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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. Okay, since I don't plan on finishing this... FE8 Draft #33007 Franz, Joshua, Lute, Duessel, L'Arachel, Rennac, Marisa. I didn't even start yet.
  2. Didn't Raven make a thing like this not too long ago?
  3. Konnor97


    Hello Ken, I hope you have a great time here at the Serenes Forums.
  4. Hello Tyrion, I hope you have a great time here at the Serenes Forums.
  5. Hello Devon, I hope you have a great time here at the Serenes Forums.
  6. 'ello Ruko, I hope you have a great time here at the Serenes Forums. And Ruko, is the class you're thinking of the one Erk has or the one Canas has?
  7. Progress Update. Ch11: 7/7 Turns Money is more important in my eyes than a 5 turn. Ch12: 4/11 Turns Standard I believe. I didn't sell the Gem though. Ch13: 4/15 Turns Standard I believe. I didn't sell the Gem though. Ch13x: 7/22 Turns Bleh. Dorcas died, but who cares? Ch14: 10/32 Turns I hate this map in drafts. Ch15: 7/39 Turns Meh. Ch16: 6/45 Turns Standard I believe. Ch17: 11/56 Turns Meh. Ch17x: 4/60 Turns I got some light tomes, and did a tiny bit of leveling. Ch18: 4/64 Turns Oswin promoted. Ch19: 8+4/76 Turns Dart got attacked because I forgot that Lucius can't damage Uhai. Ch19x: 7/83 Turns Meh. Ch20: 7/90 Turns I got the BB, whatever Lego took, and the MC. Ch21: 4/94 Turns Got Restore and the EW. Lego also stole the HC, which will be sold. Ch22: 6/100 Turns Got BA and 10000G. Flo did some shopping in the SS. Recruited Heath for Axereaver. Ch23: 4/104 Turns Pent killed both bosses. Ch24: 2/106 Turns Meh. Ch25: 5/111 Turns Meh. Ch26: 11/122 Turns Got some Killers, and everybody that can be promoted by now is promoted. Ch27: 8/130 Turns Meh.
  8. I am not participating, but I shall be watching this.
  9. Uhhh, there are 6 units remaining (if you take off the Vaida because you took her), and there are 7 picks left.

  10. Hello Comm, I hope you have a great time here at the Serenes Forums.
  11. Hello Game, I hope you have a great time here at the Serenes Forums.
  12. Hello Rax, I hope you have a great time here at the Serenes Forums.
  13. The Crimson Shield and the Outspoken Cleric.
  14. Hey George, it's your turn for the Oswin draft.

  15. Uhhh... From most to least the list is... FE7- It is just so much fun to play in a draft setting, and my 2nd favorite FE. FE10- Fairly fun, but it is pretty long and the drafting process is long. FE6/FE9- I have only drafted these once, and I have had to restart each of these at least once, so I'm pretty neutral on them. FE8- Screw this game. Others- I haven't drafted for any other FEs, so I don't know about these.
  16. Marry Sue, make out with Gordin, kick Wil. (I dislike being ninja'd.) Elphin, Nils, Reyson.
  17. Marry Marisa, Make out with Tethys, and kick Gerik. Tethys, Ninian, Lalum.
  18. I like this idea. Gimme a spot.
  19. Wait, they don't need no men? Does that mean they men?
  20. For Snes I recommend either Zsnes or Snes9x. For GBA I recommend Visual Boy Advance. For DS I recommend Desmume (or however it is spelled). I don't know about any others though, but that should be most of the FEs.
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