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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. Let's see, I share a birthday with Gangrel, my brother with Chambray, my grandma with Vake, one of my close friends and Ronku, and my mom is one day off from Flavia.
  2. Yup, Note to Self: Only change name of file if it is a copy being used for a hack/completely different patch like for example the Shin Patch
  3. I changed a newly found backup (I copied one that had the new patch) to the original name, and that worked to regain my normal save that I though was lost, so thanks. I just changed the name of the original patch, changed the new translation to the name with my save and repatched it, and it worked! Ardan now shows Vantage instead of Ambush, and is still a General like in my main file. Thanks for all the help.
  4. Not scoring, considering I haven't played too much of FE5, but it should say "Rate the Unit Day 2: FE5 Edition; Fin", instead of Day 1. EDIT: Dang it, ninja'd.
  5. Yeah, the Chapter/normal saves and savestates depend on the ROM, and when I tried to patch the game with the new translation patch, it stayed normal, like with the original patch, and so I renamed the thing (I have no clue what I was thinking then), thinking that would keep the saves, and was hoping that I could repatch it then with no problems. Another problem could be that I don't/didn't know how to unpatch a ROM (which I'm going to need know when the ending comes). I use zsnesw151 if that makes a difference.
  6. I'm good, thanks for the offer though. Someone PM'd me a save yesterday but I forgot to report that it happened. Now I just need to close the topic, once I figure out how to.
  7. Well, since I don't want to make a new topic for a similar subject, what pairings should I try? It's a newish run (considering what happened in my other topic), and I want to try some pairings. Restrictions: Please ignore Aideen and Midir, Arden & Levin must be paired, and they don't have to be great pairings. Thank you for any input. Sorry if this is considered necroposting, I'll try not to let it happen again if it is. (I don't know the time frame).
  8. Ok, when I say 'messing around', I meant I was getting the newest version of the translation patch (a few topics below this), and I didn't realize this would affect my saves, and I didn't have a back-up (). Sorry if I sounded like an idiot in the original post. Anything is still very much appreciated. Sorry, double-post.
  9. I was messing around a little and then my savestates and saves were gone, so can someone get please get me a savestate of around Ch3? I would really appreciate it.
  10. Agree with Horace, but he can also guard your main castle if it ever would be attacked for whatever reason, and he gives chubby cheeks the Berserk staff, so he gets another point. 2/10.
  11. Ah, chubby. He is very useful with that Elite skill, has a pretty darn good pot o' magic, and is a decent fighter once promoted, which happen faster than most Corples, except for Lex's. Since he's fairly late though and doesn't get Corple's auto A in staves, I give him a 6/10, plus a point of bias for being one of Sylvia's subs and for being so darn cute, which raises him to a 7/10.
  12. Another Win: Fin is (in the order of HP, Str, Mag, Skl, Spd, Lck, Def, Res) +2 +6! +2 +2 +0 +3 -1 +0 his averages at lvl 20 promoted. Aideen is +1 +0 +0 +3 +4 +3 +1 +2 her averages at lvl 30 promoted. Aira is +1 +3 +3 +1 +3 +2 -2 +0 her averages at lvl 20 promoted. Alec is +1 +3 +1 +2 -2 +0 +4 +0 his averages at lvl 20 promoted. These are the main notable ones. And Another Fail: I completed Ch1 in 874 turns.
  13. I agree that the three suck, and I know this is a bit unfair, but if I grind Ardan to promotion on the Gandolf dude (the guy before the forest with Dierdre and Jamka), then I don't think Ardan or anybody else promoting will be too hard. I have already deemed this the 'grind as many people and as much as possible without going insane on bosses and use new pairings' playthrough. Also, meh on the Brave Bow.
  14. If Ardan promotes, he can get B Bows so Killer and Steel can be passed down.
  15. Tempting, but that messes things up with Azel.
  16. I would replace Lex, but I've never paired him before and I would like some Elite for Patty and Faval. I've never paired any of Ardan, Alec, Noish, Azel, or Sylvia before (and Jamka, but I don't really like him), and I want to pair them at least once with at least decent pairings. The main reason I'm on the fence for Dew though is that he passes on Bargain, Sunlight Sword, and good growths. Sorry, double post.
  17. If I could do that, then I probably would. Off-topic, but thanks Parco for helping me remember Zach Bell (or however it's spelled), I loved that show as a kid, and then I forgot about.
  18. I've heard that those three that you mentioned were good, so I wanted to try them out. (I had LevinxTiltyu, ClaudexFury, and BeowolfxLachesis before on my beginning playthroughs, so I wanted to try some new things.) I heard good things about the others also, well except ArdanxAideen.
  19. Well, I did do that the previous two times, and it worked out fine, so that's a possibility.
  20. I was planning to have the Pursuit Ring for Lester, and I can at least give him the Killer Bow. I'd also rather not kill Lester, so no Claude. Dew is tempting though, but I'm lazy and I don't want to wait 'til Ch8 for Killer Bow. Maybe Dew can replace someone like Lex, Fin, or one of the Cavaliers. I also don't want to replace Ardan because I feel bad for him.
  21. I'm playing through FE4 again, and I have some pairings that I wish for you to rate/ give opinions on. (I'm still on chapter 1.) ArdanxAideen NoishxAira AlecxSylvia AzelxTiltyu LexxBrigid LevinxFury FinxLachesis I want to replace a guy for Dew, though I'm kinda on the fence.
  22. Epic Win: Ethlin got to level 23 and promoted in the Prologue. Wait, I think I got it. This is the best I think I can do. fe4_00020.bmp This was right after she promoted. Epic Fail: (It ties in with the above Ethlin.) Ethlin's first 2 levels were no-staters.
  23. Some more progress! Ch8x: 15 turns - OJ and Marcus went left, the others went up and around, and when OJ and Marcus were done, Marcus carried OJ back to the main group. Rutger used a rigged KE crit to finish Henning. Ch9: 14 turns - Marcus rescued Roy up to the boss where he (Roy) fought hopelessly until Rutger arrived with Fir's Wo Dao (I recruited her and Shin) and crit killed Scott. Merlinus was in danger several times but he pulled through. The others went down for the village, and Shin went up-right for the left village for A-route Gonzales. Ch10A: 11 turns - OJ took the middle, Rutger took left and then lower middle, and Chad went right then left to ballistian. Marcus took Roy down, after Roy talked to Geese for BA, and Lily got Gonzales. Rutger once again crit killed the boss. Wolt also took on pirate reinforcements and Shin helped Rutger at first then grabbed the village. Ch11A: 15 turns - OJ and Shin went right, and everybody else went down. Klein showed up and killed Merlinus, and Roy gave him a stern talking to for doing that. Tate appeared and Shin shot her down, I got Echidna, got all villages except for the AR one, so I missed out on a Hero's Crest also, and got the two Orion's Bolts for Shin and Wolt. Marcus then went up for Killer Axes for himself, Gonzales, and for whenever OJ is going to promote, and Rutger did his usual boss destroying. Gonzales also got res. Ch12: 13 turns - Rutger, Wolt, and Shin all promote at lvls 18, 17, and 16 respectively, with stats 35 15 20 19 4 11 2, 31 11 9 15 6 9 2, and 34 15 13 15 9 7 2 respectively. Gonzales and OJ took the right, and the others took the left, Marcus carried Roy part way up, Chad opened the boss door and then ran right for the Brave Bow and Blue Gem. Rutger Durandel smashed the boss.
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