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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. Konnor97


    'ello Red, I hope you have a great time here at the Serenes Forums.
  2. Funny thing about that. That happened to me once, and it was kinda weird. We exchanged greetings and whatever, and then she just asked me what 8*7 was (or something like that) was, I answered her, so she said thanks, and didn't type another thing. It was during (this) summer, so she didn't have a reason to ask.
  3. When the chat list on the right has so many of those little green lights on, but one of the few that isn't lit is the one person you want to talk to. I also just realized that if that was shortened up a bit, it would seem like it would be on one of those stupid things that has some random picture that has been darkened a bit, and it has some words in front of it.
  4. I shall be generous, and give a unit from each part. P1- Jill P2- Lethe P3- Soren P4- If this run used clear data/whatever, I would say Pelleas, but since I think this is a first playthrough, I'll give you Naesala. If this was a second playthrough/whatever though, use Pelleas.
  5. I'd rather use Seedot over Lotad, but that may just because I like Seedot and its line a lot.
  6. Yeah, we're good dude. We just have that character(s) that we just hate for no real reason. Like for example, I hate Erk and Cath.
  7. True, but I was mainly talking about Numel/Camperupt and Torkoal (I've heard decent things about it). I should've mentioned that Sluggy is excluded from the 'not bad' list, and is in the 'bleh' list.
  8. Well, with there being a good bit of water towards the late-ish game, Torchic is alright. Mudkip is pretty much great the whole game. And besides, the other fire types aren't that bad from what I remember. Anyway, I recommend Tailow. It is pretty fast and powerful (from what I remember), and it partners well with Mudkip.
  9. Hello Sariya, I hope you have a great time here at the Serenes Forums.
  10. Hello Athae, I hope you have a great time here at the Serenes Forums.
  11. Make out with Beccy, marry Flo, and kick Nino. Fury, Fee, Femina.
  12. Oh, I already responded to it with a question, and I don't think I got my answer yet, but whatevs.
  13. Make out with Lara, marry Lana, kick Sara only because I have to. Catria, Evayle, and Lethe.
  14. Konnor97


    Hello Sundus, I hope you have a great time here at the Serenes Forums.
  15. Just introduce her to it and have her play some of the game(s). If she likes it, she likes it. If she doesn't like them, she doesn't like them. Don't try and pressure her.
  16. So uh, what's the reason on why you are hating Selena more now?
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