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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. Outside of Marill, when has a pikaclone ever evolved? It'd be nice though. (I know Togedemaru is the pikaclone, but whatever)
  2. [spoiler=How's this for fanart?] There's more of this here: http://imgur.com/a/Yu0vE
  3. I nickname team members and some randos. In Nuzlockes I nickname everything nicely enough, but any wilds that give me trouble/kill my mons I give insulting names.
  4. Me too, except for the guilt part. Found it at Gamestop one day, and I didn't know it cost quite a bit to buy online. One of my better impulse buys. For actual Switch stuff, hopefully we get some GC VC. Can't think of games it could have that I don't, but you never know what hidden gems you can find.
  5. Episodes 9 and 10 have been released. Oh, well Thane got episode 9. I think Cheryl is kill.
  6. We have an official english subbed trailer of Train On #3. [spoiler=Stats]Assuming neutral nature and no EVs. Alolan Exeggutor had 202 HP at level 50. That ranges from base 127 with 31 IVs to base 142 with 0 IVs. That's a lot more than normal Exeggutor's base 95. On the other hand, if you invest 252 HP EVs into normal Exeggutor at level 50 with 31 IVs, it has 202 HP. Coincidence? I think not. Minior had 142 HP at level 50. That ranges from base 67 with 31 IVs to base 82 with 0 IVs. Slightly earlier in the trailer though it had 148 HP at the same level. That has the range of base 73 HP with 31 IVs to base 88 with 0 IVs. That narrows the range to base 73 to base 82.
  7. Charjabug evolves at 40? Neat. So that means it will probably have a base stat total around Scolipede or Swadloon. It may actually be able to go with an Eviolite set with doubles. Also I'm not following the plot of these too well. Why did Sho leave Hawaii? I thought they moved there fairly recently. [spoiler=Stats] Assuming neutral nature and no EVs. Alolan Raichu had 120 HP at level 50. That ranges from base 45 with 31 IVs to base 60 with 0 IVs. The thing is, in yesterday's trailer we saw an Alolan Raichu with 126 HP, so we can update the range. That had base 51 with 31 IVs to base 66 with 0 IVs. So the new range is 51 to 60 for Alolan Raichu's base HP. I'm inclined to believe 60 to match normal Raichu's base HP. Pa'u Oricorio had 135 HP at level 50. That ranges from base 60 with 31 IVs to base 75 with 0 IVs. I'm inclined to believe base 75 HP for Pa'u Oricorio, and maybe the others. Charjabug had 123 HP at level 37. That ranges from base 88 with 31 IVs to base 103/104 with 0 IVs. We also saw at level 38 it had 127 HP. That ranges from base 89 with 31 IVs to base 104/105 for 0 IVs. We can slightly narrow that down to ranging from base 89 to base 103/104. This one I feel EVs may possibly be involved because it does level up. Bruxish had 143 HP at level 50. That ranges from base 68 with 31 IVs to base 83 with 0 IVs. I'm inclined to believe base 83 HP for it. Alolan Ninetales had 148 HP at level 50. That ranges from base 73 with 31 IVs to base 88 with 0 IVs. Normal Ninetales would have 148 HP at level 50 with 31 IVs, so it may be base 73.
  8. What, like the pokemon has to be fainted at the end of a battle it leveled up in starting from level x? That would be interesting. As for Decidueye's ghost typing, there's the extinct owl thing, and the name may be a portmanteau of deciduous and deadeye. not my joke
  9. So in case people are thinking the league may be a teaser for Sun2 and Moon2 or whatever, that's highly unlikely. Remember that Blue acknowledges you as a fellow champ, and I'm not sure if clearing all of the trials makes you the trial champ or whatever. It's possible, but probably not.
  10. The worst part of pairing this up with Scald is that you're using two water type moves. One that will be used a lot (Scald) and one that will be used only if the first activates it's 30% burn chance/facing a guts mon (Sparkling Aria).
  11. I think that's about how it would be pronounced. Like Deciduous but with eye instead of ous.
  12. Alright, since that trailer dropped, there's something that can be brought up here but not in the other thread. The trailer has Decidueye knowing the move Spirit Shackle, Incineroar knowing Darkness Lariat, and Primarina knowing Sparkling Aria. That's all fine and dandy, but where's Laser Shot, Throat Chop, and Aurora Veil? There's the possibilities that those are all additional signature moves like Mat Block for Greninja, those are actually for other pokemon, or the starters and other pokemon learn them. What do you guys think? I think those moves are for the starters still, just as level 1 moves like Mat Block.
  13. See my edit. So, I didn't expect the final evolution of the starters. Especially not Decidueye's Grass/Ghost typing. Spirit Shackle seems like a good move, causing damage while trapping foes. It may be a little awkward to use considering that the opponent you want to trap can just switch before the move hits. Still seems good though. Incineroar is a dumb name and he shall be known as Tigreatest instead. Fire/Dark as about half of people suggested, which is a neat type. It seems to have a good personality. Darkest Lariat is a cool name, but the animation kinda looks like it is in its t-pose and spinning forward. Renamed and retyped Chip Away. Meh. Primarina is a pretty name, and so is that Water/Fairy typing. Looks cute. The same can't be said for Sparkling Aria. It seems like a niche Guts/Flame Orb check. Maybe if it does double damage against burned foes like with Smelling Salts and Wake-Up Slap it can be sorta useful with Scald. Maybe. Tapu Lele is cute, and it has Psychic Surge for Psychic Terrain which either removes priority from moves or stops priority moves in general, I don't remember. Tapu Bulu is Grass/Fairy which is a bit unexpected coming from Ula'ula island (is the first time we've officially seen this island's name?) and the home of Baile style Oricorio (assumingly). There were theories that the remaining Tapu were the same type as that island's Oricorio, but I guess not. Grassy Surge sets up Grassy Terrain which is not new. The effects seem nice enough though. Nice Horn Leech. Tapu Fini is Water/Fairy which is unexpected yadda yadda repeating the previous part. Is the name Poni island actually new? Kinda lame it just gets Misty Surge and so Misty Terrain instead of a new water one, but whatever. She's cute. The Tapus' Z-Move is interesting. Apparently it's pretty much Super Duper Fang, shaving off 75% of a foe's HP. Disappointing that the body is always yellow. Cosmog is adorable. Psychic typing. We knew that it was Lillie's pokemon from those articles like Polygon's where they spoiled it. Totally just a normal pokemon and not special in anyway. Good ol' Garfielf. Fur Coat is an interesting ability. Hopefully it has better defense and reliable recovery *crosses fingers for Slack Off* to be able to use it, or it will just keep Technician for rad Bites. New league seems hype. Battle Tree, aka PWTree(?), seems super hype. Better post game content here hopefully than XY. Going by the Japanese trailer you fight normal trainers and then eventually special trainers, like a remixed Battle Tower or the Orre Colosseum from XD. New model for Cynthia is neat, but Wally's model is the same I think. Older Red and Blue is super hype. Special note how in the trailer Blue addresses you as a fellow Champ. This is post Alolan league then? Looking at moves in the Battle Tree in the Japanese trailer, Vikavolt learns either Razor Wind or Air Cutter (don't know which that animation is), Drampa learns Flamethrower(?), and Lurantis learns Solarbeam along with its Solar Blade. Can safely I did not expect most stuff from this trailer. Very nice trailer. And now for my favorite part. [spoiler=Stats]Assuming neutral natures and no EVs. Alolan Raticate has higher HP than normal Raticate. Normal Raticate reaches 178 HP at level 70 with 31 IVs. Alolan Raticate has 193. This puts its base HP anywhere from 66 with 30 IVs (65 is 192 and 66 with 31 is 194) to 81 with 0 IVs. I can narrow it down further however, as in the Japanese trailer it was seen at level 41 with 121 HP. That range is base 70 with 31 IVs to base 86 with 0 IVs. We know it can't be 86 though, so the closer range of Alolan Raticate's base HP is from 70 to 81. Zygarde 10% has 177 HP at level 70. This is much less than normal Zygarde who would have 252 at that level. I predict Zygarde 10% has 54 base HP, as that fits with the video, and that is half Zygarde 50%'s base HP value. Alolan Exeggutor has 234 HP at level 70, which is what normal Exeggutor would have at that same level with 31 IVs. Alolan Exeggutor likely has the same base HP as normal Exeggutor, so 95. It's hard to read Incineroar's HP in the Japanese trailer, as I think it's been smudged a bit. It looks like 160 HP at level 50, which puts it anywhere from base 85 with 31 IVs to base 100 with 0 IVs. Tapu Lele has 172 HP at level 60. Base HP is somewhere from base 70 with 31 IVs to base 85 with 0 IVs. Tapu Bulu is the same HP wise. Judging on how it did 117 damage to a level 58 Tauros with STAB Wood Hammer (Wood Hammer does 1/3 of damage dealt as knockback, and Tapu Bulu took 39 damage), Tapu Bulu has somewhere from 120 to 140 Attack (damage range is a bit of an annoyance). I don't want to go through all of the process of shifting between Tauros' Defense and HP IVs and Tapu Bulu's Attack IVs, so I'm just gonna say it probably has around 130 Attack, give or take 10 points. Tapu Fini is the same as the others HP wise. Technically Tapu Fini has at least 70 Special Attack since it oneshot that level 57 Magmar with STAB Hydro Pump, so it is hard to say how much power it has. Probably at least 100 Special Attack. Level 50 Mudsdale had 178 HP. Base 103 HP with 31 IVs to base 118 with 0 IVs. Doesn't have as much HP as I thought it would. Alolan Raichu's HP was 126 at level 50. That puts it from base 51 with 31 IVs to base 66 with 0 IVs.
  14. About that. Listen closely about 26 seconds in. Wait I'm stupid. I thought Alolan Raichu was part Fairy, not Psychic.
  15. Alright. It's still interesting how the model is set up for that intro. Along with Lass Ellie.
  16. I've seen speculation that the green one may actually be for Kukui. It fits too well. The last one too. The yellow one is interesting because the model is leaned back a little bit and turned clockwise a little. Interesting thing as the Great Ball is thrown at different angles between some of the different special (model) intros.
  17. Defog is a whole lot better now since it removes entry hazards on both side of the field.
  18. We only have the pokedex/team preview sprites. So you'll either have to guess or wait for a back angle shot. It's possible it will appear in the trailer in a couple days.
  19. Aurora Veil isn't confirmed its move, but I'll be very surprised if it wasn't. And that's true it might not get Serene Grace, but it fits with its theme. And wishful thinking. Then again, it's possible the starters will get brand new hidden abilities, like with the starters last gen.
  20. I have a feeling unless something stupid happens, Popplio3 is gonna be the best of the starters competitively. Aurora Veil is way too good, it looks to be quite defensive, and Serene Grace is a likely hidden ability for it. Imagine it: 60% burn Scald, 60% Special Attack drop Moonblast (likely to get if Water/Fairy, which it probably will be), Aurora Veil, and Rest/Ice Beam/Calm Mind and Leftovers.
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