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Posts posted by L3xandr3

  1. This blew up pretty quick.

    Eh. I have no personal opinion of Fates' story. I played Conquest for the challenge, and then played BR and Rev for completion's sake. The only stories I have a negative opinion on are those that are absurdly offensive. Past that, unless the story is quite good, I just don't care. The purpose of FE is the tactical challenge. If you want a good story, go read a good book. Nothing against FE4, SoV, or TH's Azure Moon route, but that's just my opinion of the matter. (Now, to start those calculations)

  2. Ok, I'm awake and feeling normal. Do you need the Awakening/Fates kids, too? If so, how should I go about the Awakening kids? Lv20/20, or going off their caps?

    I might be biting off more than I can chew, but I may as well do something constructive with my time. I'm currently out of work do to health issues, so I have a lot of spare time.

  3. Hmmm, Ranked FE4. My sleep paralysis demon is back, t'would seem...

    For Leif, I'd advocate sending down that Bolt Sword and an Armorslayer, and maybe some spare rings (If only for more efficient transfer of $$$).

    As for him promoting quickly, are you going to use MK Leif as a combat unit, or a staffbot? If the former, then just let him go at his own pace, if the latter, then yeah, you should get him promoted quickly.

    I know from experience how rough ranked runs are, but if all goes well, you should have the Ranking pretty much locked down by the Endgame. Meaning all your capped units can come out to play. Luck be with you, good sir!

  4. Ah yeah, Hapi! My favorite TH character! I adore her. But this isn’t the place for me to go on about her, now is it? Stats, away!

         Skill Levels:      Boons in Reason (D+), Riding (D), and Flying (E). Like the other Ashen Wolves, she has a bizarre Talent: Axes. She has a Bane in Brawling and Armor (irrelevant) and Authority (Relevant).

         Abilities:     Monstrous Appeal makes her a strong Monster killer. As a side note, it appears to affect Gambits, but can anyone confirm if it does affect Gambits?. Rally Dexterity (D) is pointless. Battalion Wrath (C) can be hilarious, though. Getting up a Vantage+Wrath build on a magic unit with absurd range sounds good to me. To get normal Vantage+Wrath you can just a) grind out the masteries with a rusted weapon or b) use her as an adjutant until she gets them.

         Arts:     Her only Art is from her Axe talent, which gives Exhaustive Strike. It only does damage if you use a Bolt Axe, in which case you literally burn Arcane Crystals. That Talent is more useful for getting her to B+ Axes so she can get the Wrath build going.

         Spells:     Miasma, Swarm, Banshee (C), Death (B), and Hades (A). No Dark Spikes, But still pretty good. Physic (C), Seraphim (B), and Warp (A) from Faith. Why Seraphim? Aside from that, very good spell list here.

         Stats:     12+45% Magic and 8+45% Resistance are good. 9+45% Dexterity and 7+40% Speed are Ok. 27+35% Hp with her good Res allows her to soak Magic hits. 7+35% Strength nulls fair a bit of weight. 4+20% Luck, 4+15% Defense, and 5+25% Charm is awful.

         Classes:     Beginner- Monk

    Intermediate- Mage. Mercenary to get Vantage

    Advanced- Valkyrie. Warrior for Wrath

    Master- Dark Knight? Between that and Valkyrie for her final class

              The Verdict

    Potent anti-monster capabilities, Solid spell list, decent stats, Wrath build, good Movement, good Range… Of course, I’m not blind to her flaws, as she will die to almost any melee damage and will oft be doubled in Maddening. But for all those good points? She’s one of the better mages, with good utility and pseudo-tanking potential (Wrath built), so I’m giving her 8/10


    1 hour ago, Dark Holy Elf said:

    (do the Wolves get some free training even before the start of Chapter 2? Seems that way)

    They get the first month worth of training. Still doesn't explain the base D Lances (what with her lacking a boon), but it does explain the partially filled Exp bar for Lances.

  5.                 -              -              Ced        -              -


                                    Hp          Str          Mag       Skl          Spd        Luk         Def         Res         Skills

    Alec                       56.2        13.4        17.7        27           30           16.4        18           14.6        Nihil, Pursuit, Adept*

    Arden                   64.4        15           17.7        18.2        26.6        13.2        18           14.6        Vantage, Pursuit, Adept*

    Azel                       56.2        6.2          30           21.8        30           15.8        14.6        16.4        Pursuit, Adept*

    Beowulf               59.8        15           15.8        27           30           15.8        17.2        14.6        Accost, Pursuit, Adept*

    Claud                     54.2        6.2          29.2        21.8        30           25.6        21.6        27           Pursuit, Adept*

    Dew                       48           15           18.4        27           30           25.8        18           16.4        Bargain, Pursuit, Adept*

    Finn                       56.2        15           17.6        27           30           27.6        18           14.6        Miracle, Pursuit, Adept*

    Chulain                 69.6        14.4        17.6        27           30           15.8        18           14.6        Pursuit, Adept*

    Jamke                   63.4        15           15.8        19.2        30           23           18           14.6        Accost, Pursuit, Adept*

    Lewyn                   63.4        6.2          26.6        27           30           16.8        14.6        16.4        Critical, Pursuit, Adept

    Lex                         63.4        15           17.6        21.8        27.6        16.8        18           14.6        Vantage, Paragon, Pursuit, Adept*

    Midir                     52.6        13.4        17.6        25.4        30           13.2        18           14.6        Accost, Pursuit, Adept*

    Naoise                  59.8        15           17.6        25.4        26.6        16.8        18           14.6        Accost, Critical, Pursuit, Adept*

                    -              Hawk     -

                                    47.6        4.6          25.2        21.2        30           7.2          12.2        18.6        Pursuit, Adept*

    *Class Skill

                    -              -              Hannibal              -              -


    Hp          Str          Mag       Skl          Spd        Luk         Def         Res         Skills

    66           25           .5            17           12           8              25           6.5          Vantage, Adept, Pavise

    *Class Skill

                    -              -              Coirpre -              -


                                    Hp          Str          Mag       Skl          Spd        Luk         Def         Res         Skills

    Alec                       58           12.15     20.25     24           21.15     25.5        14.15     18.15     Miracle, Nihil, Adept, Pursuit

    Arden                   65.8        15           20.25     14.35     17.25     18.7        18           18.15     Miracle, Vantage, Adept

    Azel                       58           4.35        27           17.25     23           22.6        10.25     20.6        Miracle, Adept, Pursuit

    Beowulf               61.9        15           17.8        23           21.15     21.6        13.15     18.15     Miracle, Accost, Pursuit, Adept

    Claud                     52.1        4.35        27           17.25     22.15     29.4        10.25     23           Miracle, Adept

    Dew                       49.2        15           21.7        24           23           30           17.05     19.6        Miracle, Bargain, Adept*

    Finn                       58           12.15     20.25     24           21.15     30           14.15     18.15     Miracle, Pursuit, Adept

    Chulain                 71.6        12.15     20.25     24           27           21.6        14.15     18.15     Miracle, Adept

    Jamke                   64.8        15           17.8        14.35     21.15     29.4        14.15     18.15     Miracle, Accost, Adept

    Lewyn                   64.8        4.35        27           24           23           24.05     8.8          20.6        Miracle, Critical, Adept

    Lex                         64.8        15           20.25     18.25     17.25     22.6        18           18.15     Miracle, Vantage, Paragon, Adept

    Midir                     54.1        12.15     18.25     21.15     23           18.7        14.15     18.15     Miracle, Accost, Pursuit, Adept

    Naoise                  61.9        15           18.25     21.15     17.25     22.6        18           18.15     Miracle, Critical, Accost, Adept

                    -              Charlot -

                                    44.3        2.9          27           16.8        16.8        13.7        6.9          17.7        Paragon

                    -              -              Altena   -              -


    Hp          Str          Mag       Skl          Spd        Luk         Def         Res         Skills

    68.55     27           2.91        24           22           19.25     28.15     3.56        Adept, Critical, Pursuit*

    *Class Skill

    So. That's done. My brain feels like soup at this point, so if you'll excuse me.

  6.                 -              -              Ares       -              -


    Hp          Str          Mag       Skl          Spd        Luk         Def         Res         Skills

    69.9        24           6.15        19.6        22.9        20.5        24           11.9        Pursuit, Adept, Vantage

                    -              -              Lene      -              -


                                    Hp          Str          Mag       Skl          Spd        Luk         Def         Res         Skills

    Alec                       51.95     10.75     9.64        11.1        15.75     22.15     8.75        16.34     Adept, Miracle, Pursuit, Dance*

    Arden                   55.65     14.45     9.64        6.05        14.4        18.45     10.1        16.34     Adept, Miracle, Vantage, Dance*

    Azel                       54.65     7.05        15           7.4          19.45     19.8        7.4          18           Adept, Miracle, Pursuit, Dance*

    Beowulf               53.3        13.1        11.1        15.75     19.8        8.75        16.34     Adept, Miracle, Pursuit, Accost, Dance*

    Claud                     50.95     7.05        15           7.4          15.75     25.85     6.4          18           Adept, Miracel, Dance*

    Dew                       48.25     12.1        11.45     11.1        18.1        25.5        10.1        18           Adept, Miracle, Sol, Bargain, Dance*

    Finn                       51.95     10.75     9.64        11.1        15.75     26.85     8.75        16.34     Adept, Miracle, Pursuit, Dance*

    Chulain                 62.05     10.75     9.64        16           15.75     19.8        8.75        16.34     Adept, Miracle, Luna, Dance*

    Jamke                   55.65     14.45     9.1          6.05        15.75     24.5        8.75        16.34     Adept, Miracle, Accost, Dance*

    Lewyn                   55.65     7.05        15           11.1        22           20.8        7.4          18           Adept, Miracle, Critical, Dance*

    Lex                         59.35     12.1        9.64        8.4          14.4        20.8        16           16.34     Adept, Miracle, Vantage, Paragon, Dance*

    Midir                     50.6        10.75     9.64        9.75        18.1        19.45     7.7          16.34     Adept, Miracle, Accost, Pursuit, Dance*

    Naoise                  53.3        13.1        8.64        9.75        14.4        19.4        10.1        16.34     Adept, Miracle, Critical, Accost, Dance*

                    -              Laylea   -

                                    37.5        17.5        2.7          6.4          22           12.1        6.4          9.4          Charm, Dance*

    *Class Skill

                    -              -              Tine       -              -


                                    Hp          Str          Mag       Skl          Spd        Luk         Def         Res         Skills

    Alec                       55.65     10.75     18.94     24           27           30           13.75     10.24     Wrath, Pursuit, Nihil, Adept*

    Arden                   59.35     14.45     18.94     24           27           30           15.1        10.24     Wrath, Vantage, Adept*

    Azel                       58.35     7.05        27           24           27           30           12.4        7.05        Wrath, Pursuit, Adept*

    Beowulf               58           15.1        18.4        24           27           30           13.75     10.24     Wrath, Accost, Pursuit, Adept*

    Claud                     53.65     7.05        24.8        24           27           30           11.4        17.45     Wrath, Adept*

    Dew                       51.95     12.1        19.75     24           27           30           15.1        11.05     Wrath, Bargain, Adept*

    Finn                       55.65     10.75     18.94     24           27           30           13.75     10.24     Wrath, Miracle, Pursuit, Adept*

    Chulain                 64.75     10.75     18.94     24           27           30           13.75     10.24     Wrath, Adept*

    Jamke                   59.35     14,45     18.4        24           27           30           13.75     10.24     Wrath, Accost, Adept

    Lewyn                   59.35     7.05        23.45     24           27           30           12.4        11.05     Wrath, Critical, Adept

    Lex                         62.05     14.1        18.94     24           27           30           20           10.24     Wrath, Vantage, Paragon, Adept*

    Midir                     53.3        12.75     18.94     24           27           30           15.75     10.24     Wrath, Accost, Pursuit, Adept*

    Naoise                  58           13.1        18.94     24           27           30           15.1        10.24     Wrath, Critical, Accost, Adept*

                    -              Linda     -

                                    50.3        5.7          26.8        24           23.1        19.4        9.7          21.4        Wrath, Paragon, Adept*

    *Class Skill

                    -              -              Febail    -              -


                                    Hp          Str          Mag       Skl          Spd        Luk         Def         Res         Skills

    Alec                       69.35     27           4.15        27           26.4        30           21.4        1.47        Nihil, Pursuit

    Arden                   76.55     27           4.15        21.25     22.3        30           22           1.47        Vantage, Pursuit*

    Azel                       69.35     20.25     15           23.35     27           30           18.3        3.52        Pursuit

    Beowulf               80           27           2.1          27           26.4        30           19.4        1.47        Accost, Pursuit

    Claud                     64.25     20.25     13.4        23.35     26.4        30           17.3        11.72     Pursuit*

    Dew                       62.15     27           5.2          27           21           30           22           3.52        Bargain, Pursuit*

    Finn                       70.35     27           4.15        27           26.4        30           22           1.47        Miracle, Pursuit

    Chulain                 80           27           4.15        27           26.4        30           22           2.47        Pursuit*

    Jamke                   76.55     27           2.1          21.25     26.4        30           22           1.47        Adept, Accost, Pursuit*

    Lewyn                   70.35     21.25     13.4        27           27           30           18.3        3.53        Adept, Critical, Pursuit*

    Lex                         80           27           4.15        24.35     23.3        30           22           1.47        Vantage, Paragon, Pursuit*

    Midir                     66.25     27           4.15        27           27           30           21.4        1.47        Accost, Pursuit

    Naoise                  73.45     27           3.15        27           24.3        30           22           1.47        Accost, Critical, Pursuit*

                    -              Asaello -

                                    54.9        25.4        2.05        19.1        21.2        21.2        19.3        2.05        Pursuit, Accost

    *Class Skill


  7.                 -              -              Shannan              -              -


    Hp          Str          Mag       Skl          Spd        Luk         Def         Res         Skills

    59.6        23.4        .9            30           26.6        13.6        20.2        4.9          Pursuit, Adept, Astra

                    -              -              Patty     -              -


                                    Hp          Str          Mag       Skl          Spd        Luk         Def         Res         Skills

    Alec                       61.45     22           9.38        22           25.15     30           19.15     4.03        Steal, Pursuit, Nihil

    Arden                   65.35     22           9.38        20.15     23.7        26.05     11.6        4.03        Steal, Vantage, Pursuit*

    Azel                       64.35     19.15     18           21.6        27           28.5        14.7        4.9          Steal, Pursuit

    Beowulf               62.9        22           8.8          22           25.15     28.5        16.15     4.03        Steal, Pursuit, Accost

    Claud                     63.35     19.15     18           21.2        25.15     30           14.7        17.5        Steal, Pursuit*

    Dew                       56.55     22           11.25     22           27           30           18.6        4.9          Steal, Sol, Bargain, Pursuit*

    Finn                       61.45     22           9.38        22           25.15     30           17.15     4.03        Steal, Pursuit, Miracle

    Chulain                 71.15     22           9.38        22           25.15     28.5        17.15     4.03        Steal, Luna, Pursuit*

    Jamke                   65.35     22           8.8          20.15     25.15     30           17.15     4.03        Steal, Adept, Accost, Pursuit*

    Lewyn                   70.15     20.15     14.15     22           27           29.5        14.7        4.9          Steal, Adept, Critical, Pursuit*

    Lex                         67.25     22           9.38        21.6        23.7        29.5        20           4.03        Steal, Vantage, Paragon, Pursuit*

    Midir                     60           22           9.38        22           26.6        27.05     17.15     4.03        Steal, Accost, Pursuit

    Naoise                  62.9        22           9.38        22           23.7        29.5        18.6        4.03        Steal, Critical, Accost, Pursuit*

                    -              Daisy     -

                                    38.5        8.9          6.9          16.7        30           18.7        10.8        5.9          Steal, Miracle, Pursuit*

    *Class Skill

                    -              -              Lief         -              -


    Hp          Str          Mag       Skl          Spd        Luk         Def         Res         Skills

    69.7        27           9.03        27           27           20.25     27           8.9          Adept, Citical, Pursuit*

    *Class Skill

                    -              -              Nanna   -              -


                                    Hp          Str          Mag       Skl          Spd        Luk         Def         Res         Skills

    Alec                       54.65     24           6.89        19.1        21.45     30           16.45     8.24        Charm, Nihil, Pursuit

    Arden                   59.35     24           6.89        14.05     19.1        27.15     17.8        8.24        Charm, Vantage

    Azel                       58.35     24           16.8        16.4        24           30           15.1        9.05        Charm, Pursuit

    Beowulf               58           24           6.35        19.1        20.45     29.5        15.45     8.24        Charm, Accost, Pursuit

    Claud                     53.65     24           12.75     16.4        21.45     30           14.1        15.45     Charm

    Dew                       50.95     24           7.7          19.1        22.8        30           17.8        9.05        Charm, Bargain

    Finn                       54.65     24           6.89        19.1        21.45     30           16.45     8.24        Charm, Miracle, Pursuit

    Chulain                 64.75     24           6.89        24           21.45     30           16.45     8.24        Charm

    Jamke                   59.35     24           6.35        15.05     21.45     30           16.45     8.24        Charm, Adept, Accost

    Lewyn                   59.35     24           11.4        19.1        24           29.5        15.1        9.05        Charm, Adept, Critical

    Lex                         62.05     24           6.89        16.4        20.1        30           24           8.36        Charm, Vantage, Paragon

    Midir                     53.3        24           6.89        18.25     22.8        27.15     16.45     8.24        Charm, Accost, Pursuit

    Naoise                  58           24           6.89        17.75     19.1        30           17.8        8.24        Charm, Accost, Critical

                    -              Jeanne -

                                    46.2        17.4        14.4        24           19.4        12.7        15.1        12.4        N/A


  8.                 -              -              Fee        -              -


                                    Hp          Str          Mag       Skl          Spd        Luk         Def         Res         Skills

    Alec                       41.8        18.8        10.36     24.2        30           19.8        21           11.36     Pursuit, Nihil, Adept*

    Arden                   55.6        22           10.36     19           29.2        16           21           3.36        Pursuit, Vantage, Adept*

    Azel                       54.6        16           21.6        20.4        30           19.6        21           12.2        Pursuit, Adept*

    Beowulf               54.2        21.2        9.8          24.2        30           18.4        21           10.36     Pursuit, Accost, Adept*

    Claud                     50.8        15           16.4        20.4        30           22.6        21           18.8        Pursuit, Adept*

    Dew                       49           20.2        11.2        24.2        30           22.2        21           12.2        Pursuit, Bargain, Adept*

    Finn                       53.65     18.8        10.36     24.2        30           23.6        21           11.36     Pursuit, Miracle, Adept*

    Chulain                 62.2        19.8        10.36     25           30           17.4        21           11.36     Pursuit, Adept*

    Jamke                   55.6        22           9.8          19           30           21.2        21           11.36     Pursuit, Accost, Adept

    Lewyn                   55.6        16           15           24.2        30           18.4        21           12.2        Pursuit, Critical Adept

    Lex                         59.4        21.2        10.36     20.4        29.2        18.4        21           11.36     Pursuit, Vantage, Paragon, Adept*               

    Midir                     50.4        18.8        10.36     21.8        30           16           21           11.36     Pursuit, Accost, Adept*

    Naoise                  54.2        21.2        10.36     21.8        30           17.4        21           11.36     Pursuit, Critical, Accost, Adept*

    -              Hermina               -

                                    44.8        18.4        10.8        17.6        30           18           17.6        10.4        Adept

    *Class Skill

                    -              -              Arthur   -              -


                                    Hp          Str          Mag       Skl          Spd        Luk         Def         Res         Skills

    Alec                       60.8        16.8        15.2        22           22           29.4        14.8        7.8          Wrath, Pursuit, Nihil

    Arden                   68.4        20           15.2        22           20.2        22.8        17.2        11.8        Wrath, Vantage

    Azel                       60.8        9.2          25           22           22           25.6        11           14.2        Wrath, Pursuit

    Beowulf               64.6        20           12.8        22           22           25.6        13.8        11.8        Wrath, Pursuit, Accost

    Claud                     58.8        9.2          25           22           22           30           11           22           Wrath

    Dew                       52.2        17.6        16.6        22           22           30           17.6        14.2        Wrath, Bargain

    Finn                       60.8        16.8        15.2        22           22           30           16.8        11.8        Wrath, Pursuit, Miracle

    Chulain                 75           16.8        15.2        22           22           25.6        14.8        12.8        Wrath

    Jamke                   67.4        20           12.8        22           22           30           14.8        11.8        Wrath, Adept, Critical

    Lewyn                   67.4        9.2          24.2        22           22           26.6        11           14.2        Wrath, Adept, Critical

    Lex                         67.4        17.6        15.2        22           21.2        26.6        20           11.8        Wrath, Vantage, Paragon

    Midir                     58           14.8        15.2        22           22           22.8        14.8        18.8        Wrath, Pursuit, Accost

    Naoise                  64.6        18.6        15.2        22           20.2        26.6        17.6        11.8        Wrath, Critical, Accost

    -              Amid     -

                                    54.2        11.6        27           25           25           17.6        15.6        15.6        Adept

                    -              -              Luchar   -              -


    Hp          Str          Mag       Skl          Spd        Luk         Def         Res         Skills

    59.8        27           .9            14.6        22           10.8        25           2.9          Vantage

                    -              -              Lucharba              -              -


    Hp          Str          Mag       Skl          Spd        Luk         Def         Res         Skills

    61.8        26           0              18           19.8        8.8          25           .9            Accost


  9.                 -              -              Oifey     -              -


    Hp          Str          Mag       Skl          Spd        Luk         Def         Res         Skills

    55           24           9.75        24           20.5        14           21.5        9.5          Pursuit, Critical

    *Class Skill

                    -              -              Diarmund            -              -


                                    Hp          Str          Mag       Skl          Spd        Luk         Def         Res         Skills

    Alec                       60.7        23           1.89        30           25.8        26.5        21.8        3.7          Charm, Nihil, Adept*, Pursuit

    Arden                   68.1        23           1.89        20.05     22.1        18.1        23           3.7          Charm, Vantage, Adept*

    Azel                       60.7        23           14.34     23.75     27           11.8        19.1        6.05        Charm, Pursuit, Adept*

    Beowulf               64.4        23           .54          30           25.8        21.8        21.8        3.7          Charm, Accost, Pursuit, Adept*

    Claud                     58.7        23           13.34     23.75     25.8        30           18.1        19.85     Charm, Adept*

    Dew                       52.3        23           3.24        30           27           30           23           6.05        Charm, Bargain, Adept*

    Finn                       50.7        23           1.89        30           25.8        30           21.8        3.7          Charm, Pursuit, Miracle, Adept*

    Chulain                 74.5        23           1.89        30           25.8        21.8        22.8        3.7          Charm, Adept*

    Jamke                   66.1        23           .54          20.05     25.8        29.2        22.8        3.7          Charm, Accost, Adept

    Lewyn                   67.1        23           10.64     30           27           21.8        19.1        5.05        Charm, Adept, Critical

    Lex                         67.1        23           1.89        24.75     22.1        22.8        23           3.7          Charm, Vantage, Paragon, Adept*

    Midir                     58           23           1.89        26.45     27           18.1        21.8        3.7          Charm, Pursuit, Accost, Adept*

    Naoise                  64.4        23           1.89        26.45     22.1        21.8        23           3.7          Charm, Critical, Accost, Adept*

    -              Tristan  -

                                    65.1        20.1        1.35        28.1        21.4        9.7          21.1        2.35        Critical, Adept*

    *Class Skill

                   -              -              Lester   -              -


                                    Hp          Str          Mag       Skl          Spd        Luk         Def         Res         Skills

    Alec                       63.35     22.8        6.4          23           23           30           21.8        3.03        Pursuit, Nihil

    Arden                   70.15     25           6.8          14.8        21.15     16.95     23           3.03        Vantage

    Azel                       62.35     16.8        15           20.7        23           30           15.7        4.48        Pursuit

    Beowulf               66.25     25           5.35        23           23           30           22.6        3.03        Pursuit, Accost

    Claud                     60.35     14.8        15           18.7        23           30           18.7        18           N/A

    Dew                       54.55     25           8.25        23           23           30           23           5.48        Bargain

    Finn                       63.35     23.6        6.8          23           23           30           22.6        3.03        Pursuit, Miracle

    Chulain                 75.95     24.6        6.8          23           23           29.85     22.6        3.03        N/A

    Jamke                   70.15     25           5.35        15.8        23           30           22.6        3.03        Adept, Accost

    Lewyn                   69.15     16.8        15           23           23           30           18.7        5.48        Adept, Critical

    Lex                         69.15     25           6.8          18.7        21.15     30           23           3.03        Vantage, Paragon

    Midir                     59.45     23.6        6.8          21.6        23           26.95     22.6        3.03        Pursuit, Accost

    Naoise                  66.25     25           6.8          21.6        21.15     30           23           3.03        Critical, Accost

    -              Deimne -

                                    56.1        20.7        1.45        23.5        16.8        13.7        22.6        2.45        Pursuit

                    -              -              Julia       -              -


    Hp          Str          Mag       Skl          Spd        Luk         Def         Res         Skills

    50.1        2.9          30           18.8        27.7        13.7        7.9          27           Pursuit, Adept, Nihil


  10. Done. After the better part of 2 days.

                    -              -              Seliph    -              -

    (I'm doing the Kids in recruit order and the Fathers alphabetically. Bold and Italics is a capped stat)


    HP          Str          Mag       Skl          Spd        Luk         Def         Res         Skills (Just in case)

    71.6        25           9.7          22           20.15     25.05     22           12.7        Pursuit, Nihil

                    -              -              Lana       -              -


                                     HP          Str          Mag       Skl          Spd        Luk         Def         Res         Skills

    Alec                       59.45     12.15     25.28     22.6        23           30           15.15     10.03     Pursuit, Nihil

    Arden                   63.35     15           25.28     17.25     21.6        30           16.6        10.03     Vantage

    Azel                       62.35     8.25        27           19.7        23           30           12.7        10.9        Pursuit

    Beowulf               60.9        13.6        24.7        22.6        23           30           14.15     9.03        Pursuit, Accost

    Claud                     58.45     8.25        27           19.7        23           30           12.7        17.7        N/A

    Dew                       54.55     13.6        25.15     22.6        23           30           16.6        10.9        Bargain

    Fin                          59.45     12.15     23.28     21.6        23           30           15.15     10.03     Pursuit, Miracle

    Chulainn              69.15     12.15     23.28     24           23           30           15.15     10.03     N/A

    Jamke                   63.35     15           22.7        18.25     23           30           15.15     9.03        Adept, Accost

    Lewyn                   62.35     8.25        27           22.6        23           30           13.7        10.9        Adept, Critical

    Lex                         66.25     13.6        23.28     19.7        22.6        30           18           10.03     Vantage, Paragon

    Midir                     58           12.15     23.28     21.15     23           30           15.15     10.03     Pursuit, Accost

    Naoise                  60.9        13.6        23.28     21.15     21.6        30           16.6        2.03        Critical, Accost

    -              Muirne -

                                    38.5        2.9          23.7        15.8        17.8        12.6        5.9          15.8        N/A

                    -              -              Larcei    -              -


                                     HP          Str          Mag       Skl          Spd        Luk         Def         Res         Skills

    Alec                       60.45     27           2.03        30           30           20.15     20.15     2.03        Nihil, Astra, Adept*, Pursuit

    Arden                   64.35     27           2.03        30           29.6        19.25     21.6        2.03        Nihil, Astra, Adept*, Vantage, Pursuit*

    Azel                       63.35     24.15     12.6        30           30           18.7        15.7        2.9          Nihil, Astra, Adept*, Pursuit

    Beowulf               61.9        27           1.45        30           30           18.7        20.15     2.03        Nihil, Astra, Adept*, Pursuit, Charge

    Claud                     59.45     24.15     8.25        30           30           24.05     17.7        8.7          Nihil, Astra, Adept*, Pursuit*

    Dew                       55.55     27           2.9          30           30           23.6        21.6        2.9          Nihil, Astra, Adept*, Sol, Bargain, Pursuit*

    Finn                       60.45     27           2.03        30           30           24.05     20.15     2.03        Nihil, Astra, Adept*, Pursuit, Miracle

    Chulain                 70.15     27           2.03        30           30           18.7        20.15     2.03        Nihil, Astra, Adept*, Luna, Pursuit

    Jamke                   63.35     27           1.45        30           30           22.6        20.15     2.03        Nihil, Astra, Adept, Pursuit*       

    Lewyn                   63.35     24.15     6.8          30           30           18.7        18.7        2.9          Nihil, Astra, Adept, Critical, Pursuit*

    Lex                         61.25     27           2.03        30           29.6        18.7        22           2.03        Nihil, Astra, Adept*, Vantage, Paragon, Pursuit*

    Midir                     58           27           2.03        30           30           17.25     20.15     2.03        Nihil, Astra, Adept*, Charge, Pursuit

    Naoise                  61.9        27           2.03        30           29.6        18.7        21.6        2.03        Nihil, Astra, Adept*, Critical, Accost, Pursuit*

    -              Creidne -

                                    48.3        27           3.45        23.7        27           8.8          18.7        6.8          Pursuit*

    *Class Skill

                    -              -              Scathach              -              -


                                     Hp          Str          Mag       Skl          Spd        Luk         Def         Res         Skills

    Alec                       63.35     27           5.03        27           27           20.6        21.6        2.03        Nihil, Astra, Pursuit

    Arden                   71.15     27           5.03        27           24.15     14.8        22           2.03        Nihil, Astra, Vantage, Pursuit*

    Azel                       63.35     19.25     18           27           27           16.7        18.7        3.48        Nihil, Astra, Pursuit

    Beowulf               66.25     27           3.58        27           27           16.7        21.6        2.03        Nihil, Astra, Pursuit, Accost

    Claud                     61.35     20.25     17.18     27           27           28.4        17.7        18           Nihil, Astra, Pursuit*

    Dew                       54.55     27           6.48        27           27           24.5        22           3.48        Nihil, Astra, Sol, Bargain, Pursuit*

    Finn                       63.35     27           5.03        27           27           30           21.6        2.03        Nihil, Astra, Miracle, Pursuit

    Chulain                 75.95     27           5.03        27           27           18.7        22           2.03        Nihil, Astra, Luna, Pursuit*

    Jamke                   70.15     27           3.58        27           27           25.5        21.6        2.03        Nihil, Astera, Adept, Accost, Pursuit*

    Lewyn                   70.15     20.25     13.28     27           27           19.7        18.7        4.48        Nihil, Astra, Adept, Critical, Pursuit*

    Lex                         70.15     27           5.03        27           25.15     19.7        22           2.03        Nihil, Astra, Vantage, Paragon, Pursuit*

    Midir                     59.45     27           5.03        27           27           14.8        21.6        2.03        Nihil, Astra, Accost, Pursuit

    Naoise                  66.25     27           5.03        27           24.15     16.7        22           2.03        Nihil, Astra, Critical, Accost, Pursuit*

    -              Dalvin    -

                                    53.2        23.7        4.45        27           21.7        11.8        19.7        2.45        Vantage, Pursuit*

    *Class Skill

    I'm going to put up 4 at a time, to avoid issues.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    The thing is, though - let's talk about a Unit A with 40% Speed growth, and Unit B with 60% Speed growth. Over the course of 10 levels, there's a fair shot of the following occurring: Unit A gains 5 Speed, Unit B gains 5 Speed. In this case (A is slightly blessed, B is slightly cursed), the growth margin does nothing for B. And there's an equally fair shot of this: Unit A gains 3 Speed, Unit B gains 7 Speed. In this case (the opposite - A is slightly cursed, B is slightly blessed), the growth margin winds up "outperforming" expectations, so to speak. The most likely scenario, however (the average, so to speak), is that Unit A gains 4 Speed, and Unit B gains 6 Speed (neither Unit A nor Unit B is blessed or cursed). We shouldn't treat this outcome as definitive (outside of Fixed Mode, which should definitely return as an option, but I digress). But it's still the most likely outcome, and the average around which all other outcomes orbit. And if a 20% growth margin "outperforms" in one playthrough, it may just as easily "underperform" in the next.

    The last point is a very crucial one - hitting a growth proc early, and missing it later on, is much preferable to missing a growth proc early, and hitting it later on. I've found this to have a huge impact, for instance, on certain Dawn Brigade members in Radiant Dawn. Still, assuming we're not resetting for bad levels, there's no real way to account for this in stats discussion.

    I'm not arguing any of these points, I'm just saying that probability is a bitch. Averages will only sometimes be correct (Except for Fixed mode PoR). Neither my way or the averages are quite right, but the average is all we have to go on, seeing as my way is quite abstract.

  12. In the dark, she’s a more bombastic Clarine. In the light, she’s even more self-destructing Marianne. Neither of the two do I appreciate. I like witty characters. I like humble characters. I don’t like gimmicks, hyper-aggressiveness, or self-destructive people. This sums up my thoughts on her character.

         Skill Levels:      Swords (E+), Reason (D+), Authority (D), and Flying (D) are Boons. Talent in… Grappling? Banes in Axes and Armor. Her banes are nonissues, as is her Talent.

         Abilities:     Circadian Beat is only good for the Str/Mag boost. She’s a very squishy mage. Why should she be taking hits? She also gets Rallies Magic and Resistance (C). Not worth the ability slots, in my opinion.

         Arts:     Both Souldblade (C+) and Hexblade (A)? Ok.

         Spells:     Fire, Sagittae (C), Fimbulvetr (B), Bolting (A), and Agnea’s Arrow (A+). Very good list, especially considering she’s slow, even by mage standards. For Faith, she gets Ward (C), Rescue (B), and Abraxas (A). Aside from Rescue, bad Faith list.

         Stats:     12+60% Magic is the highest in the game. But, Oi, are the rest of her stats terrible. 7+35% Speed is Annette level bad. 7+30% Skill and 5+30% Resistance are comparably bad. 5+20% Strength is irrelevant (the Weight offsetting is insignificant, considering her Speed). 23+20% Hp and 3+15% Defense. Wet Tissue Paper is more durable. 4+15% Luck is also irrelevant (She shouldn’t be facing crits, let alone attacks). 7+25% Charm is terrible. The actual hell was IS thinking?!

         Classes:     Beginner- Monk

    Intermediate- Mage

    Advanced- Dark Falcon. If you want to use Magic sword memes, then maybe Assassin

    Master- Mortal Savant. I’d recommend staying in Dark Falcon, though.

              The Verdict

    Magic nukes and Rescue. With DF mobility, Rescue is comparable to Warp. Honestly IDK what to rate her. She’s either the best mage or the worst, depending on your opinion of a unit that evaporates as soon as an enemy glances at her. So I guess I’ll give her a 6/10.

  13. 21 hours ago, Jotari said:

    Yes, as the quality of child characters is presented in how well they pair up against substitute characters as well as each other.

    Ok then. I'll get calculating. It's not like I have anything better to do.

    Should we consider the Subs just another variation of the normal kids?

    Edit: Should I add the Event stat bonuses to their averages?

  14. Happy-go-lucky idiot here. I have nothing else to say on his character.

         Skill Levels:      Boons in Sword (E+), Axe (D+), Brawling (D+), Faith (E), and Armor (E). Banes in Lances, Bows, and Flying. Talent in Reason. So, Wyvern is heavily discouraged and getting Hit +20 is a pain.

         Abilities:     King of Grappling is the best Personal. Early game, he’s easily your best tank, even in Maddening. Late game and he deals great amounts of damage with Gauntlets. It also synergizes with Vantage+Wrath, so much so that I recommend it. His other abilities are Rally Strength (D) and Battalion Desperation (B). The Rally is Ok at least.

         Arts:     Bane of Monsters (C+), Draining Blow (C+), Mighty Blow (A) bad, etc, etc. Diamond Axe (C+) is of marginal use. Armored Strike (A) is pretty good.

         Stats:     29+50% Hp, 12+50% Strength, and 8+45% Defense are solid. It’s all downhill from there. 6+30% Magic, 5+30% Resistance, and 5+35% Charm are weak. His Dexterity (5+25%) and Luck (3+20%) are straight up atrocious. Not as good as Dedue, but then, who is when it comes to tanking?

         Classes:     Beginner- Fighter

    Intermediate- Mercinary for Vantage, Brigand for DB, Armor for tanking

    Advanced- Warrior for Wrath, Grappler for Fistfaire and FIF, Fortress for tanking

    Master- War Master

              The Verdict

    Early on, his Personal carries him. Latter on, it still buffs his stats a considerable amount. He’ll demolish anything he initiates on. If he hits. That’s his biggest problem. Yes you can get him to D+ Bows to get Hit +20, but even then, he will have some accuracy issues. Supports definitely help. Wyvern is doable, but there are so many better candidates. Vajra-Mushti is very strong, with the best stats of all Gauntlets, but Eviscerate isn't the best art*. 7.5/10, All hail the King.


    *Does anyone know if Eviscerate uses you Strength for hiting on enemy Res? If so, the I'd bump his rating up +.5

  15. 1 hour ago, Jotari said:

    I don't have any stats for Gen 2 Genealogy characters. Need to get the averages of all the gen 2 units and I can't find them anywhere. I'm pretty sure there used to be calculators and stuff but they've vanished in recent years as far as I can find.

    The stats of the Gen 2 characters all vary, depending on their parents, the levels their parents where at, etc. I could do some poking around attempt to get those averages, but it would take a damn long time to manually calculate all the Characters with their potential parents. But I do have a lot of spare time, so... I'll get back to you on that one. For now, I need sleep.

    Edit: Before I go to sleep, Seliph's Lv30 Stats (Assuming Sigurd & Dierdre where at Lv30) are as follows:

    76.6 Hp, 23.95 Strength, 11.7 Magic, 22 Skill (Capped, would be 27.4 otherwise), 20.15 Speed, 23.05 Luck and Defense, and 12.7 Resistance.

    I assume you will need all the other Gen 2 character stats to get their average before you could do this duel. Do you need the Substitutes averages, as well?

  16. On 11/16/2020 at 1:21 AM, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    As for growths, how big of a difference is 20%, actually? That's an average of 1 point every 5 levels. Like, suppose Byleth is level 20 at the glow-up. And by the end of the game, they reach level 40. That means they're leveling 20 levels in one of these classes. On average, an SM Byleth will gain 4 more points of speed over this time than E1 Byleth. Combine with the base difference, that's a speed difference of 7 at the endgame (and 3 at the glow-up).

    Honestly, I don't like the 'average Stat at x Lv' thing people think of. Instead think of it like this: It makes it more likely to get that stat. Your more likely to get blessed if you have 50% Growth than with 20%. But, to each their own, eh? If you want to see it as the average, then do so.

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