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  1. 13 hours ago, Kiran_ said:

    Ummm ... this is literally what racism is. In her actual support she says "The people of Duscur..." Not the country, the people. That's exactly how Americans held a hatred for Muslims after 9/11. That hatred is called racism. So yes. She is racist. Look at her later support. "I thought the people cruel and heartless, deserving of the tragedy that befell them." 

    It wasn't a joke because of his dark skin. It was the fact she clearly held hatred for a whole people without actually considering things. The entirety of Duscur is an allegory for racism, it's plain as day. People hate blindly. People are racist, blindly. Tragedy does not justify racism, which was the entire point of her supports and her overcoming it. 

    So it's not an 'interpretation' that her mindset was racist. She just actually was. Wishing death and genocide upon an entire people is racist. 


    Except that's literally not what racism is. Ingrid's anger towards the people of Duscur isn't based on race, it's based on the country's actions. That's why she phrases it "people of Duscur". Hell, we don't even know enough about Duscur to call it a race. Dedue's the only person from Duscur we actually see. It could've been home to any number of ethnicities. I mean, if you say "people of America" or "people of England", there's no way you can be talking about one specific race.

    Islam is a religion, not a race. That comparison isn't exactly helping your argument.

    13 hours ago, Kiran_ said:

    The entirety of Duscur is an allegory for racism, it's plain as day.

    Where are you getting this? The entirety of Duscur was just a plot device meant to give the Blue Lions a tragic backstory and fuel Dimitri's hatred towards Edelgard. Other than that, Duscur amounts to squat in the actual story. Like I said before, we don't even get to see Duscur or any of its people besides Dedue. Are you sure you're not thinking of Almyra, which I'll admit is a pretty clear Mexican border allegory?

    I never said Ingrid's anger towards Duscur was justified or right, I said it was understandable. She's not hating blindly, that's the point. There's a clear reason behind her feelings, and it's not petty racism or "them's not from 'round deez parts", it's a tragedy that caused her personal loss and suffering. A tragedy that, as far as she (and most people in Faerghus) knows, the people of Duscur were directly responsible for. So yes, maybe in her anger and grief she convinced herself that Duscur deserved its punishment. After all, if it wasn't for their actions, her beloved Glenn would still be with her. It makes perfect sense that Duscur made its lasting impresson on her as a nation of heartless killers above all else. I mean, think about how someone who lost a loved one in WW2 would've thought about Germany after the war ended. It's the same exact feeling. And it's perfectly understandable. It isn't right, but it's a far-cry from the blind hatred of racism.

    And like you said, she learns to let go of her anger through her supports with Dedue. The truly racist characters (like TWSITD) die, as they should.

  2. 21 hours ago, haarhaarhaar said:

    Interesting - I've not actually seen the Ingrid/Dedue support, so I didn't know her being racist was a thing! I'll definitely check that out (until this thread, I thought Ingrid was the most inoffensive character in the game).

    She's not exactly "racist" like a lot of people say. She holds a grudge against Duscur as a country purely because of the Tragedy, which led to the death of her fiancé Glenn and nearly killed her best friend Dimitri too. Her anger's totally understandable, but naturally makes things uncomfortable between her and Dedue at first. As far as actual race goes though, she doesn't really care. The whole "Ingrid is racist" thing was started as a joke because of Dedue's dark skin (like the "Dimitri murders woman" meme), but some people took it a bit too seriously.

    On 9/5/2020 at 9:26 PM, Anathaco said:

    Marianne specifically also has the kind of aesthetic that leaves the impression of “must protecc”. I can’t deny that that is also part of it for me. Hilda puts it best in their A support when she describes it as “That sheepish ‘sorry’ and those quivering downcast eyes...”. She very much fits the aesthetic of “precious” characters.

    This is basically a spot-on description of Dimitri for me lol

  3. 18 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    Is it confirmed that

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    Seteth is the son of Sothis? Rhea never refers to him as her brother, and Seteth never describes Sothis as his mother. The Nabateans are "children of the Goddess", yes, but that doesn't necessarily indicate a literal parent-child relationship. Words like "Father" and "Sister" can have different meanings, particularly in religious contexts.




    Seteth and Flayn aren't related to Sothis, Rhea or Byleth as far as I know. I think "children of the Goddess" is basically just a fancy name people use for the Nabateans.

    It doesn't really matter if Sitri had Rhea's blood, imo. According to Cindered Shadows, they had a clear mother/daughter relationship, even if they weren't related by blood. Rhea also takes on a noticably calmer, more grandmotherly tone whenever she's alone with Byleth (which makes a certain scene at the end of chapter 10 especially unnerving). None of this exactly lends itself well to a romance between Byleth and Rhea.



  4. 9 hours ago, Jbunzie said:

    What I got from this is, “I’m against misogyny but I draw the line if the character is fictional and AtTrAcTiVe UwU”

    I don't recall ever mentioning Sylvain's attractiveness. I'm starting to think you really can't read lol

    9 hours ago, Jbunzie said:

    if this is your line of thinking that misogyny is alright if it’s fictional then disgusting and I don’t want to argue further. According to your logic racism, incest and pedophilia is also alright if it’s fictional because it IsNt ReAL. -_-

    Yeah, this couldn't be a more obvious troll post. Everyone else already spelled out why this is a fresh load of crap, so... enjoy the ingore list, amigo!

  5. 25 minutes ago, Jbunzie said:

    I never said Sylvain was real

    Except that's exactly what you did. I mean, look at what you wrote.

    1 hour ago, Jbunzie said:

    liking someone who has no ounce of respect for you and treats you like a mere object or tool.. isn’t this literally disrespecting yourself? That you’re willing to defend and love someone who would never do the same for you but would love nothing else but to torment you is being disrespectful towards yourself. And as a woman, that’s disgusting to me. He may be fictional but don’t you think loving him will give others a wrong impression about someone? Like, hey those girls sure do love someone who loves to disregard them??

    Sylvain isn't doing anything to you, the player, because he isn't real. And you don't seem to realize that nobody else follows this bizarre, and quite honestly ridiculous, line of thinking.

    And if guys irl somehow think it's okay to mistreat a woman because she likes Sylvain, isn't that their own fault? To turn around and say "well then she shouldn't have liked Sylvain" is basically victim blaming.

    1 hour ago, Jbunzie said:

    snd even if it’s a vid game so what? We’re allowed to dislike characters.

    True. Except you decided to be a Felix and belittle people for the characters they do like.

    2 hours ago, Jbunzie said:

    Some? Really? I think ‘All’ is the correct word here. 

    Yeah, I'm just gonna respond to this with some of your own words.

    1 hour ago, Jbunzie said:

    Ohh, I’m sorry incapable of reading?


    2 hours ago, Sooks1016 said:

    And if this is what you’re looking for, Dimitri does the whole self loathing thing a million times better.

    Two. Different. Characters. I mean seriously, why do people even make comparisons like this? It's completely insensitive. Dimitri and Marianne are two separate people who went through entirely different things. There's no "doing it better" when it comes to feelings. How would you feel if you were in a bad place like Marianne and I pointed at some random across the room and told you "Nope! No sympathy! He's being sad better than you."? Put yourself in the character's shoes for a moment before you hate on them just because they don't fit your definition of how someone with depression should act.

    2 hours ago, Carter said:

    Not sure why a thread like this was even created; it seemed like a bad idea ever since I saw it pop up. Of course, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and can like/dislike whoever they want, but it rubs me the wrong way that a thread was created solely for the reason everyone to speak negatively.

    I mean, things already got heated in the actual favorite characters thread, so why even make one just to be hateful?

    It's one thing to dislike a certain character, but some people here really go above and beyond. You don't have to understand why people like certain things. All you have to do is let people enjoy themselves and enjoy what they want to.

    I totally agree with this. It's wrong to call Sylvain out for assuming all women are after his crests, and then immediately go on to assume that women who like Sylvain lack respect for themselves and other women. He's a fictional video game character. It's not that deep.

    Sylvain would love to TORMENT me? girl it's a video game. get a grip

    I feel like this sums it up nicely. Making a topic where the whole point is to crap all over characters you hate is a perfect way to start a war on any board. This topic was bound to get ugly the moment it was created, and lo and behold it didn't disappoint. Not sure why the OP thought a thread like this was neccesary.

  6. 1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

    Dislike Sylvain all you wish, but this point is entirely false. He does eventually change.

    Anyway, Felix is probably my least favorite. I cannot stand his attitude at all. The hatred for chivalry and the fact that he seems to just bash anyone who disagrees with his views. And for little good reason.


    5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    This is false. Sylvain is right that many women would just want him for his Crest. Women with Crests, such as Ingrid and Mercedes, have been targeted for baby-making for their Crests as well. Ingrid's paralogue is actually all about that! Some jerk noble wants to marry her just because she has a Crest and you have to fight this guy's troops.

    As for Mercedes, it's spoilers involving Jeritza, but she was targeted too.

    And Fodlan's entire society revolves around these Crests. Sylvain's assumption is not baseless. He's wrong to assume ALL women would treat him this way, yes. But he can't know for sure which ones would do so until it actually happens and he doesn't want it to.

    ...and this. If you think Sylvain's nothing but an irredeemable misogynist, then you're ignoring a huge part of his character and like 90% of his supports too.

    27 minutes ago, Jbunzie said:

    Especially, something over an assumption that holds no water at all. He treats women as an object, a play thing and hurt them over the assumption that they’re only after his crests. It’s disgusting and I can’t understand people, especially other women stanning him, like respect yourself please and others as well. 

    First off, nobody's "stanning" him. As far as I can see, everyone here's aware of his character flaws. Yes, Sylvain has some jaded views on women and initially makes poor choices because of that. But he grows as a person and realizes that he was wrong to think this way. He's also a loyal friend to his fellow Blue Lions, a true knight and a good-hearted person deep down. Sylvain may not be perfect, but he's far from the monster some people make him out to be.

    And second, how in the hell does liking Sylvain, a fictional character, mean that women aren't respecting themselves? Honestly I think that's an unfair assumption and a little bit insulting even.

    Anyway, my least favorites are Rhea, Felix and Gilbert. And that's all I'm gonna say since this topic looks like the Tragedy of Duscur waiting to happen.

  7. Okay, I'll admit tyrant's kind of a strong word. How's about we just say "crappy leader" instead? I think that's a fair description of her without being overly harsh.

    15 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    In theory, there are a few other "Neutral" pucks, like Shamir, Hanneman, Manuela, and Alois. But none of them are significant or popular enough to represent the game as a whole.

    Ooh, Shamir (or even Catherine) would make a pretty interesting 3H rep! Especially since archers don't usually get the same attention sword-wielders seem to. The fact that she's a merc with no real loyalty to anyone's side certainly helps too. Seteth would be another good one, being a canon Wyvern Lord with his own unique weapon. But unfortunately I think you're right, they wouldn't choose a secondary character to represent the entire game.

  8. 10 hours ago, Seazas said:

    "Tyrant" isn't an accurate description at all.

    Afraid I'm gonna have to disagree here, but I won't derail this into a Rhea debate. Just pointing out that she wouldn't be a good "neutral" rep because she's such a divisive character, just like Edelgard. Byleth's the safest choice because she's the avatar, so nobody really has any strong opinions of her either way. Sothis I guess wouldn't be bad either if they wanted to go for someone less vanilla than Byleth.

  9. On 8/8/2020 at 11:47 AM, Yexin said:

    hot take: Rhea would be a better way to represent 3H compared to Byleth, and my reasons are:

    1) she can be considered somewhat of a "neutral" pick (since nobody really cares about Rhea and her route in general, and it wouldn't make Edelgard/Dimitri/Claude fans THAT upset);
    2) strong female character;
    3) love her or hate her, she's a much more interesting character than Byleth

    Uh... Rhea's a very controversial character, more so than Dimitri or Claude I'd say. Picking her over Byleth or the lords would piss off quite a few fans, myself included. Especially since her route's so insignificant and she's not even a playable lord. And I wouldn't exactly call her a "strong female character" either, at least in terms of selflessness or moral integrity. A tyrant's still a tyrant, regardless of gender.

    But to stay on topic, I guess if I had my preference, El and Dimitri would be the 3H reps. But I don't really mind Byleth as long as they stick with female Byleth for the most part. And like others have already said, Byleth's the only true "neutral" pick except for maybe Sothis.

  10. 16 hours ago, Anathaco said:

    A couple of her supports do it- off the top of my head her Linhardt b support is a good example, where the knights are gossiping and implying that she used her sexuality to get into the academy. Felix doesn’t let her anywhere near him because he assumes that she’s trying to get with him, which I guess is a form of “slut-shaming”.

    Oh, I hadn't even seen the Linhardt support. I didn't use Lin enough on my first CF to get many of his supports (Got Byleth C and Petra C for some strange reason). I'll definitely go give it a look, though. Felix I assumed was just pissing about Dorothea talking to him at all, not so much her intentions.

    15 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    Dorothea was one of the most used units in the game though, and she also scored high on CYL. If Japan hates her, then the fanbase must have a really large portion in the west...

    She's a lot more popular in the west, I think. You still see a few people here and there make sexist comments about her, but overall she's a very well-liked character in the western fanbase.

    23 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    I still don't REALLY want to have to kick Sylvain out of my favs anyway. There are still a number of things I really like about him regardless of this new revelation. This one detail still kind of bugs me, but yeah.

    I mean, characters have flaws. If Sylvain was perfect, you wouldn't like him. Nobody would, really. Flaws are what make characters human. I could go back to my list and name something flawed about every one of them, even Lysithea here sipping tea in my profile pic. But that doesn't make them bad people, just people. It's the kind of people they are, flaws and all, that makes us enjoy them as characters. I wouldn't throw Sylvain away just yet if I were you. Especially after all the positive things you've said about him, which are still a part of his character too. Even with Felix, I didn't bench him the moment I thought he treated someone unfairly. I saw his supports through to A before deciding whether I liked him or not. But in the end, it's totally your call. These are just my thoughts.

  11. 5 hours ago, haarhaarhaar said:

    No doubt this is a result of some kind of overarching patriarchy/misogyny stuff going on in society (cf. Dorothea getting "slut-shamed" and Seteth banning Flayn from relationships for that double standard), although of course Byleth breezes through that.

    Tbh, I thought Seteth was just being a stereotypical overprotective dad who can't stand to see his daughter with anyone, not neccisarily anything to do with slut-shaming.

    Wait... when does Dorothea actually get slut-shamed in-story? All the Dorothea-bashing I've heard has come from the fanbase (Apparently, Japan hates her for not being housewife material.), not from the game. That's why I've got such little tolerance for it. Especially since most of it isn't even true.

  12. 7 hours ago, Slyfox said:

    If Felix is a tsundere, he's a tsundere done right. Compare him to Severa, who's incredibly petty and self-centered. Felix's attitude isn't based off of selfish desire, it's based off of his beliefs. That's some powerful stuff when it comes to writing and it makes it believable.

    As far as his C and B with Dorothea, she was absolutely scoping him out, and he saw right through it. Yes, Felix was curt with her, but those were unwanted advances from someone who didn't stop even when it was clear that she was making the other party uncomfortable. That's just flat out wrong. Dorothea is a great character, but she can turn into a capital B should she feel the need, as seen with Ferdinand. 

    A character can be extremely well-written and yet still come across as a giant douche to some people (Hello, Rhea!). And Felix may have his beliefs, which is fine. But he's openly hostile about his beliefs and shoves them down people's throats if they do so much as invite him to tea. He treats anyone whose ideas don't line up with his like garbage. And that's not fine, that's a scummy thing to do. And it's a part of his character that never truly goes away, unlike how Sylvain slowly learns to set aside his women issues and self-doubt to become a loving husband and father in his paired endings.

    As for Dorothea, she clearly stopped her advances after their C-support. She doesn't show any kind of attraction to him during their B convo. Hell, most of that scene is Dorothea calling him out for being such a dick to her.




    • Dorothea: You've made it abundantly clear I'm not to want anything from you, including politeness.
    • Felix: I heard a rumor that you're planning to settle down with a noble.
      • (Other routes) I abandoned my family, so you'll have to look elsewhere. Not much to gain from marrying me.
    • Dorothea: Nice try, Felix, but it's not like any old noble will do. I just find you interesting is all. Is that so odd?
    • Felix: Interesting? I'm not interesting. What do you mean?
    • Dorothea: I've never met a noble so...unsociable. Yes, that's the word. Unsociable. Other nobles are quick to be friends, even if it's just because they might gain something from it.
    • Felix: The Empire's nobility, maybe. The Kingdom's nobility is a whole different animal.
    • Dorothea: If they are, so what? You should care how others think of you.
    • Felix: Why? I don't answer to them. All that matters is improving my skill. I'll prove my worth on the battlefield. Those people care so much about appearances they can't even see each other. It makes me sick.
    • Dorothea: Oh, I agree. What's important isn't how someone looks, it's their true nature. I don't pretend to know your true nature. I don't even have a very good understanding of my own. But I suppose you see mine just fine, don't you? Just a silly girl with no thoughts in her head except for marrying a noble, yes? Good-bye, Felix.

    This isn't Felix fighting off unwanted advances, this is Felix harshly judging a woman be barely even knows (in other words, based on appearances alone, which he himself hates) and Dorothea having enough of a spine to point out what a massive hypocrite he's being. Which is a stark contrast to the cheerful, friendly Dorothea we see in her suports with others like Edelgard, Petra and Ingrid. That, to me, really shows how hard he pushed her. Allegra Clark's voice really captures the feeling behind Dorothea's words, too. Especially on that last line.

  13. Just now, Sooks1016 said:

    I mean you never know. It could be some Agarthan invention that got leaked to the surface

    So could karaoke. I mean, can't you see it?

    Sylvain: Hey Tomas can I borrow that weird music machine you've got in your room?

    Tomas: Erm... sure. How'd you know about that?

  14. 1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

    It's fine. I admit, it kind of bugs me when people assume Sylvain actually goes that far even though he doesn't, because I've seen said assumption multiple times. But that's not your fault, of course.

    But by "having fun" I think he really means how he basically just plays with their feelings like he thinks they'd play with his if he let them. Date them a couple times, then move into another without saying much, or break it off himself as he says he does in his support with Byleth, and so on.

    I get that, tbh. I feel the same way when people make that assumption about Dorothea. I heard "having fun" and made the more obvious connection. But playing with their feelings actually makes much more sense for Sylvain, since he feels like he's doomed to end up in a loveless arranged marriage because of his crest.

  15. 2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Sylvain doesn't sleep around, where did you get that? He just casually dates and that's it. He's not taking women to bed, just to lunch or dinner or whatever. He specifically even says he never goes very far.

    But otherwise, I completely agree with your post 100% and I'm so glad I'm not alone here.

    Ah, sorry for the confusion. I probably just read to much into his comments about "having fun with the ladies" and assumed "having fun" meant... y'know.

    Thanks for catching that. I'll go back and fix my post.

  16. On 8/24/2020 at 11:03 PM, Anacybele said:

    I never understood why people like Felix so much myself. He's really nothing but a big asshole who takes his problems out on others and doesn't seem to care to grow out of that habit. Once or twice, he does have a point, I admit, but most of the time he is needlessly rude to others, particularly Mercedes and Ingrid. Hell, he's downright sexist to the latter. And to explain his attitude, he has...daddy issues? Really? Yes, he's mourning Glenn too, but his hate for Rodrigue and how he views stuff like that seems to get more focus. Also, another thing that bugs me about him is how much he hates chivalry and denounces anybody who supports it, like Ashe. I personally like chivalry.

    Some people claim Sylvain is the asshole, and he is kind of that way towards women, but only women and only because he believes they'd just treat him no better in return. Behind that, he's a really cool dude and has legit reason to behave the way he does when you consider several factors from his backstory (his brother repeatedly tried to kill him, for instance). Plus, how can people not like his married endings? He's the sweetest husband and father! And as a bonus, he's hot. :3

    I agree so much with all of this. I think the attraction to Felix, like a few others mentioned, is actually because he's an edgy tsundere who mercilessly rips everybody a new one. This makes him a sort of guilty pleasure character for some people, but for me it makes a lot of his supports very hard to watch. More so when it's with someone I especially like. I legit wanted to punch him in the teeth after seeing his C and B-supports with Dorothea. I felt so bad for her afterwards. I don't even wanna know what he says to poor Ashe. Or Mercedes, for that matter.

    Sylvain, honestly, is the kind of person I thought Felix would be when I first got the game. A laid-back "Tony Stark" type who probably thinks a bit too highly of his charms or talents, but who's a little damaged inside and would do anything for his friends despite his "I don't really give a crap" demeanor. I was wrong about Felix, but so right about Sylvain! He's such a sweet, caring guy deep down who unfortunately had to grow up in a house where the crest system was especially brutal to him. His flirting might be a bit annoying, but his supports are written well enough that his antics are genuinely fun to watch. I love how his C-support with Mercedes shows that even though he may have his personal issues with women, he's not a "shut up and cook dinner" misogynist (like Felix comes across as sometimes) and is more than happy to listen when Mercedes tells her story. And his supports with Dimitri and Ashe give us a peek into his brotherly, slightly playful relationship with them. The fact that he's an absolute beast on the battlefield is really just a nice bonus haha

    His paired endings are all so sweet and adorable, but my favorite might actually be his solo ending where he helps end the crest system once and for all so that nobody else will ever have to suffer what he went through. Like a true knight looking out for his people.

  17. 2 hours ago, Anathaco said:

    The main reason I suggested keeping Aymr was that Edelgard will still have good strength even on a pure magic path. I personally used it a fair bit even with Magelgard, but it’s not necessary by any means.

    I had similar reasoning behind weight -5- her strength will be high enough to at least partially offset the high weight of her spells. Considering that getting it, at least in this case, is as simple as spending renown, you can always grab it and see if it makes a difference or if the extra speed is overkill. It depends on how Edelgard levels up.

    Touche on Black Tomefaire- I forgot that Edelgard learned black magic spells. Dark Knight will still provide higher damage even for fire and bolganone, (DK gives +2 to magic while DF doesn’t affect it at all), though flight is a very valid reason to go dark flier instead (and arguably even with dark magic +7 damage still pales in comparison to flight). She should still deal good damage regardless of what class she ends in.

    True, Weight -5 isn't a huge investment since I'm on NG+ and I can always just use it in the beginning until she gets Darting Blow. I'm hoping she'll be able to double with Darting alone though so I can use Uncanny too.

    I might stick with my Dark Flier idea then. The extra damage would definitely be useful but flight's just too good to pass up. The class outfit's also a lot more elegant and regal-looking than Dark Knight's, so it'll suit El much better.

    Thanks everyone for your advice!

  18. 11 hours ago, LoneRecon400 said:

    I'd argue Great Knight would be a good choice as a endgame class if you're playing NG +.

    That may seem contradictory if you want a magic class, but it's true. Lighting Axe with something as basic as a Silver Axe + already outdamages Hades without even accounting for the 30% Res Scaling, while the Bolt Axe + provides good 3 range without having to use a +Range Magic staff. 

    Sure, it doesn't have Flight, but that actually leads into it's second advantage, Ground based Battalions. With Dark Flier, you're effectively locked to one battalion, Nuvelle Filers, which doesn't give the best Hit or Protection in the world. With something like Superme Armored Corp on the other hand Edelgard can dish out damage and take it. It also makes it much easier for Hubert to Adjutant her if you're not using him.

    While the -4 Speed Penalty might be a turn off, it really doesn't matter on Maddening Mode. Enemies are going to be too fast to double even with Darting Blow unless you saddle them with a lot of speed carrots and cooked bullheads. Even then, it's not likely she'll be able to one round without a bunch of premium magic herbs. One shoting is always the way to go with mages. 

    If I had to recommend a class path, it'd be: Monk -> Armor Knight (for 12 base Defense) -> Mage -> Warlock (for 17 Base Magic) -> Valkyrie -> Great Knight. Axe Prowess, Uncanny Blow, Fiendish Blow, Magic +2 are the skills I'd recommend. 

    I haven't heard such great things about Great Knight or Supreme Armored Co, tbh...

    14 hours ago, Anathaco said:

    When I did my first CF run back in November or so, I also went for a Magelgard build. Because the DLC hadn’t been released yet, Dark Flier wasn’t an option for me. I opted to go Dark Knight, and it worked quite well for me. It actually has a magic modifier, unlike Dark Flier, she has a faire skill she can utilise. 
    The other thing DK has for it is higher strength, letting Edelgard still use Aymr and Raging Storm effectively. Especially if you’re not on Maddening, she can one shot enemies with raging storm and then take another one out with her magic from a distance. Higher strength also helps offset the weight of her spells, so there’s also that.

    As for your abilities, I’m a little confused as to why she has Sword Avo over something like reason prowess, and even something like Mag +2. I’d personally recommend substituting both of those for Sword Avo and Weight -5. You could also add axe prowess (to boost Raging Storm’s hit if it’s too inaccurate for your taste) or even black magic crit +10 instead of weight -5 (my magelgard was doubling enemies fairly consistently on hard mode, and she didn’t even have darting blow).

    Anyway, good luck with the run!

    Your're right, I completely forgot about Reason Prowess! I can definitely swap out Sword Avo for that. I don't really see the point of Aymr on a magic build though. I never actually needed Raging Storm outside of the final boss and Marianne's paralogue on my first run. And if I give her a crest sign, she's got Blutgang at her disposal on top of a Levin Sword and her spells. Those seem like better weapons in this case since I don't think Aymr scales off magic at all.

    Weight -5 was just because most of her spells are strong, but heavy. That's why I'm getting Darting Blow too. But if you think Darting Blow alone is enough, then Mag +2 is always welcome.

    Dark Flier does have Black Tomefaire, though. It just doesn't have Dark Tomefaire. Dark Knight's slightly better damage-wise but I'd rather have El be able to stay close to Flyleth in part 2 where there's a lot of maps that fliers can navigate more easily. I don't think Dark Tomefaire's worth losing flight over.

    6 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    Why Sword Avoid +20? If she's generally using spells, then it's of no use to her. And if she's generally using swords, then she wants to be in a Swordfaire class, and doesn't need Caduceus. 

    I would say Reason Prowess, Fiendish Blow, Darting Blow, Magic+2, and Weight-5 is a solid skillset. Possibly with Uncanny Blow, Transmute, or Bowbreaker slotting in for one of the skillslots. And Dark Magic Range +1, if you can reach it. I think any of the classes you outlined would work fine for her.

    Okay, I'm finally giving up on Sword Avo lol I've tried to shoehorn it onto enough builds now to know that it's not nearly as useful as it sounds. Guess there's gonna be lots of tea, charm boosters and hip-swinging in Linhardt's future haha

    That skillset seems exactly like what I'm looking for. You'd suggest I keep both Darting Blow and Weight -5? Or should I drop Weight -5 for Uncanny Blow? I can always boost her speed with items like I did for Emperor if she's having trouble doubling.

    Btw, I'm on hard, not maddening. Maddening sounds like about as much fun as Silver Snow, imo.

  19. So I'm thinking of branching off into a different class path for Edelgard on my second CF run, since I went the boring Emperor route the first time. I've mentioned before that I'm not a huge fan of Wyvern Lords, so instead I've been trying to find a way to put that budding talent of hers to good use and do a magic-focused build. She gets some pretty nice spells from her Reason list, and even a couple of good white magic options even though I'll have to push her through that Faith weakness to get them. Nothing quite like what Lysithea or Dorothea gets, unfortunately. But still a strong list of spells: Fire, Bolganone, Luna Λ, Hades Ω, Heal, Nosferatu, Recover and Seraphim along with a Levin Sword+ and Hexblade. Now I've been shuffling back and forth on what her best magic class would be. But, leaving out Mortal Savant for obvious reasons (heh), it looks like she has three options that stand out from the rest: Dark Flier, Dark Knight and Gremory.

    Dark Flier's the class that jumped out at me first, since it's easier to get into than the other two on top of being a flying class. It's only drawback is the lack of Dark Tomefaire, so only Fire and Bolganone are getting a boost. But El might be able to get some pretty decent mileage out of Transmute between her own res and stat bonuses from being in a magic class (and likely Pegasus Knight as well). Dark Flier's high movement and flight would also make it easy for her to stay close to my Falcon Knight Byleth and build support.

    Dark Knight has both Dark and Black Tomefaire, but at the cost of flight. It's also a master class, so she won't have it as early on as Dark Flier. Overall though, she'll be dealing more damage with all her Reason spells while still having high movement and Canto. But I don't know if giving up flight is worth it, especially if Byleth's a flier and she isn't.

    And then Gremory has no -faire skills at all, with low movement and no Canto unless I give her the Fetters of Dromi. Even with double usage on all her spells, this seems like her weakest option.

    Going off of everything I just said, I'll probably build my El with Dark Flier in mind for the endgame. Something like this, while also getting her the Dancer cert.

    Monk > Mage (Master) > Pegasus Knight (Master) > Valkyrie (Master) > Dark Flier

    Which gives her Fiendish Blow, Darting Blow, Uncanny Blow, Sword Avoid +20 and Weight -5 if I buy back her A+ in Heavy Armor. And then I'll just hand her the Caduceus Staff and she'll be good to go. Valkyrie's definitely a bit out-of-the-way compared to something like Warlock but I'd rather pick up Uncanny Blow than Bowbreaker, since El shouldn't be engaging archers at all as a flier.

    How does this look for a magic El build? Does Dark Flier seem like the best choice for an endgame class? Any other skills you think I should get along with/instead of these?


    Yes, I'm prepared to feed her lots of Magic Herbs and Spirit Dust haha


  20. 1: Edelgard

    2: Dimitri

    3: Female Byleth (Male's just too "bog standard anime protagonist" for me.)

    4: Dorothea

    5: Ingrid

    6: Lysithea

    7: Marianne

    8: Sylvain

    9: Constance von Nuvelle!

    10: Hubert

    Honorable mentions: Yuri. Was very close between him and Hubert for 10th spot. Lack of a fleshed-out backstory or a real character arc did him in though, which is a shame. Also Jeralt, Seteth and Rodrigue, the good dad trio.

    Dishonorable mentions: Rhea, Gilbert and Felix

  21. 16 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    Still, it totally makes sense for Hilda to go Wyvern - she's so lazy, she would love no longer having to walk anywhere!

    Maybe a bejewelled pink wyvern, then? Gotta make that thing as fashionable as Hilda herself haha

    16 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    The trouble is, though, Dancing and Healing are distinct support roles. If you're doing 1 in a given turn, you're not doing the other. So if you want to get the maximal Faith/Healing support out of Linhardt or Mercedes, it makes sense for them to go Bishop, while someone else is made a Dancer.

    The fact that there's two healers though means that one of them can heal that turn while the other dances. Yes, you could have them both heal while a third person dances, but ideally that third person should be another healer/support of some kind (like Flayn, but she's not available on CF), not a strong offensive unit who's always better off just killing stuff. A dancer Linhardt/Mercedes wouldn't neccesarily dance every turn, either. If at any point you need them both to heal, that's still possible. Dancing's just another thing you can have one of your healers do as-needed, imo.

    It's not neccesarily that Dorothea's combat potential is greater than Mercedes's, so much as Dorothea's combat potential far outweighs her healing/support potential, while for Mercedes it's the other way around. Mercedes is the best healer in the game. Like you said before, her ideal class is Bishop. Bishops aren't meant to be offensive units, the class is built around healing and support magic. As impressive as Mercedes's reason list is, that's just not what she's doing as a Bishop. Dorothea on the other hand has four extremely useful reason spells, but a pretty barebones faith list compared to Mercedes. Her time's better spent fighting, not trying to be a middling support unit.

    As you probably guessed, my dancer choice here would be Linhardt (just gotta feed him some charm boosters). And then Gremory for Dorothea and Bishop for Mercedes. But again, that's just me. I know that not everyone shares the same opinion about dancers. At the end of the day, the choice is up to the OP. On that note, @Emmy, enjoy your CF run! :)

  22. On 8/22/2020 at 5:54 PM, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    The problems aren't insurmountable, of course, but Sacred Galewind Shoes are no small investment - literally any unit would love 2 extra movement. It could help your Dancer keep up, or give your mounted units 2 extra spaces to Canto away. The speed boosters, too - pouring them into anyone with at least moderate speed can create a reliable doubler (and the fact that Edelgard loses speed going from Armored Lord to Emperor will never stop being funny to me). She would have better movement, and equivalent speed without heavy investment, as a Wyvern Lord - and at only a slight cost to bulk. If you want to make her an Emperor, go for it (I did in my first playthrough of CF), but it's far from her optimal class.

    Yeah it's definitely not her best class. I was just pointing out that it's still workable with the right stat boosts if you're hellbent on using it (like me). Tbh, I prefer using stat items to fix certain weaknesses like movement and speed for El or strength for Bernadetta and in-house Ingrid.

    I'll also admit to being a little biased against wyvern-mounted classes unless it really makes sense for the character, like Claude or Seteth. Otherwise it's a bit jarring to see people like El or Hilda, who usually dress so extravagantly, to suddenly be wearing dull grey armor and riding around on a flying brown lizard. This is purely a Fashion Emblem opinion though, and nothing against Wyvern Lord as a class.

    As for choosing a dancer, I'd consider someone like Mercedes or Linhardt, who are already in a full support role and aren't likely to see any fighting, over someone with a lot of combat potential like Dorothea. But of course that's just my personal preference, in the end it's OP's decision.


  23. 1 hour ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    The linked attack effect stacks, though. With at least 3 support partners (I think 4, if one of them is an adjutant). So having the extra Meteor support will never be a bad thing.

    Fair point. Personally I just think Dorothea's too strong a unit to be forced into a full support role. After all, if she's got those spells, she should use them.

    1 hour ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    Emperor isn't an especially good class (low movement, poor speed), but at least it's easy to get into. If that's her focus, I would have her go Fighter for Strength+2, then Brigand for Death Blow. Also, certify early as an Armor Knight, to bump her Defense up to 12. Also train in Authority, and don't bother with Reason.

    Sacred Galewind Shoes and speed items from gardening seemed to fix both these issues for me. She was consistently doubling everything (except swordmasters) in part 2 and had no trouble keeping up with the others movement-wise. I was actually pretty surprised by how much she benefitted from just a couple of stat boosters.

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