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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. Progress Update the $th. Let's see, I saved a useless Smearagle from an easy dungeon, and now he can change my flag. I finally got Gold Rank waiting for the first Magma Cavern event. The next day the first event happened. Haha, Golem thinks he can help with Rock Throw of all things, how cute. A couple boring days later they come back, and the rescue teams come together with some pride crap, and they decide to keep on going into Magma Cavern until they succeed. They obviously don't step a foot in there. So Johnny, Richard, and I ventured forth into the Cavern. The second part of the dungeon is funny, one actual floor, one filler floor, and then the boss. Groudon was pretty easy, but he killed me once, so he gets a rating of Zapdos, where Moltres is easy, and Articuno is not that bad. Then the whole Sky Tower meteor things happen, we teleport up, and we have to escape on the 25th floor with an Escape Orb, because we happened to spawn in a monster house, and a Aerodactyl decided to Agility everybody up. The next time though, we got through, got through the second part, and fought Rayquaza. Rayquaza has a rating of Pidgey on the previous scale, with it meaning 'you suck'. To make it worse on Rayquaza, Johnny didn't have Ice Beam, and he only got to attack once, and that was with a Silver Spike that I threw at the start, but missed. The boring story events happen, and I'm most likely not updating again for this. So in total, I died like 6 times, but they were negated because of Reviver Seeds. My muddy buddy and I ended off at like level 30, and Richard ended off at like level 20. He got the finishing blow. G'night everybody. Oh, who am I kidding, the ending is just so, . Curse you Nintendo, why must you make such a sad ending?
  2. Uh, Bulby is Hasty (+Spd, -Def) Dig-Dug is Careful (+Sp.D, -Sp.A) Wendy is Lax (+Def, -Sp.D) Refa is Adamant (+Atk, -Sp.A) Red Bull is Serious (No Changes) Shellthulu is Hardy (No Changes) I am not killing the birds, I'm going to catch them.
  3. Progress Update the #rd I have just arrived in the league. Silph Co. Gary was easy, Silph Co. Giovanni was easy, Sabrina was easy, Koga was easy, Blaine was easy, Viridian Giovanni was easy, Gary wasn't as easy. I searched through every room in Silph Co., beat the 4 Rocket Brothers, beat Gary and Giovanni, beat up Sabrina, use the Cycling Road way to Fuchsia, spent 35 minutes trying to catch a Tauros before just using an auto catch code, trained Tauros out to the right of Fuchsia, beat Koga, cycled back to Pallet, went to Cinnabar, got Omanyte, trained it in the Mansion, trained it against the gym, beat Blaine, did the island stuff, go to Viridian, beat up the Viridian gym trainers, evolve Omanyte, destroy Giovanni, run into Gary, somewhat struggle against Gary, go through Victory Road, and arrive at the league. Bulby is level 45 with stats of 144 88 87 104 99 96, and with the same moves except replace Tackle with Strength. Dig-Dug is level 44 with stats of 94 94 56 54 86 133, and with moves of Slash, Aerial Ace, Magnitude, and Rock Tomb. Wendy is level 45 with stats of 134 109 84 57 59 53, and with moves of Vital Throw, EQ, Strength, and Foresight. Refa is level 44 with stats of 122 148 74 88 107 78, and with moves of Shadow Ball, Fire Blast, Quick Attack, and Bite. Red Bull (Tauros) is level 44 with stats of 125 107 97 54 79 111, and with moves of Strength, Horn Attack, Surf, and Pursuit. Shellthulu is level 44 with stats of 129 67 122 108 76 60, and with moves of Surf, Mud Shot, Bite, and Blizzard. I have a poll up to decide what my next update will be, it ends at 10:00 A.M. tomorrow my time, which for reference it is 3:42 for me.
  4. Marry Tiamo, make out with Inverse, and kick Sumia. Linde, Tinny, Lute.
  5. Progress Update the #rd. I have just finished finished the 'remodel the base' event, so this seems like a good time to update. Before going to the Canyon, I decided to train Richard up some levels, and he is actually being a good addition to the team. I even gave him Thunderbolt. After the Canyon, Gengar decided to be a jerk and say 'Konnor is a human and evil, let's kill him', or, something to that effect. My muddy buddy and I ran through Lapras Lapis Cave, destroyed Moltres, destroy Articuno, and meet up with the Nine-Tailed one. After that, we came back to town, drove Gengar away, and did some stuff. After that, a Wobbu and Wynaut pop up, tell us to beat up some bullies, and so we did. After that, they gave us a peeled chestnut, we gave that to the bullies for help with remodeling the base in my image, and they did the work. They got lazy, but we bribed them with more chestnuts, and so my base was completed. They then tried to tear it down because they wouldn't get free chestnuts anymore, but we beat them down again, and they left. Next update should be around the endgame.
  6. No, seeds don't count as deaths, that wouldn't be fair.
  7. Double Post. Progress Update the @nd. I have just received the flute. Eirika was easy, Giovanni was easy, Gary was easy, and Surge was easy. I spent like 2 hours gambling up enough coins for Shadow, which I gave to Eevee, which I named Refa. I caught a female Machop in Rock Tunnel, which was named Wendy. Venusaur (Bulby) is level 35 with stats of 113 68 64 81 77 73, and he has the same moves as last time. Dig-Dug (Dugrio) is level 35 with stats of 76 73 45 43 69 103, and with Scratch, Fury Swipes, Magnitude, and Dig. Wendy (Machoke) is level 35 with stats of 105 83 63 44 45 40, and with Karate Chop, Revenge, Vital Throw, and Foresight. Refa (Flareon) is level 35 with stats of 99 117 58 67 86 61, and with Quick Attack, Sand Attack, Shadow Ball, and Bite. I currently have $33760. Next update should be around Blaine.
  8. I'm ending the poll early, I don't think another option is getting at least 5 votes in an hour. So I'm going to gamble fairly. I'm going to use the machine with the best odds though.
  9. Double post. I made a poll for when I get to Celadon and when I get to the Game Corner. I'll end the polling at noon Eastern Time tomorrow. For reference, it is about 5:30 P.M. for me now.
  10. Progress Update the @nd. I have defeated Zapdos thanks to both my partner and I having Attract and spamming Ember/Water Gun over and over again. I had a Gligar named Batman helping, but he was sent back to his friend area after he was Thundershocked to death. I turned his Item Master skill off before the fight so he wouldn't use up my seeds. Johnny had to use one though after Zapdos got a quick Thundershock after the 3rd or 4th Attract wore off. I found a Gold Ribbon so I'm getting some money from that, and the main duo both have all IQ skills from Nontraitor and lower. We are currently level 15 with normal stats for that level, I have my X-Ray Specs still, and Johnny has a Special Band that I got from a reward. I also have the Boulder Cave friend area from one of those mailbox missions. Batman is the only pokemon that I have that may continue in use for a while, but that will probably change around the Canyon, aka the next dungeon. I like how when you are revived with a seed your PP is fully filled.
  11. Yeah, pretty much what they said. Train up your pokemon (except for maybe Swellow) until they are around, oh, high 40s. Replace Blaziken's Cut with something like Aerial Ace. Gyarados looks alright in the move area, maybe replace something for Dragon Dance if you get it to level 50. Maybe give Swellow Steel Wing. Get rid of Shiftry's Flash for something like Shadow Ball or Giga Drain, and what is Shiftry's Hidden Power type? Groudon looks good, maybe replace Slash for something like Iron Tail or Dragon Claw, though Slash could work on its own. Also, maybe just grab a Victory Road pokemon like Hariyama, Lairon (will evolve at level 42), Medicham, or Loudred (will evolve after one level) as an extra helper, because they are in their 40s/really late 30s. I'm would assume you know the who the E4 are, but just in case, they are going under spoiler tags. You have a good fighting type for the first guy, you can easily add a Shadow Ball/a dark type move for the next chick, you have both fire and fighting for the third chick, you can use Blizzard/another ice move/a dragon move for the fourth dude, and you have fire, ground, water, and fighting for the champion.
  12. Having one of the Grass starters would be worse though. They are X4 weak to 2 of the birds, and Machop is neutral against 1 of them.
  13. I'll do the next progress update when I finish Mt. Thunder. I am currently trying to get my Reviver Seed collection back up, because Silent Chasm and BBM's rescue ate them all up. Also for future reference, I am not going to be noting new Pokemon additions to my team unless they are important or whatever. In other news, Zapdos is going to suck, I have a Water type partner and no access to cool things like Ice Beam or Attract, so I might have my first big death there.
  14. I'll say true. You were wrong, I don't own a bike nor do I know how to ride one. I plan on making Sariya MU's wife on my first playthrough of FE13.
  15. I will say true, and I will be glad to help you. You were also right by the way. I enjoy riding my bike.
  16. Progress Update the !st. I have currently defeated Misty and Gary. I did not do the optional Gary fight. Brock and Misty were jokes. I decided actually to not take the backups, because they would've got in the way. I have decided to catch my next party member as a Diglett, so I may get Magnitude. Ivysaur (Bulby) is level 25, has Hasty nature, and stats in order of HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed, as it will be from now on for describing stats, are 73 38 37 47 46 40. He currently has Tackle, Sleep Powder, Leech Seed, and Razor Leaf as attacks. My trainer name is Konnor, I have ID #06641, and I have $4368 (dollar sign just because). I made sure I have the Helix Fossil, which is Omanyte's, right? I will be kinda-sorta breaking my rules a little to catch an Oddish for Cut and Flash, because there is no way I am keeping those moves on my Pokemon until Fuchsia.
  17. I'm on my way BBM. Okay, you are good to go. I hate how they spawn monster houses once you get into the room where the person that you are rescuing died. A-OK Password is ?5?PPPP?male6??9S!4?6 ?WM?H?M53+?FM?HRP? ?+0?K67??7Q2?ROJN? Tell me if this doesn't work.
  18. So yeah, brief pre-starting analysis. Venusaur- YAY! I love Bulbasaur's line, possibly my favorite starter line. Thank you ZM for this. Machoke- Okay, he seems cool, and by the looks of it will be replacing one of my backups. Tauros- Friggen' Safari Zone. He has a freakin' catch rate of 45, appearing either 1% in zone 3 or 4% in zone 4. Curse you so freakin' hard. Good pokemon though. At least I wasn't given Chansey. Flareon- Decent stats by the looks of it, but it doesn't seem to have the greatest move pool, except for natural Flamethrower. Omastar- Oh boy, a fossil pokemon that starts out at level 5 and I don't have good access to the EXP Share? Oh joyous day. Omastar looks pretty okay though. Dugtrio- Yay, my first real member of the team after Bulbasaur. I'm on the fence of whether I should raise it from Diglett or attempt to get it as a Dugtrio. I will be using an emulator, but there will not be screen shots or videos. Sorry Jedi, but I will be using savestates to get Tauros without ripping my hair out. I hope this is alright with you.
  19. Oh crap, yeah, little Pokemon count. Double curses to Dio.
  20. Diglett Dig, Diglett Dig, Trio Trio Trio. Yay.
  21. Naw, I'm going to use the stand-in-one-place-and-look-around-in-every-direction-while-not-moving trick.
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