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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. Then I shall give you Fighter-Warrior Ross, I guess.
  2. So a SOYO draft is where people pick the next player's unit, right?
  3. Some More Progress! Ch24 Linus: 9 turns Wil promotes at base at lvl 18 with stats 31 13 12 12 15 9 2 before promotion. Florina promotes mid-chapter at lvl 20 with stats 28 10 17 18 15 6 11 before promotion. Ch25: 7 turns Raven promotes at base at lvl 20 with stats 39 15 18 20 8 7 5 before promotion. Ch26: 11 turns Eliwood promotes mid-chapter at lvl 20 with stats 34 16 14 13 17 11 7 before promotion.
  4. Even More Progress! Ch20: 11 turns Bartre promotes at base at lvl 20 with stats of 47 18 11 7(with speedwings) 9 6 7 before promotion. Ch21: 6 turns Ch22: 10 turns Ch23: 11 turns Lowen promotes at base at lvl 18 with stats of 37 12 7 10 14 14 7 before promotion. Ch23x: Doesn't matter.
  5. More Progress! Ch18: 4 turns Ch19: 12 turns, Penalties: 1 Ch19x: Doesn't matter
  6. More Progress! Ch6: 10 turns - Roy and Wolt took the left, the remaining dudes went center, got Sue, resisted urge to repeatably stab Cath through the heart, and Wolt finished the boss. Ch7: 14 turns - Rutger and Merlinus went right to collect the house goodies, the rest went left, and Chad veered right to get the Rapier. Recruited the new people who I don't really care about. CH8: 26 turns - I don't like this map. Killed Cath, got OJ to lvl 9, got all treasures, and no penalties!
  7. No, I support abused. I didn't arena abuse because that felt too wrong, didn't even enter the arena.
  8. If Gaidens did count, I'd be screwed immediately. 90 turns on 17x would hurt my chances of winning considerably, wouldn't it?
  9. Um, Boron, it says in the first post that Gaidens don't add to turn count, and that 23x and 28x are optional.
  10. More progress! Ch 15: 7 turns Ch 16: 10 turns Ch 17: 15 turns Ch 17x: Doesn't matter.
  11. Happy Birthday.

  12. Lucia and Danved/Devdan, whichever one was in this game.
  13. Ephraim, Colm, and Orson for Dudes. L'Arachel, Amelia, and Selena for Dudettes.
  14. EDIT: Well crap. Thanks Boron/Jihyun for reminding me. Oh my goodness I feel so stupid right now.
  15. Unit Analysis: (!'s mean they went to the final chapter.) Hector! 20/20 55 30 22 16 14 29 14 D Swords, S Axes C Serra He was very good early game, then slowed downed a lot midgame, then sped quickly back up in late game. -5 points on avg. speed sucks a lot though. Marcus -/20 41 21 22 17 15 14 13 A swords, S lances, A Axes He was quite better than I had imagined. Was great all game. Dorcas 20/20 57 28 21 11 20 13 8 S Axes, B Bows He was a great unit all game, though he started to slow down when he got around Marcus's level. Serra! 20/13.08 38 17 18 16 22 9 21 B Light, S Staves C Hector She promoted so late, but she was way worth it. Sure she didn't cap level, but she was just amazing. Though like Hector, she was -5 points on avg. speed. Lynstella! 20/20 46 24 29 28 19 9 19 S Swords, B Bows A Kent She, like Hector, was great early game, slowed a lot in midgame, and sped up in late game. She may not have maxed speed, though she capped strength which is nice. Kent! 20/20 54 23 26 24 11 14 12 B Swords, S Lances, B Axes A Lyn He turned out a lot better than I thought he was going to be. Just crushed through the game after promotion. Raven! 20/20 58 25 27 26 13 16 12 S Swords, B Axes B Lucius He received the Afa's Drops at around level 13-16, and his levels just skyrocketed with the bonus stats he was receiving. He was a destructo-naught, killing anything that got caught in his path. Lucy! 20/20 38 25 22 24 10 8 28 S Light, B staves B Raven He was raising his levels faster than Raven for a while, till he started slowing down after Raven promoted. Very awesome throughout though. Dart! 20/20 58 30 16 28 19 18 11 S Axes He was a very fast leveler, promoting soon after I received the Ocean Seal. He then just decimated everything. He was very lucky in his stats, mainly luck, defense, and resistance. Legault! 20/20 47 17 23 30 25 19 12 A Swords He was also a lot better than I thought he was going to be. After his really late promotion, he just silenced most things that fought him, except when he was at range with the Light Brand. Nilsian! 17.69 28 0 1 25 25 11 12 They didn't actually do too much. They just helped people get a little farther, with very little ring using. Wallace! -/20 48 25 17 13 15 23 11 A Lances, A Axes Holy crap, this guy was amazing! I thought Wallace was going to suck, but he was absolutely amazing! Also, he is a list of first-times this run brought me. First time getting Karel. First time getting Wallace and his map. First time getting to 32x. First time beating Hector mode. First time getting a unit to 20/20. This run was amazing, and now I've got to finish my other runs.
  16. I am finished with the run! Final unit analysis coming in another post later.
  17. WARNING: I will most likely have bad turncounts due to be inexperienced and having a habit of practically never using Jeigans after hearing their EXP stealing ways as a beginner, whether they were good (Seth and Titania), or bad (Jeigan and Evayle). Please criticize me if you honestly think these are bad (which they probably are), and what I could do to improve them in the future. That said, here is my... Progress! Ch1: 8 turns - Wolt, Roy, and Marcus blaze through the bandits, with Marcus turning back to get the village about 1/3rd of the way through. Ch2: 11 turns - Roy almost got a perfect level and that made me gasp in awe, though that was the high point of the chapter. Ch3: 15 turns - I spent like five turns tanking out the soldiers' rush at the start. Otherwise it went good, besides the high turn count. Ch4: 11 turns - Nothing too bad, Rutger's recruitment went smoothly and Priscilla's future recruitment village burned down. Ch5: 9 turns - Chad went up for the lance and the vendor, gaining a couple levels, while the others took out the main group by the boss after opening the gate.
  18. Progress! Ch11 TC: 7 Ch12 TC: 9 Ch13 TC: 11 Ch13x TC: Doesn't matter. Ch14 TC: 9
  19. @Hawk King- I don't really care about winning too much considering this is my first playthrough on hard mode, though I do agree with what you said. I've got to try a lot harder.
  20. Actually, it could be possible to use the Karla paired ending to lose some turns. In Ch31x, you have five turns to do shopping and recruit Karla. If you can recruit Karla on the first turn, you get five turns of supporting for a total of 25 points at the end. It still works if you recruit Karla at turn 2. Now on Ch32, it will take 15 turns for them to raise their support rank if she is recruited on turn 1, and 16 turns for turn 3. It takes 14/15 turns to raise the points, and 1 to converse. Now if they go to Ch32x, you can stick them next to each other for the time it takes to reach B support. You can them leave them next to each other to still raise points to 76 points (because they can't converse twice for two supports with each other). As the page on Serenes says on the Blazing Sword support page with more detailed info, units can still raise the points, they just can't create another conversation to rank up. Now on the final chapter, take a turn to keep them together for those last 4 points, and next turn they can reach A support for at most 19 turns, and don't forget, you said that Gaiden maps don't add to turn count. Which is good for the approx. 39 turns in 32x. If I counted something wrong, please tell me, though I believe it all checks out.
  21. This is probably a stupid question with an obvious answer that I am most likely overthinking, but is Marcus banned at the start of Ch15, or is it after Ch14 begins?
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