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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. Fine, I guess I'm going to get this done and over with. Marry Alvis (as long as it is first gen Alvis), make out with Oliver (least disgusting of the remaining two), and shoot Gheb in the head until he is dead. FE11 Minerva, Miledy/Miredy, and FE10 Jill.
  2. If only that worked, then I would have a corn tree.
  3. Yes, after a long time arena grinding, a peggy decided to be a jerk and brutally murder poor Raven. My first time personally seeing a 1% crit.
  4. Hmm, I thought Rule 63 applied to everybody/thing. Well darn.
  5. Best: FE9 Soren HM: FE10 Soren and Asvel Worst: Erk HM: Boey (I think that is how his name is spelled.)
  6. I'll give you three guesses of what inspired my user name.
  7. Hmm, marry Cecilia, make out with Lily, and kick Wendy into the Western Isles at base level. Jaffar, Volke, and Cath.
  8. I would like to hear of things that you regret, but that are not serious or big things. My example (and regretted moment): I regret posting a "Thumbs up if x" comment on Youtube. Remember, it can't be serious or big or important or whatever thing. I don't want to see your really personal things, those should stay personal except to people you trust, and should not to be told to random people on a random forum in a random topic.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueVL4zWdqzc
  10. So wait, is it just the people who are here or what? Because if it is, then dangit, I hate zombies. They're so disgusting and gross and ick. EDIT: How long would zombiefication last?
  11. Shiny Tailow in either Emerald or Sapphire, and a shiny Drowzee in Silver, though it was on one of my 'beat and do as much of the game as you can without the Gameboy dying because the save feature deletion thing that eventually happens to Gold, Silver, and Crystal cartridges'. There's also the LoR Gyarados, but that one isn't that special.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lwxu5VHWvjw
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQhY0OQdWp0
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhl98Lu7WU4
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEnEJrHLooY&feature=related
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