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Everything posted by Samz707

  1. Take a leaf out of Jagged Alliance where you can assign units who aren't currently fighting to tasks. Say a character is a blacksmith, they can repair a certain amount of uses (maybe effected by stats?) of a non-magical weapon if you don't use that unit and weapon in that battle. (and maybe some promoted mage class can do the same for magical weapons/staves.) If the SOV food system comes back, then cooks can take foods and bake them into better healing foods. I guess also the task system in 3H where you get 2 units to train a single skill could also be used here for non-specialized units at the cost of not actually being able to use them in that battle.
  2. Now if only it was like Jagged Alliance and you could have Blacksmiths repair weapons between battles... Top-tier Waifu.
  3. I know technically off-topic but does that mean Three Houses literally always has some big battle ahead of you in the calender? never slows down to just have a month or two where there's no big battle on the calender?
  4. It's Clive vs Frederick, it's not a question of "Does Clive lose" it's "When Frederick unintentionally kills Clive, is there enough of him left that he can still be buried?".
  5. This is the true hottest character in FE History, Alm should have S-ranked her instead. Anyone else feel like Three House is Bipolar quality wise? It's uniquely frustrating to me in that when ever I start enjoying it, it just has to go and do something that's really bad afterwards, like it's actually good and enjoyable at times but then it just has to go and take a turn for a worst almost every time and I've not really played a game this consistently up/down.
  6. I think Mark could work (Granted, with a personality transplant and turning him into a full on normal character essentially) with maybe him telling Lyn about Bern and other parts of Elibe while Lyn tells him about Sacae as a way of explaining the world (Alternatively, Ron Pearlman Narrator who turns out to be Merlinus as I shamelessly steal a joke my friend made "Wares, wares never changes.") I definitely think people should die, maybe not in Lyn mode but definitely some of the cast should die, Like maybe Fiora or Kent die, probably mostly "Would have appeared in FE6" Characters, since you never know if an FE6 adaption will be made so it'd be probably wise to make it easier for that. Also I kinda like the idea (Admittingly biased since it happened in my playthrough and I thought it was cool) that Nergal should be about to kill Eliwood or something during that final battle but then Rebecca or some other lowly commoner with a ranged attack actually finishes him off and saves the day. (I think the "Power of Teamwork!" thing works better when it's actually possible for dumb regular people with a relatively regular weapon to make a big difference.) If Ninian being revived is kept, this explicitly is what kills Bramimond. (maybe he actually dies quicker than Anthos in this version.)
  7. The only real way I could see this happening is in an FE game with ALOT of Green Units/controllable generics who spawn in bad spots, with enemy bosses that can get EXP by killing your units/Green units who flee after a certain amount of turns and return in later levels.
  8. Yeah a friend mentioned it since he's read/looked into the game, neither of us have played it yet but it's on both of our to do lists.
  9. A joke DLC campaign where the Ice Aliens from Codename:Steam (You know, that other strategy game IS made on the 3Ds that no one remembers.) invade, suddenly the basic fire spell is better than Bolting and other weird stuff since you're fighting ice aliens instead of people and I'm sure FE players would like the hard to hit flying dudes with a no damage attack that stuns your units for a full turn.
  10. Give us blood already, if we can have Hector bloody in FE6 why have we not had one FE game with over-the-top anime blood sprays? I guess like Vandal Hearts. (Since a friend mentioned it when we were talking about how kinda strangely non-bloody the actual FE games are despite the FEGaiden manga literally depicting a head on a pike.) Get a crit with a Killing Edge and let the anime-high-pressure blood fountain commence!
  11. yaay. and here I thought I was just stupid and missed something. I can understand maybe not telling us the growth rates but at least tell us "Hey, classes effect how you level up stats.", I thought it was basically cosmetic aside form 1-2 stat changes aside from weapon restrictions. Yeah I knew about them increasing stats to a certain level, I just figured Lindhartd leveling up was why he could use spells more, not the class change.
  12. Does the game say that classes effect growths? I guess I won't worry about promotoing Byleth to a mage class if that's automatically.
  13. So what exactly is the reason to actually use classes? I know a few have weapon restrictions/magic restrictions but aside from a minor stat-boost (Such as an extra 1 dex for Bernie) for at least the beginner classes, what's the point of using them over Noble? such as Soldier Bernie. Also when does Byleth actually get magic if I'm trying to give them magic? do I need them to actually unlock a magic class or will they simply get them with a high enough faith/reason? Will I not see them unlocking magic if they're a non-magic class such as Myrmidon?
  14. Yeah I agree, while I do like FE6, the game almost never warns you about Gaidens til' you get the message that the area has been sealed and such. (totally never had to restart a chapter because I wasn't even aware it had a Gaiden.)
  15. Same but it's still nonsensical when an entire magic spell-type only exists in cutscenes and it's used by some random generic enemy mage and I'm apparently not supposed to question it. I can tolerate mild inconsisnticies (I could probably write an essay on how many shooters often potray you with weapons that don't even exist on the level the cutscenes show you with, which is like an FE cutscene showing you with a Steel sword when you only have Iron versions by that point.) but it's really bad when magic spells that don't even exist in normal gameplay are a thing in cutscenes.
  16. Honestly I kinda am at this point. I don't like to just give up on the story but it legitmately feels like when a cutscene starts, suddenly I'm in a very similar but still very distinctly different alternate universe, Where Byleth is suddenly really bad at their job of killing dudes, the boss I just beat the crap of is now unhurt somehow, characters can suddenly become unarmed and there's entire magic spells that do not actually exist in-game. I really can't tolerate when a game just blatantly bends it's own rules, same with other pieces of fiction but games tend to get free-passes in my experience just because it's a cutscene, like sure there's some stuff (Player characters getting knocked out to a blow to the head while able to tank a good few in gameplay) but the magic system shouldn't just function with entirely different spells that aren't in gameplay, you really can't pull out a spell that defies how magic normally works and not expect me to question why it's only in a cutscene. I mean the pre-rendered cutscenes, Edelgard is suddenly axe-less in the prologue and the mage dude in the Tomb battle literally pulls out a shield spell that doesn't even exist in the game.
  17. Is there an actual magic shield spell in-game? like the one that mage in the cutscene where Byleth gets the Sword of the Creator.
  18. Anyone else get the implications that Byleth is actually a terrible mercenary? they'd literally be dead/heavily injured several times over in 3H and I'm not even half way through the game with them Diving infront of the bandit boss and trying to hit the mage's fireball with the Sword of the Creator, it legitimately kinda gets to the point where I feel like Jeralt used them like a unit you feed the participation EXP in Echoes and they were only allowed to fight dudes already near death, since they seem to be very good at getting themselves killed if it wasn't for the plot being in the way and not at all competent at actual mercenary work. (Not to mention literally having canon save-scum powers, so now I'm wondering if Byleth actually canonically abuses Divine Pulse considering their seeming inability to avoid dying whenever a cutscene is running, I could legit see Cutscene-Byleth using Divine Pulse in pretty much every battle, probably mostly for themselves honestly..) Also am I the only one super bothered when a dude just walks off injuries in cutscenes? I can tolerate it somewaht with say, Erik in FE7 (The dialogue implies he's not actually standing up and he's not able to put up any actual resistance.) but Byleth has nearly died twice in Three Houses to bosses that I both had Edelgard cleave their skull in two with her axe but then a cutscene kicks in and suddenly they're seemingly only lightly injured in the case of Kostas and the enemy mage is somehow seemingly unharmed in that chapter despite being a normal looking unarmored dude, it's like reverse-plot armor and it equally takes me out of the game, the cutscenes just feel incredibly disjointed from the actual gameplay, almost to the point where I feel they need a complete re-work. (And the dude even pulls out a magic shield spell that seemingly only exists in the cutscene dimension.)
  19. Assets sometimes fail to load in properly, When the camera zoomed into Bernie today, her bow/arrows didn't actually appear for a few frames so she was holding nothing. Edelgard's hand goes through her axe handle. I got 2 fish at once from fishing. somehow.
  20. Serious Sam: The First Encounter It's not terrible but there are definitely a few awkward moments so far, I've only played Serious Sam 2 before this one.
  21. I think of it this way, for at least people who only do one playthrough, roughly half/half will play as either Byleth Clearly, we should have had Gate-Guard, since he is always present regardless of your choices and is the clear singular represnitive of Three Houses. (Even in Crimson Flower he's still around for half the game.), Gate-Guard Amiibo is what we should have had as he is the true constant in 3H.
  22. I get what you're going for but actually even if something is said in someone's literal roster entry, it can be "wrong" in the sense that the writer failed to properly show/use that trait in the story so it feels like they TELL the audience once thing but the actual story doesn't quite show it. Tvtropes even has a sorta page for this with "Informed Attribute" https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InformedAttribute
  23. Maybe let our level up stats naturally change our non-level up effected stats. Not on a 1-1 but maybe if your speed gets really high, you get a few extra tiles of movement as your character is just that fast, same with Constitution and Strength. (And Kaga probably did this first I bet.) Additionally, if we have custom stats/for certain characters, a REALLY low speed stat will actually remove a tile or two of movement for that character, as they're that slow that it's effecting more than just combat performance and they simply can't move as far as other units of the same class. (though I wouldn't want this for EVERY FE game, I just think it'd be an neat idea to experiment with for a few games.)
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