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  1. 15 hours ago, NinjaMonkey said:

    How many kills did Byleth get? If it's more than five, that's why.

    That depends on what counts as a kill here. Each monster had to be "killed" twice. My strategy was to have Edelgard attack first to break one barrier, and then Byleth to break the second, which usually killed the monster for the first time. Then I had someone like Petra or Bernadetta snipe the last two barriers (which didn't do all that much damage to the monster itself) and Ingrid knocked off that last half of its healthbar. As more beasties started showing up I had to improvise a bit and Ingrid started taking on a few of the birds herself. I don't think she got the first kill on any of them but she did get the second. So if that first kill counts then yeah Byleth may have gotten more, but Ingrid definitely killed the most for real. Doesn't really matter in the end though haha. Was just surprised cause I thought Ingrid had it for sure on that one.

    8 hours ago, Dark Holy Elf said:

    Also, a minor comment, but regarding "I won't complain about the motivation boost for everyone"... I actually find that pretty worthless overall? It's only a 25 boost and under normal circumstances you want 100, and most major methods of motivation boosting give you that much anyway (meals, support conversation with Byleth) with a few more giving 50, so I find one person getting a full boost more useful than a bunch of 25's.

    Ah, I never realized it was a flat 25. For some reason I thought I remembered it giving more sometimes. Thanks for the info, though. Maybe I'll rethink doing battles all month then since I don't wanna be stuck training my benched units every Sunday.

  2. Just finished Sothis's paralogue today and first things first I love how Edelgard tries to hide her not-so-little crush on Byleth when you could seriously cut the UST between those two with an ax- I mean knife lol

    But to get back on topic, I have absolutely no clue what the game's thinking when it chooses an MVP. Throughout the entire battle, Ingrid proved herself to be the true MVP, dishing out the most damage to the monsters and getting the kill on five of them, including the boss. The rest of the party all did very well, especially Byleth and Edelgard, but I was surprised when Byleth, not Ingrid, was named MVP. I mean, I won't complain about the motivation boost for everyone, but damn if Ingrid wasn't snubbed on that one.

  3. On 6/5/2020 at 9:52 PM, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    Quetzalist (Petra)


      Hide contents

    Accessible: Upon completion of the Petra/Bernadetta Paralogue (any route)

    Class Skills: Swordfaire, Sword Crit +10, Canto

    Skill Modifiers: Sword +3, Flight +3

    Base Stats: HP: 32, Str: 18, Mag: 10, Dex: 16, Spd: 20, Lck: 12, Def: 13, Res: 10, Cha: 0, Mov: 4

    Stat Mods: HP: +0, Str: +1, Mag: -2, Dex: +4, Spd: +4, Lck: +2, Def: +1, Res: +1, Cha: +0, Mov: 4

    Class Mastery: Pass, Windsweep

    Descriptor: Flying atop a great, colorful bird native to Brigid, this warrior princess strikes swiftly with her sword, frequently dealing critical hits.

    Explanation: Petra is the only Black Eagle with a proficiency in Flight, so I wanted to give her something to fly on - and I figured a giant tropical bird would work perfectly for someone from Brigid. While she's strong in Axes and Bows, flying classes that specialize in those already exist (Wyvern Lord, Barbarossa), so I chose to focus her in Swords. Sword Crit +10 fits with her crit-boosting personal skill (and her high Dex). Pass just makes sense for someone flying above the rest of the troops, and Windsweep just offers her another sword technique to choose from. Note that stat mods are based on her while mounted, dismounted would see a stat change similar to Falcoknight.

    This sounds like an amazing class for Petra! I wonder though how much the class name and mount match her aesthetically, since Petra and Brigid seem to be based heavily on the Celtic Kingdoms (MacNeary sounds like a Scottish clan; Brigid itself is named after St. Brigid, etc.) Maybe the class could be named Morrigan (after the goddess of war) with a giant crow as a flying mount?

  4. 16 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

    Read the A-Support between Linhardt and Lysithea; it's actually really sweet and it might change your opinion on Linhardt. 

    I actualy did check it out and it doesn't seem all that bad tbh. It's a shame though that she can't have her Felix ending and her bake shop without, y'know...

    I liked the hilarious back and forth support convos she had with Felix. But I guess I can live with the Linhardt ending. Or maybe I'll go with Hanneman's since she stays single on that one. Then I can just headcanon up a Lysithea x Felix relationship from there lol

    I knew recruiting good ol' crest grandpa completely on impulse would pay off somehow!

    Really though this got me thinking about how the lifespan issue could've been better solved with a post-timeskip Edelgard and Lysithea paralogue. El and Lys would need A-support to unlock it but seriously how amazing would it have been to raid Shambhala, "Tempest of Seasons" playing instead of that awful dubstep, cutting down every TWSITD in sight for what they did to El and Lys, and then using their tech to take back the precious time TWSITD stole from them. Not only would it have let Lys live a long happy life with whoever she wanted, but it would also give Crimson Flower a much-needed Shambhala mission and onscreen fight against TWSITD.

    23 hours ago, Darkmoon6789 said:

    Edelgard is actually naturally a brunette as revealed by certain flashbacks in Azure Moon. But I am so used to her white hair, but it is strange to imagine an older Edelgard with her original hair colour.

    I'm not sure if removing the crests gives her hair its natural color again though...

    I could be wrong though. There might be a bit of lore I'm missing.

  5. 1 hour ago, vanguard333 said:

    She needs the paired ending for it to work.

    If it's any consolation, her paired ending with Felix has her live a brief, but happy life with him. 

    Was afraid that was gonna be the answer...

    Can't believe her best available option is Linhardt though. He's just so boring and unattractive. Lysithea deserves better.

    Well I guess it's decision making time...


    Can't wait for the ending where El makes TWSITD suffer for this.


  6. 5 hours ago, Darkmoon6789 said:

    Edelgard seems to cure her a shortened lifespan, no matter what. She is mentioned to have lived a long life, even in her solo ending.

    Oh perfect! I was concerned since I know there are endings where Lys doesn't survive. I wasn't sure if El's endings were the same way. Glad to hear El can live a long happy life with Byleth in the end :)

    5 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

    As for Edelgard being into girls, it's complicated. As far as I know, her only paired ending with a girl that's explicitly romantic is female Byleth; not even her support with Dorothea is explicitly romantic.

    Edelgard is canonically bisexual iirc. I think she specifically has a crush on Byleth though, even outside of supports. Explains why she doesn't seem all that interested in anyone else.

    4 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

    Would she want to keep the crest of Seiros? I mean; it was given to her family by the very same person that she led a war against and slaughtered. 

    This. She doesn't like crests at all to begin with. For some reason I see her jumping on the first opportunity to get rid of both of hers lol

    5 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

    As far as I know, the full list of paired endings that cure Lysithea is: Edelgard, Linhardt, Byleth, Hanneman, and Claude.

    Well damn... looks like Lysithea's screwed then if I pair her with Felix as planned. Will it be enough just to get her to A-support with Edelgard or Linhardt (while still marrying Felix)? Or does she need the paired ending with them for it to work?

  7. Do Edelgard and Lysithea need to have a paired ending together to cure both their shortened lifespans? Or is simply getting them to A-support with each other enough to do it?

    I don't want to let either of them die immediately after the ending because they didn't get their lifespans corrected. But I also don't want their paired ending. I think of El and Lys as having more of a big sister and little sister kinda relationship instead of being a couple. I'd much rather see El and Byleth get together in the end.

    Is their A-support enough to save them while still letting El marry Byleth? Or, if it isn't, will getting them both to A-support with Linhardt (but no paired ending) work instead?

    I just want them both to have happy endings without sinking any ships.

  8. 1 hour ago, Shadow Mir said:

    I dunno about you, but leading bandits and attempting to kidnap the girl you're proposing to sounds shady as hell to me. Doesn't really help that it's practically implied that the suitor wants Ingrid for a trophy wife.

    Exactly! Not to mention he sends his bandits out to kill her (and Dorothea just because she's there) the moment she refuses to go with him. "Blood money" is right, the guy's a creep and a half.

  9. 17 hours ago, haarhaarhaar said:

    Lol sorry didn't mean to make a dig - IMO this is one of the tougher Part I paralogues, especially if you're going in blind, and it works a little differently to missions before that point so it completely makes sense to stumble on it.

    The merchant summons one or two myrmidons every turn (which stop when you kill him), and there are also some other reinforcements that come from the west (which can't be stopped unless you clear the map before the turn they arrive). Going north first puts you in a better position to fight those guys, and it means you go around the east clearing which is the trickiest reinforcements-wise. If you're happy to take the map nice and slow, then you can basically rout the final ambush anyway - if Ingrid is a flier the she can utilise terrain to do hit-and-run attacks, and the ambush units at the end aren't archers IIRC, so if you trigger them at the beginning of a player phase (position the rest of your army in advance after the lava terrain on the top path but before the destination point, then send Ingrid out first) they can be wiped out that turn without risk to any flier/mage. 

    No offense taken haha I'm completely new to the series so mistakes will definitely be made. I do follow online guides for some missions but I got totally screwed over by one on the Underground Chamber fight so I know to take their advice with a grain of salt.

    I did it though! I sent everybody north to take out the merchant like you said and grabbed the healing staff. Then I had Ingrid trip the ambush at the exit while hovering just out of their reach. Byleth and El went in and cleaned house on them while Felix and Shamir took care of Prayer Ring guy and the rest formed a protective circle around Dorothea. Once Devil Axe guy and the reinforcements were gone, Ingrid just darted to the exit and that was that lol

    12 hours ago, MiaMain said:

    Was it just me, or did this paralogue seem incomplete? Like they never actually mentioned what they caught the suitor doing. Felt really disjointed to me.

    I think the idea was that the guy's doing shady illegal trading inside a volcano and leading a small army of bandits. There's no way a respected noble can be marrying into that without raising a few eyebrows about her family.

    I loved the ending though. I don't ship them (Dorothea/Petra all the way) but Dorothea and Ingrid are just so sweet to each other their friendship moments are always nice to see. Really shows that for all the undeserved flak Dorothea gets from certain parts of the fanbase, she's a wonderfully written character. I can't wait to see what Edelgard's paralogue is like.

    Thanks for the advice everyone! :)

  10. 3 hours ago, haarhaarhaar said:

    Yeah this is a hell of a paralogue to start with in 3H haha. Good on you for not rage-quitting. 

    The healing staff has good use for at least the next few chapters, though you can survive without it. Both Dorothea and Linhardt will have Physic soon if not already, and Healing Staff really helps make the most of the Physic uses you get, although it tails off once you get a unit certified as Bishop. It's never bad though, for example if you have a Gremory endgame as your primary healer and you're not too worried about their offense then Healing Staff is a good thing to put on them. There is at least one other available Healing Staff in Part I - I can't remember where exactly though.

    I can't remember if you said you were playing on Maddening, but if you are (and even on Hard/Classic if you're underleveled) there aren't that many occasions early game when splitting your forces is a safe thing to do. And while it is possible to outrun the merchant's reinforcements, if you end up triggering at least one ambush (which you have to near the end of the map) then they tend to catch up. It's pretty hard to get both chests and avoid getting bogged down.

    A big thing this paralogue doesn't tell you is that reinforcements trigger in the clearing directly east of your starting point only when Ingrid (or maybe Dorothea too) goes into the clearing. So a safe strategy is for everyone to go north (after grabbing the nearby chest and killing the nearby fighters), kill the myrmidons on the way to killing the merchant, get the healing staff and then take the top path with the archers - those reinforcements won't then trigger at all. The Devil Axe guy and the other boss head towards you once you get to that path, so it isn't too hard to bait-kill them if you want the weapon. After that there's that last ambush, but you should be able to deal with that.

    Anyway hope all that helps!

    I'm on Hard/Casual. I'm just still pretty bad at this lol

    Thanks for the info about the healing staff. I'll definitely pick it up for Marianne since I do plan on making her a Gremory and she almost never attacks. I'd rather keep Dorothea focused on offensive spells and Linhardt's kinda busy riding the bench.

    I hadn't considered sendng everybody north, actually. But if killing the merchant gets rid of one wave of reinforcements then I'll do that first to make life easier for Ingrid. Byleth and Edelgard can deal with Devil Axe guy no problem and grab the staff. Then it's just getting Ingrid past the last ambush safely. I'll do everything I can to keep them focused on the others but I swear Dorothea and Ingrid are like catnip to them. I'll save all my divine pulses for that part though in case anything goes screwy.

  11. I just unlocked paralogues yesterday and I was SO hyped to start Ingrid and Dorothea's since I love both characters. So after quick explore session to build support and replenish battle supplies, I jump right in and I'm immediately hooked by the story. Ingrid's dad is trying to marry her off to some shady jerk and Dorothea's like "yeah this guy's bad news, wanna go check him out?" Hell yeah! And then it turns out he's a black market merchant doing business in a volcano of all places! And that's all before "Tempest of Seasons" kicks in and sets the mood for what I'm sure is gonna be the best mission in the game so far...

    ...and then it hits me just what a paralogue is. Fire Emblem's version of the good ol' fashioned escort mission. A double escort mission involving two of my squishiest units aside from Lysithea. On a map crawling with archers and axe wielders who will literally hunt down Dorothea and Ingrid to the ends of the earth.

    So on my first attempt I split up my party into two groups. I had Byleth, Edelgard, Felix, Lysithea and Marianne take the southern route with Ingrid to get her to the exit while Dorothea, Petra and Bernadetta took the northern path to go deal with the leader. Which turned out to be a VERY bad idea when the reinforcements showed up and trapped Ingrid's group. Bernadetta (she's come a long way haha) almost managed to kill the leader but one of his inner circle killed Dorothea and I had to start over.

    On my next try I said screw the leader, thinking that my party could outrun the advancing group frrm the north. I sent everybody south to brute force their way through the reinforcements and get Ingrid to the exit ASAP. This of course didn't work out any better since the northern group caught up and every single one of them immediately went after Dorothea and Ingrid with murder in their eyes. And so once again Dorothea fell. With Ingrid mere steps away from the exit.

    Today I'm giving it another go with a fresh new plan. I'll bring Shamir instead of Lysithea and park her, Byleth and Edelgard at the starting point to hold off the northern group while the rest head south with Petra, Felix and Bernadetta leading the charge, Marianne in the middle and Dorothea and Ingrid in the back so they're the least targeted. I'm hoping Ingrid will be able to slip past on her pegasus and reach the exit while the rest keep the reinforcements busy.

    Is the healing staff from the chest to the east worth having though? I'm sure that once the quest is almost over, I can send Shamir east to get the chest no problem. But if it's just a piece of junk or I can find something better, I won't waste my time getting it.

  12. I just did a couple of auxilliary battles to test out.

    Bernadetta's doing MUCH better with the HP and strength boosts. I made sure to keep her at a safe distance (her newly-unlocked Deadeye move is a godsend) and in the bushes whenever possible. She made it through both battles without a problem and even got the kill on a few bandits!

    I gave Edelgard the movement boost and I'm glad I did. She and Byleth never got separated once and together they pretty much duo'd the whole map haha

    Haven't given the speed boost to anyone but right now I'm thinking Felix should get it. Petra and Byleth both seem pretty set for speed and I doubt it'll do as much good for Dorothea, Ingrid or Marianne.

  13. 16 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    I gave Edelgard my Sacred Galewind shoes. It helped her movement, but I was still very much unimpressed with her performance as an Armored Lord / Emperor.

    If you want to make Bernadetta good and are struggling, giving her those items is a good pick. Bernadetta is a lot stronger on player phase, so you'll want to keep her out of range on enemy phase.

    Ah, a Petra the Hedgehog build. I'm not sure how much 3 points of speed for her will do, as she doubles almost everyone already (outside of Maddening). It can help her avoid I guess, but if her survivability is your concern, might the Robe work better?

    Anyway, it's all up to you. I'd say just do it by who you want to use, and how do you want to improve them. Good luck!

    Petra's survivability isn't really my concern. Like you said, she's pretty much doubling everything right now. And since I always keep my couples together, Dorothea's there to give her heals if she needs to. I only considered giving Petra the speed boost because I wasn't sure if it would do much good on anyone else in my party (except maybe Felix).

    Bernadetta on the other hand needs absolutely anything she can get. The best luck I've had with her so far was when I had Marianne basically babysitting her the whole time and even then she ended up retreating. I'm definitely giving her the HP and strength boosts. She needs them.

    As for Edelgard, I hear lots of conflicting opinions on the Emperor class. Basically, I know Wyvern Lord's supposed to be better but that class is just so boring looks-wise I'm willing to settle for second best, which I'm assuming Emperor is based on the fact that she can effortlessly kill



    in one turn. I'll give her the movement boost for sure though.

  14. The Sacred Galewind Shoes (Movement +1) seem like they'd be the best choice for Edelgard. Right now she's a force of nature strength-wise and takes very little damage. But her limited movement means she's having a bit of trouble staying close to Byleth on the battlefield. Since I'm planning on going Emperor for her endgame class (Wyvern Lord's just too bland looking lol), would this be a good idea?

    Not gonna lie here, I'm seriously considering giving both the Sacred Floral Robe (HP +7) and Sacred Snowmelt Drop (Strength +3) to Bernadetta. She always (and I mean ALWAYS) ends up retreating in the first few turns and she's not doing nearly enough damage that I find it's worth Divine Pulsing to get her back. Petra's a better archer than her, and Ingrid's a better lancer. I really don't wanna give up and bench her because I still like her as a character. But she needs something right now to help her keep up with the others.

    And then the Sacred Moonstone (Speed +3) I might give to Petra since she's one of my strongest units right now but still takes quite a bit of damage if she's hit.

    Are these good choices for my DLC items?

  15. 30 minutes ago, Dayni said:

    You cannot recruit her full stop. But there is a way to get Thunderbrand (Spoilers):

      Hide contents

    You can get it off her in the Endgame chapter.

    I know, I know. This is far from the only case of endgame drops and if we had a postgame/pvp element this would likely be fine. Sadly there isn't.

    Edit: You can get her on SS. You'll know you can do it when you see it.

    Damn haha

    I knew about it being an endgame drop but just wondered if I could get it earlier this way. Doesn't concern me too much since I'd only wanted it as an emergency backup for Felix anyway. Iron/Steel swords will do me just fine for the bulk of things. Thanks for the quick reply!

  16. I've looked everywhere but I can't seem to find any info on this. I know she'll leave when I choose Crimson Flower, but is it possible to at least get her temporarily before making the big decision? I just finished the mission where


    Catherine tags along to help the Black Eagles fight Lord Lonato, and she pretty much oneshot everything that looked at her the wrong way.

    I'm more interested in getting that sword of hers for my future swordmaster Felix if possible than I am in actually keeping her as a unit.

  17. 20 hours ago, ciphertul said:

    If you are playing on a easier difficulty, I would suggest getting Marianne. She can do multiple roles, and if you don’t recruit her 

      Reveal hidden contents

    She won’t be in part 2 at all

    Also feel free to experiment a bit some characters do well outside of their standard line

    I'm playing casual mode on hard difficulty, figuring I can bump down to normal if I have to but not the other way around. I'll definitely look into getting Marianne though. Thanks for the suggestion!

    19 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Chapter 10. After

      Reveal hidden contents

    Jeralt dies

    you go to his room and interact with Sothis. You get the ring (which, by the way, you get to see shown to you if you clear a quest about finding Jeralt earlier in the game) from this.

    The scene for decision making is automatic, so don't worry about missing that.

    Oh, good! This seems like the kinda game that has a lot of permanent missables that it doesn't warn you about. Just don't wanna screw anything up by mistake haha

    7 hours ago, eclipse said:

    Basically.  Repairing common stuff is way easier than repairing relics.

    As for Sylvain, you'd do it just so that you can have an emergency beatstick.  Ruined Sky is amusing on its own merits, as it's effective against flying units.

    Excellent! That makes managing weapons a lot easier than swinging relics all the time lol

    I really appreciate everyone's advice! I have to say I'm enjoying this game so far (just got to chapter 3!) and loving the story and characters (especially El, Dorothea and Petra as you probably guessed lol). Thanks again! :)

  18. Thanks everyone for the helpful info!

    17 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    The former. You have the whole game to build supports between your couples, but recruitment is only doable in until part 1. By the by, if you don't know yet, you'll need a C (maybe C+) support between Byleth and Edelgard and to go with her during a free day in chapter 11 (interacting with her in this instance will give you a Wham Line and a prompt).

    Thanks! I really wasn't sure on this one :P I'll make sure I get Ingrid and Felix first then. I know I'll need El's C-support to get the Crimson Flower route. I'm sure it'll happen pretty though soon since I always keep Byleth and El together on the battlefield and I've still got a ways to go before chapter 11.

    17 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    I'm not sure. All I can say on the matter is that if you have the DLC, you can guarantee that a certain pair gets their paired ending by using the Wayseer in the Abyss. Well, that, and A+ supports override A supports. Incidentally, Byleth doesn't have to deal with this; for Byleth to get an S support, after a spoileriffic event, you must go to the captain's room; you'll see Sothis in there. Talk to her, and you get the ring. On the day that your last mission falls on, you'll be prompted to pick someone to share your life with. (Note that the last Mission in Crimson Flower and Azure Moon is in fact two maps played consecutively, with no opportunity to go to the monastery in between; make sure you have a good amount of Smithing Stones and Black-Sand Steel!!)


    1 hour ago, Blackstarskywalker said:

    What I can recommend is that you only make supports A for the characters you want to keep together. For example with Dorothea and Petra, with them you can make support A with Byleth and Edelgard, since it will not affect your decision at the end of the game. But with Dorothea and Petra do not support A with Ferdinand, Caspar or Felix, for example. Dorothea actually has A + Felix support, so if you take it to that level, they'll probably end up paired

    I haven't touched the DLC story yet and likely won't until my second playthrough since I hear it's a challenge even for experienced players (which I'd hardly call myself at this point lol). But yeah I'll just make sure Dorothea and Petra don't A-support anyone but each other. About Byleth's ring, though... what chapter does she get it in? I know there's a lot of permanently missable stuff and I don't wanna screw up and miss out on her ending with El.

    17 hours ago, eclipse said:

    For the most part, you can get away with forged Iron/Steel on lower difficulties (forged Silver/magical for later things), and hack out the good stuff only for those particularly tough battles.  You'll generally want to use combat arts with weapons that are easier to repair.

    If your Byleth is female, you'll automatically recruit Sylvain.  If Byleth is male, it'll take a bit more, but IMO he's well worth it.  If anything, you'll see some amusing supports between Felix, Ingrid, and Sylvain.  Ingrid should have her own beatstick, but I'm not sure when she gets it (and IMO it suits her a lot better than Sylvain's).

    Ah, that makes sense. I take it that weapons in this game are more of a "whatever gets the job done" sorta deal and less about fussing over which one's the best? So if someone gets their own "legendary" weapon through the story (Byleth's Creator Sword, El's Aymr, etc.) then great but otherwise just stick to the generic stuff and don't bother stealing other characters' relics?

    Tbh not wanting to recruit Sylvain was less about difficulty and more cause I don't particularly care for him lol

    Thanks again for all your help!

  19. Hello! I'm a newcomer to the series. I bought Three Houses last week and I just started Chapter 2 on the Black Eagles route (planning on going Crimson Flower). I have a few questions about moving forward.

    -What should I be focusing more on right now, building support with the characters I want to recruit? Or building support between my preferred romantic pairings? I'm torn right now cause I want to recruit Ingrid and Felix as soon as I can, which means I need at least B-support with both of them. But I also want to make sure my favorite couples (Byleth & Edelgard and Dorothea & Petra) get together and have their paired endings. I just got Dorothea and Petra's C-support convo, but nothing between Byleth and El yet.

    -How exactly do non-Byleth pairings work? I read somewhere that it has to do with the first person a character gets to A-support with. So if Dorothea gets to A-support with Petra before anyone else, I'll get their paired ending? What if another character gets to A-support with Dorothea or Petra later on? Will I lose the Dorothea and Petra ending if that happens?

    -What are the best endgame weapons for my planned team?

           -Enlightened One Byleth: Sublime Creator Sword?

           -Emperor Edelgard: Aymr axe?

           -Dancer Dorothea: A sword, I'm guessing. But I have no idea which one.

           -Assassin Petra: I'm guessing Thunderbrand. Or would this be better for Felix? Can I even get Thunderbrand without recruiting Catherine?

           -Falcon Knight Ingrid: Lance of Ruin? If so, can I get it without recruiting Sylvain?

           -Swordmaster Felix: If not Thunderbrand then I don't know.

           -Bow Knight Bernadetta: Everyone says the best bow is Claude's. But can I even get it as a Black Eagle?


    Any suggestions are much appreciated ^_^  Thanks!

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