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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. Wee, my final pick is Shakespeare (Bastian).
  2. Wee, Geoffery's partner in knighthood (Kieran) and Kitty-Cat Man.
  3. For some reason, just this once I'll get Leo. He sucks, but whatevs. I'll just have to abuse extra hard for him to be any good.
  4. Ummm... Soldier Man (Aran) and the Green Warrior (Boyd) I guess.
  5. Marth for some reason I like more, even though Celice is cooler. He just has this odd charm that makes him interesting.
  6. No, not bad at all. I find it really hot personally.
  7. Oh, dang. Well, I would join, but I want to beat FE11 H1 mode normally first, so bleh. This idea is pretty interesting though.
  8. Unit Analysis! Ephraim 20/13 50 23 26 24 22 17 11 S Lances Wee, he was great, my main boss destroyer once he promoted. Eirika 20/5 38 11 24 21 20 14 12 S Swords Wee, she sucked until promotion, then she became slightly better because of her horse. Tethys 6.83 22 1 2 17 13 7 7 Wee, she wasn't that useful except for help on warping. Myrrh 20.-- 42 20 20 20 7 20 13 Wee, she destroyed everything thing, monster or human. Franz 18/11 46 16 12 21 13 11 6 A Swords, S Lances Wee, he was good, then started to suck, then became goodish, then finally started to be bad. Why does your skill suck so much? Gilliam 16/9 49 20 17 12 8 21 10 E Swords, S Lances, B Axes Wee, he was just 'there', until promotion and boots turned him to a beast. Still kinda stunk though. Vanessa 17/14 37 16 25 28 24 13 18 C Swords, S Lances Wee, she never sucked unlike Franz, and consumed so many things. Was given Vidofinir. Moulder 10/7 33 10 13 13 5 11 11 B Anima, D Light, A Staves Wee, his only use was healing and warping practically. Colm 17/8 39 16 15 23 17 10 9 A Swords Wee, thievery and minor combat, like a true thief. Rennac -/8 10 18 23 5 10 15 A Swords Wee, somewhat redundant with Colm around, but he helped a little. Syrene -/5 37 14 15 19 14 12 15 C Swords, A Lances Wee, she was also a little redundant with Vanessa around, but she was a bit more useful considering she could fly. Orson Base Everything Wee, he ferried Ephraim to the throne in 5x and did almost all of the fighting for the map. I sucked in this run in my opinion, but it was cool and interesting to do.
  9. Final Progress! Ch19: 4/158 Boring. Ch20: 7/165 Boring. ChF1: 4/169 Boring. ChF2: 2/171 Wee, game done. Unit Analysis Coming Soon.
  10. Even More Progress! Ch15: 13/135 Wee, Secondary Lord, Metis's Tome (given to Eir), Warp, Hoplon Guard, and Fili's Shield Ch16: 9/144 Wee, Ephraim promotes after map at lvl 20 with stats 36 16 18 20 16 11 5 before promo. Ch17: 3/147 Wee, Late-Game Flyer. Ch18: 7/154 Wee, Eirika promotes mid-map at lvl 20 with stats 30 8 (with ER) 19 20 18 9 6 before promo.
  11. Some More Progress! Ch11Eph: 9/97 Wee, Franz promotes at map at lvl 18 with stats 35 13 8 16 12 9 3 before promo. Vanessa promotes mid-map at lvl 17 with stats 25 10 20 20 14 9 14 before promo. Ch12Eph: 4/101 Wee, Gilliam promotes mid-map at lvl 16 with stats 37 15 11 8 6 15 6 before promo. Ch13Eph: 9/110 Wee, Dancer. Ch14Eph: 12/122 Wee, Somewhat Useless Rogue, Colm promotes mid-map at lvl 17 with stats 30 11 11 19 16 6 4 before promo. Moulder promoted mid-map at lvl 10 with stats 26 6 9 11 3 4 8 before promo.
  12. More Progress! Ch6: 4/47 Boring. Ch7: 4/51 Wee, Knight Crest. Ch8: 10/61 Wee, return of Future Main Lord. Ch9Eph: 17/78 Wee, Ocean Seal and Main Lord. Ch10Eph: 10/88 Wee, Elysian Whip and Knight Crest.
  13. Progress! Pro: 2/2 Wee, Temporary Main Lord. Ch1: 5/7 Wee, Horse and Knight. Ch2: 5/12 Wee, Flyer and Healer. Ch3: 8/20 Wee, Thief. Ch4: 7/27 Boring. Ch5: 8/35 Wee, Guiding Ring. Ch5x: 8/43 Wee, Orson and Future Main Lord.
  14. Since I have to climb back to Neimi, General Amelia.
  15. I usually RNG abuse to get out of a dumb situation I've put myself into, but I think that I can get out of. Otherwise, meh, it's to get a crit with like ~15% to go or to hit with like a 60-70-some%. I'm all for it, except in those cases of get a 2% or dodge a 94%, or whatever.
  16. Edited, sorry for the misunderstanding.
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