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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. Yeah. I don't know if you can just leave and re-enter Ten Carat Hill to try and get her, or if you have to exit and restart the demo. I'm gonna give it about 5 minutes. Nothing for a bit, so I restarted and it became night. I also just noticed that if you stand next to someone they'll turn to you, even if you don't talk to them. Tried a bit at this night attempt and got nothing. I guess it may just be random demo excursions.
  2. It's in the demo. Sometimes at the beach at Ten Carat Hill there's a woman who sees a pokemon in the distance, and you use Pokefinder to look at it.
  3. "Torracat has a great love for battle and will attack so relentlessly that its opponents lose the will to fight." Also look at its forelegs. And what Dan said.
  4. I hope he doesn't pronounce Arsène as Ar-sen-ay in the game though.
  5. English voice cast for the main characters have been confirmed. http://www.ign.com/articles/2016/10/19/persona-5-english-voice-cast-revealed-2
  6. It's a yeti crab. I'd be surprised if it didn't gain Ice typing. Yeah Ice types get shafted often, but I have hope. Also Crabrawler's entry on the site says it aims for higher position both socially and literally. So I'm assuming that some Crabrawler climb up to the tops of snowy mountains, reaching the peak of their training, figuratively and literally. It evolves in the snowy mountains, and it's boxing gloves become those boxing pads to train other Crabrawler now that it has retired. As for Litten3, there's the heel wrestler stuff (being based on Tiger Mask, a famous heel wrestler, the concept art page with it spitting something at the opponent and using its belt for a sneak attack) and Torracat's entry on the site says it "attacks so relentlessly that its opponents lose the will to fight." Also if we assume that those moves that were unscrubbed in the demo (Laser Shot, Throat Chop, and Aurora Veil) are the starters' signature moves, a rather safe assumption, Throat Chop is the dirtiest/darkest move you can have outside of Crotch Kick. Now I could be wrong on both of those, and if I am I'd be the first to admit it. As for my outside-of-argument two-cents regarding UB, I bet they're gonna justify catching UB with something dumb like they're actually pokemon from a different dimension, and the new UB Ball is from their dimension, with different technology from our dimension, which can explain why we can't just chuck a Master Ball at them.
  7. Since we know them all now I can't give an excuse of switching around mons until I find a team I like. I'll use new mons until I can get all that I want though. [spoiler=has spoiler mons]
  8. [spoiler=Can this place still be used for other info outside of datamining like a general spoiler thread]https://www.gamnesia.com/news/nintendo-confirms-you-can-catch-ultra-beasts-in-pokemon-sun-moon
  9. [spoiler=New info with it being in the url]https://www.gamnesia.com/news/nintendo-confirms-you-can-catch-ultra-beasts-in-pokemon-sun-moon
  10. Some people are theorizing that with those special pokemon listed before Solgaleo/Lunaala, and since they both come before the legendaries with the smaller one first and then the legendaries, the small gaseous one evolves into the star orb one, and that split evos into Solgaleo/Lunaala.
  11. If we can catch UB, I hope they're either replicas, or that characters don't actually turn into them and they just use a character's dna or something.
  12. So gamexplain has a new video where Ash more thoroughly explored the first half hour of the game, removing some details to hide spoilers, but apparently a nintendo rep fairly confidently stated that Oh yeah, I don't know if anyone has posted this but, "The next Pokémon Sun & Moon information is to be released on October 27th at 22:00 JST which is 14:00 BST, 15:00 CEST, 09:00 EDT, 06:00 PDT." So Polygon just revealed what the mysterious pokemon Lillie has. I don't know if they could considering the guys at gamexplain couldn't though. For those that follow the leak thread it's More demo whatever. Ash Greninja has 132 Attack, 137 Special Attack, and 133 Speed, with the other stats unchanged. This is a 51 point boost to Attack for base 146, 50 point boost to Special Attack for base 153, and 10 point boost to Speed for base 132. It's definitely 51 points for attack as a 50 point boost is 131 Attack. If you're mid battle and check your pokemon's summary it shows experience gained this level and what's needed overall to level up. So for example my Greninja is 2768/3801.
  13. No, that's only people theorizing. Datamine shows that they scrubbed everything except for a few moves, met locations (in the demo) and the battle spot team preview sprites for all pokemon, shiny and non. They might not actually be UB, but considering where they're placed and what they look like, I'll be extremely surprised if they weren't.
  14. Why? There's 4 blanks after Mimikyu: Normal Totem Mimikyu, Shiny Totem Mimikyu, Broken Disguise Totem Mimikyu, and Shiny Broken Disguise Totem Mimikyu.
  15. Check Kaphotics/SciresM's twitter. The mediafire link is a download of all of the battle preview sprites, and with it lacking all starters and legendaries before this gen it seems to be the regional dex. Blank images outside of 000.png are likely totems. Gimme a sec, I can list them. Warning really long. [spoiler=Non Gen 7 pokemon]Caterpie line Rattata line + Alolan (blank images after Alolan Raticate) Spearow line Pikachu line + Hat Pikachu (two images for each hat but they look the same) + Alolan Raichu Sandshrew line + Alolan Clefairy line Vulpix line + Alolan Jigglypuff line Zubat line Paras line Diglett line + Alolan Meowth Line + Alolan Psyduck line Mankey line Growlithe line Poliwag line Abra line + Mega Alakazam Machop line Tentacool line Geodude line + Alolan Slowpoke line + Mega Slowbro Magnetite line Grimer line + Alolan Shellder line Gastly line + Mega Gengar Drowzee line Exeggcute line + Alolan Exeggutor Cubone line + Alolan Marowak Chansey line Kangaskhan + Mega Goldeen line Staryu line Scyther line + Mega Scizor Electabuzz line Magmar line Pinsir + Mega Tauros Magikarp line + Mega Gyarados Lapras Ditto Eevee line Porygon line Aerodactyl + Mega Snorlax line Dratini line Ledyba line Spinarak line Chinchou line Sudowoodo line Murkrow line Misdreavus line Snubull line Sneasel line Corsola Deliberd Skarmory Smeargle Miltank Wingull line Surskit line Makuhita line Nosepass line Sableye + Mega Carvanha line + Mega Sharpedo Wailmer line Torkoal Spinda (has two sets maybe an extra dizzy version?) Trapinch line Barbaoch line Feebas line Castform Absol + Mega Snorunt line + Mega Glalie Relicanth Luvdisc Bagon line + Mega Salamence Beldum line + Mega Metagross Craniados line Shieldon line Shellos lines (both forms) Drifloon line Gible line + Mega Garchomp Riolu line + Mega Lucario Finneon line Lillipup line Roggenrola line Cottonee line Petilil line Sandile line Tirtouga line Archen line Trubbish line Vanillite line Emolga Luvdisc Rufflet line Vullaby line Fletchling line Pancham line Carbink Goomy line Klefki Phantump line Zygarde forms (4 blanks after 10% form but I think it has different "collar" gems or something) [spoiler=Mons with blanks after them so possible totems] Alolan Raticate Gumshoos Vikavolt Lurantis Salandit2 Mimikyu Kommo-o
  16. Well, with the demo officially out, I can post some stuff. The special Greinja has Hardy nature, 20/31/20/31/20/31 IVs and 0/126/0/126/0/252 EVs. You can check EVs with Y, and when EVs in a stat is maxed it sparkles. With Water Shuriken being special now that helps Greninja a little (don't know how much because of inconsistency of hits) and Accelgor hopefully a good bit. Also a fun reference with Greninja's meet day being 10/17/2013 and Ash's ID being 131017, referencing the date the XY series debuted.
  17. I really think Aurora Veil, Laser Shot, and Throat Chop are Popplio3's, Rowlet3's, and Litten3's signature moves. Laser Shot fits a sniper pokemon, Throat Chop is a dirty move that stops voice moves, like the singing Popplio3 can almost certainly do. Aurora Veil is assumingly pretty and showy. Oh, and here's a compiled picture of all Gen 7 pokemon plus their shiny form. No Ash-Greninja.
  18. Seems like the ORAS demo. There's also events happening in x amount of days which should have new stuff.
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