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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. Ok then, go back to the original area, and once you can either go up-left back towards the Scilab Square, or down-left, go down-left, and you'll find him at the end of a path. You'll fight him there, and afterwards go back to the Scilab Square and to the nice-looking purple navi.
  2. Have you fought him yet? As in his viruses?
  3. Possibly, except for Warcraft and if any others are games on the PC, for any form of the Playstation, or are any form of the Xbox.
  4. What's wrong with Wendy's? The fast food place, not the unit.
  5. It's close enough, just doesn't show who voted for what, just what was voted for.
  6. Um, the poll has gone screwy. It says to vote for all questions, but there is only one, which I attempted to vote for. It also only shows your vote, but also says that 11 people (at this time) have voted.
  7. First of all, I've never played any of those games. Secondly, I've just heard about those middle ones from this topic, and the last one barely anywhere else. Finally, I haven't seen gameplay from any of them.
  8. Makalov with Astrid support and S Bows (if you can get him there).
  9. I think all who use Knight Crests have been picked for you, and all as Great Knights except for Amelia.
  10. Keep it in the pocket and never use it.
  11. If you want a better fire type move than Ember, just wait one more level to evolve it. Blaziken learns Blaze Kick right away once it has evolved, like how Combusken got Double Kick right away.
  12. EDIT: Marry Oifaye, make out with Lester, kick Delmud. Accursed ninja. Miriel, Sariya, and Velvet.
  13. I could imagine those working, maybe not Libera's, but I couldn't find any good voice clips from O'Brien.
  14. True. @defender You were correct. I have at sometime or another owned every main series pokemon game.
  15. I'm not answering the would you rather, but I'm answering the blood question. If the blood is in my mouth anyway like back when I lost teeth, I liked the taste of my blood, it tasted good for some reason. If I cut my finger or scrape it on something and it starts bleeding, I'll try to kind of suck up the blood or like lick it up.
  16. By genderbent, do you mean switching genders, so for example, I would become female? If so, then yes to being genderbent, it sounds interesting. If not, then vampire because I stay away from the light a lot and like the taste of blood anyway. Would you rather love somebody/thing so much it drives you mentally crazy, or hate somebody/thing so much it drives you mentally crazy.
  17. The Kieran one, definitively. No hesitations. Would you rather be caught in public with your pants down (as in you were pantsed), or be caught be caught in public picking your nose?
  18. As your one year senior, I must tell you to relax. Freshman year isn't all that bad. From what I remember, it starts up like the work you had towards the end of 8th grade, and slowly becomes harder and more difficult, but that is to be expected. You have plenty of time to get to your classes, so you don't have to rush. Some older punks might try to mess with ya, but don't let them get to you. The main thing to remember is to relax. If you feel nervous, talk to your counselor or a teacher you feel comfortable with, and you can let them help you through the nervousness.
  19. @ZM456, you were correct. I'll say true. I'll also take your statement. I'm an only child.
  20. 'ey Bob, who's the blonde-ish dude in that pic by Micaiah? EDIT: Never mind, realized it was Leo, at least I think.
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