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Everything posted by Spara

  1. I mean, FE9 may have a pretty lame set of lategame maps, but the story is at least good. Plus, with the whole merchant group, I guess IS was first in doing fleshed out vendor NPCs as characters not named Anna.
  2. No, HSoS has no Fog mechanics. Also, I have BfW in my steam library, I just need to get around to playing it. If Kaga didn't do it first, Blazer did (except with some story stuff in FE9 where IS did it first)
  3. I think Chapter 9 has a section where it becomes the evening towards the end? Oh, and Chapter 20 goes from early morning to day after about 16 turns. HSoS has multiple maps with a full cycle though. As in, morning -> day -> evening (for one of them) -> night.
  4. So yesterday someone actually made fan art of Barzelhen (aka Bald Wario) from HSoS. It's beautiful.
  5. You still need to watch that show. I know you've been spoiled on basically everything, but still. It's always worth it.
  6. 1 and 2 are definitely moreso games to play just to see what the originals were like more than anything else, I'll give you that. 3, yeah, the UI's kinda stinky, but I feel like book 2 specifically really does capture some of the unique ideas way better (Ch12 momento) and doesn't rely on stuff like ambush high speed wyvern nukes to make the game tough. Or you were doing it like Sakurai, who counted FEH.
  7. I mean, I did send him an email about that once. That he probably ignored cuz it was in English. But oh well.
  8. Somehow, I did it. I managed to successfully ironman The Holy Sword of Silvanister. That was insane. 14 deaths out of a total 50 units (excluding some replacement units, guest units, and a unit who was entirely unavailable to me this run because of one of my early deaths). Nearly lost my sanity in a couple places, had several close calls. Ultimately, though, despite a certain lategame chapter being absolutely terrible for ironmans, this game was surprisingly good for it. Having to work around losing some crucial units early on forced me to think outside the box, to experiment, and to place focus on units I usually ignored, particularly in maps where the absence of the dead was very punishing. Through the power of perseverance (and PEDs in the form of stat tonics), I managed to succeed. Several maps came down to the wire, and some unit deaths were truly crushing. This has made me even more excited and hopeful for a potential translation. This game is something else. I don't know if I'd rate it above RD just yet because of how much I adore that game too, but it's damn close already, and this game is in japanese! TL;DR (short post but still): Ironmanning HSoS made for one of the most memorable and intense experiences I've had playing a game.
  9. It's great because it looks like Armagon's trying to put Kaga's head on a pike, but he's only wielding a bow.
  10. Elise's model... oh god, she looks so distorted. The other models are what I'd expect, but hers... yikes. I can't quite say I'm in that club due to several factors, but I'll concur with GBAFE being a lowpoint. Those games really just fail to grab me for one reason or another.
  11. I think she's only marginally better. Her bases aren't very good (though here at least 17DEF means a lot more), but she has really good growth rates, plus the unique utility of being an indoor Gradivus user for the endgame maps, which she can do at base.
  12. Especially me. I'm the one who's been shilling it the most. Makes sense. Though Draug is actually kinda neat, because he can use Gradivus indoors for the endgame maps, and promoting him to General means he's got better stats than Sheena.
  13. At this point, I'm certain it's either: a. bugged and the enemy would use it, but he forgot the enemy prioritizes attacking or sth over it? or b. he did it because haha making the player scared is funny I'm inclined to believe it's the latter
  14. I didn't get a foul mood from my shots, but I definitely felt like shit. If that's not it, though, everyone just has those days, I think. Hope you feel better after the nap. Despite now being on my third playthrough of HSoS, I finally noticed an item that is only on one enemy in the game, which said enemy never uses. But even still, Kaga's gone too far.
  15. Thanks. I'm up to Ch4 now, only death was one of the pirate bros getting hit by a double Multichance proc from Zade and dying. I really, really want to keep Bald Wario alive when Ch5 rolls around so he can fund my army. Once again, IS realizes that something Kaga did in Berwick (smart AI) was a really good idea and implemented it... for 1 game. Great.
  16. That... yeah, wow, I haven't ever seen AI do that in an FE game in a long, long time lol. I guess Fates AI is actually somewhat intelligent as opposed to, say, Tellius AI thinking having 0 hit on a target that ORKOs them is a perfectly viable one, or FE12 AI being hellbent on dealing damage above all else. Though at least the latter is somewhat menacing at times. Totally unrelated, but I last night, I made a horrible, horrible decision. HSoS again, but this time it's an ironman run. On Orthodox. I'm gonna die.
  17. From what I've seen, people give the fewest shits about enjoying BR over the other two Fates games. I can't really speak from experience though, since I haven't played any of Fates by myself. Hope you have fun with it! Remind me to pester you into playing FE3 Book 2 once you're finished.
  18. Chapter boss from HSoS with a slightly funny name (if you mishear it) - Fawkes - who always has a helmet over his head and guards a supply base. Though this time there are rewards for sparing him.
  19. Huh. That's cool! I'm also surprised you didn't ask about the (hopefully, if I didn't fuck it up b/c I'm super tired) implication that there exists a Gorzevalus 2.0. Or maybe I've mentioned him already.
  20. Sadly, I couldn't get him to kill Elliot without risking the the Nordion Suicide Squad, and if I waited even one more turn to kill Bordeaux, I would've missed out on the Bargain Band. Plus, Arden's busy fulfilling his destiny and getting the Pursuit Ring. Maybe I'll find a way to get him to kill Clement or something. Hopefully.
  21. Played a solid 2 straight hours of FE4 Ch2 without realizing. I may strongly dislike the part at Mackily and Agusty, but man, the first couple castles are fun. Left off right before fighting Waltz and recruiting Beowulf.
  22. Yeah, I personally feel like Reese is a much better point of comparison to Leif, because they're decent combat units on the whole with really high potential and ally supporting.
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