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Steven Tyler

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Everything posted by Steven Tyler

  1. I think the mods have the locks and keys ready and knowing my experience with mods and topics like these, they're aren't afraid to use them.
  2. Not as bad as me not turning in my essay which was due today. I overslept and my foot is hurting me so I guess I could get away with it.
  3. Yeah, Tom's all happy while Sara's like "I didn't cum, you cunt!" The following has it: Marth Sigurd Zephiel
  4. I ain't got anything to worry about! :P She didn't achieve it . . . And Julius does have a case of it! Well anyways, how many hacks does FE4 have now?
  5. HOMIES OVER HOS!!! However, Lex, Cluade, and Azel ARE DOING IT WRONG!!! Also, Tribant, Finn, and Cuan are also doing it wrong! HOMIE OVER HOS!!! (Tribant would soon later make a diss song about Ethin, cuasing Finn and Cuan to beef with the king) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DOvq8FsiUE...feature=related -Guess which male has it?
  6. Lachesis, Syliva, Lynn, and Leyla's theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DV2U3yLSDvQ...feature=related
  7. DJ should play this song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNrqiQymDTA...feature=related
  8. You do know about 90% of YouTube videos are shit and a waste of your time?
  9. That have one of the worst beats ever. I tell no lie.
  10. The "Awesome" series is the only thing good about Newgrounds. Metal Gear Awesome is, well, awesome.
  11. Go on Craig's List. Shit happens all the time.
  12. This is a confrontation topic that should be lock ASAP!
  13. To the whiners: Shut the fuck up. If I want a hard ass game in which will make me get gray hairs, then I play a hard ass game. If I want a easy game, then I play a easy game. If I wanna use cheat devices and cheat codes, then let me cheat! Play the damn game you wanna play and stop harassing folks who play it differently.
  14. I believe in "An eye for an eye" and playing "Fair game". Despite my viewpoints, I sorta agree with this. Anyway, guild my hand Reveur and fuck my mind up.
  15. Incredible strength. I want to be as much of a violent brute as possible during a fight and strong enough to lift shit that the average human couldn't. Still, it would suck to kill some of my intelligence however.
  16. Expose them for who they are, found pictures of them and attack them in the most brutally and hurtful way possible, like they had done to many others! Here, watch these two videos about a musician who done the same thing! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyzuVOYWZq0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjledx0XI-0...feature=related Seriously, this is one of the best way to fight these guys! Expose the fuck outta them! Hell, if counter-trolls like *Chan and Encyclopedia Dramtica can find these guys IPs and figure out how they look, why not share this info to victims of cyber bulling?
  17. Yeah and her stats were so broken that she was consider one of the most difficult final bosses of all time.
  18. Chiki and Julian should be at least in the fuckin' High or Upper-Middle Tiers. Sirius as a high tier character is a joke! Wendel should be demoted to bottom tier!
  19. That is the best damn way. This has been a moment in Black History, brought to you by Snow_Storm.
  20. No, not close to Lachesis. Anna just bangs all 11 Jakes. FE4 Anna is the most broken Anna.
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