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Everything posted by Sil/phire

  1. It's not good going guys, not good at all. So far I have only 4 copies of Deirdre, but i have spent all my orbs from the normal paralogues and story modes. half way through the hard/lunatic paralogues. Luck is trolling me so hard. What's worse, i have spent about 20 stamina potions and have only 60 something left. I may run out of them today or tomorrow, each orb is coming at a 10/9 stamina cost. I never thought it would be stamina that limits me the most here lol Luck is so mean-spirited some times....
  2. guys guys guys guys guys i'm in panic mode; i have literally no orbs. WHY DID I SPENT SO MUCH ON THE THIEF BANNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm loving the art style; the resplendent art is great and her sigurd art looks great too but it was her original art that really got me into the game when i saw it and it's still one of my favorites (with this one now too). Ngl this was literally the thing i have been most looking forward to in the game, so glad she has a proper alt now; being the sidekick on a duo/harmonic doesn't count in my book, she'll never get a brave, and she's not likely to get a new year's, bridal, or winter alt anytime soon or at least not this decade. WHY DID I SPENT ALL MY ORBS!!! ok serious question now just randomly does any one have a guess how many orbs i can get from clearing 55 paralogues on all difficulty modes and all story on hard and lunatic mode i don't expect i can +10 her but i want to get as close as i can; i'm going to farm every last orb i have in the game. bro that's literally all i have always wanted on base Deirdre, slaying, auto double ups, half-null follow up, a bigger combat bonus than her measly +3 to all stats from Naga's prehistoric refine and better combat viability vs non-dragons. I swear I'm not even asking for much given everything some of the recent refines are getting (but i'll take DR piercing as the cherry on top). I wish they hadn't decided to just give them to her on her legendary (and only a few at that), instead of some day doing something about those ancient, obsolete refines the older units are stuck with. And i will never forget this insult; they didn't even bother given her double boons but instead made her res a superflaw i love this series but the company is the worst i have had to put up with. If they treated us with just a bit of decency i would still be spending money on the game. I just hope my banner pulls go well....
  3. IT IS OVER. after i don't know how many dozens of pulls and hundreds of orbs, Thief Leila FINALLY showed up! She's even -ATK, the signature flaw in my most wanted units; warmed my heart, it really did. pity breakers for the banner: 1 thief Nina 1 thief Cath 1 Gatekeeper 2 fallen Lilith 1 Azell Never managed to get Sothe. im slightly playing with the idea of trying for him, since i never thought i would have all the rare units in the banner it would be perhaps be cool to have them all anyways. Vika being a 4* focus she may show up easily. So that goal shouldn't be too hard to achieve, may be within 40 or less if you're lucky.
  4. The thing to understand is that, from my pov at least, this is IS's CYL, not yours/ours. There's like two halves to this, one for the players and one for IS. on the one hand, we chose who want this time. but that's it, that's as far as our opinions matter, which is pretty much nothing at all. It's like, the absolute, bare-minimum effort at trying to involve the community and showing them some courtesy. The other half is IS going to take the results and just making up 4 new OP units with the visual designs of the characters we give them, and it's entirely up to them to do whatever THEY want with them, not what WE want. We set ourselves up for disappointment by thinking that they will even consider a fraction of our (so far proven to be wild) expectations. It's the expectations that ruins this banner for most people, at least as far as design. When i first heard about this banners i had a grand image of IS some how doing this in the completely opposite way of how they are doing them - that they would actually take this opportunity to explore some amazing concepts for the characters that they would otherwise not get a chance to. you know, what we kinda wish they actually did. i'm now even of the impression that they prefer to ignore the fan base, perhaps at least those outside japan, as much as they can, since they have their vision for the game and our opinion doesn't factor in. i have gotten over having any expectations from IS now, it's their game in the end, and we're just here for the ride. my bad, my first thoughts about anything this company does nowadays are always negative lol. I do respect the amazing work and effort the artists made. As i did mention, i do like her design as is and the artist took that concept and made it a great piece on its own right. Even Seliph's art looks smooth and regal, as much as it's a copy of sigurds. Agreed. Still sad for Marianne in last CYL, even though i like that design too. I think he gained some pounds? and went to the gym after? it's a wider jawbone i think, and he looks more compact???? it's hard to explain. if you told me it was his twin i would totally believe it. still looks fine.
  5. so my latest misfortunes with the thieves banner chasing Leila got me thinking and wondering, what has been your worst summoning experiences? me: over 400 orbs, and perhaps as much as 500, for 1 summer female Corrin. never being able to +10 fallen Julia on her banner revival color sharing with fallen Ike. I got 14 fallen ikes, and only a +7 Julia. I absolutely hate fallen Ike to this day, and almost equally hate color sharing banners. getting 6 pity brakers on last years pirate banner before ever getting a single one of the 5* pirate units.
  6. "hmm, a Pent to get G Duel Infantry for Deirdre would be nice......" *free pulls Pent* !!!! Free pulled fallen Mareeta, then spent 4 orbs for the last red on circle and hit the jackpot and got V!Palla! Got ascended Idunn with about 10 pulls in remix banner, i'm happy summoner. But the Thieves banner......that banner is killing me. I'm over 300 orbs on it i'm sure and i still can't get Leila. I got Nina and Cath, I got 2 fallen Lilith, but no Leila. I don't know if i should continue. I'm literally out of orbs, and pity is at 4.75%. I want to break the pity just to end the misery, and i do wish I could get her, but i have lost so many orbs already and i have nothing but the paralogues i have saved for emergencies (literally all the hard and easy modes). Luck knows how to hit a summoner.
  7. Well, IS just never fails to disappoint on how disappointing it can be. The theme they always go for of family/friends whatever I think is killing this whole thing. There is nothing to look forward to in terms of visiual design if all they will ever do is try to find the closest, safest, most boring alternative to go with. Like, I have never cared about him but poor Seliph; he got trashed so hard, literally clip his head off his base art and paste it on top of Sigurd's body. And Tiki....that was just low, dirty, and spiteful. The fans dared to pick the adult version, which i'm beginning to imagine IS regrets even creating in the first place and is trying to forget it exists, and they do go try their hardest to slap their preferred Y!Tiki version on it. JK, of course; just like with sigurd, it feels like they just copy pasted adult tiki's face on top of young tiki's body/design, probably took less than 10 seconds to do, so not very hard. I feel the whole text message conversation they must have had to decide what the designs the winners would get probably ended within five minutes. Anyways, negativity aside, all in all I think most of them got off pretty well when looking in at them in a vacuum, save for Seliph; nobody can help that boy. Tiki is going to be my free pick and to be fair it's not a horrible design. Dragon priestess design. Plain, nondescript. Perhaps "realistically" accurate if you think about how such a roll may mean the priestess would dress simply. It doesn't feel "brave" at all, but then again what does brave even mean? Chrom feels very knightly and that's fine. Seliph looks fine, in as much as Sigurd looks fine. I hope this alt for him is at least a good one, for the Seliph fans. Byleth was the one i was least interested in and yet i think she's the one that has been the most interesting to me. I know nothing of Three Houses and never will, so that allows me to appreciate her design differently from those who are familiar with the games, but i find her "dancer"-style design surprisingly good.. I'll spark for her, assuming i manage to find the orbs.
  8. Had one of those miserable sessions where luck just decides to hate me. 200+ orbs to try to get one Leila.........but she never showed up. just a bunch of pity breakers (5), and two orbs left in my account. bad enough it made me chuckle.
  9. I was most interested in Laila, but knowing how she is the second character to appear in the banner, i was afraid she may not be getting much. Sadly, that's exactly what happened. It's hard to say i'm disappointed when i already expected to be disappointed, but here i am. about the only notable thing i see in her weapon is the possibility to stop counter attacks. at least she gets a slaying effect. not interested in anything else on the banner. imo laila and sothe have the best designs in this banner and its a shame sothe is getting done in by the demote curse, which is only a thing for none-3Houses demote lords. and kagero getting idk how many alts by now is just absurd. did kaze or saizo get any yet? soleil? forrest? selena? beruka? whatever i guess.
  10. How come we don't get villians as legendary heroes? in askr, villians ARE heroes. they are all part of an order OF heroes. has IS never made a public comment on this? I want my legendary Walhart. not the type of question this thread is meant to be for i guess, but i doubt if i had made this a topic of its own it would have been allowed to stay. idk.
  11. I can't really discribe how disappointed I am to see them run back so blazingly quick to the popular heroes now with this ascended hero type. So, now what, we gotta watch a handful of dozens of popular heroes/lords parade through one per month for years with only the hope that we could see some of the forgotten hundreds who may very well never get an alt lol. Ridiculous. Well done IS. Whatever, it's your business anyways. Glad for the Celica fans. She looks like she will be useful. NFU on C may help open up some new strategies i guess? Can't get behind her design though. It seems so off compared to her other alts. Ymir has one of the best designs i have seen in the entire game ngl. This design feels like something they would never do. There is a lot to it and feels very expressive, like if they told the artist to literally do whatever they wanted to bring out character instead of following what feels to me is now a standard template in all designs we get. Hard to express what i mean, but it just really caught my eye. I instantly liked her honestly. The others are sadly just more characters fallen victim to this vicious cycle of printing/spitting out lazy, uninspired, and subpar units as nothing more than filler and fodder. You don't need to fill in every color IS, nor would it kill you to have a banner with less than 4 characters. Do us all a favor. Sorry if this all sounds ranty, i'm just tired and it's late for me atm lol.
  12. I keep telling myself to save and not get distracted, but I got distracted because dude Ymir has honestly one of the best designs in the game period. Her dragon animation is simply phenomenal. That being said, i only had 83 orbs going into the banner. My one and only target being Ymir, i feel absolutely nothing for the rest of the units in this banner. And off i went.....and got her on 9 pulls! +HP/-SPD, idk how to feel about that, but i'm happy I got her! Total cost was 32 orbs. On other banners, I free pulled F!Mareeta on her refine banner, and free pulled L!Lucina on the remix banner. I'm just gonna save now for whenver Embla joins us, the potential new batch of dancers later in the year, or, may be, just may be, a new Deirdre.
  13. Well, i have for a while been meaning to save up all the orbs i can to +10 the next Deirdre alt we get. As you all might guess, I have plenty of time!!! LOL.....................😢 but well, even i was not strong enough to resist the summer waves. I managed a Micaiah, at about 20 something pulls and with -ATK +DEF, horrible IVs but hey at least she came home. I consider myself lucky tbh. Also pulled Elise, Fayeh, and picked up a Summer Claude, -ATK +SPD..... I was sure the second summer banner could not bring anything of interest to me but....i was wrong. I had to try for Erika, with only 92 orbs. I was willing to spend about 40 orbs and the plan was to pull out if nothing showed up because its too easy to lose everything for nothing very fast on these banners, but i could not manage that. Still, she actually came home! 20+ pulls in she showed up, with the now typical -ATK bane but i take that as the game making a personal challenge to me to clear the content with an added handicap or something. Along the way I got another B!Edelgard, Deirdre (Summer Deirdre when?!), and Helbindi. Walked away with only 19 orbs left but they, for the first time in probably a while, i actually walk away with what i really wanted from these banners, and without spending a dime.
  14. I'm debating if i should try a few pulls for Eirika. It's sad that they did not give her canto 2 instead of just canto 1, didn't they give Eitri canto 2? And i'm sure if she had been a 3Houses character they probably would have, for the bias. Range flyers are in such a bad spot for B skills i wish they would at least be more daring when they give them personal B skills. It doesn't have to be fallen star, but still.
  15. My luck hates me, and the feeling is mutual. I don't know how many orbs i have thrown at it, but the Bridal banner is determined to make my life miserable. All i want is ONE COPY of Sophia. ONE. But no. Snipping red all i got was: 1 5* Cecilia 1 B!Marth 1 Volk 1 Kiria 5 4* Cecilia Honestly, i would trade all of these for just the one Sophia any day, will never happen now but whatever i guess, what's lost is lost.
  16. So look, what if Nintendo decided to try to make FEH a bit more eye catching by marketing it a little better and trying different methods? Now where and how would you go about marketing heroes i don't know, but what if, just what if, they made a series of OVAs about FEH with the focus being on just what the summoned heroes do when they are in Askr and they help out the Askrans to battle? Like, i imagine seeing Ike, Alm, Grima, Nephenee, you name it, fighting Hel's forces or during the battles with Surtr, with may be just the budget to rival what Ufotable puts out when they animate fights in series like FSN. Like imagine if we got an animated battle of Fedelgard vs dragon Fafnir with quality on par with what Saber vs Berserker was in UBW or Rider vs Alter Saber. Like it could be a short, 12 episode anime of sorts. I think that would some very interesting marketing. i know that's not the point of FEH, but hey, i would like that.
  17. Well guys after looking at your advice i decided to finish summoning for the spark on the AHR banner, it's true that 11 summons for a spark is actually a pretty good deal although i had no idea who to go for in the spark at the time. So going in for those 11 summons, i got the following: 1x Dedue 1x Fallen Lyon 1x L!M!Byleth (the 40th and last summon no less, he was also the first of these units that i pulled in the banner, very fitting that he should be the one closing it) Honestly glad with the results, weird that i didn't get any off-focus units until now but 3 5*s in 11 summons is crazy good. I sparked Azura as i think i may be able to use Fury 4, s/r trace, or even cross spur res somewhere some day. with this i now have two of each of the focus units. now, i honestly have no use for Dedue ( i have 2 atm) but suppose i wanted to use that Near Save for some one, would Brave Edel be a good choice? I still use her a fair bit and i have never given her a Save skill but she's still a great armor imo. I honestly can't imagine using or building too many different near savers.
  18. I'm 29 pulls on the AHR banner and i have pulled at least 1 copy of all the focus units. Is it a good idea to go for the spark? I don't see a lot in terms of fodder in the units either, the most interesting i can see being Time Pulse and S/R far trace. going for the spark would be at least 45 orbs but if i snipe green that at most 55, and well i do have other targets in mind and although i doubt another Thracia banner will drop this year i don't want to be caught off guard. I don't have a lot of orbs left on me atm.
  19. everyone here and the rest of the universe is going after Mareeta for her special, meanwhile i'm here just wanting her for the great art from the second i saw her; but tragedy could not resist the opportunity to strike and i ended up having to spark her on the Thraccia banner, even worse the only other on-focus 5* i got was Karin, the demote. This is what pain looks like. well, on the legendary azura banner, azura was my one and only target, and i got her on 9 pulls! i even pulled a -atk brave marth, so i stopped while i'm ahead, although i don't have either Gatekeeper or Marianne or Alm. finally, i got a pretty good haul in the current AHR banner i think. In 29 pulls, i got all the units plus a second Thorr. The assets are not the best, but hey i'm just glad i got them. In total, i think about 4 circles had no green orbs to pull at all, meanwhile the avarage was probably about 1.5 green orbs for any circle where i did get green orbs. I did not get any off-focus 5*s or special 4*s.
  20. The spring theme is my least favorite in the series, and this bunch is not changing that except for one: Maria. Never been one for the "little girl carrying ridiculously large weapon" theme but i really like her design, my favorite spring design now. It doesn't hurt that her weapon is also decent, i'm specially happy with the fact it negates flying effectiveness. Well, may be, just may be, if luck in the universe aligns for me, i'll be able to pull one of her.
  21. ladies and gentlemen, i have hit the hardest block on my attempts at summoning a unit. i just one wanted one of either fae for fodder or caeda for fun, just 1 is all i ask. with about 80 or 90 orbst i got.....3 notts. 3 the first two even showed up in the same circle. never have i felt the game tell me more strongly that will NOTT get what i want. I give up on this banner, i don't have the feh pass active and i refuse to see her face again.
  22. Well, this is my win lol ngl, i was not really sure we could make it. I thought that with the massive support azura must have rallied to defeat fedelgard she would manage to steal a win even though corrin did ended up first place in the standings before the gauntlet. i suppose that as the other teams were eliminated a good portion of those players may have joined our ranks to eventually tip the scales. this is the second time i have won a VG from beginning to end, my first team being last year when Velouria won that banner to then show up as a new year's character. honestly, i chose corrin because i was not sure she would actually make it into the banner. sure, she won the popularity poll but the VG was going to be another game. I thought about joining team Byleth as i was sure azura would receive plenty of support against edelgard and i wanted to make sure we could get the all-green banner by helping byleth win over sigurd, but again, the VG is a different game and i was doubtful corrin would actually be able to win over duo dagard. glad i did, that match up was not a joke, we ended up winning with what, just 1 mil more votes? it was very close. now i do honestly believe azura would probably be the better unit for everyone to get for free, but again, i was just not sure corrin would actually make it, i would have been upset if we had just assumed she would make it in automatically and end up in the scenario where such assumptions leads to not enough people supporting her and thus getting left out of the banner.
  23. Is Wily Fighter a good B skill for A!Idunn? Idk, it seems a bit dull for some reason, especially seeing how Lucina's Savvy Fighter is looks so impressive. Recommendations?
  24. I came to FE from Final Fantasy. The depth of story and character design has always been one of the things i have loved the most about that series, but i have not found it the same in FE, in the limited amount of games i have played. It really makes me wish tho when i see so many cool characters being brought into the game that we could see a deeper look into their stories and character, especially as how FEH reaches the entire series. Forging bonds is neat, but I wish they would much further than that, more than a few maps for seasonals; it really feels like a missed opportunity, especially as how so many players who play FEH have never played many of the main series games if they have even played any at all. One of the things that stood out to me was how they had Xander sort of play a part at the beginning in book 1 (never payed attention to what happens after in the rest of books), it would be great if we saw more of this many heroes we summon contribute to the story a bit.
  25. It's been a while since i have found a New Heroes Banner i am genuinely interested. I like this one. Idunn has always been an interesting character to me even though i don't know anything about her, but i feel there is probably some very good story behind her character. I have always liked her based design. Up to this point, i have never had an armor character i have really wanted to invest in except for may be V!Lucina, but Idunn is definitely an armor i will be investing in. I also don't know anyone else in this banner, but i find i really like everyone in this batch, including granny. It just seems like a fun batch of characters. I really hope luck helps me bring them home. cheers everyone.
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