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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. Hmm, always kinda wanted to see how bad Flareon was.
  2. Oh boy, spending an eternity in the Safari Zone. Curse you.
  3. Well, they can still give me them. So if someone gives me Pidgey, I'll have Bulbasaur and Pidgey right off the bat, with only Rattata as backup.
  4. I will have a few 'backups'. There will be two, and they will be replaced once I get my first two pokemon besides Bulbasaur. They are Pidgey and Rattata. You may vote for these Pokemon.
  5. Yay Machoke, and sounds like a good idea.
  6. I just got a random sudden thought to do this, so why not? Notes: 1: My starter will be/has been chosen by people in IP Chat. 2: Only Pokemon pre-national dex and main story. 3: The Pokemon will be fully evolved (or as it's stage if it doesn't have any evolutionary stages). You can still say things like, 'Growlithe', but I will count it as Arcanine. 4: Only one legendary, if any. 5: You may only nominate one Pokemon per member. 6: Nicknames are optional. 7: I am having 2 backup Pokemon until I get my first two non-Bulbasaur Pokemon. They are Pidgey and Rattata. You may force them on me anyways. 8: I am going to at least Mewtwo, and I possibly going on through E4 R2, but no promises. Party: (Listed by final evo) 1: Venusaur 2: Machoke 3: Tauros 4: Flareon 5: Omastar 6: Dugtrio Backups: This doesn't prevent you for voting for them, you may still give me Pidgey and/or Rattata. 1: Pidgey 2: Rattata
  7. I would want Paris, but they would probably have Krom in for being 'Lord of the newest FE that isn't Marth'. I doubt they would have 3 FE representatives also, so they would probably keep it to Marth plus the newest lord.
  8. Progress Update the !st. I have completed Mt. Steel so far, Skarmory was a complete joke, it never even got to attack. Before doing Mt. Steel though, I did my usual PMD-style stalling, as in I do some job requests and stuff until I don't see anything good/I want in the rewards for completing them, AKA no mention of Reviver Seeds. I know I said in the Chat that I wouldn't use a Mail-Generator for items or whatnot, but I am going to use it just once, to get me a pair of X-Ray Specs, which is my favorite hold item. For reference, it lets me see where all of the Pokemon and items are on the floor, but it doesn't show me things like floor layouts or where the stairs are, so it is just a thing to pretty much dodge enemies and gather items. I'm just getting them right after Skarmory rather than during Magma Cavern. Anyway, my partner and I are at the standard level 10 stats for Mudkip and Charmander respectively. Oh yeah, and Magnemite has been named Richard. I also got some extra useful items from the X-Ray Specs thing like a gummi and a Power Band, but I threw those out, considering I can get them in a couple dungeons anyway, all I wanted were the Specs. Got an Aron, named it Jonathan.
  9. Is it Pikachu? Because that would be funny, you know with the cat and mouse thing.
  10. Let's see, Elincia- 3 Stars Looks alright, but the way that white thing looks like it is being tucked into her boots looks weird. She also seems to have as much nose as Micky. Ephraim- 5 Stars Oh yes. Looks freakin' amazing. No more comment. Celice- 4 Stars Pretty darn good, the feather/tail things coming off his coat/jacket looks cool, but his face looks weird. Eirika- 3 Stars What did they do to your sword? Pretty meh, but the staff looks cool. Lyn- 3 Stars Eh, it's alright. I wonder why she has two swords though. Maybe they are the Mani & Sol Kattis.
  11. He for some reason reminds me of Sothe. Anyways, face looks weird, cape doesn't look that long, his sword doesn't look like Ragnell (minor thing, but eh), and his chest and stomach armor look weird.
  12. That seems fair, and BBM, should I rig the quiz back to Charmander or just take it again?
  13. I have to reset already, apparently the game won't save, so I'm going to the good old cartridge.
  14. You know what, I'll join (no screen shots/videos though, just take my word for things, I will be completely honest). This isn't FE, I like Pokemon, and I like Mystery Dungeon. How far do we go to? Rayquaza? Also, what do you mean by bailing each other out? Anyway, I'll do the current majority and take the first dude that appears, and I'm a Charmander (Konnor), with a Mudkip partner (Johnny). Are team name is Steamboat.
  15. I'll say true. You were wrong. Glasses (and monocles) are in my opinion almost always a boost to the 'good looking' meter. I have Minecraft.
  16. Wow, thanks. I didn't think they actually raised the stats, I thought they just said that to make you think the stat(s) was raised, so it would boost the player's confidence.
  17. When you get a badge and the gym leader says, "It'll raise your Pokemon's Attack," or, "It will make your Pokemon a bit faster," does it actually raise your stats? Or is it just something that they tell because whatever? Ever since I started playing Pokemon, it has always bugged me, so thanks if you can answer.
  18. I'll say true. Nope, in fact, I mostly either do the opposite or just keep my face straight. I think people in general look more attractive if they wear/are wearing glasses.
  19. I will say false. You were wrong. (I don't know if I should feel glad the somebody finally was wrong about my statement, or that I should feel sad because my statement was false.) I smile a lot.
  20. I am going to say true. @Knuckles You were right. I am currently in a relationship.
  21. Marry Titania, make out with Karla, and kick Noah. Garnef, Manfroy, Fauder.
  22. I noticed you keep on saying lack of inheritance for Delmud and to a much lesser extent for Skasaha, when there is the Silver Blade, and you even mention it on the Lex-Skasaha section. Just seems weird.
  23. I hate fire ants. I got bit/stung/whatever they do by one when I was like 7-8 on the foot, and they pain was so bad, I was bawling my eyes out. I was scared to go back outside for a few days after that, because another one may have got me again. Plus, since I'm allergic to insect bites/stings, that didn't help things.
  24. Wait, you're becoming a freshman in high school and you have a car?
  25. Not my video, but it is informative. If you have done the event at around 21:40, and have not fought his Ratty viruses, then go to the area that this video leads you starting at about 23:14.
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