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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. Let's see... Konnor97's catchphrase is: All in the name of me. That's kinda sounds right. Konnor's catchphrase is: I'm a banana! Uh, okay.
  2. 'ello Majora, I hope you have a great time here at the Serenes Forums.
  3. Konnor97


    'ello Xinni, I hope you have a great time here at the Serenes Forums.
  4. Who is the weakest member? If I did have to fight one of you people, I would fight the weakest one because screw being fair.
  5. Aww, I couldn't find any good blink-animation shenanigans.
  6. Lucius: 'Oh really now?' (The 's are a stand-in for like a thought bubble.)
  7. I think I found another one. But yeah, I bet Flo really wants to 'protect' Lyn. In bed.
  8. Oh blink animations, you always know how to spice up a screenshot. But yeah, Matthew is like, "Yeah, let's let the others fight in our place. We wouldn't want to get all sweaty and tired would we? "
  9. 'ello Shade, I hope you have a great time here at the Serenes Forums.
  10. 'ello Charmer, I hope you have a great time here at the Serenes Forums. It's always great to see more Soren fans.
  11. 'ello Strunk, I hope you have a great time here at the Serenes Forums.
  12. Wait, I have a life outside of the forums? Why didn't someone tell me?
  13. This is a great topic to find out what some people's names are.
  14. There isn't a Konnor the Hedgehog. What now? (There's a Konner the Hedgehog, but it's not Konnor, so it doesn't count.) There wasn't anything for Konnor97 the Hedgehog either.
  15. The first bit is the champion battle theme for Pokemon Black and White 2. The second bit I don't know.
  16. 'ello Keiya, I hope you have a great time here at the Serenes Forums.
  17. It shouldn't be that bad, his dad is Ardan, who has the event in the first place.
  18. Lester-Ardan is pretty cool. He doesn't need the Brave Bow to be awesome. EDIT: Then again, I've only played Ch6 with that file, but still, he's pretty cool.
  19. One (or both) of you should pair Ardan and Ethlin, because from my experience, it isn't that bad, except for no Brave Bow.
  20. Let's see... (I'm not good with not repeating myself, so be warned.) The frog is pretty cool. The zombie girl is nice. The Chie thing is cool. The posing and depth test one reminds me of Lethe for some reason (that's good). The blue jay is cool. The tiger's left eye (its left) seems a bit high, but otherwise it is good. I'm not a good critic or whatever, but yeah.
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