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Steven Tyler

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Everything posted by Steven Tyler

  1. In my opinion (since you people like to attack and flame people for having a different opinion than others), I always felt that Family Guy was more clever, original, and funny than Futurama. I seriously couldn't get into Futurama, at al. It didn't click with me I guess. Family Guy on the other hand was better and was great unlike Futruama. I also like to call bullshit on anyone who disses the series. Boo woo, you hate it. Don't insult the fans who do because it makes you look immature.
  2. Yeah, the axes and fire tomes are useful and they weight a lot less. They really balance this game and reamp the AI. Shit, I was trying to sneak up on the Archers near the mountains in Chapter 2. Those harems saw me and tried to attack my sneak attack team. Midayle's strength sucks, big time. I gave him a Killer's Bow and it even if I Critical, it doesn't do enough damage.
  3. Is it me or is Diadora is acutally good in the FE4 Biany Hack?
  4. FE4 and 5 for their depressing, dark and saddening story. It's not everyday where you get a Nintendo game with such a mature story. FE7's story isn't bad as well. There are some heavy cliches in it but it kinda remind me of the 16-bit RPG games.
  5. Clement in FE Binary has a freakin' HARLEM(sp?) for an army!
  6. Hell yeah! I'm actually using him! Oh let's say, Charge and Big Shield at the very beginning and "B" Rank in all melee weapons as part of his starting stats. Oh and the fact he can double sometimes!
  7. I stand corrected about the feet thing. Chapter 2 is fun but I can't believe they program AXE KNIGHTS to raid the villages.
  8. Maybe D. Hero drives a large truck or car to make up for something.
  9. Like how I wanna rob a store so I can see how my victims will react. Oh and there's no fanart of Patty showing her feet. Sorry.
  10. Guys, so that hack with Julia is the bad guy, is it like a hack where you play as the villains of FE4?
  11. Funfact: Al Capone killed about 5-12 members of a Mafia on this very day about 75 years ago.
  12. Loki's jealous because he doesn't have a lover to spend this day with.
  13. I hated the purple skin because it featured shitty characters.
  14. loldebates Just play the game you wanna play. Anyways, Leen looks like a slut who wants to rub something between her legs. Also, fuck those Axe Knights in Chapter 2 raiding the villages!
  15. Thank you. Also, if you are killed, you have died!
  16. Unless you wanna suicide and ruin the rep of the series. Ah but Rule 34 doesn't work all the time.
  17. I just wanna see a fan art pic of Lilina getting her poor anus stuffed by Hector's mighty meat blade. Is that too much to ask?
  18. EliwoodxRoy LilinaxHector CelicexDiadora Do it you fanfic fagots. Now.
  19. I promoted Holyn to a Forest Knight seeing that I wanted that extra movement. I really enjoy this branch promotion deal! Also, does Sylvia still sucks and still tease men? lol she don't have a sword either! She's gon' get rape by the Axe Knights!
  20. Left Foot because I like to use that along with my left hand in karate despite I'm a right hander. Yeah, I like to fight southpaw for some reason.
  21. Yeah with the whole "Blame Comic Books" bandwagon of that era. Look, when new media comes out, people will bash it because they know little to nothing about it. They assume the biggest bullshit about the media and have the mindset that it is true without doing any research about it.
  22. God, it's like the 1950s all over again.
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