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  1. 1 hour ago, DriftingWaterBottle said:

    Regarding Dorothea as a Dancer, I personally quite like her dancing in BE routes, as equipping Meteor grants wide range link attack bonus. Sword Avo+20 does gets wasted if using Dorothea this way, but I think it’s a trade off worth considering.

    OP mentioned that they're pairing off everybody except Leonie though, which means they're most likely gonna keep their couples glued together on the battlefield to build support. In that case, there's no real need to make Dorothea a linked attack bot since nobody will end up fighting alone.

  2. Give Emperor Edelgard the DLC Sacred Galewind Shoes (Mov +2) or the Fetters of Dromi (Mov +1 and Canto iirc). Completely fixes her movement issues, which is what turns a lot of people away from Emperor El even though she's an unstoppable force of nature in every other department. It'll also make pairing her with Byleth easier since they'll be able to stick together more often.

    Don't, don't, don't make Dorothea your dancer. Trust me as someone who fell into that trap on my first CF run, she's just too damn good for dancer. Access to Thoron and Meteor means she can pull of some ridiculously long-distance magic snipes, especially if you give her the Caduceus Staff. From chapter 8 onward on my Black Eagles run she was effortlessly deleting people (including an important story boss on chapter 17) from farther away than even Lysithea. That said, you definitely want Gremory for her after mastering Mage and Warlock. Twice the amount of Thoron and Meteor just makes her even more dangerous. Dancer in comparison doesn't do that much for Dorothea. The last thing she should be doing is dancing for someone else, and she's not an enemy phase unit so Sword Avoid's kinda meh on her. Tbh there's nobody on that list I'd really recommend as a dancer except Mercedes or maybe Linhardt if you feel like fighting his low charm. Yuri could also make pretty good use of Sword Avoid if you just wanna get him the cert but keep him in Trickster or Assassin.

    Everything else looks great though! I hope you enjoy Crimson Flower as much as I did! :)

  3. 43 minutes ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    How is Linhardt underwhelmig? He has possibly the best support spell list in the game, with a solid magic stat backing it up. He can't go Gremory, but Bishop is honestly better for the healing side of things. And while Lysithea learns Warp earlier, she doesn't auto-level in Faith, so she'll require some training up.

    Anuway, Petra and Bernadetta are definitely good in their own right, but each has limitations. Bernadetta has a lot of bane areas, and a poor strength stat, while Petra lacks a Crest and does poorly defensively. Ferdinand doesn't have any standout stats, but he has a Crest, good proficiencies, and Swift Strikes. Linhardt is frail and kinda slow, but again, he's got a great support spell list. Thinking more on it, I don't think any Black Eagle stands out above the rest on Silver Snow.

    Lin isn't bad, but he's pretty "middle of the road" compared to the other two in-house healers. Mercedes offers overall better healing while Marianne has far more "combat healer" options thanks to Gremory and Dark Flier. Lin does have warp going for him, but so does Lysithea with a higher magic stat. She may need some training up but in the end she's gonna be the best warper in the party. Lin's still a decent healer/warper if you're sticking to in-house students, but there are better options for both when recruiting.

    As for Petra/Bernie vs Ferdinand, it really depends on whether you prefer specialty or versatility. Petra and Bernadetta have more limitations, yes, but the classes they're geared towards (Wyvern/Falcon/Assassin for Petra and Bow Knight for Bernie) are also the classes they're exceptionally good in. Ferdinand, like Sylvain, is more of a "jack of all trades, master of none" type of unit. No standout stats like you said, but you can turn him into just about anything and have it work. Personally, I find I get better use out of Petra and Bernadetta, but again it really comes down to preference. Also keep in mind this is my experience on CF, not SS.

    I agree though that the Black Eagles don't really have many standout units compared to the other houses. Playing Blue Lions now and it feels like a whole new experience early game haha

  4. On 8/14/2020 at 1:33 PM, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    Not sure who the second-best unit is... Ferdinand, maybe? Or Linhardt?

    Petra or Bernadetta, maybe? They're "naturally" geared towards Wyvern Lord and Bow Knight respectively, which is a huge plus compared to the other Black Eagles. And there's Bernie's personal skill to consider too. Linhardt's pretty underwhelming imo, even as a healer. Better to just recruit Marianne or Mercedes for healing and Lysithea for warp.


    Unless we're talking best units in the game. In which case, Dimitri full stop.


  5. 1 hour ago, haarhaarhaar said:

    I made Lysithea a dancer on Hard NG+, and found I was rarely equipping Sword Avoid +20 - in turns where Lysithea wasn't herself dealing damage, it was better just to refresh my tank with Special Dance and then have that unit do anything, or even nothing at all (i.e. just stand in enemy range as bait, but with the added effect of Special Dance). This was also pre-DLC, and Dancer was (in my mind at the time) an easier way to get movement than classing into Dark Knight. Lysithea's magic is normally her best combat, so she may as well stay out of range if she is going to attack, rather than be a middling dodge tank.

    As for dancer candidates, idk who you've recruited, but Ignatz is great as a dancer proper, and Ferdinand is another character who can make use of Sword Avoid +20 alongside their personal. If we're talking in-house, then Felix/any sword user will happily have Sword Avo +20.

    Ah, that's a good point about Lys since it only works if she has the sword equipped. Tbh I was just playing around with some extra stats/skills to give her during White Clouds since NG+ let me get all her required stuff right from the get go.

    Ingrid sounds like a pretty good candidate for avoid stacking, but I bought back her Falcon Knight requirements so I'm only having her use lances since Falcon's a Lancefaire class anyway.

  6. 9 minutes ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    It all depends on how you choose to play, but I would argue Stride and Warp make Dancing better, not worse.

    Say you have an 8-move flier, and a 7-move dancer (due to March Ring, Fetters, or A+ Riding). Normally, you can move that flier 16 spaces with Dance support. But with Stride, they can move a whopping 26 spaces in 1 turn. Basically crossing an entire map. As for Warp, you can Dance for your Warper to get 2 units Warped in one turn. Potentially accomplishing much more than a lone unit can.

    But if you've resolved not to have anyone as a Dancer... dodgetank Dimitri works, I guess. Sword Avoid +20 synergizes well with his post-skip personal. Put him on a forest tile, slap an in-the-red batallion on him, cast Retribution, and let him get to work. This would probably work best in a Swordfaire class, admittedly.

    I've used Soulblade Lysithea before, but as you said, she's not much for enemy phase action. Her low strength means every magical sword will lower her AS, and therefore physical avoid.

    The Flayn build sounds peculiar, but fun (side note, Magic Bow is generally worse than Levin Sword if she's an Assassin because Swordfaire). Again, though, not sure how good her enemy-phase would be.

    Sounds like it's best to just stick with dancer/healer Flayn then. Just the fact that I'm also using lances with Dimitri means Sword Avoid's only doing half good for him. It's really too bad I can't cert someone like Catherine who's only using swords and would benefit more from the +20 avoid. Thanks for the advice!

    53 minutes ago, BergelomeuSantos said:

    Lysithea: Why?


    1 hour ago, RainbowMoon said:

    I already bought back Fiendish Blow and her A's in Faith and Reason

    1 hour ago, RainbowMoon said:

    really more of a safety net than anything else


  7. I'm kinda going back and forth right now on who I should get the dancer cert for. I'd started this run thinking I'd make Flayn my dancer and have her do nothing but dance and heal for the others. But now I'm not so sure about this since I've been using Stride and Warp to cover more ground faster, and so it doesn't seem like I'll actually need someone to dance. Maybe it'd be better to cert somebody who would make good use of Sword Avoid +20 and then just continue them on their class path. The first person I thought of for this was Dimitri since I know it's a good idea to boost his evasion for the Wrath/Vantage Great Lord build. But I have him using both sword and lance. So whenever he happens to be holding a lance on the enemy phase, the skill does nothing for him. My other idea was to cert Lysithea. I already bought back Fiendish Blow and her A's in Faith and Reason, so I sent her down the Myrmidon/Thief path with a Levin Sword to boost her evasion a bit before going Bishop/Gremory. I could give her Sword Avoid on top of that, but it's really more of a safety net than anything else since she's not an enemy phase unit. And then finally there's sticking to my Flayn idea but making her a Levin Sword/Magic Bow Assassin so she can be an actual damage dealer instead of just support.

    Who do you think would be the best person to cert?

  8. On 8/7/2020 at 10:22 PM, Darkmoon6789 said:

    I just wanted to tell you this, I am really glad you like Edelgard so much.

    I would really recommend Azure Moon , even if I never could fully get behind Dimitri, it did make me understand him better however and the route also have a lot of sweet flashbacks between Dimitri and Edelgard while they were young, their old friendship actually makes their future as mortal enemies really tragic

    Thanks! El and Dimitri are such beautifully written characters it's hard not to love them both. Which makes experiencing the war from both sides all the more impactful, especially when their stories stay so connected even as the two become mirrors of each other. Azure Moon just seems like the perfect route to play alongside my second Crimson Flower. And I like that technically the Blue Lions can still achieve El's dreams for Fódlan (Rhea's removed from power and Sylvain's solo ending puts an end to the crest system). A nice way of honoring El and not letting her death be in vain.

  9. 19 hours ago, Barren said:

    Wouldn't sword avoid Lysithea be better for her as a mortal savant? Of course Mortal Savant isn't really a great choice for her anyways since it decreases her speed. Plus if you're going for Lysithea as a gremory, I wouldn't even bother making her a dancer. If you're looking for other dancer candidates, I personally like Marianne. Other good candidates are Ingrid (if you're not making her a flier), Ferdinand since confidence is backed up by sword avoid. Yuri is another good candidate since he has the Fetters of Dromi

    Dancer feels like a waste on Marianne and Ingrid imo since they're both such great units that dancing's the last thing I'd have them do. Ferdie is benched (gave him the butler outfit and everything) and I'm giving the Fetters to Byleth with a crest sign. I don't necessarily need a dancer who dances, so I'm just getting Lys the dancer cert for the Sword Avoid. I already bought back her A's in faith and reason so I decided I'd put her through some other classes to boost her evasion just as a safety net since she's so squishy.

  10. I've just hit chapter 3 on my Blue Lions run and so far I'm really enjoying the perks of NG+ (bought back Ingrid's Darting Blow and insta-recruited Lysithea and Marianne lol). But there's still a couple of odd things I've noticed that I can't seem to find an answer to.

    So all the batallions I had on my first CF run carried over to NG+, even the ones exclusive to CF. Am I gonna lose these batallions at some point because of the route I'm on? Right now I have the Vestra Sorcery Engineers on Lysithea, but I'm a bit concerned Hubert's gonna snatch them back to the Empire's side after chapter 11 and I won't be able to use them anymore. Does the game let you keep batallions even when they shouldn't be on your side story-wise?

    I also gave Dimitri the Chalice of Beginnings for the permanent Retribution effect, but I noticed something strange in the first month's mission. I assumed that when an enemy archer/mage attacked him from a distance that he'd just run up and smack them with his lance when normally he'd stay put. But instead he summons a random-ass lightning bolt from nowhere like he's using an Arrow of Indra. Why is he countering with a magic-based attack? He's a physical unit and he's got like an E in reason right now. Will this change when I promote him to a class that can't use magic (like Myrmidon)? Or should I be training him up in reason too so his counterattacks aren't doing crap damage late game?

  11. Went with Dorothea on my first run (CF) and I regretted it. She's just too good a spellcaster to be dancing all the time. I promoted her to Gremory first chance I got and never switched back. I'm planning on making Flayn my dancer for AM (dancing and healing only) and Lysithea for my second CF run (not for dancing, just to pick up Sword Avoid on her road to Gremory).

  12. On 7/31/2020 at 10:57 AM, Ownagepuffs said:

    >plays the propaganda route first and considers rhea a villain

    Right, it's the "propaganda route" beacuse it commits the unforgiveable sin of starring your least favorite lord. Every route can be looked at that way depending on who you agree with. Please keep your bias out of this.

    On 7/31/2020 at 11:35 AM, Dark Holy Elf said:


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    Ah yes, "lore", a great excuse for why Rhea's tyrannical behaviour in the present is okay. The case for Rhea as a villain can be made very easily using White Clouds alone.

    Every route colours your perspective, by the way.


    Thank you! I wasn't even talking about CF Rhea. She pulls enough crap in White Clouds that I don't even need to mention what she does after the timeskip.

  13. 12 hours ago, Owns said:

    Merc > SM works fine. You could also do Thief > SM without the need of bows. Merc gets you Vantage; not too important if you use Battalion Vantage, but still useful and better than steal. The main advantage of Thief over Merc is better speed and dex growths which I think are worth it but both routes are okay. Oh and thieves can move through forest tiles without movement penalty which is extremely useful.

    Ah, perfect! I can always go Thief for the better growths and just not bother with mastering it since Steal is meh. So I'm thinking I'll take the Soldier* / Myrmidon* > Thief > Swordmaster > High Lord* > Great Lord* route and have him use both lances and swords. Then I'll give him Killer weapons, Fraldaruis Soldiers for the crit bonus and the Chalice of Beginnings (maybe swap it out for the Knowledge Gem occasionally just so time's not an issue like @Shadow Mir said.)

    12 hours ago, Skarthe said:

    Fair warning: this is true, but you do not get all of the rewards if both characters aren't recruited.  As an example: Ingrid's paralogue will not give you Lúin if you haven't recruited Ingrid, and it will not give you the Goddess Ring if you haven't recruited Dorothea.

    Oh! So I can get Lúin without Dorothea, it's just the ring that I can buy from Anna anyway that I'll miss? Maybe what I'll do then is scrap the magic Sylvain idea, make him a Cavalier and give him Lúin so Ingrid can keep the Lance of Ruin.

    And then I'll just take the Monk > Mage* > Warlock* > Dark Flier path with Marianne and give her a Healing Staff since I don't wanna leave the support role entirely to Flayn.

    I think I'm all set now! Thanks everybody for your help! 🙂

  14. 1 hour ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Uhh, Brigand is an intermediate class. Also, I don't think it's worth going out of your way to have Dimitri get Death Blow (and your planned class path for him is too long in the first place).

    Ah jeez I'm dumb lol

    I keep thinking it's beginner for some reason. I'll go back and fix my post. Thanks for catching that.

    So if I drop Brigand and just go Soldier > Myrmidon > Mercenary (Master) > Swordmaster > High Lord > Great Lord, do you think that'll be enough given the time frame?

    27 minutes ago, Barren said:

    For Marianne, you don't necessary need her to go Bishop before Dark Flier. Actually, if you have her go mage, you can also have her go warlock and master that class to learn bowbreaker. Dark Fliers are weak to arrows so bowbreaker would add that extra layer of protection for her since she'll be constantly using black magic anyways.

    Will going the pure black magic route hurt her white magic potential though? I still want her to be able to function as a healer.

    23 minutes ago, Owns said:

    Not sure why you're going Bishop here. I think Warlock is better for bow breaker to make her better against archers. I doubt Bishop's Renewal will make much of a difference considering she will get killed easily by anyone if she's hit.

    Mainly to get double Warp earlier on than Gremory like @Barren said. I wasn't planning on mastering Bishop, just using it as something to bridge the gap between Mage and Gremory.

    1 hour ago, Owns said:

    The simplest and arguably strongest path for Sylvain is simply Soldier > Cavalier / Brigand* > Paladin* and stick to paladin. He learns Swift Strikes which is very strong and will get you far. Having a strength in axes means he can also easily pick up Death Blow along the way meaning he gets a total +12 damage when he uses Swift Strikes! That said, I did a hybrid Dark Knight build for him and he was pretty good at both magic and physical attacks, but it was very heavy investment: Soldier* / Monk >  Dark Mage* / Cavalier > / Paladin* / Dark Bishop* > Dark Knight. Getting him some levels in mage classes helped build his magic enough to ORKO armored units in the endgame (with some adjacency bonuses and sometimes Magic Staff was needed to get enough damage) . While he was still able to ORKO some physical units using Swift Strikes, and easily any riders using Spear of Assal.

    Damn... so a magic Sylvain really isn't worth it then? I'd hoped to make him into something different since Ingrid and Hilda pretty much do everything he does as a Paladin but with the added bonus of flight. Should I give him his Lance of Ruin back? I was planning on giving it to Ingrid with the matching crest item since she can't get Lúin without Dorothea (I'm not recruiting any Black Eagles). Or would she make better use of it?

    2 hours ago, Owns said:

    I have a suggestion for Dimitri that's much simpler and makes good use of his unique abilities. He's the only character in the game who gets battalion vantage as well as battalion wrath. If you set him up with a 1/3 endurance battalion he will be an enemy phase monster. I highly recommend using this setup whenever possible. Giving him an accuracy ring can help make his counter attacks more reliable but isn't necessary. Mastering Brigand won't help if you're relying on battalion vantage/wrath combo since Death Blow is a player phase ability. His weakness in axes just makes getting him there such a waste imo, and he has the highest str growth in the game, he'll be fine without Death Blow.

    As for how to build him, I think there are multiple routes you can take. I liked getting his sword to A since he also learns Windsweep who only Byleth can also learn from non-dlc characters. It's great against bosses or tough enemies who can't be OHKO'd. I'd still be training him in lances as well though, they deal more damage, and combining a crit weapon like Killer Lance+ or Killer Sword+ or Cursed Ashiya Sword+ with Battalion Wrath/Vantage gets you to very high crit values. When you run into pesky long range mages towards the endgame, use Retribution gambit on him with Rally Res/Spd, Pure water, Evade Ring and just have him stand somewhere to bait them all during enemy phase. Here's a link to a post showing this tactic.

    so: Soldier* / Myrmidon* > Thief > Swordmaster / Assassin > High Lord* > Great Lord*.

    Going up the Thief and SM classes will boost his speed, with which an evade ring makes him quite dodgy. Not quite an evade tank who will dodge everything, but pretty good, especially under cover of trees. Ch 13 will be much easier if he can evade. Thief also helps his already high dex growths for more crits. Assassin is better to level as than SM simply because it also boosts dex, not just speed but requires bow training to certify. This is more or less the build I used for my maddening run though I also had him certified in Cavalier for an early canto as needed.

    Alternatively, you could go: Soldier* > Cavalier > Paladin* > High Lord > Great Lord. Advantage here being he gets canto which is great and overall better stats but lower speed. Aegis from Paladin is a very nice ability and is triggered by Dex% which goes well with his high Dex growth. You get Dex+4 from riding too. In the end, I don't recommend a complicated route for Dimitri because you won't be able to train him for a good chunk of Part 2.

    Okay, so if I'm set on a foot locked path, I should go Soldier* / Myrmidon* > Thief > Swordmaster / Assassin > High Lord* > Great Lord*, with a good batallion to match his skills and a high crit weapon like Killing Edge or Killer Lance. I'd rather use the Chalice of Beginnings though instead of an Accuracy Ring if that's okay. Now I know you're saying Thief > Assassin is the best for dex growths, but how well would Mercenary > Swordmaster work in its place if I don't want to train him in bow for Assassin?

  15. Here's my new plan with some of the changes you all suggested. How does it look? Is there anything else you'd recommend?

    Byleth - Brigand (Master) > Myrmidon > Mercenary (Master) > Swordmaster

    Dimitri - Brigand (Master) > Soldier > Myrmidon > Mercenary (Master) > Swordmaster > High Lord > Great Lord

    This seems like a very long road, especially since Dimitri misses out on a huge chunk of instruction time after the timeskip. Should I maybe skip Soldier and go straight to Myrmidon to speed (heh) things along? I also decided to go Mercenary instead of Thief to pick up Vantage since I don't expect Dimitri to be stealing anything other than kills.

    Ingrid - Brigand (Master) > Soldier > Pegasus Knight (Master) > Wyvern Rider (Master) > Falcon Knight

    Ashe - Brigand (Master) > Fighter > Archer (Master) > Sniper > Bow Knight

    Marianne - Monk > Mage (Master) > Bishop > Dark Flier

    Do I still need Bishop or can she go straight to Dark Flier from Mage?

    Hilda - Brigand (Master) > Soldier > Pegasus Knight (Master) > Wyvern Rider (Master) > Falcon Knight

    Sylvain - Monk > Mage (Master) > Warlock > Dark Knight

    Lysithea - Monk > Mage (Master) > Bishop > Gremory

    Catherine - Brigand (Master) > Swordmaster

    Shamir - Brigand (Master) > Archer (Master) > Assassin

    Seteth - Brigand (Master) > Wyvern Rider (Master) > Wyvern Lord

    Flayn - Dancer

    Flayn for the most part won't be doing much besides dancing and healing so I'm not taking her through Mage.

  16. 8 hours ago, Anathaco said:

    To be completely fair, in Felix's case SPOILERS FOR POST TIMESKIP

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    He joins on the other side of the map, which I think (from memory) can kind of just chill considering there aren't too many enemies that way. Plus Ingrid and Sylvain can baby him if they get into any combat- especially on Hard

    For what it's worth, @RainbowMoon, I'm not sure if you used Felix before and hated him or have only seen him around the monastery and don't like the look of him, but if it's the latter I advise you to at least give him a chance- he's a much better character than first impressions would make him seem, especially on BL. Plus he's a monster unit wise, as Silver-Haired Maiden also said.

    If you decide to use Mercedes or Annette, the former can go Monk- Priest- Bishop- Gremory (or stay in Bishop), and the latter can go Monk- Mage- Warlock- Gremory or Monk- Mage (master this for fiendish blow)- Wyvern Rider- Wyvern Lord (this is to take advantage of the magic combat art she gets with axes fairly early on). The two of them can take Flayn and Seteth's slots until they join.

    Anyway, good luck with the run!

    EDIT: Oh, and yes, you can freely switch between pre and post timeskip attire for all your units


    It's a bit of both with Felix, actually. On my CF run I recruited him early on since I heard he was an excellent unit. I don't really care for "tsundere" type characters, so I was a bit put off by his abrasiveness (I went the B-support route with all my recruits) but I figured he'd warm up sooner or later so I let him join and brought him into every battle. After not too long, he'd definitely become the beast on the battlefield that everyone said he was. But the problem was that he just killed too many enemies. Bernadetta and Lysithea would just end up standing there behind him on every auxiliary battle, not getting a single EXP because all the enemies were too busy committing suicide by Felix. I started to pull Felix back to keep him away from enemies just so the others had a chance to get some kills. But as I'm already wondering if Felix is more of a burden than a help, I start to get more of his supports. So I'm thinking this is where that prickly shell of his will start to melt away. And while his suppprts with Lysithea were genuinely hilarious, just because she's the only one who doesn't back down from him, I couldn't help but feel his character was going nowhere. Even in his B and A-supports, he always snaps right back into his abrasive funk. I felt like Bernadetta put it best in their A-support when she said "Aww... there's that shell again." The shell never goes away, even in the monestary. Even when someone gets him to open up a bit, he always crawls right back in. His C and B-supports with Dorothea I think got me the most because they show just how bitter and angry he is inside that he can be so openly hostile to someone as sweet and good-natured as Dorothea. She wasn't even poking fun at him like Lysithea or freaking out like Bernadetta, she was just being friendly and outgoing like always. I get what the Tragedy of Duscur, as well as his brother's death, did to him emotionally. I get that both those things left wounds deeper than what a nice chat with Dorothea can heal. And I get that the way he acts towards everybody (including his father) is just his way of hiding the constant pain he feels inside. I mean for as much as Felix hates him, he's actually very similar to Dimitri in what he experienced, just not in how he chooses to process his feelings. So I get it, I sympathize with it, but I just can't get behind how he chooses to deal with it. But for the sake of the topic I'll stop here since I've already said a lot haha

    18 hours ago, Silver-Haired Maiden said:

    You need more of a reason than just "nope", not to mention how dismissive that was. The other 3 routes are not like Crimson Flower, they have Chapter 13 and you are locked to your in house units, you cannot use any of the recruits you plan on using. None of them. You get Byleth, Dimitri, Felix, Annette, Sylvain, Mercedes, Ingrid, Ashe, and one other and that is it. If you don't raise your in house units that map could very well cause a hard block. Thankfully you're not playing on Maddening but you are still playing on Hard and you have not mentioned Mercedes or Annette alongside Felix and that will put you either down 3 units or with 3 super weak units that will be active hindrances. You need to at least train your in house units enough to cover your hind end for that chapter which means getting them to at least advanced classes in general.

    And yes, like spirit dust or magic herbs. I'd go more for the latter since you can grow those in the greenhouse so you're likely to have more of them. Also keep training Sylvain's lance rank because once you get him in dark knight he'll still probably be doing more damage (and be more accurate) with Swift Strikes than his magic xD

    Sorry for my rudeness before, that was crappy of me. You're absolutely right, I should've given a good reason in my OP. Thanks for the head's up about chapter 13, that does sound hard if you've been using mostly out of house characters up to that point. I was already planning on training Mercedes as a healer adjutant for Dimitri, and I'll definitely make sure Annette's in an advanced class by then too. I just don't wanna use Felix again, if that's alright.

    Also thanks for the advice about Sylvain. I'll grow up some magic herbs for him, but I'm not so sure about training him in lance with no magic lance available.

    8 hours ago, Anathaco said:

    EDIT: Oh, and yes, you can freely switch between pre and post timeskip attire for all your units

    Perfect! Dimitri's timeskip hair is everything!

    7 hours ago, DriftingWaterBottle said:

    If you have access to DLC, Valkyrie is definitely a good advanced class for Lysithea thanks to Canto and Dark Magic range +1, and potentially Movement +1 if you manage to reach Riding A+. Otherwise, I'd suggest that Bishop is also worth considering when progressing from Mage to Gremory, as it provides double Warp and like previous commenters noted, Warlock doesn't bring much noticeable utility to Lysithea. 

    For Marianne, I'd argue that it's better to go for Mage instead of Priest for Intermediate Class in order to master Fiendish Blow. Miracle is not a skill worth mastering IMHO. If you want her to keep up with Falcon Hilda for shipping reason, the DLC exclusive class Dark Flier as a flying mage is probably worth considering. She can also potentially make use of Transmute thanks to her good Res growth. Or she can go DLC Valkyrie as well, and mastering Uncanny Blow can improve her spells' accuracy. Otherwise, staying in Bishop or Gremory is probably easier to manage for healing purpose, as your other Physic user Sylvain might not have the same range as Marianne. When I don't use Marianne as the dedicated healer unit, I also quite like some of the offensive builds for her, even though they certainly have their own pros & cons, such as Assassin (Levin Sword/Soulblade + Stealth + good Mvt for infantry class but no spell), Mortal Savant (Levin Sword/Soulblade + spell access but more vulnerable on enemy phase) or Falcon Knight (Frozen Lance + flying canto but no spell and no magic lance in BL route).

    Oh, I didn't even think of a Dark Flier Marianne! That sounds like exactly what I'm looking for. Faith, Reason, a Levin Sword and a way to get outta dodge easily.

    And yeah since I'm set on Gremory for Lys I'll go for Bishop instead of training her in riding.

  17. 2 hours ago, Barren said:

    Ingrid may need strength +2 and or Death Blow (definitely Death Blow) to help her strength issues out. You could in theory go Fighter > Brigand > Pegasus Knight > Wyvern Rider > Falcon Knight. You'll get a handful of useful abilities to give to her. 

    Dimitri going down any physical route will make him your MVP for sure. His bane in axes may getting axes to D+ or C rank a chore since it will take longer. But Death Blow certainly helps. Though his high strength growth could make it a non issue for him however so Death Blow might not be needed. You can either give him higher speed growths by putting him in Myrmidon > Thief > Swordmaster then High Lord > Great Lord. Or take him down the cavalier route and then master Paladin for Aegis. You could even keep him in Paladin since he'll keep lancefaire and have his stats be well balanced aside from a speed penalty.

    Thanks for the advice on Ingrid. That definitely looks like a strong route for her. Would you recommend mastering all those classes for her? Or just the ones that give useful skills like Brigand? And I should take this path with Hilda too, yes?

    That first route for Dimitri looks very tempting. I do enjoy my speedy powerhouses who can just nope everything. I'd rather not train him in riding for the Cavalier route since he's gonna be unmounted in the end. Can he stick with lance all the way through? Or should he switch to swords temporarily while he's in the sword-based classes? Also how important is Death Blow for him? Is it a must-have or just something that's good to get if it's not too much trouble?

    1 hour ago, Shadow Mir said:

    I can't recommend this in good faith (heh). Holy Knight is pretty lousy as far as Master classes go; Dark Knight does what it can but better, and it's not that great either. All told, I'd consider Gremory much better than this. Heck, staying in Bishop is better.

    Damn... I was hoping for a good "combat healer" type build for Marianne so she can fight alongside Hilda to build up support (for shipping reasons). I can definitely go Gremory though and just give her a Levin Sword.

    1 hour ago, Gabeatron9002 said:

    If you have the dlc, then I'd rid of Gremory and do Monk > Mage > Valkyrie as it will put them on a mount and give boosts to their dark magic. Otherwise I'd bridge the gap with Warlock and not train her to be a Fortress Knight for defence. Instead (if you want to and don't somehow kill everything with her before they get the chance to get to her) train for mercenary and get vantage if you plan on her to be more up-close as she will demolish anything in her path. She'd need to take damage though but in hard mode it's not that hard (ironic). If she does die in one hit then you can give her a defence person and she'll live through an attack. Also don't forget to get Lorenz for his relic to put on Lysithea for massive range and damage (also the chance to take half damage is a nice bonus).

    I'll bridge the gap with Valkyrie since Warlock feels pretty useless on her (no black magic and all), but I still want Gremory for double warp. Maybe I'll grab Vantage for her though just so she doesn't die to a cheap shot.

    1 hour ago, Shadow Mir said:

    If it seems like an awfully huge investment, that's because it is. Especially since it involves investing in two weaknesses. And I don't think it's worth it.

    Yeah I've seen people do it but it always felt like "You trained her in all that crap just for some defense?!" to me haha

    2 hours ago, Barren said:

    While nothing wrong with Ashe as an Assassin because of his lore of him once being a thief, he already has the locktouch ability permanently, which makes it redundant imo. Still him gaining Death Blow and Hit +20 since he has a boon in bows and axes makes it easier for him to inflict big damage. I tend to do wither Sniper or Wyvern Lord with him pending on what role I need him to play.

    Oh yeah true! I forgot about his Locktouch ability. I'll probably take him down the Bow Knight route and make Shamir my Assassin then.

    3 hours ago, Silver-Haired Maiden said:

    You may wanna give those movement increasers to Dimitri or Byleth since they won't be mounted. Or Lysithea for even more range.

    Ah, thanks! I'll give the ring to Dimitri and the boots to Lys so she can still equip Thyrsus.

    3 hours ago, Silver-Haired Maiden said:



    3 hours ago, Silver-Haired Maiden said:

    Sylvain looks fine but you might need to give him magic boosters.

    Like Spirit Dust/Magic Herbs? I'll definitely keep this in mind.

    Thanks everyone for your feedback!

  18. Byleth - Myrmidon > Mercenary > Swordmaster

    I went Enlightened One my first time around and I wasn't overall impressed with Byleth's spell list. She got two good healing spells and made Blutgang pretty useful, but I always found that she did her best with just a Silver Sword. So I'm going the pure sword route this time, staying in Swordmaster for Swordfaire and Sword Crit. I'm also giving her a Crest of Charon and Catherine's Thunderbrand.

    Dimitri - Soldier > ???? > High Lord > Great Lord

    I like having my lords end up in their unique classes. But what's a good path to make the most out of Great Lord Dimitri? I'm guessing Soldier since that's the go-to beginner class for lance. But I'm not sure where to go from there until he unlocks High Lord.

    Ingrid - Soldier > Pegasus Knight > Falcon Knight

    I'm not gonna screw with success here. Took this path with Ingrid on Black Eagles and she was just too damn good for me to make her anything else here. Only thing I'm doing differently this time is handing her a Crest of Gautier and the Lance of Ruin since Sylvain's going the magic route and won't need it.

    Ashe - Myrmidon > Thief > Assassin

    I'm not sure if I should make Ashe my Assassin or have him go Bow Knight and make Shamir my Assassin instead.

    Marianne - Monk > Priest > Bishop > Holy Knight

    I'm going for more of a mixed Marianne build than the last time where she was a healer and nothing else. She'll have her Faith magic for healing, a Levin Sword for fighting and Canto for not dying.

    Hilda - Soldier > Pegasus Knight > Falcon Knight

    Everyone says she makes a great flier, and I really really don't wanna make her a Wyvern Lord. Mainly just for Fashion Emblem (if that's a thing lol) reasons. So Falcon Knight seemed like the next best thing. I'll just give my Wyvern Lord Seteth her crest and relic.

    Sylvain - Monk > Mage > Warlock > Dark Knight

    Might as well make use of that budding talent of his since his Reason spell list seems pretty nice. Just gotta give him Caduceus Staff and he's good to go.

    Lysithea - Monk > Mage > Gremory

    Pretty self-explanatory. Should I bridge the gap between Mage and Gremory with anything just for stat boosts? I know some people get the Fortress Knight cert just to fix her tissue paper defense, but that seems like an awfully huge investment in otherwise useless skills for her, even on NG+. Do you think I should go for it?

    Catherine - Swordmaster

    My goal here is basically a replacement Felix. I want her to crit, I want her to double and I want her to dodge. Makes the most sense to keep her in Swordmaster for this since she has it right from the get-go and it's the best pure sword class from what I've seen. Then if I just hand her a Killing Edge, feed her any speed items I get and throw on a Crit Ring or Evasion Ring she should be set.

    Shamir - Sniper > Bow Knight

    Basically the same concern I had with Ashe.

    Seteth - Wyvern Rider > Wyvern Lord

    He's a natural Wyvern Lord. Wyvern Lords are OP. Seems like a good plan to me haha

    Flayn - Dancer

    Flayn's pretty much considered the best Dancer in the game, and it looks like she's got some pretty useful support spells to go with it. So I figure why not since it's always a good idea to have a Dancer and she seems like the perfect choice.

    A couple of other questions. Who will be my two most movement-challenged units? I just wanna know who to give the March Ring and Sacred Galewind Shoes to. Also, NG+ means I can freely switch between everyone's timeskip and pre-timeskip looks, even in part 1, yes?


  19. 15 hours ago, Arclight said:

    Even though I am not a big Fan of Edelgard

    Never thought I'd hear this from Hubert lol

    Unfortunately though it looks like you'll need to start over unless you have a save from earlier in the month. They really should've made the CF requirements less missable though. Either that or they should've just made CF the default since it's the actual Black Eagles route.

  20. Well to be perfectly fair, all the stuff I mentioned happens before or during White Clouds, regardless of route. I didn't bring up anything specific to CF like her freakout or the burning of Fhirdiad. Some of the things I said are actually revealed in SS if I'm not mistaken. I agree with playing all the routes to get the most complete version of the story, but seeing as I have no interest in actually playing SS isn't it enough that I've read up on the lore it provides about Rhea before forming an opinion of her? It's not like I'm dismissing her based on CF alone. I know about the things Rhea did and that's where my opinion of her comes from. It doesn't matter which route I played first or if I only decide to play three, Rhea's worst actions happen on all four.

    But like you said, it's not really worth derailing the topic to discuss this further. After all, I'm not trying to convert anyone, just explaining my reasoning. We've both said what we came to say so this looks like a good place to end. Have a nice day :)

  21. I definitely see what you mean about Edelgard and Rhea, but I find that there's one key difference that separates Rhea from Edelgard and Dimitri. And I know that it's very much my opinion. But Edelgard and Dimitri are both good, selfless people deep down. Yes, they both do some morally questionable things over the course of the story. But their intentions are never to do evil. They both feel they must do what needs to be done for the good of Fódlan, even if it means going to war over their ideals. The actions they take are simply "neccesary evils" that can't be avoided no matter what they do. Sadly, not everything can be achieved through clean pretty decision making where there's a clear "right" and "wrong" choice. El and Dimitri need to make some very difficult calls throughout the story. And what I enjoy so much about them is seeing how these decisions weigh on them, showing us that not even they have a rose-tinted view of what they're doing. Neither one of them is clearly right or wrong, even if I agree with El more. They're just human, they're two very similar people on opposite sides. Red and blue, quite literally.

    Rhea's a villain. I'm sorry, but that's just how I see her. A tragic villain, but still a villain. That's not to say she isn't another interesting character to explore, there are no "flat" characters in this game except Kronya. But I can't put her on equal moral ground with El and Dimitri. She lies about her identity, she lies about Fódlan's history (and erases any bit of it that could threaten her rule) and she lies about the nature of crests and relics all just to keep herself in a seat of absolute power forever. She created a caste system that directly ruins peoples lives and refuses to do anything to stop it even when she has people in her own monastery who've been affected by it (El, Lysithea, Dorothea, Marianne, Sylvain, etc.). She tried to use Byleth as a vessel to revive her mother (which would've erased Byleth's mind and replaced it with Sothis) even after seeing that Byleth is her own person and not just an empty mindless shell. And again, I'm sorry. I'm sure there's many people who enjoy Rhea as a character and I'm not trying to change their minds or hurt their opinions. If there's one thing to say about FETH it's that it did a damn good job creating a fleshed-out world with so many compelling, human (or dragon in Rhea's case haha) characters, Edelgard, Dimitri and Rhea included.

  22. 2 hours ago, Silver-Haired Maiden said:

    Ah well in that case allow me to ease your mind. Rhea is absolutely not the lord of SS. In fact she disappears in that one just like the other 2 (AM and VW). She only shows up at the end for about the same amount of time as she does in VW and gives you a bit of extra information than she does in VW. You mostly fight alongside Seteth and Flayn.

    In the other routes though, the lord is the leader of your chosen faction. Edelgard's the Emperor of Adrestia, Dimirti's the King of Faerghus and Claude's the leader of the Leicester Alliance. There's nobody else in your group calling the shots, they're in charge. In SS, the Church is your group. Rhea's the Archbishop of the Church. Seteth and Flayn have no power over her. So even if she's not there in person until the end, SS is still the route where you're directly working for Rhea.

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