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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. More Progress. Ch11: 9 Turns I hate this map. I had to RNG abuse a bit to make sure people wouldn't die, but it didn't take too long. Everybody but Colm also got fairly good levels. Cormag kinda flew around snatching kills, Josh and Eph ran down, Amelia and Franz went up, and Colm and Natasha kinda lagged behind the upper group for Torch support. Also had to rig a Killer Lance Crit against the boss with Franz. Ephraim: +HP&Str,+HP&Str&Spd&Lck Franz: +Str&Spd&Def Colm: +HP Natasha: +HP&Mag&Lck&Res Joshua: +HP&Str&Skl&Lck Amelia: +HP&Str,+HP&Str&Skl&Lck Cormag: +HP&Str&Lck,+HP&Str&Lck&Def&Res,+HP&Str&Def Ch12: 8 Turns RNG abused some more to let Cormag get a 10% crit on the Axereaver for the boss kill and to let him even survive. Marissa got in Cormag's way, so she died. Cormag flew up, then right. Franz and Amelia went left, and the others went right Ephraim: +HP&Skl Franz: +HP&Lck Colm: +HP&Str&Lck&Def&Res Natasha: No Level Up Joshua: +HP&Skl Amelia: +HP&Skl&Spd&Lck&Res,+HP&Skl&Spd Cormag: +HP&Str,+Str&Skl&Def,+HP&Str&Spd&Lck&Def&Res,+HP&Skl&Spd Ewan: No Level Up ToV Ewan Edition: Not all levels were during one run obviously, and I better not have to count them. Ewan: +HP&Skl&Lck,+HP&Mag&Skl&Lck,+HP&Mag&Skl,+HP&Spd&Lck&Res,+HP&Skl&Lck&Res,+Skl&Spd&Res,+HP,+Mag&Skl,+HP&Mag&Res Weapon Levels: Ephraim: A Lances Franz: C Swords (little more than half) and S Lances Colm: B Swords (looks like one more stab to go up) Natasha: B Staves (about 3/4 full) Joshua: A Swords Amelia: E Swords (about 1/3 full) and C Lances (one or two more stabs should do it) Cormag: B Lances (about 1/2 full) Ewan: D Anima (for now that is) (about 1/2 full)
  2. Wil, the Archer without Equal, and Harken, the Troubled Warrior
  3. Matthew the Enigmatic Thief and Dart, Badon's Commando.
  4. Let's see, this is Easy Mode, it has a cool concept, and I have another draft going already, and this is a long game. 2 matches 2, but Easy Mode outweighs it. Count me in! EDIT: Dang it, got ninja'd out of the last spot.
  5. Guy the Saint of Swords and Kent the Crimson Shield.
  6. Umm... crap. An accidental refresh just lost my progress written here. I'll write what I remember. (Brackets [ ] indicate promotion gains) Map: Bought an Iron Sword for Josh, and promoted Franz to a Paladin. Ch9: 17 Turns Everybody rushed, Franz recruited Amelia and she hid until the enemies in the middle area were mostly gone, and then chipped at the first sleep priest. Colm went up for the money and Ocean Seal, but the reinforcements he triggered stopped his progress, so he didn't get the seal. Ephraim held off the lower reinforcements while Franz went against the boss with Josh's KE. I don't remember the levels completely. The stat ups in all were... Ephraim: 4 Levels with HP+4 Str+2 Skl+2 Spd+2 Lck+3 Def+3 Res+0 Franz: Promoted at Level 17. Got 2 Levels with HP+2 Str+1 Skl+1 Spd+0 Lck+1 Def+0 Res+0 [HP+2 Str+1 Skl+1 Spd+1 Lck+0 Def+2 Res+1 Con+2 Mov+1] Colm: 2 Levels of HP+1 Str+1 Skl+1 Spd+0 Lck+1 Def+1 Res+0 Natasha: 1 Level of Skl+1 Spd+1 Lck+1 Joshua: 1 Level of HP+1 Str+1 Res+1 ToV for Amelia: Not all 8 levels were done in one run, and I don't remember the turns taken there if it matters. Amelia: Promotion to Cavalier at level 10, and 9 levels of HP+7 Str+3 Skl+7 Spd+3 Lck+5 Def+4 Res+4 Ch10: 10 Turns Penalties: 1 (Duessal got attacked after one of his lackeys died) Everybody rushed down, Franz carried Ephraim to Duessal, Duessal got attacked so I got a penalty, he recruited Cormag, Franz grabbed the Hero Crest, and the people not named Ephraim, Cormag, or Franz rushed up to meet up with the reinforcements. No boss kill. Ephraim: +Str&Spd&Def,+HP&Str&Skl&Lck,+HP&Str&Skl&Spd&Def Franz: +HP&Def Colm: +HP Natasha: +HP&Mag&Skl&Spd&Res Joshua: +HP&Str&Spd,+HP&Spd Amelia: [HP+1 Str+0 Skl+2 Spd+2 Lck+0 Def+0 Res+2 Con+3 Mov+3] +HP&Str&Skl,+Spd&Lck,+HP&Str&Skl Cormag: +HP&Res Weapon Ranks (No Supports): Ephraim: A Lances Franz: C Swords (little over half) and A Lances (little over half) Colm: B Swords (little under half) Natasha: B Staves (about 1/4 full) Joshua: A Swords Amelia: E Swords (about 1/4 full) C Lances (little under half) Cormag: C Lances (about 1/3 full)
  7. I just want him to have enough speed so that things don't double him and that spirits don't clobber him, which was why he was benched from 4-E-4 on in the Haar draft. But yeah, BEXP will be a go-go once I get him back. I'm pretty sure it is allowed, or else I would be fairly screwed a lot.
  8. Dozla would need speed on every level and get to level 20 to cap speed without the wings (Spd base- 9 growth- 40%). Garcia would need to get 13 speed ups out of 16 levels to cap speed as a fighter, and (assuming capped speed as a fighter) would need 6 out of 19 for a warrior, or 4 out of 19 for a hero, both without the wings (Spd base- 7 growth- 20%). Chances of succes = ~0.02% for Dozla and ~0.2% for fighter Garcia (I believe), and a ~0.6% for Warrior (assuming he capped speed as a figther) (I believe) and a ~0.95% for Hero (assuming he capped speed as a fighter) (I believe). That was without Speedwings. With the 3 speedwings going to them, the chances are ~0.5% for Dozla and a ~0.4% for fighter Garcia, and a 100% for Hero and Warrior assuming speed was capped as a fighter without Speedwings, except for one for a hero, because of the speed cap being shared with warriors and that he gains 2 speed upon promotion. If somebody would, do my numbers check out okay? I'm a bit iffy with all of Garcia's and Dozla's with Speedwings.
  9. Totally knew it. And nice, this got drafted in about 1.5 hours.
  10. My fate is in your hands Horace.
  11. Duessel be mine, along with L'Arachel.
  12. Astrid would totally suck until Blossom, Geoff would mostly suck until Blossom, and anything that isn't a laguz (hint: only they can have Paragon and Blossom as not innate skills) would see it as a controversial plague.
  13. I shall most likely hardcore regret this, but Josh and Lute.
  14. Bah, FE8 is fast, so even though I got another one of these, I'll join.
  15. Yeah, innate paragon + blossom = fun. Now if only someone had innate blossom. That would probably be too cheap though.
  16. Well, the ciger is keeping Blossom for a good while. Brave Lance might be more useful, depending on how much speed he gets.
  17. Yeah, Geoff. He's just too slow. Yeah, I probably will use that axe situation when it comes to blessing, but I'm really sad that I don't got a good weapon for the other light magic user, and that I don't have use of Alondite or the Double Bow, especially the Double Bow. It made Leo a freakin' god for the rest of endgame once he got it in the Haar draft. I also notice a lack of mid-range units.
  18. This is all without abuse besides the rare battle save for-screwy-situations and BEXPing someone up some levels without resets. I mean, Brom capped speed on his own. No abusing besides mass BEXP leveling from 8 to 19.
  19. Eh, skill isn't high on Micky's priority list for stats. I think a ~95% miss almost killed me in an arena before. I just now noticed, I have no Alondite user, two light magic users, an anima user, 2 axe users, a fairly crappy Wishblade user, and tons of laguz. Worst part is, no Double Bow user.
  20. Do heal and mend work like the GBA/Tellius games or the DS ones?
  21. That's screwed, isn't it? If it is, at least light magic is accurate.
  22. She only got 5 levels of defense. What's so special?
  23. Dang, that is really fippin' fast.
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