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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. Tiger Mask* Mudsdale Kommo-o Vikavolt* Crabrawler/Passimian ??? Asterisks are must keeps, others are maybes, want to try and get a feel for most alolan pokemon. Low interest in Togedemaru, Bruxish, Komala, Drampa, and Comfei. No oldies/alolan forms but Alolan Muk is tempting.
  2. As for SMT, the best starting points are probably Devil Survivor on DS/3DS (because of familiarity with FE), SMT IV on 3DS (one of the easier entries after you get past the hellish beginning), Strange Journey on DS (it will give you experience with first-person dungeon stuff if you want to get into earlier entries down the line, plus the story's good), or Nocturne/Lucifer's Call (if EU) on PS2 (this is if you want to launch yourself headfirst into the difficulty the series is known for). Beware lots of words. [spoiler=Devil Survivor]There are two Devil Survivor games each on DS and 3DS, with the original versions on DS and updated rereleases on 3DS (Overclocked and Record Breaker). The original games are alright, but their 3DS versions are better. The two games aren't connected story wise, so feel free to pick up either one first. I don't think any of the games are on the eshop, so you'll have to check gamestop or amazon or something. The familiarity with FE comes in with there being character's you control on one a battlefield resembling FE's with the grid and stuff, just diagonal, and when moving you can use healing skills and attack the enemy. Battle has you and your demons select an action each (attack/use a skill/defend), and then both sides perform their actions in an order based on speed/agility. If you/the enemy hit a weakness/crit, you may be given an "extra turn", where all combatants who have an extra turn can perform another action of their choosing. The characters have stats that go up on leveling, with the main character's being chosen by the player (a common thing in most SMT games), and they can be given skills that have been "cracked" from an enemy they have defeated. When not in battle, you get a menu of the possible locations you can visit, and if anyone is there. You also get a menu to do stuff like equip skills/assign demons to a team, check email/texts, get demons, etc. Demons are obtained through an auction system where you bid on a demon, and then new ones can be obtained through fusion. This is also one of the few SMT games to allow you to have multiples of the same demon. There aren't really any newcomers' traps in these games. If you need money/experience there's almost always a free battle to that that doesn't pass time. I guess don't get too attached to demons, as they are meant to be fused, used until you can fuse something better, and get fused off. That applies to all of SMT though. In Devil Survivor 2 there's discount social links with your party members that can give them resistances, abilities, and new demons to be unlocked for fusion. Also you gain character's throughout the story, and there's usually some only playable in certain routes, but the thing is that you may lose some characters through story line death. It's possible to not let them die, but on a first playthrough someone's probably going to die, and you might just have to accept that. [spoiler=SMT IV]Shin Megami Tensei IV is on 3DS, and it is on the eshop, generally at about $19.99 there and $24.99 for physical pre-owned at gamestop (can't find it new on their site). If Europe, eshop is your only option. 3rd person on the field, you have a moving icon in the overworld, 1st person battles with sprites for the enemies. Now, this is one of the easier entries thanks to a multitude of options for skills and demons that open up once the world opens up. The problem is, before then, you're gonna be getting you ass beat somewhat often. SMT IV is one of the few SMT games that doesn't have an endurance stat. So early on you're not going to be taking too many hits from enemies without needing healed, and that can quickly end up in a game over. Now when you die, you'll be taken to Charon, who can revive you if you pay money/play coins, or you can deny those and get kicked to the title screen. Luckily you can save anywhere at anytime (provided it isn't a cutscene/battle of course), so unless you've been neglecting saving, which you really shouldn't in this series, it won't generally be that bad. Now there are a rough couple bosses before the world opens, particularly the one at the end of the beginning dungeon, but once you're past that you're golden. The world map is a bit confusing, and it will stay that way until you get used to it, but it's manageable. Battle system is turn based using the press turn system introduced in Nocturne. For each character/demon on either side, that side gets a press turn icon (generally 4 for you and 1-4 based on how many enemies you're facing, with bosses usually having 2-3). When a unit performs and action, an icon is taken away, and when all icons are gone, the phase switches and it becomes the other team's turn. If a weakness is hit, a crit procs, or if you pass your turn, the icon becomes a blinking icon, which pretty much gives another action. This can be stacked to get as many as 8 actions per turn. If an attack misses or is nulled, an extra icon is taken away, and if the the attack is drained or repelled, all remaining icons are taken away. These rules apply to you enemy as well, except for the passing because the enemy doesn't pass. Now, if an attack crits/hits a weakness, there is a chance that the unit may get smirk status, which sharply raises attack, hit/evasion, guarantees a crit, and turns any weaknesses into neutral damage. Also if all of one side is smirking, some HP and MP is restored. So smirking can really change the tide of battle, especially if a boss smirks. Because of this, not many battles last that long for either side. Smirk status goes away after the next attack, if inflicted with an ailment, or after a few turns. As for newcomers' traps, there's the getting too attached to demons thing, and the difficulty of the the entirety of the first dungeon, along with stat builds (sorta). Just as a preface, Strength affects the damage done with your sword/knife/spear/whatever and helps a little bit with the power of physical/gun skills. Dexterity affects the damage done with you gun (when you get it) and greatly affects the power of physical/gun skills. Magic affects the power of magical skills, both damage and healing (to a lesser extent). Agility affects hit/evasion and helps turn order (generally a point per level lets you move first unless your demon is particularly speedy). Luck affects stuff like ailment hit/evasion, crit rate, etc. So generally you want to run either a Dex build (harder early game due to fewer skills and probably not hitting weaknesses, better late game because you're critting out your ass and smirking every other turn, and if the enemy nulls phys and gun (not many) you have more slots for support than magic) or a Magic build (easier early game thanks to lots of options to hit weaknesses very frequently, not as good late game because enemies and bosses may not be weak to stuff, but you can still do good damage/support) with some Agility and Luck. Also the alignment system is a bit wack. There's three routes (and an earlier bad end), and your decisions throughout the game push you towards two of those routes, with a neutral in the middle. The thing that bothers people is that because of decision right before you get locked on a route, you may be too neutral to go neutral. [spoiler=Strange Journey]Strange Journey is on the DS for $17.99 from gamestop, though you'll probably have better luck just buying from amazon. It's 1st person dungeon crawling with small breaks at the base with menus. This is one of the few SMT games that doesn't let you choose the main character's stats upon level up, and it is RNG based from a questionnaire at the start of the game that gives one of your five stats Strength, Magic, Endurance, Agility, or Luck a slight growth bonus. The game can be a bit hard with annoying dungeons and the good ol' fun of "if the protagonist dies, game over" present in most SMT games. Battle system is turn based with you selecting actions for your demons, and then you and the enemy performs actions based on agility. No press turn and it's more like other RPGs (and some SMT games without press turn). When you or a demon hits a weakness, all others of that same alignment do a co-op attack for some damage. When fusing, there's no rerolling for skills unless using a demon source, obtained when you've maxed out the scan of a demon through fighting with and/or against it a lot. You get materials to make and buy better weapons, armor, items, and apps from defeating enemies/bosses. Saving can only be done at base or at mini terminals throughout the dungeons. There's some annoying things, but it adds to the charm and appeal of the series. Plus it has good atmosphere and story. There's an alignment system through your decisions throughout the game, and the three routes all have annoying final bosses. As for newcomers' traps, don't get attached to demons, expect deaths and frustration (especially from bosses), and each dungeon has a central gimmick except for the first and fifth (IIRC). Also late game your protagonist literally cannot match up to the damage of your demons, and so he turns into a support bot. Luckily using items is always the first thing to happen in a turn, no matter what. [spoiler=Nocturne/Lucifer's Call]Nocturne is on the PS2, though it's also on PSN. Try amazon if you want the PS2 version. Nocturne is quite difficult, with confusing dungeons, game over on protagonist death, rough bosses, the works. The protagonist gets no weapons or armor and so he relies on various Magatama found throughout the game from bosses or special shops. These Magatama raise some of the protagonist's stats, gives him weaknesses and resistances, and once he reaches a certain level, he can learn a skill. Thankfully for these it's based on once he reaches a certain level or above he learns the skill, and doesn't need to have a certain Magatama equipped to learn a skill or else it'll never be learnt. Though once a skill has been forgotten/passed on for the protagonist, it can not be gained again, so be very sure on what you choose. The game is 3rd person, including battles, except for the overworld where you control an icon. Nocturne was what originated the press turn system, and it's the same as in SMT IV. The atmosphere is good, but the story is kinda meh. There is an alignment system of sorts based on dialogue decisions. There's a special dungeon called the Labyrinth of Amala that as you progress through it you unlock boss fights with Fiend demons to gather candelabra. It is totally optional, and completing to a certain point locks you into the True Demon ending with a special ending boss. It feels like there isn't much to say about it. As for newcomers' traps, there's the usual stuff. There's a special skill called Pierce unlocked at the same time as the True Demon ending on the beginning Magatama that's just about necessary for that special ending boss. This game features Dante from the Devil May Cry series as a "demon" that can be used. Pay close attention to the beginning Pixie you get, and don't let her leave at the fairy place. If you keep her and bring her to this special area deep in the Labyrinth of Amala, she becomes a very powerful Pixie with really strong skills. Now it's fine for her not to be a Pixie before then through fusion and whatnot, but do not ever use her in sacrificial fusion. Even if you buy her back or something through the compendium, she won't be the same. Also for level ups Magic isn't important because for some reason the game designers decided that as you get higher leveled your magic becomes weaker without investing a lot into it. So Strength, and Endurance so you don't die as fast, is king. As for mindset, expect frustration. Devil Survivor isn't as bad for that, but there are some escort/protect NPC missions that can try your patience (there's also some in SMT IV). It's not the bad frustration, sometimes, but it's a part of the series that these are difficult games. I've many a time died to something stupid, get upset, turn the game off, chill out, and get back into it later. Just don't let it get to you. And for some general tips besides the demon thing: As for what game to start with, I'd recommend Devil Survivor 1/2 or SMT IV before the others. There is SMT IV Apocalypse that came out a month ago, but it follows up on one of SMT IV's endings, and it may not necessarily be the best place to start. It's a quite good game though that fixes quite a few of IV's faults. I just listed the games most people recommend. Also wow I've been working on this since like 9.
  3. Episode 7 is released. Courtney freaks me out. Also is anyone else having the problem with the last seconds of the video are skipped? The SM trailer also had that problem.
  4. I'll parrot others with Silvally's ability RKS System being really subtle. Looks cool though. Bounsweet's evolutions look good. Steenee is really adorable. With Tsareena being a "high-kicking virtuoso", I wonder if it learns High Jump Kick. Queen Majesty seems good, and while it can't stop the bravest bird completely, it can help in doubles with Fake Out (that's a thing, right?). Trop Kick is nice, though I wonder if it guarantees the attack drop. Ribombee is also really adorable. Probably shit though unless it evolves again. It seems to learn Absorb, and hopefully the entire line, and Dazzling Gleam (from the Japanese trailer) Hakamo-o and Kommo-o have nice names, and Kommo-o looks cool too. They seem to learn Sky Uppercut. Changing Scales seems good. I really like Alolan Grimer and Muk. STAB Crunch confirmed too. Olivia looks fine as hell. Uses Nosepass, something else, and Lycanroc Midnight as her ace (maybe it changes depending on version). Ilima looks good. Side note, for some reason Serebii keeps on calling him Ilmia. Scyther in Japanese trailer has 133 at lvl, which is possible at an HP IV of 2 or 3. Normally IVs are 31 in these trailers, so these values may not be correct (and so they may have higher base HP values). I'll assume 31 IVs, which will be the lowest of the ranges. Similarly Machamp has 115 HP at lvl 36 which is possible at an HP IV from 12-14. 128 HP lvl 50 Bruxish means 53-68 HP base stat. 88 HP lvl 28 Datrix means 74/75-90/91 HP base stat. That's pretty good for a mid stage. 154 HP lvl 54 Kommo-o means 68-84 HP base stat. Damn that's not that good. 99 HP lvl 35 Tsareena means 62/63-78 HP base stat. Oh yeah, on Serebii's twitter there's new official secondary art of the starters' mid stages. [spoiler=Images]
  5. "It has been announced that a special livestream for Pokémon Sun & Moon is to stream on NicoNico on October 23rd at 8pm JST. This livestream will feature some footage from the games, as well as a special Battle Royal showcase between the hosts. It is unclear if any new information will be in this livestream but we'll post as it happens should any come" 10:00 pm AEDT, 12:00 pm BST, 1:00 pm CEST, 7:00 am EDT, 4:00 am PDT Just a minor thing before the info in an hour.
  6. what AzureSen said, but maybe also familiarize yourself with the neutral route. omegaevolution has some videos for it
  7. In Japan, it's just about always a joke. Just because they don't always outright make a joke, it doesn't mean it isn't one to them. "Teehee, he's a dude, but he looks like a girl and another person is going to be fooled. It's a funny joke." Also Japan doesn't take LGBT stuff as serious as the west. Now this is getting a wee bit off topic, so I'm gonna say Ilmia doesn't really look that feminine to me, or at least not more feminine than maybe a rich guy who cares a lot about his grooming/looks. He just kinda gives that vibe to me.
  8. Oh hey, the images have came out finally. [spoiler=Silvadi] "06:11: When Type: Null finds a trainer it trusts, it destroys its helmet and evolves into Silvadi. It has a special item called Memory that lets it be one of all 18 types at any one time. It's not currently known if it's one item that can change this, or if there are 18 different ones. It has a new attack called Multi Attack which changes type based on its hold item" Friendship evolution like 99% confirmed. [spoiler=Jarango and Jararanga] Jarango really hits that awkward middle stage. Jararanga looks good though. If it ain't the pseudo of this gen, it's gonna be like Haxorus. [spoiler=Other] I think the pink haired person next to Hau at the bottom is Ilmia, the first Trial Captain. Also Alolan Grimer, like most pokemon with iffy art, has a model that makes it look better.
  9. This also applies for other classes with multiple weapon types, so you can have S bow Warriors, S sword Generals, etc.
  10. Roswell or Rosary?
  11. 2/5 are PU, 2/5 are LC, and 1/5 is OU. So technically we can't say most horse-mons are PU ;)
  12. I think the Ping Totem Pokemon is just him pinging the Totem Pokemon. Like ping was capitalized because it was the first word of the sentence.
  13. Strength is useful now. Instead of Dex working with the Gun attack and greatly affecting Physical and Gun skills, it only affects the Gun attack and Gun skills. Strength affects the Physical skills like Hades Blast and Akasha Arts and the Physical attack. So now you have to choose between Strength, Dexterity, or Magic as your primary attacking stat.
  14. True. But even in casual play it's pretty much worthless outside of giving Elena some morale.
  15. Some npc has the last letters of their name being via, so probably an Olivia. It's right when the Aether Foundation is introduced. Litten learns Lick, Leer, and Fire Fang. Also it definitely seems like it's the trial captains who summon the Totem Pokemon. I think we knew that though.
  16. Episodes 5 and 6 have been released. I guess the trio can almost definitely be called Legendary Dogs now.
  17. Hey hey, this looks good. You don't see much Yggdra Union stuff nowadays, or ever I guess. It must be interesting routing this stuff because unlike in Fire Emblem, enemy phase is a turn, so you gotta make very effective plays to minimize how many there are. I mean Fire Emblem LTC does the same thing, but it's different. You know what I mean? Also yeah Stell Persona sucks. Evade Panic is a useless ability because first of all, it only happens when you get crit, so it doesn't see use often, and secondly you're generally still screwed because you're lacking the head unit so you can't go aggressive, and if you do somehow manage the win that fight, you aren't getting that standard Head Alive 40% morale damage bonus.
  18. You aren't on any route pretty much until quite late in the game. You get a dialogue option at and There is a points system, but it is there to penalize you if you make a route decision that doesn't correlate to your dialogue choices throughout the game. Sorry for the many spoiler sections.
  19. Dexterity not as much considering it only affects the gun and gun skills. Strength is better though since it affects physical skills now. Magic, uh, I'd guess so. You have Hama and Mudo to consider now for attacking skills to take up slots. Nanashi is pretty much the best damage dealer of your team, just like Flynn. Especially thanks to a special skill you get much later in the game.
  20. There's a difference between not giving a shit about leaks, and denying them. "I don't really care. I'll see when the game releases." "These 'leaks' are fakes. I'll see the real deal when the game releases."
  21. I'm up to 4/8 moon, and I can see it, but eh. It's not too bad, except for one of the two routes apparently. Then again, apparently the other route is like taking traditional SMT (I guess) to another level. Gameplay though yeah is pretty darn good. Better than IV's, though still lacking that vitality stat. A bit easy so far though, even on War, but I'm before and apparently he's a pain in the ass, so that should be fun.
  22. You can get notifications when someone quotes you? Like, in-site notifications not email notifications? Oh, um, on topic post. Megas and Z-moves are sorta mutually exclusive considering they each require a hold item. I don't see why they wouldn't allow you both your one mega pokemon and each pokemon that is equipped with a Z-crystal to use one Z-move per battle in the same battle. The question is how this works with Mega Rayquaza, who doesn't use a mega stone to mega evolve, and so can potentially use Z-moves.
  23. Do you think we should do a spoiler thread if the demo gets datamined to show the entire pokedex?
  24. Ice Stone is probably going to be for Alolan Ninetails and something new. There was a snowman pokemon mentioned in that same leak with rugby monkey, right? So possibly for that. I guess they can retcon Eevee's evolution into Glaceon to using this, but I don't know. I have a feeling Eevee is still going to evolve with the on-field ice stone.
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