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Just call me AL

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Everything posted by Just call me AL

  1. I've seen worse. Like for example, a strong man who is always forward, a bit dumb and has a sense of humor, and a shy, timid, kinda weak, potentially homosexual girl as a couple. What people see in that type of pairing I'll never know, mainly because that pairing (at least in my opinion) doesn't work.
  2. Except for one, in my opinion. (And I don't care if it has an ending in the game itself.)
  3. Side quest = Gaiden Chapter. (In other words, you're thinking the term "Gaiden Chapter" refers to side quests in FEDS only.) Athos is forced, and joins you at the maximum level in the battle preparations of the final chapter. So, you're gonna need one more. As much as I hate Florina myself (but not her two sisters), I have never regretted using her. And those other units are also good when you give them enough training. But, to each his/her own.
  4. How so? (Seeing as this topic IS entitled "Final Battle Conversations".)
  5. Like a conversation Hector has with Oswin in Hector's story for example. (It's not a support conversation. But it occurs during the final chapter.)
  6. *facepalms* I didn't bold the word "AFTER" for no reason.
  7. Bumped because I have a question to ask. Does/Will this inlude certain conversations that certain people will often miss? (By which I mean those that occur after the chapter begins.)
  8. That, and there's only two Orion Bolts to go around for the majority of the game. So out of your bow users, (that start out as bow users, minus Louise, of course) only Wil, or Rebecca will get the other one if you're planning on using Rath. As for Matthew's item, he'll be competing with Legault for it.
  9. FE6: Lilina, Ray, Miledy, (Ugly) Gonzales, Lou FE7: Hector, Lyn, Eliwood, Lucius, Ninian/Nils FE9: Ike, Boyd, Soren, Jill, Oscar FE10: Depends on the team but... Dawn Brigade: Micaiah, Nolan, Edward, Laura, Aran Crimean Knights: Keiran, Geoffrey, Marcia, Nephenee, Haar Greil Mercenaries: Ike, Soren, Titania, Mia, Boyd Silver Team: (See Dawn Brigade, but maybe replace Nolan with Boyd and Edward with Shinon) Greil Team: (See Greil Mercenaries, but maybe replace Boyd with Nolan and Mia with Edward) Hawk Team: Elincia, Mia, Keiran, Geoffrey, Tibarn Final Team: Ike, Nolan, Soren, Kurthnaga, Caineghis
  10. PUH-LEEEEAZE don't tell me that you imagine me looking like my MS character.
  11. Why the heck don't the Daeinese soldiers run out of the way when there's a big freaking boulder coming towards them?
  12. As long as you don't use them. (And yet, at least according to the site, the problem with funds when using "S" rank weapons doesn't apply to Aureola, so it could be used without fear of your funds ranking going down.)
  13. Reinfleche didn't seem to have a unit attack twice when I tried it out. (Or on the receiving end, since I used Lyn to off the Morph Uhai. Plus, if a unit attacked twice with it, if you ask me, just the attack speed formula was taken into effect.)
  14. So far, one of the games I could recommend would be the Advance Wars games. Good games to play if you like games like Fire Emblem. And if you don't have them, Super Mario Galaxy, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Super Paper Mario. Let me know if these sound good to you.
  15. No love for Aureola, even though that counts as an "S" rank weapon, huh? Anyways, I'm voting Luce, even though it's heavy, but it has a cool animation and a good critical rate. Even though Aureola has it beat, if you ask me.) If you had put Aureola on the list, well...
  16. Even though I have more than one fave, it's a tough choice between The Blazing Sword (Durandal), The Thunder Axe (Armads), The Gale Bow (Miugre), The Purest Fire (Forblaze), or Oblivion's Silence (Apocalypse). I'd probably go with Durandal, for the strength bonus. (Now if Roy was a dual-wielder after promotion...)
  17. Only if it's Hector's story and he gets the first Heaven Seal. (Which, some people regret doing.) Otherwise if it's Hector's story, he promotes one or two chapers before Hector promotes. And if it's Eli's story, he just promotes late (same time as Hector promotes in his own story), period. And what Mekkah said sums it up too.
  18. I don't believe I've had the pleasure to know you. Anyways, just call me Al, don't ask for the "Little" part of my name.
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