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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. The tears of young children who have been told that Santa doesn't exist.
  2. Which seems more useful in the long run?
  3. Geeze, I just realized all of those spotpass and DLC characters are going to have indivdual personal growths. That's going to mean a lot of growth tables.
  4. Don't you mean Ch21? If so, then I believe it is a penalty because I take the thing of thieves being allowed to that as them only being allowed to steal the item. Unless anybody else can point out that they can get a promotional item by any another means is standard, then it is a penalty.
  5. Pretty awesome, and it seems I like Assassins and Mages/Sages as class options. Shame on no Overlord growths for Valhart though.
  6. Yeah, I am restarting due to lousy TCs and because I lost my data sheet.
  7. If you mean what is the weakest he can be and still defeat him in Wrath/Resolve range, then he needs at least 22 speed to double and 25 strength for 1 Wrath crit, or 21 strength for 2 Wrath crits. This is assuming you are going for a 1RKO. I think my math is correct.
  8. ... I threw up a little reading that. I also agree with this, playing both routes just wastes time.
  9. Yes, to 10/1, I forgot it isn't part of the default ruleset in the draft explanation topic. I'll add that.
  10. Finally done, look at your teams.
  11. Ok, I'll do that, just wait a few minutes for the results. The Results! SB: Neimi, Dozla, Lute, Colm, Marisa, Cormag, and Gilliam. CR: Amelia, Franz, Vanessa, Tana, Innes, Gerik, and Joshua. Illu: Garcia, Ross, Forde, Knoll, Ewan, Syrene, and Saleh. Jedi: Rennac, Kyle, Duessel, L'Arachel, Natasha, Artur, and Moulder.
  12. Oh yeah, and please tell me if on the team list you want to be called something different then what I put for you. I just went with 2-4 letter things that are easy to remember, but I can change it if you prefer.
  13. Okey-dokey, now, I want you 4 to read the instructions I added on the bottom of the original post, as well as look at the randomized drafter order.
  14. I'm making another one of these. I'm not participating in this one either. Drafting: 1. This draft is for 4 players. 2. Eirika/Ephraim, Orson, Tethys, and Myrrh are free for all to use. 3. Seth is banned from all use. 4. The game will be played on Hard Mode. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories and dig up items in the desert. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, and opening Doors or Chests. 3. Map shopping is allowed. 4. Skirmishes/use of the Tower or Ruins is disallowed. Skirmishes that are blocking your path may be activated and immediately fled from. 5. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter. 2. Seth has a special 8 turn penalty per chapter. Exceptions: 1. Vanessa may be used to Rescue Ross in Chapter 2 even if she is undrafted. 2. Trainees may be leveled up to 10/1 in the tower, as long as only they are the ones doing something in there. Teams: SB/Refa: Neimi, Dozla, Lute, Colm, Marisa, Cormag, and Gilliam. Ch8 Completed. Current TC: 63 CR: Amelia, Franz, Vanessa, Tana, Innes, Gerik, and Joshua. Completed. Final TC: 121 Illu: Garcia, Ross, Forde, Knoll, Ewan, Syrene, and Saleh. Ch3 Completed. Current TC: 22 Jedi/Refa: Rennac, Kyle, Duessel, L'Arachel, Natasha, Artur, and Moulder. Completed. Final TC: 162 [spoiler=units remaining]Franz Gilliam Vanessa Moulder Ross Garcia Neimi Colm Artur Lute Natasha Joshua Forde Kyle Tana Amelia Innes Gerik Marisa L'Arachel Dozla Saleh Ewan Cormag Rennac Duessel Knoll Syrene Now, I want all of ye to PM a randomized list of 1-28 for the randomization process.
  15. By surviving a battle against an enemy. From seeing that, you could probably infer that healers don't level that often.
  16. Let's test. Did this work? EDIT: Excellent! Thank you!
  17. Excecutioner, I can understand what the Volug stuff says, and I downloaded the font, but how do I get it where I can type it here?
  18. If he takes some items and then you recruit him, you can take those for free I believe.
  19. Like with Colm? No, it shouldn't count. EDIT: Friggity frig, ninja'd.
  20. I didn't take it as rude, I'm just naturally apologetic, kinda like Rafiel.
  21. Once again, I'm sorry for annoying you.
  22. Sorry, just clarifying. Didn't mean to upset you.
  23. I'm guessing special boss quotes in where bosses talk about battling a laguz doesn't count unless the laguz talks back?
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