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Steven Tyler

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Everything posted by Steven Tyler

  1. Ah, forgive me for my nigganorance. Thought you was like saying "Screw Green" or something. Never knew that orange meant that. My friend is in Chicago and he told me he got to see the river turn green today or some shit like that.
  2. "This is the Sercet Missing Chapter of Fire Emblem 4. It was never released in the final game becaue Julia and Ishtar made racist statements towards blacks and mexicans. Warning you must be at least 650,000,000 years old to play and must have beaten Fire Emblem 5 over 5,000 times without using staff users or healing items."
  3. Roy's human blood is 75%. More than likely he's gonna age, not bad, but still wind up looking like a creep marring a teen girl.
  4. The best of the three is Sophia and you should totally use her! Because she's such at a low level, her stats growths will be amazing! She winds up better than my Ray.
  5. My favorite color is any light shade of blue.
  6. I always thought Comicon was later in the year. I always wanted to go to one but I have no money.
  7. I wore black with red and white stripes. Also, getting stuck in St. Patty's Parade traffic is fuckin' fun when you're on a time limit!
  8. Idoun: Terra's Theme (Final Fantasy VI Vocal Collections) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoB0VWi42u4 Idoun reminds me of Terra from Final Fantasy VI. You know, cliched mysterious girl with a even more mysterious background.
  9. HEY!!! POOR PEOPLE!! 56k WARNING!!! There's one poster I found that's a bit graphic. It's says it deals with cell phone, driving, and a fatal car crash.
  10. She ruined it, badly. Yeah. I bet you most people it's only good because it's from an anime.
  11. If you post that image on the OC ReMix forums, you like get warned. I tell no lie.
  12. What if each Fire Emblem character their own theme that reflected their personality, back story, actions, and lives? Now, I know, many FE characters have their own theme, but let's do this for a while. Narshen: Sublime - Date Rape http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kki8vH8VKA (Come on! Listen to that song and reflect on his actions on Sophia, Cecelia, and Clarine.) That's all I got right now.
  13. SPOILERS: Julius can not have children as he is shooting blanks. Oh and you're not Charlie Sheen Julius.
  14. Win. Sucks that the last anti-woman picture I posted got me warned months ago.
  15. If I post a picture of a flat-chested reverse trap shirtless but people think the girl is a "boy", will I get banned?
  16. Actually, the mods didn't seem to have a problem with me saying that until this one butthurt cunt got all mad because I got away with the rules (one of them was "If you don't like something, don't say it). Basically, he was a snitch. I don't care seeing the forum were filled with a bunch of indie fags.
  17. The last forum I went to when I said "Demotivation Poster aren't funny" banned me.
  18. OVER 9,000 YEARS OLD Eh, around 100-115 human years old or 15 or 16 years in dragon years?
  19. Respect for you went up +30! TBH, I always thought the composers of Neon Genesis Evangelion were the ones who made that song up. Then I heard Smokey Robinson singing it on a CD and I was like "Smokey stole son this from an anime?!". Then I thought that himself wrote it until I found out Bart Howard wrote it and Frank made it awesome by covering it.
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