is that Edelgard doesn't believe in the Goddess due to her being experimented on, with the goddess never coming to rescue her or her siblings.
  12. Exactly, dead horrible people can't impose their ideaology on others and horrible people with drastic enough idealogy are willing to kill to make sure it stays. I don't see what's so surprising of "Horrible people impose a horrible system, people who want to change it have to take up arms", the thing other FE lords have pretty much done by taking out enemy rulers.
  13. You mean....that thing the Church was doing? Also good luck getting evil people to change their idealogy. "Hey I hate how you have all this class-ism stuff and try to keep the commoner down, pls stop it". Evidently enough people agree with her considering she has an army. (Does the Empire even have conscription?)
  14. Am I really the only one who didn't have too much of an issue with these maps in Echoes? They were a bit long but I don't recall having too much trouble, I honestly had more trouble with Fates Pre-route. Unless it's purely length if you know what you're doing, as opposed to having to reset constantly. Like I genuienly don't recall having issues with Zofia Castle, the only time it was difficult was the DLC version.
  15. Yeah, Edelgard is trying to use the Slithers as much as they're using her. It's less "she's fully onboard with them" and more "The enemy of my enemy is my friend, especially when the other enemy is way larger."
  16. While we don't know how much Edelgard believes it, she clearly doesn't trust Rhea's history, so even if she doesn't believe all of it, she probably thinks what Rhea's saying is bunk. I recall it clearly being less sad about Arundel for her transformation and more how her only options realistically right now or death or imprisonment since the forces that killed Arundel are coming for her, she hates Thales but needs him alive since she needs the resources of TWISTD to fight the Church. (Hopes makes it messy but Hopes already has blatant large retcons like Sothis' power doing completely different things so I don't think we can fully assume stuff is 1-1 between it and Houses, especially since from what I've heard, AG has things go even worse for Edelgard than the Houses Blue Lions route so clearly trying to backstab TWSITD early can come back to bite her.) Realistically, there's no way Dimitri can just let her go and considering what happened to her, I believe Edelgard would choose death over any more imprisonment. Plus the endings I recall make it clear that we fight TWISTD offscreen, it's awful it's offscreen (Whenever due to a mistaken belief that ending with Rhea only is better or due to time/budget iissues), but it's still there, Jeritza and Byleth's S-Support is even mid-them fighting TWSITD in Shambala.
  17. You can briefly switch to increasing that skill (By using that class or faculty training) to recruit someone then switch back. Catherine is good but falls off, the students generally will get more stats when levelling up, at least allowing them to become onpar with Catherine. All attacks consume durability, Combat Arts just consume them faster. For what it's worth, Classic mode means you have to avoid units dying, so I play on Classic, you have the turnwheel, so you can still fix it if someone dies but it requires you to go back and prevent them dying. The first FE game I loved was FE7 on the GBA and I played in 2008, the older games are outright better than some of the new ones in my opinion.
  18. Yeah I guess in Houses case that doesn't make much sense. I was thinking of the GBA Armor Knights, which clearly have to move with slow deliberate steps and need a chain attached to their lance to retrieve it after attacking, that sort of armor looks like something you can't even bend down in.
  19. As people have said, probably because heavy armor unit that can tank physical then nuke physical with magic would be hard to balance. I've always assumed part of the reason Res/DEF was seperated (Since while def is technically a stat, it does seem to be generaly tied to units with armored classes or even armored designs as having high def.) since I presume magic and armor don't exactly..mix well. I won't pretend to have an idea of what casting it would be like, but I presume armor against magic is actually just a liablity. (Metal heats up when exposed to fire and conducts electricity) so while admittingly for some of the other magic it probably wouldn't have an effect, I imagine against the common fireball or bolting that armor would actually hinder your chances of survival. (plus mages do hand motions alot of the time, no idea if they're actually needed for magic but if we assume they are, having bulky armor probably doesn't help.) Kinda like how in reality, yeah a tank is immune to bullets, doesn't stop the fact that for a very long period of time, a simple bottle of alcohol with some gasoline mixed in was still incredibly effective at destroying them so I've always assumed there was a similar logic to armor vs magic.
  20. Am I the only person who didn't have Clive die constantly? I must have been real lucky because I don't recall him dying consistently at all.
  21. Yes, and I think giving Sothis a random new power purely for the sake of having Byleth always win, isn't a good thing. I like Alternative Universe stories but there still needs to be some logic. (Like how rescuing Monica comes around due to different events)
  22. And I'm sure Sothis would have given Byleth access to in Houses or that there'd be any indication she had something like this in Houses, so it comes off as a retcon, since Byleth is using Sothis' power in Houses and there's no indication that any other powers exist. It, again, just comes off as a clunky retcon because Shez has to lose, again. (And the first two times were already dumb so I'm sick of it by this point.) So that's why I honestly feel the Death Knight, despite people constantly crapping on him, was a far better rival character than Byleth is in Hopes, (Since the game didn't all-but claim they beat you or ignored your victories for a dumb cutscene where they suddenly win regardless via pulling a new ability out of nowhere.) I looked forward to seeing the DK again, while whenever Byleth shows up, I just groan at this point and wait for the game's writer to bail them out of losing via plot armor, you can beat Jeritza, get a reward and the game doesn't claim otherwise. Byleth didn't win the prologue for me, I wore them down alot, then the game cut to a cutscene of me losing, so already it was flawed to me, Shez's HP was not depleted and I was actually about to get them relatively close to death, so it just came off as Byleth plot armoring their way out of defeat. Except chapter 5 doesn't, the dialogue is clearly written with "Shez had to run away" in mind, and if you look up the script, there is no alternative dialogue, there is just one set of dialogue regardless of what happened and it doesn't feel written for "Shez made Byleth retreat" at all. I'm on Hard, Death Knight in Three Houses Hard was also still a threat. (And I think it says alot that even the consistent DK defeat stratgies, involve nuking him with a spell he's weak too or taking advantage of any other way of one shotting him, he'll still easly wipe the floor with you in a direct fight wher he gets a hit in.) I was able to not too hard beat Byleth in 5, I had to retreat to grab health from pots a few times but it was hardly impossible and I was using only Shez to keep my other units I wasn't directly controlling safe. (And again, having all that effort, which the game encourages via a side mission so this isn't even doing what it doesn't want you to do get promptly ignored feels like a slap in the face and just more plot armor for Byleth of "Oh no you fought them alot but actually they let you win".) Simply put, I feel like I could have killed Byleth in the prologue alone if it wasn't for the writers plot armoring their way out of it, and that has only gotten worse as the chapters go on and Byleth fails to keep with my Shez. (And again, Byleth only wins the newest fight because now Sothis has a retcon new power that never was hinted to exist before, so it just comes off as lazy writing.)
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