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Posts posted by Konnor97

  1. So you guys see in the wild encounters listing the multiple tables and slots? Well with evidence I've compiled from other people's experience, I have an idea on what's up. So let's start with the known. When you use an Adrenaline Orb to trigger an SOS battle, the opposing pokemon can call for help if they are at low health. The called pokemon tends be that same pokemon as the caller. Sometimes however the pokemon called is different, whether it be an evolution or a predator/prey relationship. I've seen images of the former (Magikarp and Gyarados, Pancham and Pangoro), and I know the second is one of the most reliable ways to get Mareanie (Corsola) and Sableye (Carbink). I've had an anon confirm that he's seen a Cleffa call a Chansey, which are both unrelated and not in a predator/prey relationship. Now from what I see in the tables, Magikarp, Pancham, Corsola, Carbink, and Cleffa appear in slot 1, while the special pokemon they call have been in other slots. They are in the same 'spot' in the equivalent slots. Now this may be a coincidence, but I highly doubt that.

    I think that when you encounter a pokemon in a certain table set, it is a slot 1 encounter. When a pokemon calls for help, it tends to favor picking a pokemon in the same slot, but sometimes it goes to a different slot in an equivalent spot. That would explain all of those different pokemon from SOS battles. Now I would like some evidence from people with the game, here and elsewhere.

    Have you encountered a non slot 1 pokemon (Pikachu and Happiny in route 1, Shelgon/Salamence in route 3, Mareanie through fishing(that's how you get it, right?)) on its own?

    What happens in tables that have slots with different amounts of pokemon? Table 3 (Day and Night) of Route 1 is a good example, as in slot 1 we have Yungoos/Ratatta (30%), Pikipek (20%), Bonsly (15%), Ledyba/Spinarak (10%), Metapod (10%), Caterpie (10%), Munchlax (5%), and in slot 6 we have Yungoos/Ratatta (30%), Caterpie (20%), Happiny (20%), Pikipek (20%), Ledyba/Spinarak (10%). It seems like Caterpie and Metapod combine for slot 6, both calling Caterpie, but Happiny's 20% comes out of nowhere, except for the missing 15% for Bonsly and 5% for Munchlax. I want to know if Bonsly and/or Munchlax can call Happiny. EDIT: Confirmed. Someone has had a Bonsly on route 3 call both Sudowoodo and Happiny.

  2. ---------- Isle Evelup ----------

    This is the name of the island in the Poke Pelago that lets you train EVs. It also allows you to gain experience, but that's not the point of this and I didn't test it. First I'll explain how it works.

    At level 1, you can have one "group" train. A group is 1-6 Pokemon from your boxes. You place some Pokemon into the group then select a drink/training regimen. The options are exp and the six stats. Then you select an amount of "play sessions" which each take 30 minutes. By using Poke Beans, you can speed things up. Things move at double speed while Poke Beans are in effect, meaning while using Poke Beans you can shorten sessions to 15 minutes each.

    At level 2 you unlock a second group, at level 3 you'll unlock a third group. This means that at level 3, you can have three different types of training sessions going on at once with up to 6 Pokemon in each. A Pokemon can only be in one group, so you can't train one in three different ways at the same time.

    "But what about the EV rate?" you ask? Well, at level 1 you'll receive 1 EV in the stat per "play session" so every 15/30 minutes you'll earn 1 EV. At level 2 this changes to 2 EVs and, while I haven't checked this because I don't have the beans to reach level 3 yet, I'm assuming level 3 will be 3 EVs.

    With the doubled speed provided by using poke beans, that means you'd get 4, 8 or 12 EVs per hour depending on the level of your island. Without the speed boost, you'll get 2, 4 or 6 per hour. So... yeah...

    Moving on!

    EV Training got a bit more... complicated.

    It can be sorta useful over night. Pack a pokemon in, speed up the time with a poke bean, go to sleep for 8 hours, and bam you have 1-18 pokemon up like 96 EVs for no effort.

    Or you can just beat up pokemon like the pre-Gen 6 days. SOS battles can probably help with that, and you might even run into a shiny.

  3. Is it possible to have a mega and a Z-power user in the same team? The only Mega stone I have in Moon is Alakazite (gift postgame), and I don't have an Alakazam (nor can trade for one obv) to test it on.

    I like how the game's now not all about speed in Sun/Moon. Many of the available Pokemon in Alola have low to subpar speed, so the game's not all about outspeeding and OHKOing everything anymore, unlike every other Pokemon game starting with DPPt (I think Hoenn was the only other region where bulk mattered as much as it does in S/M). The seven island trials also have to be the embodiment of strategy emphasised more than ever in a Pokemon game.

    You are allowed a mega and a Z-power user on the same team. Also Rayquaza has to choose between Mega or Z-Move, it can't have both.

  4. Oh thank goodness. While that does make some things a bit scarier, it'll also possibly give some of the lesser Megas a chance to shine.

    Yeah, like Beedrill not needing to run Protect. It hurts the megas that get slower (Garchomp and other ones I can't think of right now), plus Sableye doesn't get that free Prankster turn. Pretty much generally any mega form that's faster is a buff, and any mega form that's slower is a nerf.

  5. Your avi lines up with your reaction in this post too well even though it makes me think of something else.

    Anyways, general post: remember how the stat and ability changes from Mega Evolving would take a turn to set in? Not anymore.


    They're instantly applied as soon as you hit "mega evolve".

    What is up with your clickable link? Seeing the full link in quoting gets me to the correct location though.

    Very good information though.

  6. Man I'm bad at remembering to update this.

    Looker looks different which is weird. Badass though.

    Not a bad episode.

    Buck I'm pretty sure is Bryce Papenbrook, and Pluto or whatever his name is is obviously Keith Silverstein.

  7. So I guess it's question time.

    This was probably said somewhere in the past, but how do we get Bottle Caps?

    Any talk of Solgaleo, Lunaala, Tapus, UBs and Necrozma (Also Marshadow) being shinylocked or not? Because if not, my first shiny hunt will probably be Tapu Lele.

    Can Solgaleo, Lunaala, and Silvally/Type Null be bred? Or can Cosmog and it's evolution at least be obtained in any way?

    Also when and how do we get Marshadow?

    Trade shards at I believe at the Festival Plaza. Apparently you can also find them occasionally in trash cans, though that may be a lie.

    All of those are shiny locked.

    No. A second Cosmog can be found by

    visiting the other games dimension/world during the post game and visiting some lake I think. It will evolve into a second Solgaleo/Lunala, but it makes an easy trade on GTS for the other. Apparently you can also get the other version's exclusives besides the UB.

    Event legendary by the looks of it.

  8. Middle one does look pretty cool. It may be the '3rd legendary' of this gen, going by it having some kind of relation to Solgaleo and Lunala. Could this be the fabled Marshadow? The UB look cool as well, especially the Sun one. Also I guess this is the secret of the starters: unique Z-Moves. Kind of expected, but still cool. Hyper Dark Crusher sounds sick.

  9. I have a quick question on Necrozma.

    Is it a UB in terms of how it's read by Pokéballs?

    It shares Solgaleo/Lunala's battle theme, doesn't have Beast Boost, and the IP question what it is when shown it ("We didn't receive reports of a UB like this. It may simply be a rare Pokémon" or something like that).

    Add that to the fact it apparently roams (why) having Master Balls be Poké-Ball level effective on it would be massively annoying.

    I'm pretty sure it counts as a normal pokemon.

    New info. Bottle caps just change the stat to what it would be with 31 IVs. The pokemon's actual IVs stay the same. So it at least doesn't screw with Hidden Power. Not helpful for breeding though.

  10. Welp, CoroCoro leaked and showed off three new UBs:


    The one on the right is Sun exclusive and the one on the left is exclusive to Moon. The center one doesn't have the UB label at all, though.

    ...Whew. I managed to type that up without spoiling anything.

    It looks like the one on the left is the Sun exclusive and the one on right is the Moon exclusive, judging by the boxes in the upper corners.

  11. Ey, what's this? A gamefaqs link from me that isn't about cringe factor?

    List of the earliest encounters for every new pokemon + Alolan Forms, with Trials and other events put in place to give a better idea.


    Kirbydude385, you have done a great service.

    So I get my first 3 before the Melemele trial, my second 2 before the Lana trial, and then I wait 'til the end of Ula'Ula for Mimikyu. Alright then.

    I wish they also listed stuff for non Alolan pokemon/forms, but that's still neat.

  12. Question, do we have any info on when/how we can catch the UBs? Also Zygarde. ALSO the Tapus.

    Post game. You are given a limited supply of special pokeballs called Beast Balls. They have 3X catch rate against UB, and 1X against anything else. Any type of other pokeball has a 1X catch rate, including the Master Ball.

    You get Zygarde by collecting Zygarde Cores and Zygarde Cells all around Alola. There's a room somewhere that lets you, when you get enough, make/switch between Zygarde 10% and Zygarde 50%. It has Power Construct.

    Tapus are post game.

    And also, I forgot to ask about what time in the game plot that you can get Key Stone to add it in the Z-Ring and Zygarde Core from Dexio and Sina at? Is it like it's somewhere in the near the beginning after the 2 hours, middle of the game, later, or is it post-game? (I did heard that Ash and Andre from GameXplain did mentioned that they didn't receive any Mega Evolution before the beginning of the 2 hours in their gameplay playthrough.).

    I believe it is post game.

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