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Steven Tyler

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Everything posted by Steven Tyler

  1. Hey, I found a reason why a song from Chrono Trigger may had been removed! Further proof that Chrono Trigger is the most original RPG ever! ^Singing Mountain from Chrono Trigger DS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTBttNr6mts ^Laputa Castle in the Sky's Main Theme. Listen to the woman's vocal and listen to the melody of Singing Moutain.
  2. lol I mean a Druid! :P Thanks for catching that!
  3. Females: Minerva, Paloa, Est, Linda, Anna, Ayra, Leen, Leyla, Sara, Idoun, Ishtar Males: Lucius
  4. Black people and their dark magic . . . (I would pay anyone to do a custom animation of Obama as a droid.)
  5. Is that the statement he gave to the judge and lawyers during his trial?
  6. Health class, text books, web articles. Very weird for me at the time.
  7. I'm only 6'1. Anyways, I wonder if this was a Midwestern and Eastern snow system since almost everyone got hit with snow this week.
  8. Here what I like the best: Speed - I want to get the first hit in before the enemy. Defense - I would like to see my unit live. HP - See above Strength/Magic - I like to knock as much HP off of an enemy as possible Skill - I would like to see my unit actually hit an enemy.
  9. Fuck yo rules! (Gives alcoholic drinks to everyone over 18.)
  10. You what a side of mascot yaoi with that? EDIT: Killjoys . . .
  11. No you fool. Step aside *Aims an missle at D. Hero's house*
  12. Lyle = Narshen of FE6, that black dude in Fe9 and 10 and General Cecilla of FE6.
  13. Here's some victory music since we drove D. Hero away http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQwAxMiKHPo
  14. Those "Party Hard" pics were the only ones I could use because the rest are NSFW or can cause seizures.
  15. D. HERO IS LEAVING FOR THE WEEKEND!!!! PARTY HARD!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeBIGGXm670...feature=related
  16. PARTY HARD!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeBIGGXm670...feature=related
  17. Party hard much. Well, he's going down in history and I hope that many in politics will learn from this guy mistake. (I almost didn't laugh when I had type that.)
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