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Use the Falchion

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Posts posted by Use the Falchion

  1. 7 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Naga would work, but Naga is pretty much a given for a Legendary or Ascended version.

    Except Ascended versions don't have a distinct pattern at the moment (at least one that I can decipher), so it's far from a guarantee or truth. 

    Legendary maybe, but given that Y!Tiki has had one, I'm not entirely sure this will happen. 


    But at the end of the day, while I feel disappointed, I'm really not that upset. I honestly forget about it - there are far too many other things in real life and in the game to think about than some artwork from a unit I'm collecting for the sake of collecting. I'm just explaining what I've seen others seen. 

  2. 45 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

    I honestly don’t understand why Brave Tiki is even a controversy. If she was drawn like Lachesis was, sure, but she’s clearly her older self. It seems like people dislike her younger self so much that even seeing an outfit similar to hers is too much?

    From what I'm seeing (and partially how I feel, but not remotely to the degree of others), sort of. Those who voted for Awakening Tiki specifically wanted nothing to do with her child form, hence why this version was voted for and not her child form. IntSys then putting her in her childhood clothes feels like they're either doing so out of spite, stupidity, or sloth. (Sorry, I just really wanted the alliteration. "Ignorance or laziness" would be a better term.) Tiki has other characters she can be associated to, like Naga who is her mother (and seemingly has a closer or more overt mother-daughter connection (but not necessarily relationship) with her in Awakening), or Bantu who was her guardian for years/centuries/longer. Or in Awakening, she also has a close bond with both Lucina and Say'ri. Any of the four would work for a nice reference and fun character art. But IntSys choosing not to honor any of these bonds or relationships and going back to a look that fans specifically voted to get away from feels insulting. 

    The same is true to a lesser degree for Byleth from what I've seen. The art looks great, but fans wanted a specific Byleth - one with blue hair - and IntSys outright ignored that in order to do an homage to Sothis. Personally, I'm a fan of the artwork and costume (although I do wear it after the hair color switch in-game) so I'm not bothered by it, but I understand why it would bother some fans.

    Why vote for your favorite version of a character when IntSys is going to do what they want with the art and make them more akin to the version of the character it seems like they like?

    It'd be like having a Spider-Man voting contest, and you vote for Miles Morales because you like his costume the best, only for the artist to stick him in Peter Parker's contest - what was the point of voting if they were always going to use the design they wanted?


    Again, that's how I've interpreted what I've seen. I can't speak for the skills or the quality of the art itself in most cases. 

  3. Today has been a PHENOMENAL pull day for me. Probably my best, if not in the top three ever. (I probably and weirdly still count Say'ri's banner as #1, as I was able to naturally pull three of the four featured units and then Spark for the fourth.) 

    To be fair, my luck started yesterday. On Pent's rerun banner, my free pull - and only green orb in the circle - net me Pent, which was awesome! I had one of those "this is going to be Pent" feelings, and it came true. 

    During CYL proper, I was musing to myself about how much trouble Ascendant Idunn was giving me and how I'd probably need to actually use mine, and lo-and-behold, my first pull and my free pull net me another Ascendant Idunn. This really set the tone for the rest of the banner. Not counting the four free Sparks, I got:

    Ascendant Idunn (see above)

    Vanilla Shinon (Old and BLEGH. Shinon is one of my least favorite characters in the franchise, so I'll probably fodder him off for a skill.)



    Annette (new)

    F!Dimitri (old)

    4*+1 Vanilla Laegjarn (old)

    4*+1 Vanilla Lyn (old)


    B!Byleth (in the same spark as the one above no less!)

    Galzus (new I think)

    Valentia Est (new)


    Constance (new)

    B!Byleth (again)

    B!Byleth (again in the same circle)


    B!Dimitri (in the same circle as the above B!Byleth!)

    4*+1 Dream Male Corrin (or whatever he's called) (old)

    4*+1 Vanilla Ike (new)


    4*+1 Forsyth (old) 

    F!Gustave (old)

    Wolf (new)


    ...yeah, I got a LOT. That's probably all of my luck for the year in FEH right there. In total, that's seven Brave Byleths, three Bravel Seliphs, three Brave Chroms, and about 15-16 other 5* in total. That's probably all of my luck for FEH this year. 

    In addition, I spent an extra 40 or so orbs on the Ninja banner just to kill some time between my main first summoning batch and my main one (and so that the preferred character during Forging Bonds would change), and I got N!Nina! I don't think I'll go back for N!Leila this year, as I have about 100 orbs left over from the summoning that I want to go to October's Legendary/Mythic banner so I can snipe for Askr and Otr. (I'm hoping to build up to about 300 orbs, assuming Marianne on a Dancer banner doesn't throw all my plans out the window.) Those three, a Vanilla Loki, and Nifl are all I need to have a full set of Vanilla FEH OCs. I'm so close! 

    The 3* and 4* pulls were mostly fodder, with a scant few being useful for future 5* merge projects and potential projects. The rest were scrapped for feathers, which gave me an extra 25k or so feathers. (Which was good because I messed up on one of my merge projects and accidentally turned an extra unit into a 5* one.) I was able to complete 4 projects that way, but none of the 160 units I pulled today were a Kaze, Seteth, or Knoll, all of which I only need about one more for. Still, I can't be too upset about the results today. 

    Overall, I'm VERY pleased about today's results, and I'm excited to see how next year turns out!

  4. My thoughts from last night:
    Chrom is back with Kozaki's art, and he's NOT a red unit!
    Sothis Regalia Byleth is looking great also!
    Tiki, I will admit, isn't my favorite. Instead of doing something more akin to her Awakening style, they just stuck her in her Shadow Dragon outfit. Not surprising, but somewhat disappointing.
    Seliph makes his father's outfight work! (Something that sadly can't be said for everyone.)
    Overall, Chrom and Byleth are the clear winners to me. I can't wait to summon them!
    25 minutes ago, Othin said:

    Something about his face/hair feels off, I'm not exactly sure what.

    I noticed that too. I think his face is a little off and his hair is a little shorter than usual. Or at least that's how it looked to me. 

  5. 9 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    I guess it depends on what we view as Ashnard's honest motivations. Does he truly wish for a world where the weak falter and die, while the strong triumph and flourish? If so, the use of a mechanism that kills indiscriminately comes across as contrary to that ethos. But if this assertion is just an ad hoc justification for his own raw ambitions for personal achievement, then it makes some sense. His lust for power pushed him to drastic means, regardless of the impact it might have exerted upon the social fabric.

    My thoughts exactly. That's one of the (many) reasons I don't like Radiant Dawn. I felt like Ashnard's M.O. for getting power and his justification for it were consistent with what he said. He walked the talk. When the Blood Pact was introduced, it suddenly didn't line up with his previous motivation. It's canon to the story now and makes sense if power for the sake of power was the goal, but it's the far less interesting option IMO, and one that ruins the character, not enhances. 

  6. Spent about 75 orbs on the Ninja banner. I got a 4* Ninja Sothe and a few units for my merge projects. I'll spend 50-100 more orbs at the end of the month after CYL, but I want to save up for the Mythic/Legendary banner in October, as it's speculated to have both Askr and Otr, two of the three FEH OCs that I don't have yet. (The third is Nifl, but I'm hoping to snag one during CYL if I can.)

  7. I'm going for Nina/Kagero and Leila if I can. I like their costumes and have enough orbs now to hunt for them for a bit without going too in debt during CYL, so I think it's worth it. They remind me of Panther from Persona 5 (especially Nina's), and I feel like with the masks it may have been an intentional thing. 

  8. Probably the luckiest I've ever been on a Legendary/Mythic banner, and I still didn't get Askr. Stll, the luck here combined with pulling Ymir and Duo Thorr made this overall a good day. 

    My pulls: 

    Ashera (New, x2 - my first and second last)

    Medeus (New, x2 - my second and last)

    Duo Thorr (new)

    Ymir (new)

    L!Nanna (new)

    Letizia (old)

    Owain (4* + 1 - new)

    B!Roy (4* + 1 - old)


    I did end up dolphining on this banner, using my daily orb stash, and going down to about 625 (by accident funnily enough - I double-clicked on the summoning button by reflex when I meant to go to the Battle button), but I still got a lot of new units, some special ones I was looking for, and a few units for future merge projects, so I'm not sad. I did decide that I'll try pulling for Summer Edelgard, Claude, and Dimitri next year, and after CYL 6 I'll stockpile my orbs until the next Mythic/Legendary both Otr and Askr appear on, and then I'll go all out there. 

    EDIT: On the New Heroes banner, I did pull Ascended Celica on my first ticket (aka the second pull), so that was nice! I think I would have preferred pulling Ymir then, but I'll take it. 

  9. Jugdral. Between the age of the games, the QoL changes that have been implemented in the series since then, the popularity in Japan (and outside it among those who've played it), they deserve to go next; and frankly they're also the final Kaga-Era games that haven't gotten a remake. 

    Elibe, Tellius, and Magvel need access to play at best and remasters with small graphic and QoL updates at worst. Those can tide people over until it's their turn to be remade. 

  10. I'm usually a Character > Story > Gameplay person. Fates is one of the very few exceptions to that rule within the FE franchise. (TMS is the other major exception.) I liked Fates once I started treating units as puzzles and the game as a eugenics simulator rather than carrying about the story of the characters for themselves (for the most part). 

    Fates still has some of the best gameplay and worst map design the franchise has ever had. The first roughly 5 levels of Revelation are pure agony, and have on more than one occasion, stopped me from starting playthroughs. I'd honestly rather take Awakening and Three Houses generic map design over this garbage. That being said, most of the gameplay feels rock solid to me. Each class can fill a niche pretty well, and the switch from Pair Up to Attack/Defense Stance was a really good one. Fates brought in a lot of fun classes that I hope return to the franchise soon. 

    Overall, I like Fates for its gameplay, and I respect its ambition in its story, even if it probably overextends itself. (Or rather, even if it doesn't live up to the rumored pages upon pages of notes for the story. I have hope those can be revisited in a remake, however.)

  11. It's not for me. I promised myself I'd get back to this game in 2017 after I put it down for a bit. I don't think I've touched it outside of attempting to by some DLC last month. Maybe someday I'll get back to it, but its barebones approach isn't for me. I also don't really care for Celica. I find her a bit..."holier-than-thou" at times. She has a great heart and is more attentive about her friends than Alm IMO, but her outlook on the war and violence in general is one that's respectable, but not practical in their current situation. Also, her choice in people to trust is very suspect. Still, Gray is one of my favorite Non-Lord FE characters, so there's that. 

  12. I guess it's possible, and I certainly don't want to rain on anyone's parade in terms of head-canon, but the game is pretty clear that the Awakening Trio came to Nohr after Awakening ended and leave Nohr after Fates ends, depending on who they marry and whatnot. After that, having them travel around to different worlds is perfectly possible IMO, and I'm a fan of it!

  13. I like it! I'd personally want more stuff in Almyra proper, as I felt the demo promised, but I'd gladly take this as well. 

    Part of me wants to take this even farther and go into a Golden Route territory:

    Shahid teams up with Thales (or rather, Thales preys upon Shahid's weakness), and starts to cause some instability within the Federation. Dimitri recognizes the tactics and Thales' own manipulations due to his dealings with Cornelia, and Rhea notes that Edelgard did ask for her help in taking Thales - then Lord Arundel - out a little over two years ago. Claude, launches a strike force attack to stop Shahid, but soon discovers that Shahid is going to kill his own father in order to take the throne by force. Claude and Co stealthily sprint to the Almyran capital and take down Shahid while Dimitri and Rhea defend the Federation from any outside attack. Claude's defense is successful, and Shahid is taken capture and/or publicly exiled in response. (Claude is able to recruit another family member during this time as a Wyvern Rider as well.) However, this was all a diversion by the Agarthans, who needed Claude's watchful eye away from his own territory so they could take the time to gather their forces. (If Kronya was to be recruited, I'd have Thales kill Cornelia at this point. Kronya sees the writing on the wall, and flees, only to run into Claude and Co on their way back, where she begs for her life.)

    Edelgard, who has been on the Agarthan trail for months now, proposes a peace conference between the four sides, and all share what they know and/or willing to share. At the end of the day, they all leave, but not before coming to a secret agreement - Edelgard and a small strike force will be allowed passage to help take out TWSITD. Claude agrees to this...and proceeds to launch a strike on Edelgard's party, "kidnapping" her, Caspar, Monica, and Hubert and holding them for ransom while Count Bergliez takes control of the military front. From there, the three Lords (+two Avatars and Rhea) all head to take out the Agarthan base. On the way, they pass by Shez's home, which is right on the edge of Agarthan territory. We get some story and lore stuff there, and then head into the belly of the beast. 

  14. Custom Robo is my go-to dream revival franchise, but I don't think it needs much in the way of reimagining. Port the GBA one onto the NSO, and then make a new one in a more real-world setting. I'd like it to be more AR focused on occasions, but AR is hard to work with, so probably just a Switch game is the best way to go. For a new genre, I'd focus on it being more community and MMO/mobile game based. You can play by yourself or online with friends. (Although to be fair, I think the creators of Custom Robo did that exact thing with their latest game....)

  15. 5 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    Well maybe doesn't work for you, but I can speak for myself when I say I made pretty liberal use of the Einherjar in Awakening.

    I'm glad for you! I admired some of the new artwork for the Einherjar, and never thought twice about them outside of what their mission gave me. (The same goes for Ike, Lucina, and Robin in Fates.) Even the Spotpass units got a lot more love from me. But you came up with this idea to please you and it does, so it's a success where it matters. 

  16. 20 hours ago, Jotari said:

    I wasn't really envisioning it as being something being done "right". Just for the gameplay and fanservice sake. 

    I get that, but what's the point of adding the characters if they don't really interact with anyone else? FE has a history of making it so that if the characters are from a different world/timeline/game but are DLC, they're more or less pieces - units, in the truest FE sense. The Smash characters in Fates, the Amiibo characters in Echoes, even the Renown characters in Three Hopes aren't exempt from this. That's not good or fun fanservice to me, that's just...stuff. And fanservice that fails to actually service the fans is...well, it's not fun. Personally, I'm never going to use a unit that can't interact with others when I could be using another unit that can interact with others, since supports are more valuable to me than stats. (That's why I never use Anna in Three Houses.)

    So, if adding them in the capacity that characters like these have historically been added doesn't work, what's the alternative? You add them in a way where they do interact with others, right? ...except again, these characters can't do that. Monica and Shez are canonically dead by the time the game begins, or shortly after. (And Edelgard is in no position to move on the bandits to save Monica.) Holst can't leave his post in most routes, so it makes no sense for him to show up. So ultimately, you have three choices: 

    You go along with it anyways and break all sense of story. (Unlikely.)

    You use the units like the Renown Units in Three Hopes (Possible, but that still takes away the fun of interactions.)

    You create an alternate story where these characters exist and fight alongside our main heroes (This will either end up being non-canon like the Ashen Wolves storyline, or it'll end up being a completely separate route with its list of recruitable characters, which goes against the DLC model of not being able to recruit the DLC characters in every route.) 


    None of these are truly satisfying to me: The first just breaks everything, the second isn't really worth it, and while the third is the most worth it, it's a lot of effort and I still don't think it'd be done exactly right. That being said, that's the one I'd pay for. But IntSys wouldn't do that. They'd just put these characters in Three Houses as you suggested, and would say "hey, look, new playable characters! (With no supports or real way to interact with their peers because they shouldn't exist here in the first place. But don't think too much about that - shiny new thing!) Still, if it works for you, it works for you. 

  17. It's still my favorite, but I'm so burnt out on it, I can't play it for more than ten minutes or so at a time. (Three Houses is in a similar boat. Fates I run hot-and-cold on.) 

    When I first played it, I wasn't expecting it to be my favorite. I thought Sacred Stones would always hold that place in my heart, and I hadn't played an FE game I had actually liked as a whole since Path of Radiance, so I wasn't sure what to expect. But I fell in love, and I haven't looked back. 

  18. Ehh...not really? It's not that I'm opposed to going back and adding stuff to Three Houses, because I'm all for that. I just think that I'd personally want more routes and fun crossover stuff to happen if that was to be the case, and frankly, the characters in this hypothetical scenario don't really work out. Holst is still defending against Almyrans or is at least the last line of defense for the Alliance, so he can't go. Monica and Shez are explicitly dead, so they can't be involved. If they were added, they'd probably be like the Smash Bros characters in Fates at best, or the phantoms in Echoes at worst. Either way, I'm not a fan of how those crossovers were implemented, and I don't want to see that again, so at this time, no.

    TL;DR - No, not because I disagree, but because I don't think it would be done well and/or with enough sense. 

  19. 4 hours ago, Naoshi said:

    CYL are always on August, We can expect them on mid month.

    Historically, yes, but this wouldn't be the first time Heroes moved up a banner in order to fit something else in IRRC. Regardless, looking at last year's pattern, we're probably getting our new Book 3-connected character in this month's New Heroes banner and something else for the Special Heroes banner. (I still think a Three Hopes tie-in is possible, particularly since we haven't had one yet. But I'll be okay if it isn't a tie-in and is a completely skippable banner.) 

  20. 750+ orbs and 957k Feathers. Assuming that the upcoming New Heroes banner isn't CYL6, I'll have to decide how to split my orbs. I have enough in the Daily Orb stash to put me just at about 800, which means I have 150 spare orbs. I could split the orbs three ways, 50 for each of the new summer banners and 50 for the New Heroes, but it all depends on what that banner will actually be. If it's something I can skip, then I'll save my orbs until I don't have to dive into any stash, and I'll probably split the orbs on the summer banners towards the end of their run. That will either be a 50 orb each split so I have something to spare, or a 45-orb split each. I'm leaning towards the former, but we'll see what happens. 

    As for the Feathers, I'm excited to use them all. I honestly didn't think I'd get this close to the max amount possible, but it's sort of disheartening in a way that I could go through all 160 CYL pulls, max out the Feathers (possibly even beforehand) and still have nearly a dozen or so merge projects left to complete. (What would be even more disappointing is if I don't pull my final Seteth, Knoll, or Kaze...) Still, it'll be and feel good to be able to make room for the other projects.

  21. Ninjas - fun, and I like their focus on speed, debuffing, and mage-killing

    Dread Fighters - The true mage-killers and such a fun class

    Malig Knights - Magic wyvern riders. Magic wyvern riders. MAGIC WYVERN RIDERS

    Pirate - I like this class

    Nomadic Trooper - I know Bow Knight is pretty much the same thing, but I always liked Nomadic Trooper better. While I'm at it, Nomad. 

    Gold/Silver Knight - This is a sort of conditional thing. I personally don't like the Tellius Duology class system in several cases, so I'm not really fan of this over Great Knight. THAT BEING SAID, I do think there's room for these classes, Great Knight, and Holy/Dark Knight, depending on the game.*

    Dark Mage/Druid/Summoner - I miss GBA magic, honestly. It was simple and everything felt mostly balanced. Yeah, Dark Magic did kind of get the short end of the stick with units, but they were always at least fun to use...except for Sophia... I'd like to see a return to this. 

    Priest/Bishop - Like I said, I miss GBA magic. 

    Halberdier - I like infantry classes

    Griffon Knight - I think it could be a flying sword unit to balance out the lance-using Pegasus Knights and the axe-using Wyvern Riders. 

    Kinshi Knight - The Bow version of the above. 

  22. From my Azure Gleam full recruitment playthrough:

    Better - 

    Sylvain - he's a LOT more mature and handles it well. 

    Felix - This is a hard one, since both timeskip versions of Felix in Dimitri's stories are fantastic. 

    Dedue - Because there are more people of Duscur to interact with and talk about. 

    Ingrid - Glenn's death and her relationship with Duscur are handled with a lot of grace, nuance, and maturity in a way that isn't fully seen in Three Houses. 

    Bernadetta - Her trauma is clearly played for laughs this time around, and the fact that it's far more comedic means its far easier to deal with in all honesty. 

    Jeralt - Comes with the territory of being given more to do. I'm still salty he didn't get a dad support with Seteth or Rodrigue, but I now low-key ship him and Manuela. (What is it with Manuela having the best supports with dads who are widowers in mourning even years later?)

    Yuri - I just liked him more this time around. 

    Ignatz, I think? Him being a knight certainly gives him more to do, and the variety of supports I saw from him certainly gave him dimension that he didn't have in Three Houses, but I'd need to see Golden Wildfire to see it play out in full. 


    Worse - 

    Annette, maybe? I don't think she's bad, but I don't think she particularly shines either. And none of the supports I saw from her had her singing! That is a terrible crime, just TERRIBLE! Hopefully I just missed the one where she did. (Also, the chance to give Annette and Dorothea a singing support is sorely missed.) 



  23. 2 hours ago, Jotari said:

    In other words in the maintimeline we see the exact ends for these characters and know their resurrection are bullshit. But move it to an alternate timeline where their ends are less clear and the scenario is more ambiguous and you have not only a better excuse to say they somehow survived, but also a better excuse to rationalize their suddenly changed allegiance.

    Except that it'd still break the rules. We know about Gangrel and Walhart's death in an alternate timeline as assuredly as we know about their deaths here. In fact, recruiting them from the alternate timeline would break the entire theme of the game. The theme of the game is that the future isn't set in stone. If we take characters from a world that has a future set in stone and then decide "no, you get to be recruited," then the theme changes from what it is to something different, like a redemption theme. (Think Nebula's arc in Avengers: Endgame, or even Yen'fay's arc here to a degree.) That's why the Emmeryn living works, at least for me, because it's the ultimate denial of the idea that the future is a set path. Aversa could work, but it'd be more like Nebula's arc in Avengers: Endgame in the sense of "what you say you want isn't what you really want or need," and that would raise more questions than answers, I think. 

    And the more timelines you bring in, the more confusing things get and the more unclear the story is. Morgan and The Future Past worlds are confusing enough, why add more to that? Which Grima is the Big Bad? Did Walhart lose the battle in his world and come here to join with us - more losers - to defeat Grima? Or would he just take over his younger self's world and use his foresight to fight Grima again? At least when it comes to the villains of this world, the excuse of "I lost my way, but my ultimate fate doesn't have to be as the villain who lost their way and died. I have a chance to do something good, because as long as I'm breathing, my future isn't set in stone." That, while imperfectly handled, fits better with the theme of Awakening than just "let's add in another multiverse and then justify it." (Or more likely not justify it and leave it as a giant plot hole.)


    1 hour ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    "Grima will wait patiently for his revenge, but only until the player is done grinding and recruiting FreeLC allies. After that point, he will begin his assault."

    Or maybe it's "Grima wants to wipe you out, but he needs time to power up. You've got [insert amount of time for optimal grinding] to get stronger before he's unstoppable. Or you can attack him now and pray to other gods for victory." 

    I personally don't care either way people rationalize it since it doesn't bother me either way. Just felt like it should be noted. 


    Anyways, @Jotari is right, this is getting off track. Sorry about that. 

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