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Posts posted by Konnor97

  1. So with Generations winding down, with about 2 or 3 episodes to go, what do you guys think they'll do? I'm guessing an episode with AZ, and for another XY one, there's Zygarde too. If they have an SM episode, I'd like to see one with Kukui and the creation of the league/gathering of the Elite 4.

  2. A random surprise, but the first 6 episodes of Generations got their Japanese dubs. I'll only post the first 2, for posterity's sake, but the rest can be found on the official Japanese Pokemon youtube channel.

  3. Wow. Well, my opinion has changed.

    Also... isn't it still just every 12 hours? It takes 24 hours without Beans, and with Beans it just halves the time it takes, correct?

    Every 12 hours is great, but I'm just saying.

    Either way though, I need to grind Shards for Bottle Caps. Maybe after I get enough I can start money-grinding.

    Sorta. Each plain bean is 20 minutes, a patterned bean is 1 hour, and a rainbow bean is 2 hours. 36 plain beans would make it take half the time for 12 hours, and get 24 hours worth of time then. If you put in say, 20 patterned beans, it would go double speed for 20 hours, getting 40 hours worth of time. You'd need 36 plain beans, 12 patterned beans, or 6 rainbow beans for it only to take 12 hours per round treasure hunting. Any more wouldn't speed up that singular session, but it'd speed up follow up sessions.

  4. Pheromosa is broken in Singles for obvious reason(Fast Glass Cannon with Nuke Movepool + U Turn)

    Buzzwhole had a niche in its Physical Bulk, but its still kinda wonky right now

    Celesteela is absurdly good

    Guzzlord kinda sucked. In theory it had a really good bulk but thats about it

    Nihilego is basically Froslass. It suicides and set up hazzard, and can do some damage. Its also pretty 'popular' as a Trick Room user

    Necrozma(ok this one's not an UB) is used as a tanky SR user who have reliable recovery and Thunder Wave

    Kartana is literally Durant. This one is a bit of a base breaker since one part of the fanbase says its pretty good, while a lot of players said it sucks because Durant sucks

    I think Silvally is viable. Someone said that its actually really good, but everyone won't figure out exactly why for a long time, but for sure PArting Shot is really good

    And Xurkitree?

  5. I forgot about Diantha actually hahaha.

    Though she does have a better theme than SM's champ though.

    One thing I love about this game's elite four is how the characters are ones you've already encountered. It really adds to the world building imo.

    Though who was the flying girl? Apparently she was in the demo?

    Kahili was mentioned in the demo by an Ace Trainer. She didn't actually appear in the demo.

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