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Use the Falchion

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Everything posted by Use the Falchion

  1. Assuming two per game going forward (based on nothing other than feeling like it): Caeda & Tiki Alm & ...someone Seliph & Julia No idea for Thracia - maybe Nanna and Ced?) Lilina & Guinevere (although Fir would probably be a little more popular if FEH is anything to go by) Eliwood & Hector Ephraim & Innes (or L'Archel) Soren & Elincia Sothe & Kurthnaga Chrom & Robin Azura & Kaze OR Hoshidan Siblings & Nohr Siblings (Or Azura, Hoshidan Siblings, & Nohr Siblings) House Leaders & either Shez or Seteth/Flayn...or maybe Seteth/Flayn/Rhea.
  2. Can't say I wasn't expecting the Realm of Light to show up eventually, but I can't say I expected what we got either. I'm gonna need to watch the video a few times when I have more time. My first impressions were mixed. I like the OC looks and music, but I'm also not as sold on them as I was for the previous few books. (I liked the switch from Book 3's heavy metal to Book 4's dreamy to 5's techno when it came to music and designs.) ALSO, I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS SHARENA ERASURE ANY LONGER! Also-Also, was that a young Freya? A quick Wiki peak tells me that Seidr was a type of magic in Norse Mythology rather than an explicit purpose, and Freya was the goddess associated with said magic. (As is Odin.) The book cover also doesn't appeal to me as much as previous books, but I'm sure it'll grow on me with time. Overall, I'm mixed and unsure of how to feel, and this is pretty normal, all things considered. It's not my favorite intro for a book, but I'm sure I'll learn to love the characters in time.
  3. As one who always enjoys new characters in FE (and has a pet project involving FE going on), this season with the introduction of new Engage characters and a new Book in Heroes starting soon is incredibly exciting. Just one of these is enough to make me giddy, but both together makes me hype. That's all.
  4. I wish I had your luck! Had about 200 orbs to spend, and half of that was spent before I pulled Embla. I ended up biting the bullet for FEH Pass and sparking Veronica and then sparking for N!Camilla as well. On the banner I also got a 4*+1 Mareeta (new)a 4*+1 Sanaki, and a 4*+1 PoR Ike (old), so I guess I'm happy with that. Lots of 5* Red units this morning...most of which are going in the box.
  5. Whelp, there go my orbs. I'm definitely wantng both and I'll be sniping red all I can. But if I only get one, I'll probably splurge for the FEH pass for the month so I can get a free second pull on this banner as well as on the Ninja banner to pick up N!Camilla. Getting Embla will put me back on just missing Otr and Askr...again.
  6. I'm conflicted about Etie's design. I like the clothing and hair and how they work together, but the overall moe thing is really throwing me off here. Hopefully it'll grow on me!
  7. I'd be down for that! Maybe, maybe not. I personally think it's worth trying out. Awakening, Cipher, and Heroes see/saw characters in all sorts of styles and artwork. Some work better than others, yes, but that doesn't mean it's NOT worth trying out either.
  8. They aren't. It's an anniversary game and they're using the two biggest era/anniversary points - Marth because he's the start of the franchise and Awakening because it saved the franchise and is a nice touchstone game-wise. Personally, I don't think this is a bad thing so long as the game knows that it isn't Awakening. I don't mind it giving me the same feeling as Awakening. Then again, Awakening is my favorite game... To be fair, most people didn't know about the time-skip until the Thanibomb leaks, and fewer believed it until the E3 trailer a mere month before the game released. Until then, all we knew was that the game was set in a school-ish setting and there was a conflict brewing between three nations. We had some mythic lore about the divine goddess, but that was pretty much it. Engage is a little over a month away from its reveal and has around two months before it gets to that point where Three Houses really clicked for everyone. Give it time. That being said, I don't feel like an FE game always needs some sort of unique narrative draw in order to be fun, good, or successful. Yes, a unique narrative would help, but that's not a requirement. Sorry, but this rubs me the wrong way for some reason. I think it's the idea that FE cliches and tropes are a bad thing. Like any story, tropes are tools. Sometimes it's good to twist them on their head and deconstruct them (Three Houses and Genealogy), other times it's good to play them straight and enjoy them for what they are (Awakening and Path of Radiance). A used trope or ticking of boxes doesn't have to be a bad thing. Avatar The Last Airbender isn't really unique in the story it's trying to tell (which is basically Star Wars) or the magic it uses (elemental magic is one of the oldest types in the book). What it does do is combine them in a delightful way and bring out the best in the story it's trying to tell. Engage may very well be the same. We're seeing the tropes it's going to be using, but maybe we're not seeing the quality of it. Also, for it to be truly cliche, we'd need it to check the "we are or need to help a lord of a fallen kingdom reclaim their throne," and honestly, I haven't seen that yet. Granted, I fully expect it to be in the game, but the fact that it hasn't been shown yet means something. This one stumps me - when has FE ever been lazy in terms of story or gameplay, and why haven't they deserved that right? Each of the past few games have been incredibly ambitious when compared to games before it. Awakening was a love letter to the entire franchise that brought back mechanics used once in the franchise and introduced completely new ones. Its story was a classic FE story, updated and even deconstructed a bit in order to bring us something that would be a fond farewell. Fates was (well it was intended to be) a nuanced take on Fire Emblem in a way that very few FE games touched on. It was the first FE to fully be split into two completely separate games. Not one game with one alternating path and a few select recruitment differences - two completely different games in terms of maps and design, (most) units available, and overall aesthetic. The gameplay and map design in Fates is still lauded as some of the best in the franchise. (...and the worst, but it's a thing to be at both the top and the bottom!) Echoes was the first FE game to have full voice acting, and it fleshed out ideas in Fates and Awakening in terms of skills and combat arts. Three Houses modified things even further, bringing an even more morally grey story into the fold and introducing several new mechanics, including a brand-new weapon type, something not done since Radiant Dawn roughly twelve years prior.* And you can complain all you want about the visuals, but it was still a step in a modern direction. (Three Hopes is similar IMO, but in its own way.) And being lazy - I'm not sure that being the franchise that opened both General Directs this year with two separate games is lazy at all. Being in the position to open said directs because your game sales are the best they've ever been and have pretty much been on a direct increase** for the past ten years isn't lazy. Having the best-selling Nintendo mobile game of all type by leaps and bounds isn't lazy. I don't know you, and I don't know if IntSys is doing what you'd prefer they'd be doing or not, and that may make them look lazy to you, but to me IntSys looks anything but lazy. Are they drip-feeding information? Yes. Is it annoying and sporadic? Also yes. But that doesn't mean that IntSys isn't lazy or they don't deserve a chance to rest on their laurels. (Granted, I hope they don't. The desire to tweak and modify and improve gameplay and their ambitious - if not biting off more than they can chew - storytelling is one of the reasons I respect IntSys.) *IDK if daggers/knives were a thing before RD. **Barring Echoes since it was a remake of the black sheep game of the FE family on a dying system. EDIT: Sorry about the Double-Post. The first post is from today, while the second one is a post I had in draft form for a few days but never got the chance to finish up before now. I forgot they were on the same thread until after I sent both out. I'll try to make sure I won't do that in the future.
  9. Interesting! A few ways that could go, but very few of them are good... First, Emblems (excluding Marth*) are gender-locked. This would be stupid and limiting but far from surprising honestly. Second, this could change which parent was the Divine Dragon. Maybe mother if M!Alear and father if F!Alear? Depending on where the story is going (i.e - Alear isn't actually half-Divine Dragon but half Fell Dragon, or was the Fell Dragon itself), that may change the main villain of the story. Third, I have no idea. But I'm sure IntSys will think of something... *If Marth is gender-locked, however, that would raise some very interesting story questions.
  10. Same. I think we're at a point now where that's possible and should be done for any future game with child units.
  11. Holding out hope that there's no tweet today because we're getting a trailer instead. (THREE HOPES OR ENGAGE I'LL TAKE EITHER BUT I WANT BOTH PLEASE INTSYS.) But yeah, it's just a little disorganized marketing at this time. I'm sure they'll have a more organized final push after Scarlet/Violet.
  12. Just a passing thought, but I wonder if Engage will get a demo. Three Hopes had a demo, but the last mainline game to have a demo was Awakening almost ten years ago. Yeah, it'd be pretty cool for a game that seems to really be influenced by Awakening (...and Fates, if the half-dragon/half-human Lord Avatar/Protag and the focus on lords & retainers are anything to go by...) to have a demo as well, but it's far from a guarantee. Still, I think it'd be cool to see another trailer for the game at the VGA followed by an announcement that a demo was either immediately available or would be made available soon after. It'd be far enough away from Pokemon to truly enjoy the DLC time, and it'd get more eyes in front of an audience outside of maybe anything but a general Direct. Granted, Nintendo doesn't really need to do use the VGA to drop a demo. I just think the timing is pretty good. OR MAYBE THEY CAN DROP A TRAILER FOR THREE HOPES DLC AND ONE OF THE REWARDS FOR BEATING THE DLC IS THE CHANCE TO PLAY AS ALEAR IN WARRIORS. Anyways, it's just a passing thought and partial hope based on some outlier examples.
  13. I mean, I never thought I'd see Linhardt, Hilda, and Ashe all be in a DLC story together with any importance, but then we got the Ashen Wolves DLC. It's not impossible, just unlikely. Outside of that, new characters and stories mean potentially new voiced supports and dialogue. Depending on how involved Ferdinand is/was supposed to be, I can see that causing a delay. Not a long one, mind you, but a delay nevertheless.
  14. It would, and part of me is wondering if that's a potential reason that any Three Hopes DLC is taking a while, assuming some was planned. That being said, I'm personally on the side of recasting the role. Billy Kametz was phenomenal as Ferdinand and brought the character to life in a way that very few could, will, or should. But that doesn't mean he has to have been the only one to do so, nor would it be disrespectful to do so IMO. Voice actors (and regular actors) have been replaced for less. Shows have replaced actor after the titular character's actor passed away - see STARZ's Spartacus. Still, it's not a decision that can be made lightly...
  15. Lol thanks! It's always fun to think of gameplay scenarios and ideas and characters, even if they won't ever exist or be expanded upon. It's difficult to balance speculation and expectation at times though. Yup! 😁 She'll always be the prime example of a great "what if" character for FE IMO, so any chance I can to bring her in as a potential DLC character, I will!
  16. Just another random DLC idea I came up with the other day. I call it the "Winter Expanse" for now, but I'm trying to come up with a better name. Basically, it's like the Ashen Wolves DLC in that it's semi-canon and takes place during a specific time in the game (that doesn't really matter too much). The "Winter Expanse," quite aptly, takes place during winter and varies which route players are on. (Beating each route's story allows players to pick up all characters though.) Basically, during the winter of the war where battles are put on pause (or at least that's how it happens during Azure Gleam), Shez and specific allies from the chose route are sent out to investigate what's happening in other regions of the world/battlefield, and reach out for allies. Like the Ashen Wolves DLC, this would be available from the main screen. However, once the hiatus is reached on any particular route, there would be a prompt asking if the player wants to start/continue/replay the Winter Expanse campaign. Azure Gleam: Sreng - Shez and Sylvain set out to broker a peace deal with the Sreng after Sylvain's "foster" brother offers one. While there, Sylvain and his father discover that his first wife is alive, with his daughter no less! However, earning her trust, and working out a deal with the Sreng are two completely different and supremely complicated things. Albenia - ??? I just want to see the place. Maybe Ingrid and Shez are sent because Dimitri wants to increase trade with another frozen land and he wants to use their ports as docks to launch a sea invasion of the Empire? [EDIT - Duscur was originally supposed to be here, but I sort of feel like Albenia's a more interesting choice.] Scarlet Blaze Brigid - It is time for Petra to step up as queen in order to increase the amount of support the Empire will gain from its current vassal state. However, a Queen's subjects must first accept their new ruler, and her allies must stand as strong as she does. ??? - Abyss? - There's some interesting stuff going on in Abyss, both for and against the church. I can see Edelgard showing a little interest in that and using that as proof for how the Church has failed Fodlan. Maybe we can use Ferdinand here and have a younger illegitimate sister of his be a recruit. NO I WILL NOT LET GO OF THIS IDEA. Golden Wildfire Almyra - It's time and long-overdue. Shez and we'll say Lorenz are sent to Almyra to help stop some of the Almyran King's other children from staging a coup. Morfis - It's closer to the Alliance/Federation after all. I guess the story could involve Lysithea looking for a cure to her twin Crests, which leads her to the City of Illusion in Morfis. All Routes - TWSITD Defectors - A group of Agarthans who want nothing to do but live peacefully on the surface, but the manipulation of their leaders and the war on the continent has made that nearly impossible. (...maybe this is too on-the-nose for current global politics, but I could see it working...) Kronya may or may not be in this group, originally as a spy but later as a true defector once things go sideways and her bosses leave her to die. Each of these places can introduce a new character or two alongside a new class, but I'd also like some of the other ideas that I've mentioned to happen as well, such as Dimitri having a cousin to recruit so we can follow up on the succession crisis, more named and individual Duscur allies, and seeing more of Claude's family. Finally, I think it would be good for this idea to have at least one of the DLC expansions to actually be available on another path, since the characters involved can be recruited on other paths. Also available in this dream expansion because I just worked in how it could work just this moment - Transforming Units! Each group is given their own set of transforming beasts. (The transforming characters/beasts isn't the new part, but who and for which route is.) Azure Gleam - "Saints Reborn" - Flayn is tired of her uncles deciding to sit the war out, so Shez, Seteth, and Flayn go to convince them to join. Scarlet Blaze - "Weapons Repurposed" - Monica and Hanneman find out about a group of Crest Stone Experiment survivors from TWSITD's experiments and decides to recruit them, with Shez's help. After some careful magic surgery, the survivors are able to change almost at will, and decide to get a nice cold glass of revenge on their captors. Golden Wildfire - Marianne hears about a group of beast-people. Fearing that they may share her crest and she may become one of them, she runs away. Holst and Shez go after her, having heard another rumor about a tribe of wolf-people from an old tale and deciding to investigate. (Or something. And yes, Hilda makes more sense, but she was in the Ashen Wolves DLC, so I want Holst here.) It turns out that these were a type of people who lived here but were shunned/exiled/erased by the Church but would love to be of use in taking it down. EDIT 2: I'm now thinking of a third "expansion" that's late-game and depends on recruiting the Ashen Wolves and Byleth. Basically, when the Ashen Wolves were students, there was a time when they considered splitting the class into two groups for some friendly competition in the Abyss, the Ashen Wolves and the Argent Wyverns/Dragons. This idea was cut short when Garrag Mach shut down. Now, Yuri and co want to reconcile with their old classmates...but that might be easier said than done, depending on the route. (This would also be a fun place to put in any crossover characters, although that may steal the thunder of Engage at this point. Then again, we could put the latter half of the Cipher OCs here.) I'm calling this "The Wolf and the Dragon" as inspired from "The Dog and the Dragon" from Stormlight Archive 4, Rhythm of War, but we'll see if that changes. And yes, the initials are similar on purpose.
  17. Being one-note and not developing/changing/growing are two separate things IMO. You can be complex and far from one-note and not change. You can change and still be seen as one-note. (Maybe the tune has changed, maybe the change is small.) Look at Lorenz and Ferdinand. To most they'd both be pretty one-note, and their changes/growth are pretty minor, but that doesn't mean that they don't have nuance or that the change isn't impressionable. Finally, change isn't needed to make a good character. Leonie is a perfectly fine character who doesn't need to grow much. She's happy and complete as she is, and outside of some fangirling about Jeralt and one very poorly-timed support unlock, she's a solid addition. Shamir doesn't change a single bit in Three Houses, but she's still very popular, well-liked, and a pretty well-rounded character all things considered. Dorothea is anything but one-note if you ask me. She's the type of character who wants to present as one-note because said note helps them achieve their goals. Sylvain is similar to the point that they recognize it in each other. (Hilda is similar as well.) Dorothea is seen as the flirty songstress because she's weaponizing that persona to find someone who can bring her happiness and love. (And money, but that is actually secondary.) She loves singing and stories. But by the time Part 2 rolls around, she's completely jaded on singing, to the point that several of her endings have her give up singing completely. Compare "every rose has its thorns" to "only thorns left on this rose." There is clearly some change going on here. But you're allowed to dislike who you want, so keep on doing so if you feel like it.
  18. Portraits - Awakening. I don't know what it is about the portraits in Awakening, but they just feel so much more alive and full of character than most others in the franchise to me. From the designs to what the characters are doing in their official artwork, there's this sense of authentic motion that you don't get from several of the other artists. Hidari's artwork is great and does achieve an idea of what people want FE to be or imagine it being in at its fullest potential, but I don't think it'd work for anything but the game it's in. I mean, I think that for most FE games, but I think the characters in Awakening transcend that in a way. Battle Sprites - GBA. It's pure nostalgia speaking, but between the fun and stylized crit animations, the heart-pounding last minute dodge animations, and the overall style of the classes, I just love them. Even replaying the games those animations still happen to make me smile. Environments - To be honest, I don't actually care that much about this one. I don't really notice them outside of "oh that's nice" or "oh, the background changes when we enter a battle." To that effect I guess Three Houses would technically be the winner since it's the only game where I actively experimented with the Environments via the zoom feature and appreciated it, but I chose Tellius because I imagine SOV, Tellius, and Engage are going to win this silly thing anyways and I don't care enough to stop them.
  19. Paired endings - they've been a staple for decades at this point, and I like shipping. Second Gen Units - Honestly I'm neither hoping nor expecting this to show up, but I like (the idea of) second gen kids. Yet, if a Genealogy remake is next up, I'm 100% fine waiting until then. Malig Knight return - Based on the leaks and the first trailer, it looks like one of the girls (the one with the fancy hat) may promote to that. Maybe.
  20. No problem! Yeah things got a little awkward since the example in my dream was Rhea and Edelgard joining forces lol! (Granted, I do want to see that, and I do think it could work in-universe, but when I thought about it for Three Houses, Claude would have been the villain due to TWSITD. But knowing more about what he wants in Three Hopes, I think he'd work as a solid antagonist all-around.)
  21. Hilariously, I had a dream about a DLC route in Three Hopes last night. I think it was called Dark Cup or Dark Clouds or something. I remember it specifically not being themed around fire. (Although I think towards the end of my dream I was able to change the name to Dark Candle.) It was a Church-focused path where the Church would align with another Lord or have the option to go off on their own. Since this was a dream, things didn't get really far, but it was fun nonetheless. Things did get weird though, as the route turned into an Awakening crossover. Chrom and F!Robin were playable, and Lucina weirdly merged and deaged with Rhea, so she looked like a green-haired child version of herself. It was weird. Then again, many dreams are. Anyways, the main point is just to say "hey I had a dream about a Church-focused route in Three Houses!"
  22. Hmm...In this case, I'd probably just focus more on the child units who can either function well without Galeforce or never had that option in the first place. Which to me is pretty much every kid, honestly. Galeforce is a great and a primary function for a lot of builds, yes, but it's not the ONLY build for kids. You can have a lot of fun experimenting with new builds now that you have an extra free slot. But that depends on whether or not you're playing Hard, Lunatic, or Lunatic+ I guess. I'm treating this for Hard since that's what I play, but I'm sure you can find a way to make some of this work for Lunatic. For Miriel and Cherche, if you're grinding, I'd recommending passing down Dual Support+ since that's a female-only inheritable skills and they're great in making the sons solid support units. This also a solid option for Maribelle and Lissa, but if Falcon Knight is still in the game, they can pass down Lancefaire instead...assuming that you'd want Brady and Owain in a class that uses Lances. (Admittedly, this isn't really a good option unless you're doing a full magic/hybrid mixture here, or really messing with their growths for the lulz.) Vaike/Sully is a solid option since it's not centered around Galeforce anyways. The same is true for Vaike/Cherche, if you want to focus on having the best Strength mods. Ricken/Miriel of course - you get the highest second gen magic growth (outside of +Mag/-Str Robin/Emmeryn) and Luna. Frederick/Panne - my personal shipping is very present here, but I think it's a solid pairing. Frederick bulks Yarne up quite a bit but his speed growth and inheritance are still good due to Panne giving +7 in stat inheritance instead of +5 or +3 like most other mothers IIRC. (Or maybe it's +5 to others' +3.) Nowi is similar. Lissa still has a lot of options open, since Owain can be purely magical or a magical hybrid. Again, if you want him in a lance-using class, pass down Lancefair from Falcon Knight. If not, then pass down Dual Support+ or give something that will make grinding a lot easier. Personally, I'd stick with Henry for shipping reasons, but Donnel gives Owain the hghest Luck in the game, making it completely possible for him to never break a weapon. Chrom...I'd honestly either go with Sully or Olivia. Sully doesn't have Galeforce anyways, so you don't have to worry about what to substitute in when pairing the two. On the downside, Lucina and Kjelle won't have access to Lancefaire (or Lancefaire or Axefaire in Kjelle's case), so maybe not this one. Sumia's a good option, but Gaius is probably a better fit. If you're not worrying about Galeforce, then you don't have to worry about using Gaius to pass that around, which means that you can pair him and Sumia up and make Cynthia the fastest unit in the game. Back to Chrom, Olivia offers Lucina the Myrmidon line - which you can further exploit due to having a free space where Galeforce went - while Sumia offers Lucina the Knight line (aka Pavise since Lucina naturally has access to the Great Knight class). I'd still go with Olivia for shipping reasons and because Inigo can put Rightful King to good use, but you are missing out on a third Aether unit. You decide. (Also, while it may not be much, Chrom!Inigo has a max Luck of 47. Having him inherit Olivia's Luck+4 actually would put him at 51 Luck, which means so long has he has Armsthrift equipped any weapon he uses will never break. Give him a Regalia or Relic that has a built-in ability so you're not taking up a space there, give him the necessary skills, and let the boy go to town! Like Brady and Owain, he'll also have natural access to Barbarian, which means that he can be a phenomenal source of Bullions when defeating opponents.) Still, Maribelle does have some benefits. Outside of F!Robin, she's the only mother that can give Lucina full access to all three Dual + skills. (Lucina has natural access to Dual Attack+ via the Lord class and Dual Guard+ via Great Knight, but she can only gain Dual Support+ via the Valkyrie line, and Maribelle and F!Robin are the only mothers who pass that down.) ...so yeah, Chrom and Lucina actually don't change that much IMO. Stahl and Cordelia is still my go-to so Severa can have something like: Aegis, Swordfaire, Lancefaire, Vantage, Armsthrift. But that's just me. Lon'qu!Severa is a beast, and you can go nearly Full Breaker with her and not have to worry about a space for Galeforce. (I mean, you can go Full Breaker with her, give her the sword Sol or the lance Luna for Procs, and have fun, but I think a carefully curated couple of Breakers and some other skills mixed in is a smarter option.) Frederick!Severa is builkier than the first two options and has access to all Knight and Cavelry classes alongside the Wyvern line...alongside everything else Cordelia gives her. Severa, Inigo, Owain, and Morgan are very hard to mess up, so I wouldn't worry too much about Severa not having Galeforce, because that just means that there's room for another skill Severa will most certainly put to good use. Maribelle is a difficult choice...honestly, I'd either go with Henry or Libra in this case, so Brady can be full support or full Dark Mage. Cherche - I mentioned Vaike/Cherche above, and while I still stand by it, my personal ship/pair is Gregor/Cherche. I think their supports are pretty cute, and Gerome gets nearly everything he needs. Since he was never going to have Galeforce, I usually focus on making him the best supportive Wyvern Lord/Hero he can be. That to me usually means Bowbreaker (if a Wyvern Lord, and Swordfaire if a Hero), Axefaire, a proc skill like Astra, and Dual Support+. But again, that's me, and that's with a LOT of grinding. Getting Cherche to learn Dual Support+ takes a level of dedication that I'm not always up for... Nowi/Kellam - it's Nowi's most popular non-Galeforce!Nah pairing. Just stick with it. Tharja - maybe Lon'qu? Noire can go either physical or magical honestly, and she already has access to Dark Knight via the Dark Mage class. Lon'qu can give her Swordfaire, Astra, Vantage, and even Lancebreaker (although Noire's natural access to Pavise may negate the need for this) so she can use a Levin Sword to the fullest capabilities. The only things missing are Tomefaire and Armsthrift, but Levin Swords can use both sword and magic stats so it's not necessary. They can also be bought in late-game stores, and it's not like Noire will need them too much before then. Alternatively, the Trickster class may be a very solid option for Lon'qu!Noire, as it allows her to use her Magic stat to heal as well as fight, and her Speed & Skill stat inheritance alongside the sword skills without worrying about offensive magic. So yeah, I'd say go: Swordfaire, Vantage, Anathema/Lifetaker/Magicbreaker, Astra, Lancebreaker/Pavise. F!Robin - Robin really can go with anyone and anything. Depending on who you want to pair Robin with, either Lancefaire or Dual Support+ is recommended IMO, but there are other gender-locked skills that are worth passing down. For the lulz, part of me recommends F!Robin/Walhart so you can actually use Conquest and Lancefaire without fearing the number of Skills you're taking up. (Or having to choose between Lancefaire or Galeforce...which is never really an option to be honest...) I'm lowkey tempted to try this build out someday, but Galeforce is too broken for me to give it up, and I personally ship Priam and F!Robin. Oh, and Morgan is far too good to wait until the game is over to unlock. Alternatively, Chrom!Inigo!Morgan is super popular since it gives you a fourth character to use Rightful King. However, because of that, Inigo won't pass down whatever Olivia gave him. That does you mean you can build two separate-yet-linked Proc Skill niches, though. M!Robin - M!Robin is much of the same. Either pass down a gender-locked class skill like Axefaire or Despoil from the Barbarian/Berserker line or something that makes training easier. In the same vein of Walhart and Conquest, I'm actually a big fan of Aversa!Morgan. Shadowgift is a blast to use as a Sage or Valkryie, but without Galeforce it may lose a bit of its charm. Maybe go with Lucina (or another daughter of Chrom if you decide to go that route), pass down Axefaire, and then go Wyvern Lord or Hero? That way you can get Aether via an Axe and have a lot of fun with that. Anyways, that's all I can really think of at the moment. I hope this is helpful!
  23. *Flashbacks to Paper Mario: TOK* Yup. Honestly, I'm checking Nintendo's YouTube page pretty regularly these past few days just in the hopes that something shadow-drops. In reality, if something does drop, I feel like next week would be a better time, given the whole Mario Movie Direct this Thursday. But Nintendo does what they want to do, and no one can stop them. I had to look up what those games were because I truly had no idea what they were. Yeah for Omegaforce, they could be clearing out projects to work on something new and ambitious later down the line. Or maybe just clearing their schedule to work on a Genealogy Warriors game and they need the time to make sure the styles and engine match what IntSys is doing with their Genealogy remake. Regardless, as you mention, we have a lot of unfinished business in Three Hopes, and I hope we're given the time to finish it before moving to Elyos.
  24. Losing a bit of hope since it feels like Three Hopes only has a few more months of life before it's overshadowed by Engage. Then again, a few more months is all the game may need - an announcement can easily be made in October for a November release, just like the Ashen Wolves DLC. But what I've been thinking recently is that instead of rolling out the DLC in waves like they've done in the past, what if IntSys is simply making sure that all of the DLC is rolled up into one major wave, so that anyone who wants part of the DLC has to purchase the whole thing? Just some thoughts and hopes (heh) for something that seems so illogical out of character to not exist.* Anyways, due to some fun Reddit posts (and a very cute fanfic), I'm a fan of the idea of Jeralt finding Shez as a kid and raising them alongside Byleth, creating an even weirder timeline. But since that will never happen, I'd be willing to settle for a "hey, Shez actually leaves, meets Byleth at Remire Village, and everyone more or less gets roped back to Garrag Mach." You can even turn this into a Silver Routes scenario, where players can choose the houses of Byleth and Shez, but they'll never be in the same house. However, the two houses chosen will team up on a new hybrid route, more or less. For example, if Byleth chose the Black Eagles while Shez chose the Blue Lions, then the two would come to a truce after Kingdom scouts find Jeralt's Mercenaries taking out mysterious forces that have been seen around Cornelia. Shez is sent as a parlay, and the Empire and Kingdom settle on a truce as they wipe out Agarthan forces. (Or rather, the side Byleth takes is quickly overrun, and Byleth and Co must escape with their chosen lord to Shez's side for the moment. Also can we have an Agarthan ally or two please? Give me a new DLC character...and the chance to recruit Kronya for the lulz.) But in reality, I imagine that if there was more DLC, it'd be for a story that reveals that Anselma or someone was the real Big Bad this entire time and somehow the mother of Shez despite the timelines not adding up and everyone teams up to take her down. *It could also just be a timing thing. If Three Houses' delay pushed back Engage, and then polishing Engage took longer due to COVID, but the Three Houses team had time to develop and create Three Hopes in the meantime, they may not have had enough time to develop DLC for the game. Granted, that assumes there was no post-launch support, but we honestly don't know. Maybe Omegaforce and the IntSys team working on Three Hopes were moved to new projects immediately after finishing this one. Maybe they've been working tirelessly on DLC since the game was released and had some Day 1 patches, and we're just waiting on the final project. I honestly don't know.
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