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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. Finished draft #31483 fe7 HNM, Bartre theme draft. in 199 turns, counting penalties and turn count reductions. Also finished draft #32055 [FE8] NM Chain Support SOYO Draft in 171 turns.
  2. Unit Analysis! (FTC: 199 (This includes BartrexKarla, Bartre&Raven B, and penalty)) Oh yeah, tactician was female named Connie, born in April (Thunder). Hector 20/19.49 57 29 24 22 14 26 15 A Lyn, B Eliwood C Swords S Axes Beast Hector, as always. Had 17 skill unpromoted, and had capped skill while his str was 23 at one point, and this is without SB. Received Boots Lyn 20/16.77 46 17 29 30 22 11 12 A Hector, B Flo S Swords C Bows Not as good Lyn as in KoT's draft, though still pretty good. Nilsian 20 29 0 0 28 23 6 17 A Flo Fluted/Danced people a lot. Eliwin 20/20 52 27 23 20 27 23 19 A Lowen, B Hector A Swords A Lances This guy was godly. He wasn't even given the Afa's Drops! Received a BR. Athos -/20 Normal Stats and Ranks 1 Restore, 1 Fortify, and 2 Luna Matt 20/17.84 45 13 20 30 15 14 7 S Swords Basically only thief duties until promotion, which made him a Silencing guy. Karla -/15.91 41 21 26 25 19 11 16 A Bartre S Swords Killed things and made a Bartre a very happy man. Nino 19/11 36 22 24 26 19 11 25 A Anima E Staves I used the mine glitch in Ch29 for this girl. Received a BR and AD. Flo 20/20 47 16 25 28 25 9 22 A Nilsian, B Lyn C Swords, S Lances I love this girl, for now and forever. Wil 18/17.78 50 21 22 19 22 15 9 A Raven S Bows This guy used bows, shot ballista bolts, and was funny. Raven 20/17.97 56 23 24 26 13 15 9 A Wil, B Bartre A Swords B Axes He did normal Raven things, like be awesome. Lowen 18/20 53 17 12 17 27 25 13 A Eliwin B Swords S Lances C Axes He kinda sucked, so he didn't come to the final chapter. Geitz -/17.42 52 24 16 17 16 13 5 B Axes A Bows He also kinda sucked, though still not as much as Lowen. Still didn't come to final. Bartre 20/20 60 29 22 13 12 17 17 A Karla, B Raven S Axes B Bows The main guy was pretty darn good, except that he consumed both of my SW, so he would have 9 speed right now. Run was nice, and was pretty interesting with the whole 'Bartre is the star of the show' thing going on. Now I'm free for another FE7 draft!
  3. Final Progress! Ch32: 17 turns Last 4 spent on Bartre & Karla C Ch32x: Who cares? Bartre & Karla B plus about 40 extra to make sure my plan works. ChF1: 9 turns Bartre & Karla A ChF2: 1 turn Unit Analysis coming soon.
  4. A Bit More Progress! Ch29: 11 turns (I lost the promotion data for Nino and Hector, except for lvls, which were 19 and 20.) Ch30: 9 turns Ch31: 11 turns Ch31x: Got Karla.
  5. I tried that, though I couldn't do it without taking a few penalties. I eventually sent Boyd and freebie up, and Ike plus Gatrie shield (and penalty) went down, with Boyd's provoke hopefully stopping some enemy fire (which it didn't quite do. When the reinforcements showed up, I moved the group to the right and had Ike + Gatrie block them. Boyd moved through bushes while freebie moved through the middle, with Boyd finally getting the final enemy on the last turn (the halberdier towards the top who doesn't move). Oscar and Titania took penalties for meatshielding the warrior and thunder sages while Ike and Gatrie was shielding against the reinforcements. The sad thing is, I never thought of giving them weapons until now, and I'm at 3-3 so it's too late to go back.
  6. Even More Progress! Ch27 Jerme: 13 turns Ch28: 15 turns CH28x: Dun' matta. Matthew promotes mid-chapter at lvl 20 with stats 30 9 12 20 9 7 2 before promo. (Forgot Lyn's promo data, besides lvl which was 20.)
  7. I don't think I've ever realized how much I hate 3-1, especially with 2 (+1 with my free helper) people only, and everyone is brought out. This map sucks a lot.
  8. But wait, what if it is an experience draft?
  9. Well, awesome that you think that about me.
  10. Log Post (P1 & P2 done) Note: My TCs are going to suck, a lot. I also don't have stat or level showings, except for some promotions. NtN means Nothing to Note (as in for important drops, stealing, chests, etc.). My descriptions aren't going to be long usually. [spoiler=Expenditures] Micky- SR, Dracoshield, SD Leo- ED and SR Kieran- SW Reyson- SR Ranulf- ED Brom- SW and Boots [spoiler=Blessed Weapons] Ike- Slim Sword Ragnell Micky- Rexaura Sothe- Baselard Geoffrey- Brave Lance Leo the God- Double Bow Soldier Man- Wishblade Rural Juggernaut- Brave Axe Geoffrey's Partner in Knighthood- Tomahawk Green Warrior- Urvan Kitty-Cat Man- Breath S Claw Stefano- Alondite Shakespeare- Rexcalibur Mufasa- Beak SS Great Fang [spoiler=Part 1] 1-P 6 Turns NtN (Edward helper) 1-1 6 Turns NtN (Edward helper) 1-2 9 Turns Got ED and Thani. (Nolan helper) 1-3 10 Turns Snatched Discipline. 1-4 12 Turns Got SR, 3000g, Beastfoe, and MS. 1-5 6 Turns Snatched MS. 1-6-1 ? Turns NtN 1-6-2 ? Turns Penalties: 1 (Tauroneo shoved Leo) NtN (Apparently this was only 15 turns, but I don't know which one was a turn over, so both are marked unknown.) 1-7 9 Turns Aran promo. at base at lvl 18 with stats 29 19 2 19 19 11 18 5 before promo. 1-8 7 Turns Penalties: 1 (Muarim killed a Draco) Leo promo. at base at lvl 19 with stats 26 17 2 20 18 12 9 10 before promo. 1-9 6 Turns NtN 1-E 9 Turns Got SpeedWing and Vantage scroll. Illyana passed on Celerity, Wrath, BG, BS, KE, Hammer, and something else. [spoiler=Part 2] 2-P 8 Turns Got Haar for Cancel. 2-1 8 Turns Got Heather for Pass. 2-2 9 Turns Penalties: 2 (1 Lethe and 1 Lucia battle) NtN (Nealuchi helper) 2-3 6 Turns Got SpeedWing. 2-E 15 Turns Penalties: 3 (1 Astrid and 1 Danved battle, and Elincia running off with Leanne). [spoiler=Part 3] 3-P 10 Turns Penalties: 1 (Shinon got shot with a ballista) NtN 3-1 12 Turns Penalties: 3 (Titania and Oscar got attacked, Gatrie was a meatshield) Got Seraph Robe. (Mia helper) (Oh yeah, from this point on, I'm probably not going to list getting stat-up items, unless I remember because I honestly forgot/don't want to. 3-2 4 Turns NtN 3-3 13 Turns Got Master Crown. (Gatrie helper) 3-4 9 Turns Boyd and Brom promote at base, at levels "21" and 19 respectively. Boyd's stats were 53 30 1 23 27 17 20 10. Brom's stats were 45 28 4 22 22 23 30 13. 3-5 3 Turns NtN 3-6 10 Turns Micaiah's returning stats were 31 9 21 19 21 23 10 21. Aran's returning stats were lvl 4.93 32 23 4 22 21 19 21 5. Leo's returning stats were lvl 5.08 38 19 4 23 20 15 10 15. I forgot Sothe's. Got Brave Bow. 3-7 12 Turns NtN 3-8 9 Turns BEXPed up Ranulf to level 30 for Rend at base. 3-9 6 Turns Geoffrey promoted at level 19 with stats 40 25 8 24 23 21 19 16 before promo. 3-10 7 Turns NtN 3-11 11 Turns Kieran promoted at level 20 with stats 45 26 6 24 23 20 22 14 before promo. 3-12 9 Turns NtN 3-13 4 Turns Leo promoted at level 15 with stats 45 27 4 29 23 19 13 16 before promo. Aran promoted at level 14 with stats 41 26 5 26 26 16 27 14 before promo. Aran impaled Ike while being a Savior to Leo. 3-F 5 Turns NtN [spoiler=Part 4] 4-P 9 Turns Ike promoted at level 20 with stats 50 27 5 30 30 17 26 9 before promo. I completely forget Sothe's stats, except that he had at least capped HP, strength, skill, and speed at level 20. 4-1 17 Turns I hate those Physic bishops that don't move. 4-2 15 Turns NtN 4-3 18 Turns Penalties: 1 (Tanith, because she got purged. I fielded her because I though she could pick up Skirmir) Got DF, WG, LG, and Baselard. 4-4 13 Turns Penalties: 2? (Nailah went on a rampage to help prevent the lost fools bring me penalties, and she may have snagged me another penalty for opening a door) Got BG. 4-5 3 Turns Penalties: 1 (Tibarn flew over to Izuka to murder him.) Bastian Meteored a cat to let Tibarn Tear up Izuka. Got Volke for free Peshkatz. 4-E1 7 Turns Got the Useless Matrona, and Leo became a god through the DB. Brought Reyson. 4-E2 2 Turns Bastian Meteored Levail to death, and the others rushed down to claim EXP. It wasn't a 1 Turn because I forgot about the WTD with the Hammer. 4-E3 4 Turns Ike, Citizen Cain, and Leo the God ran up to kill the overgrown lizard of death. Ike didn't actually fight him, but Leo and Cain were good enough, considering Leo came close to Cain's damage. Micky and Bastian were demoted to healers from here on. Got both dragons. 4-E4 3 Turns Everybody ran down, while Cain mauled Sephiran once he was unguarded. Geoffrey wasn't fielded here, nor on the next map, he was just too slow. 4-E5 6 Turns Slowly worked on the Auras, but Cain and Leo were the main destroyers. New file, so no Sephiran. Total TC: Without Penalties: 366. With Penalties: 426 with Nailah's two, 422 with only one. (I think it's the 426 one)
  11. Oh, well thanks a lot. I sometimes overthink rules. Also, is it a penalty per undrafted Elincia battle, or is it just one penalty because she battled, even if she did battle twice (or more)?
  12. Umm... quick question, it's a penalty to have Elincia rescue Leanne in 2-E to run away, right? Please excuse me if this is a stupid question.
  13. I'll join, it stays in my policy of only being in one draft of each game at a time.
  14. G2G, how are you going to give Makalov bows on promotion, when he gets axes?
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