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Steven Tyler

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Everything posted by Steven Tyler

  1. So, what's the gameplan of Chapter 1? What I must watch out for?
  2. Why is there a Junior Lord in Chapter 1's Arena?
  3. Scott or Rick, I forget which one was it.
  4. I'm the big bad wolf and you are my next victim!
  5. Chapter 1: Ira has a fuckin' Killer Sword! This isn't going to be good. Um . . . Kelbos the Axemen has a Silver Axe?! How do I fight somebody like him? I forgot how to unlock Ayra?! How do I do it again?
  6. ^Yeah, like what I meant. Who should I give the Lady Sword to after Ethlin leaves?
  7. Oh wow, that's awesome. Prelude is a bitch to complete. I'm already having problems. The archers can fuckin' cross water! Also, does the Lady's Sword still do major damage to thieves and bandits and shit?
  8. Claim down my friend. Just drink some heavily liquor and it should go away.
  9. So, what other Branch Promotions they have?
  10. Rescue as in like you can mount other characters? Also, who else can do the triangle attack? Is Linda playable?
  11. Well, after capturing my first castle I would like to give my opinions: *This game doesn't play, at all. You really need to think and plan out everything before you go at it! *lol all the shitty characters are actually great! *TRIANGLE ATTACK!!! (I seriously discover an triangle attack with Noish, Adian, and Alec) *I am tempted to use Pro Action cheats and just give myself more money and a small boast of stats but I shouldn't. Also 1337 pages!
  12. lolwut? Narga Sages?! On the enemy side?! lol, Cuan OHKO an Axe Knight! lulz!
  13. WTF is Lederick doing in FE4 Brainy? And Hardin?!
  14. If Marty Mcfly could go back in time and bang by his mother, what keeping Sety from doing the same thing?
  15. I have a friend who can eat a lot and not gain any weight. Anyways, FEBrainy does not play. That shit is a challenge.
  16. Lucky sons of bitches with your low metabolism.
  17. Thanks! Also, am I losing my ability to sense sarcasm?
  18. That what I heard since they got heavy boasts. So I'm "playing" the Prelude chapter and I must ask you guys something; since I can't read Japanese worth shit, what's with the new weapons? Like their names and all that good info.
  19. Another thing. I like to use cheat codes AFTER I beat a game. Will Pro Action Replay codes works or did they disable that?
  20. Ah, so Aiden can actually fight! The thing that sucks about this patch is that it's not in English.
  21. I'm trying to find the patch but I can't! Show me pleas? :( EDIT: lol I'm a lazy nigga I found it!
  22. What ever happen to the prize money he won from all those Smash Bros. tournaments?
  23. Adren is good my black ass! I'm calling bullshit! Not enough hacks or fangames can save him from his fail! Speaking of which, who is made of win and who is made of fail? And where can I download the game? Why?
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