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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. I'm not joining because I have another FE6 draft to do, but the 3 undrafted units are usually banned I believe.
  2. You should only have 73 turns because 59 + 6 = 65, not 66, unless you meant 7 turns for Ch19x.
  3. Isn't 13x required? I didn't see it listed, so should I just add its forced TC to your current total?
  4. I might do an FE8 version of this eventually, maybe after some people are done with this and if it seems like the FE8 draft flow is smooth.
  5. Draft for report. FE7 Draft - RNG Style! Topic #33229 Green: Lowen, Fiora, Legault, Oswin, Dart, Eliwood, and Vaida. Horace: Jaffar, Louise, Matthew, Dorcas, Lucius, Erk, and Wil. Quint: Canas, Pent, Bartre/Karla, Priscilla, Lyn, Sain, and Harken. Orange: Nino, Rath, Karel, Hawkeye, Isadora, Florina, and Heath. Yellow: Raven, Serra, Kent, Guy, Rebecca, Farina, and Renault. I only hosted, I have too many drafts to do first.
  6. And done! Here is your sequence: 25 20 21 35 1 27 31 15 16 34 2 29 4 19 7 11 18 26 22 30 5 9 10 32 17 33 8 13 14 12 24 3 28 23 6 This is the master list, with the units assigned to the numbers in orders, so like Matthew got #25, Serra got #20, Oswin got #21, etc. The teams are: Green: Lowen, Fiora, Legault, Oswin, Dart, Eliwood, and Vaida. Horace: Jaffar, Louise, Matthew, Dorcas, Lucius, Erk, and Wil. Quint: Canas, Pent, Bartre/Karla, Priscilla, Lyn, Sain, and Harken. Orange: Nino, Rath, Karel, Hawkeye, Isadora, Florina, and Heath. Yellow: Raven, Serra, Kent, Guy, Rebecca, Farina, and Renault. Alright competitors, get this thing done.
  7. Since Quint is gone, I'll just RNG the last 5 numbers onto his list, so this can be done fast.
  8. Well, crap. I counted wrong. We need a list of 1-35. I am terribly sorry, but can you all please send me another list, but this time from 1-35. Once again, I am terribly sorry.
  9. Player list is: Green Horace Quint Orange Yellow
  10. Alrighty then, now for the somewhat tedious randomization process.
  11. I need to know if PKL is in or not first, before the shuffling begins.
  12. I had this sudden idea, and it kinda seems like it would work. I am not participating because I have a lot of drafts to finish up on. Drafting: 1. This draft is for 5 players. 2. Hector, Marcus, Merlinus, Ninian/Nils, and Athos are free for all to use. 3. Bartre and Karla are drafted as a pair. 4. Geitz and Wallace will remain undrafted. 5. Marcus is banned after Chapter 16. 6. The game will be played on Hector Normal Mode, skipping Lyn Mode. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories, and dig up items in the desert. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, opening Doors or Chests, talking to Fargus in Chapter 17x, or Seizing Castles in Chapter 25. 3. All Gaiden Chapters except 19xx, 23x and 28x are required to be visited. 23x and 28x may be visited at the player's discretion, and don't count towards the total turncount up to 20 turns taken per chapter. 4. Other units may do as they please without penalty. 5. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter. Exceptions: 1. Matthew is free for Chapter 11. 2. Meatshielding is allowed for Chapter 13x. 3. Lyn, Kent, Sain and Wil are free for Chapter 16. 4. Undrafted Thieves may be used to obtain necessary Promotion items. Teams: Green: Lowen, Fiora, Legault, Oswin, Dart, Eliwood, and Vaida. Ch20 completed. Current TC: 81 Horace: Jaffar, Louise, Matthew, Dorcas, Lucius, Erk, and Wil. Completed. Final TC: 158 Quint: Canas, Pent, Bartre/Karla, Priscilla, Lyn, Sain, and Harken. Ch19x completed. Current TC: 63 Orange: Nino, Rath, Karel, Hawkeye, Isadora, Florina, and Heath. Completed. Final TC: 163 Yellow: Raven, Serra, Kent, Guy, Rebecca, Farina, and Renault. Completed. Final TC: 211 [spoiler=units remaining]Matthew Serra Oswin Eliwood Lowen Rebecca Dorcas Bartre/Karla Guy Erk Priscilla Florina Lyn Sain Kent Wil Raven Lucius Canas Dart Fiora Legault Isadora Heath Rath Hawkeye Farina Pent Louise Karel Harken Nino Jaffar Vaida Renault Now, I want everybody to PM a randomized list from numbers from 1 to 35, so I can do the full randomization process. I'm going to do the order randomization first, and then do the true unit list. It shall be randomized, and then it will be compared to the first person's list, then the second person's, and etc.
  13. So, pretty much the things I listed, plus items that are stolen?
  14. What does 'Loot' imply? As in, what is counted as loot? Dropped items, buried treasure, chests, other? I'm also not joining, I've gotta clear some other drafts first.
  15. Well, that would probably lean more to the glitchless run, because both Eli and Guy got Strength (as the main noticeable point), compared to Matt getting Skill and Wil getting Speed (as the main noticeable points on the glitched run. Also, the glitched run got Eli, Matt, Wil, and Guy levels, while the glitchless run got Eli two levels, and Wil&Guy getting a level. So each side got 4 level ups in total.
  16. So does it matter which run of 16x and onwards I use? They have the same TC and same items gotten, just with different level ups gotten. The other main difference is that one run has a mine and the other doesn't. I probably won't use the mine glitch again anyways, except for maybe for Vaida's Spear, but I could definitely deal without it.
  17. I'm not joining, but I say free.
  18. Good job, I can't wait for the next chapters. And if you don't mind my laziness of not wanting to move to another section, I'll post my feedback here.
  19. Progress! Brackets [ ] indicate the Mine Glitchless 16x thing. Ch14: 8 Turns Marcus went up and down, Matt stayed behind, Guy took some of the middle, and Eli took the bottom and whatever middle-ish enemies Guy couldn't take out. Eli bought a lot of supplies, got Prissy for no reason, and NPC Erk finished the final enemy bandit with a crit, after he burned the Iron Blade village. Ch15: 6 Turns Marcus carried Eli across the mountains, Guy and Matt hid in the nearby forests, Flo got some chips in, and Kent and Wil took on the lower enemies. Got both villages, and Merlinus felt like dying, so he did. Marcus set Eli out of Javelin range, and proceeded to smack Bauker with a Steel Axe. Ch16: 11 Turns Flo sold the Red Gem at base, and that was the main thing to note about preparations. Everybody went up except for Matt, Kent went back down once the Cavaliers showed up, and Marcus carried Eli to the throne, after killing the boss with the Hammer. Everybody's favorite tent blew up again. Got the Hero Crest, but Matt couldn't get up there in time for the Knight Crest, so Kent shall wait for Eubans. Two sucky soldiers survived, so I go to 16x, and I get a useless Light Rune. Ch16x: 6 Turns [6 Turns also without using the Mine] I also grabbed the Satan Axe on both runs. [i did the things I did normally, minus placing the mine. Eli drew out the secondary boss, and Rapier crit-killed him. Guy and Wil took the top. Wil went down to help Matt in the middle row. Flo flew around and got the two treasures I wanted (Short Bow and Lancereaver), and she also got Canas. Two Pirates went after her, but she could only be attacked by one at a time, and later hid in the water, so she could talk to Fargus.] I sold the Rune, and Marcus sat out for Kent. I used the Mine Glitch (Is it allowed? It isn't mentioned in the rules so there's that. If not, I have another run of the chapter, and they have the same TC.) to make them give up their weapons, so I could attack the middle people without problems, and have Flo fly around without anything bad possibly happening to her. I got Canas for the Book. I also sent a Pirate into the Arena for fun, he died, and I lost 900 gold.
  20. Is shopping from the base Armory allowed? As in, the one that has the basic equipment for a higher price than from a normal armory/vendor? Oh, and sorry, quadruple post.
  21. Starting Now! Gave myself a female tactician (for different unit reactions), a fire affinity because that is my majority, and started. Ch11: 8 Turns Lowen traded his crap to Marcus and Eli, and they set off. Bartre and Dorcas passed their stuff to Marcus, and Eli decided to wear Dorcas's ring. Marcus grabbed the shield, which Eli decided to equip. Marcus then grabbed Eli, and ran off to the boss. (The reason Eli is getting these stat boosters is because Eli really needs the help in the earlygame.) Marcus got the boss kill, and Eli seized on turn 8. Ch12: 8 Turns Marcus grabbed the dirty old book and sold it, while Eli took on the incoming enemies. Oswin grabbed Hector and hid in the corner, while Marcus saved them. Eli continued to destroy the bottom enemies, and got 4 levels, and the boss kill! No visits to the Armory. Ch13: 13 Turns Marcus and Matt went south then west then north, Eli went west then south, and the others hid up in the corner. I had to stall for a few turns after Marcus got boss kill for Eli to come over, because those stupid bandits got in my way. Marcus also was carrying Matt because he was weak and had to use his turn to recruit Guy. Ch13x: 7 Turns Oswin tanked the left, Matt and Guy went south, Eli and Hector tanked the north, and Marcus went up for the village. Lowen held on to Merlinus for dear life. Beccy died after giving up her bow.
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